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Is SoR a joke?


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The original poster is just a nab that just skips through content.

Or just doesn't know the game enough to know how and where to level.


No. The original poster had probably completed everything up to and including Makeb and possibly the Prelude Flashpoints when the level cap was 55. There was not enough content added with SoR to get from 55-60 without dailies or flashpoints or PvP or whatever other methods. Oh it wasn't worth moaning about, but the content wasn't just there for the taking.

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No. The original poster had probably completed everything up to and including Makeb and possibly the Prelude Flashpoints when the level cap was 55. There was not enough content added with SoR to get from 55-60 without dailies or flashpoints or PvP or whatever other methods. Oh it wasn't worth moaning about, but the content wasn't just there for the taking.


He probably skipped the Prelude. Because you are level 57 already when you finished them. And after 2/3 of Rishi you are level 60. So OP apparently doesn't know how to level properly. :rolleyes:

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He probably skipped the Prelude. Because you are level 57 already when you finished them. And after 2/3 of Rishi you are level 60. So OP apparently doesn't know how to level properly. :rolleyes:


No. If you did all content as it was released, you did the prelude when the lvl cap was 55 and got no experience for it. When the expac first launched you had to grind btwn 3-4 tatical flashpoints to hit lvl 60(or do dailies). Because the prelude was released leading up to the launch, and most of us were simply excited to have new group content to do, and didn't figure on there not being enough story content for to gain the five levels.


Its not worth moaning about. You just grind a few flashpoints and you are there, but it was a matter of course. Personaly I was far more upset that, as someone who paid for early acccess, I was charged roughly 2million credits for abilities(including some that I paid for previously), only to have that requirement removed at general access...

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No, really. I finish Yavin and I'm sitting at lvl58. I'm supposed to grind dailies for the last level and a half? While sitting at 1k comms with literally nothing worth using them on.


This is all you can come up with? An afternoons worth of content? Other MMO's release more content as free content patches. Hell, WoW's daily areas have more content than this.


All of my characters hit sixty before finishing the SoR expansion.


I don't get what your problem is. SoR is a reasonable length. Certainly not "an afternoons worth". Unless you're referring to the Yavin dailies... Then yeah.. An afternoons worth. But it's one single daily area. What are you expecting?


Also, Bioware gave us free content, didn't they? Ziost. A bonus chapter to SoR followed by another daily area... For free.

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All of my characters hit sixty before finishing the SoR expansion.


I don't get what your problem is. SoR is a reasonable length. Certainly not "an afternoons worth". Unless you're referring to the Yavin dailies... Then yeah.. An afternoons worth. But it's one single daily area. What are you expecting?


Also, Bioware gave us free content, didn't they? Ziost. A bonus chapter to SoR followed by another daily area... For free.


Ziost I believe is only unlocked when you hit 60. The loot drops after all are raid level 60 items.

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So many ignorant posters replying to this topic, so let me break down the OP's point nice and simple:


- OP's post is from when 3.0 first dropped

- "Prelude to SoR", as we know it now, dropped in stages before 3.0 and all were level 55

- To start 3.0 story, you had to have finished the FP's already, which had been out for month/s beforehand so everyone and their mother had already completed "Prelude" BEFORE 3.0 was released


There was literally not enough questing experience to be had in 3.0 to reach 60 from 55. How do I know? Because I lined up a full questlog of 24/25 quests ready to be handed in at terminals come 3.0 to get as much exp as possible. I had max guild exp, max Exp Boosts running the entire expansion, I did every single sidequest and bonus quest offered in the expansion.


I finished Shadow of Revan at level 59 to 59.5.

Doing everything. With a full quest-log of quests handed in as soon as 3.0 hit before I even started.


That is the OP's original point. All the people who claim "YUR DOIN IT WRONG, I got to 60 on Rishi!" all did Prelude FP's that hadn't already completed, which when hit 3.0 gave almost a level or more per flashpoint. The exp they give now, after the Solo Mode option was added is way less than what they used to give, but it's still pretty high.



Of course, now the majority of people replying are all people who think Prelude to SoR is actually a part of 3.0; it's not. It never was. It was released before 3.0 in stages at 55 cap when you got no exp. Only new characters post 3.0 or people who hadn't kept up with the only story content released at the time got the exp that gets you to 60 during SoR.



TLDR: This topic is now pointless, people are talking down to a 6/7 month old post which doesn't even apply anymore. I'm not sure it's even possible to start Prelude until 55 anyway, let alone start SoR at 55 like the rest of us did.

Edited by Transairion
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I had the same problem when the expansion first came out. At lv 55 I had already done the tactical flashpoints and forged alliances questline (yes, it was available before lvlcap increase), hence losing 2lvs worth of experience from the first 4 FPs that now have solo version. I finished Yavin at 58, just a little short from 59.
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I did prelude and Yavin which was what I thought and seemed was intended. Came across a post and said I agreed with op about xp dificiencies. I tried to do the storyline at level never above. Don't get your knickers in a twist, some of you reply without actually reading the post and come across rude. As for my Coms I did juggle and bought birthright gear to stay under cap. Not the end of the world tho, just a shame I got stuck when I finished Yavin waiting for a reset of dailies. I'll run Yavin again until I reach cap. 😁 happy gaming.
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I did prelude and Yavin which was what I thought and seemed was intended. Came across a post and said I agreed with op about xp dificiencies. I tried to do the storyline at level never above. Don't get your knickers in a twist, some of you reply without actually reading the post and come across rude. As for my Coms I did juggle and bought birthright gear to stay under cap. Not the end of the world tho, just a shame I got stuck when I finished Yavin waiting for a reset of dailies. I'll run Yavin again until I reach cap. 😁 happy gaming.


