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Emergency: Mids (30-59) pvp needs fixed


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As it says. Just pointing this out, maybe devs will take notice one day. This bracket of PVP is terribly imbalanced. The 55-59s are gods, everything under 55 is cannon fodder. This makes for very NOT-fun warzones. It's not even fun, being on the team that has mostly higher lvls, because then the opposing team provides zero competition.




Either make a change to bolster so the 30-40s can compete as they did before 3.0, or create a different level range within the present brackets. Perhaps, 10-39, 40-59, 60? At least by level 40, 41 all classes have a fairly robust rotation of skills.


To ignore the state of mids PVP is stupid. It's part of the game, has been for a long time and deserves to work better! Players who like to PVP at all levels should not have this part of the game removed from them. This is a big reason many of us play SWTOR, because we like to PVP for XP all the way to 60, not PVE.

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As it says. Just pointing this out, maybe devs will take notice one day. This bracket of PVP is terribly imbalanced. The 55-59s are gods, everything under 55 is cannon fodder. This makes for very NOT-fun warzones. It's not even fun, being on the team that has mostly higher lvls, because then the opposing team provides zero competition.




Either make a change to bolster so the 30-40s can compete as they did before 3.0, or create a different level range within the present brackets. Perhaps, 10-39, 40-59, 60? At least by level 40, 41 all classes have a fairly robust rotation of skills.


To ignore the state of mids PVP is stupid. It's part of the game, has been for a long time and deserves to work better! Players who like to PVP at all levels should not have this part of the game removed from them. This is a big reason many of us play SWTOR, because we like to PVP for XP all the way to 60, not PVE.


I agree!


PVP as a level 30 is unplayable if there are a lot of level 55 or higher in a WZ.

Tried that with different classes on both sides, also got reports about that from my guild members.

Thought Bioware wanted the same chance for everyone?

(European Server T3-M4)

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I'll bump this. Plus the queue times are growing very LOOOONG....an indication players are frustrated and do not want to queue up


On Ebon Hawk tonight, republic side, I'm having 15 minute queue times in this bracket during peak time (7:00 EST)

Edited by FourPawnBenoni
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Last I heard, there was a bug with the bolster brackets. Levels 55+ are getting bolstered to 60 but everyone else is only getting bolstered to 55. So how about we fix that before we start re-designing the level brackets?


Funny thing is that my 51 sniper, 34 PT, and 52 sage are doing fine now that they have a full set of PvE ship parts. Until then it was a bit rough, although I would like to see the 30 something blue mods bolster better.

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Last I heard, there was a bug with the bolster brackets. Levels 55+ are getting bolstered to 60 but everyone else is only getting bolstered to 55. So how about we fix that before we start re-designing the level brackets?


There is more to the bolstr bug than just this. Ship equipment is also being bolstered in PVP. All told, have your ship fully equiped (non-pvp one) will net you about 10% increase in HP in the 60 bracket.


So those poor suckers still in their low teens who don't even have a ship yet (much less one that has gear in all the slots) are truly getting shafted until this is fixed.

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To the OP, you failed to mention which faction you play on your server. I bring this up, because if you play on the faction that is in the minority your queue times ae longer.


I'm on Po5, and when playing the Repubs (much smaller minority faction) queues times are crazy long when not playing during peak hours. And even when you are playing peak, it can still be several minutes. Switch over to Imp in the same level bracket and the wait times are much shorter.


So the problem is two fold. One, your win to lose ratios are probably crazy low which impacts your comms considerably. Two, the number of matches the other faction is playing is likely higher than yours. So two people playing the same amount of time will have two radically different comm counts after playing because the larger population faction is playing more games and winning more matches than their minority faction counter parts.


The end result is the majority faction gets their equipment more quickly and with less stress and struggle. So by the time the minority faction players make level 60, they are walking into matches facing opposing faction players in full tier 2 PVP augment gear and yu crushed again.


It is a vicious cycle that never ends. Because the minority faction never get to play against players in their own caliber field. I think since 3.0 came out I have played one match in PVP that was repub vs repub (minority on po5).

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Congratulations Bioware you finally ruined mid PVP.

There are more and more (4 to 8 men) groups of 55 - 59 players in the WZ.

So winning has become impossible for under level 50 players.

As a result of this unfair conditions our guilds will not longer take part in ground PVP.