Did you do the sidequests? Regardless of the relavence to the OPs post in today's world of 12x for class missions up to 55, my point was that you have to do the sidequests starting from when the 12x goes away either at 55 or post makeb in order to get the XP needed to fully level to 60 by the time you finish. Didn't mean it rude, I can see where players would assume they could still only do the story missions as they have from the start, but the xp isn't set up for that post 12x.

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In honesty I did not do all makeb side quests due to the fact that my storyline was at the next planet and I was at the required level at the time. I play at level so I moved on. That is where I have gone wrong I think. So future alts will over level slightly from now on 😄
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I haven't read any of this thread, so it might have been said already. Leveling is retardedly easy in this game. Levels, even the later ones just blow by. Between Story XP, xp buff, and guild bonus it shouldn't take you but the tiniest amounts of effort. If you have to complain about it, than you are doing it wrong. Edited by Darkside
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No, really. I finish Yavin and I'm sitting at lvl58. I'm supposed to grind dailies for the last level and a half? While sitting at 1k comms with literally nothing worth using them on.


This is all you can come up with? An afternoons worth of content? Other MMO's release more content as free content patches. Hell, WoW's daily areas have more content than this.


Pretty amazing getting a lengthy thread like this, but as you surely noticed, there's a fairly establish agreement on that to be able to be at level 58 and be finished with SoR is an accomplishment on it's own*golf clap*:)


And here I am making it even longer, so while there haven't been any new content in pvp for a year and a half, Raiders have gotten a wet blanket over them to chill the fact that the new expansion has no new Endgame content.


Or that you will receive the largest expansion this game ever seen, for free no less.


so by all means its truly a sad state of the game that you only managed to reach level 58 at the end of SoR . . . :eek:

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I think using rested exp and doing all the bonus objectives for your quests goes a long way. With some characters I've hit lv 60 before finishing SoR and with some I end up lv 58-59 when it's finished and I think that's what makes the difference.
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For those that think it's IMPOSSIBLE to finish SoR and not be level 60, you obviously didn't complete the forged alliances quest line before you the expansion.


If your toon had already done the 4 tactical quests that made up the forged alliances quest line, it is VERY easy to finish SoR at 58.5. My first toon, a Guardian (NO STEALTH), had to go back to Oricon and Makeb to get to 60, as she was also only 58.5 when she finished SoR (albeit, Revan was broken back then...but that one extra fight wouldn't have accounted for enough xp).


I just finished Makeb on my sniper and I'm 56 I'm not entirely sure what comes next but I didn't even touch Illum with my Sniper. Idk how OP can be such a stooge and not be level 60. I even try to skip as much combat as possible; like *** is he even doing to be that low leveled?

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Pretty amazing getting a lengthy thread like this, but as you surely noticed, there's a fairly establish agreement on that to be able to be at level 58 and be finished with SoR is an accomplishment on it's own*golf clap*:)


And here I am making it even longer, so while there haven't been any new content in pvp for a year and a half, Raiders have gotten a wet blanket over them to chill the fact that the new expansion has no new Endgame content.


Or that you will receive the largest expansion this game ever seen, for free no less.


so by all means its truly a sad state of the game that you only managed to reach level 58 at the end of SoR . . . :eek:

There is a nice post by Transairion on the previous page which is made just for people like you.


I've just finished Yavin 4 on a character who has done the Prelude while 55 was still cap. Did every possible quest. He's stuck at level 59 right now.

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I really don't understand how you guys are not hitting 60 after finishing all the content. You must be going to makab early before finishing your class story or something because I always ding 60 before i even finish or get to yavin.


usually skipping ilum and or makeb outright.

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When a mod actually gets round to reading this thread, can we have it locked for practising the NECROMANTIC ARTS. Too many people are piling on the original poster for not levelling beyond level 55 when the level cap was... 55.
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I really don't understand how you guys are not hitting 60 after finishing all the content. You must be going to makab early before finishing your class story or something because I always ding 60 before i even finish or get to yavin.


Exactly. Im at lv 60 and i havent even finished SoR PRELUDE.

Disclaimer, i pvp alot

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There is a nice post by Transairion on the previous page which is made just for people like you.


I've just finished Yavin 4 on a character who has done the Prelude while 55 was still cap. Did every possible quest. He's stuck at level 59 right now.


*People like me? . . . Those who actually play the content - all content. god forbid IF your people like me!!:o


And correct me here; this game isn't for overachieving pvpers and raiding pve'ers. It's nor for underachievers!!:eek:


Seems like there's only people like me left to play the game . . .

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When a mod actually gets round to reading this thread, can we have it locked for practising the NECROMANTIC ARTS. Too many people are piling on the original poster for not levelling beyond level 55 when the level cap was... 55.


C'mon man!!!


it's trollololol time!!!!


bet the op is long goneeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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