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I am full agreement that 30-59 PVP is completely broken. My ideas for what can be done about this are as follows:


1 - Remove Obraon and Brutalizer from the game completely [so those who had them all equipped at 55 can't enter warzones with them and slaughter everything in sight without taking a hint of damage]


2 - Instead of Lv 10-29, 30-59 and 60, have 10-29, 30-54, 55-60 [Keeping the Obraon and Brutalizer gear in the game].


3 - Make the attack bonus canisters not only have you gain attack bonus, but also defense bonus, and make it last 30-45 seconds.


4 - Make it so the most powerful attacks gained in the upper levels unusable for the 30-59 bracket. Grey them out, essentially, so they cannot be selected.

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I was thinking about this the other night. I think a quick fix would be to create another tier of 55-59.


If queue times are long then that would encourage them to get out of the late 50's.


When Bioware next release higher levels they can do the same again and by that point you'd have expected most (of the played alts) to have leveled out of the 55+.



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I was thinking about this the other night. I think a quick fix would be to create another tier of 55-59.


If queue times are long then that would encourage them to get out of the late 50's.


When Bioware next release higher levels they can do the same again and by that point you'd have expected most (of the played alts) to have leveled out of the 55+.




I would be fine with this. It's pretty obvious many "pvp" guilds are running full groups of 55-59s, and milking the time they have in this bracket to just roffelstomp 30-54s. It's quite frustrating to say the least. Just give the people who are leveling 55-59 in pvp their own bracket. The ones who enjoy having such a huge advantage will no longer have this trollfest to suckle on. Another problem is, some people did not buy the expansion. They will NEVER leave (55 lvl) mids bracket. They essentially are twinks, who will stay one level with the top gears, with many advantage available to them. Just give them a twink bracket, and let the 55-59s have their fun with others of the same level.

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I am full agreement that 30-59 PVP is completely broken. My ideas for what can be done about this are as follows:


1 - Remove Obraon and Brutalizer from the game completely [so those who had them all equipped at 55 can't enter warzones with them and slaughter everything in sight without taking a hint of damage]


2 - Instead of Lv 10-29, 30-59 and 60, have 10-29, 30-54, 55-60 [Keeping the Obraon and Brutalizer gear in the game].


3 - Make the attack bonus canisters not only have you gain attack bonus, but also defense bonus, and make it last 30-45 seconds.


4 - Make it so the most powerful attacks gained in the upper levels unusable for the 30-59 bracket. Grey them out, essentially, so they cannot be selected.


I pretty much vote no on all of those options. PVP gear doesn't give as big an advantage as most people think. I had an op in brutalizer gear when 3.0 started. I leveled a completely new op up with 12x xp and put it in rishi mods. The new op hit harder and out performed the PVP geared op. Not a huge difference, but the 55 pvp gear doesn't give the God mode that everyone thinks it does.


Having level 60s with 55s is just not a good idea. The rage in ranked when a 55 queues up would be extreme. You'd be taking end game out of end game.


Making attack bonus buffs also boost defenses would also benefit 55+ toons.


Not allowing players to use their new powers as they level up would just piss off a lot of people and wouldn't solve anything. This is probably the worst idea out of the 4 suggestions.


I have a harder time on my toons in the 30s and 40s, but I still do just fine. The only times I don't is when the other team is just plain better. Bolster is more of an issue. Fix bolster to give the lowbies a bit more hp and damage and they will be fine.

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The brutalizer definitely doesn't make much difference - I threw on a brut legacy set + weapon/off-hand with new green augments onto a 55 alt last night. The character didn't have pvp implants, relics or earpiece. The same character in 168s had a little under 4k more health and higher base dmg. The difference in expertise was <200 and the expertise tooltip differences were less than 5%. I tried wzs with and without the brut and didn't perform noticeably different. I would say brutalizer is junk at this point except for relic procs and set bonuses. But definitely get ship parts...
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  • 1 month later...
The brutalizer definitely doesn't make much difference - I threw on a brut legacy set + weapon/off-hand with new green augments onto a 55 alt last night. The character didn't have pvp implants, relics or earpiece. The same character in 168s had a little under 4k more health and higher base dmg. The difference in expertise was <200 and the expertise tooltip differences were less than 5%. I tried wzs with and without the brut and didn't perform noticeably different. I would say brutalizer is junk at this point except for relic procs and set bonuses. But definitely get ship parts...


They fixed ship parts. FYI. But, you are correct, the old pvp sets don't make a difference really. It's just the matter of higher lvls getting buffed stats that the lower lvls do not. Add that with more abilities from being higher lvl, and it's farming bonanza for the higher lvls in mids!

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These are my thoughts on the mid bracket from a thread I created... Personally I don't think they are broken


So I've been lvling my 55s to 60 and have 8 there now... I've been seeing lots of people complain here how mids are broken and so is bolster...

I've found it easy to kill 30-50s, so I just assumed people new what they were talking about

So at the beginning of the week I decided to LVL up my LVL 19 Assassin... I had every intention of stopping at 30 because of the discussions in the forums about it being impossible to play mids pre 50... But I got to 30 and thought I'd give it a try...

My experience is that the only difference between 30 and 59s is the defensive abilities, slightly higher health due to LVL stats and some extra dps from some passive abilities as they LVL... This is not really any different than when the bracket was 30-54... Gear Bolster is definately Not broken, my gear and stats bolster just fine at LVL 30 and I get 2018 expertise

I've also been out DPSing most of my teams... Sure some were bad... But most teams I've been on have been with 50-59s... I have been averaging 600k dps... Highest was 800k... I also absorb a lot of damage... 300-400k...

I've been in all the different maps and have only had an issue in some arenas due to being on poor teams against above average players...

Of course a LVL 30 shouldn't try to solo a LVL 55-59... The same as they shouldn't have tried a LVL 54 in the old bracket... Playing a lower LVL in mids requires you to use some strategy and tactics and not just go charging into the meat grinder... I think most QQing about mids has to do with people not Learning to play properly in the bottom pvp bracket and then not comprehending that stupid mentalities in mids against more experienced players will get you killed


Here's the link to the thread... I just don't want to repeat myself here...


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For those complaining about gear and bolster... Please read this thread on gearing and how bolster is working... QQing about Brutalizer gear is pointless when you can get the same or even higher stats without out it




Also it's not bolster giving higher LVLs higher stats... It's the extra stats they receive as they LVL up

You may also be interested to know that as you LVL you have to take more responsibility for your secondary stats because bolster reduces these as you LVL up and are able to obtain those stats from enhancements and mods

As I've LVLd from 30-33 my alacrity, Crit, accuracy and surge have all started to drop because those stats are becoming more available in your gear... When you get to 55 they are flat... They aren't bolstered and if you don't min max them you will have low secondary or out of balance secondary stats

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For those complaining about gear and bolster... Please read this thread on gearing and how bolster is working... QQing about Brutalizer gear is pointless when you can get the same or even higher stats without out it




Also it's not bolster giving higher LVLs higher stats... It's the extra stats they receive as they LVL up

You may also be interested to know that as you LVL you have to take more responsibility for your secondary stats because bolster reduces these as you LVL up and are able to obtain those stats from enhancements and mods

As I've LVLd from 30-33 my alacrity, Crit, accuracy and surge have all started to drop because those stats are becoming more available in your gear... When you get to 55 they are flat... They aren't bolstered and if you don't min max them you will have low secondary or out of balance secondary stats


It doesn't matter if its bolster or base stats, that fact that 55+s are getting such a high stat advantage is insipid regardless of what is causing it, and its being horribly compounded by how easy it is to get gear in the 50 to 55 range with setbonus and dread guard relics being purchasable with Basic comms and FA giving free 162 gear.

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The only thing that needs fixing in mids are the amount of people who don't know how to play objective based pvp or use tactics...

I was just on a team with all 55-59s... I was the only 33 (assassin) Playing a mixed team of 31-54s... Our guys just had no idea how to guard the node... There would be 4-5 of them there right in front of it and they would be too busy trying to kill instead of interrupting the cap

I recapped 4 times in that match... Each time I called incs one person came... We would hold off 5 for a fair while then we would lose it... Next thing all our guys decide to run to the node we just lost while the other team caps the one they were at... OMG... L2P

I don't care what LVL you are in mids, you should be trying to learn... The reason people say mids is broken is because they never learned to play pre30 and have brought their stupidity into the next bracket...

Another match I played in earlier in Void Star we had a team of mixed lvls 32-51... Playing all 55-59s... We attacked first, I capped every door and node in record time... I didn't even need to do any dps in the first round

In the second round they couldn't even get through the first door... So if a bunch of LVL 30s-51s can beat 55-59s... How is it broken??... Once again it comes down to skill, smart play and tactics...

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