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Let me choose the maps i want to pvp on


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I can not stand the fact that no one can que up for certain maps and not other ones. I already know devs say they dont want to but really who the heck wants to be in a arena match with a pug group and who wants to play voidstar or huttball 5 times in a row? Arena should ONLY be ranked matches only never in unranked. also how bow bout some new maps? u guys have been neglectful on that or just lazy. we havent had a new map since 4vs4 arena maps came out and how long ago was that? yet we have 2 new raids and 2 new FPs and the whole solo FPs. Completely ridiculous.
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I'd love an option that lets me decide if I want to do objective-based Warzones, 4v4 arenas, or huttball.


I enjoy WZ's much more than 4v4s, but thats just me.


me to.. 4v4 stinks and i have no intention of staying in any of the arena matches that pops up so might aswell let me chose to opt out of those.

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Queshball was a new map since 2.0. Like all maps, it's good when you're winning/competitive.


And they put their effort into GSF, for better or worse. The fact they thought it was worth diversifying rather than a new map tells you all you need to know about the population of pvpers, and therefore why you can not choose maps.


Only solution is to invite new people to pvp with you. Build the population, choice will come.

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You can choose what warzones you want to play! Simply quit/exit the warzone as soon as you enter it, and, VOILA! You have chosen not to play a specific warzone? This is impossible to manifest. Your request is denied. Move along now. Next request?
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You can choose what warzones you want to play! Simply quit/exit the warzone as soon as you enter it, and, VOILA! You have chosen not to play a specific warzone? This is impossible to manifest. Your request is denied. Move along now. Next request?


Category of warzone*


Next request, you move along! :tran_tongue:

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They won't and they shouldn't. Why? Because no one would ever play new maps. When Queshball debuted there was nothing but a torrent of hate for it (probably a bunch of people still going to jump on me for saying otherwise) even though it's just as balanced as standard Huttball. And while Ancient Hypergates isn't my favorite map I think it has more to do with players over-complicating what is essentially a very simple kill/defend mechanic. I've even seen people rail on about how NC is the worst thing ever.
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  • 9 months later...

I prefer waiting for an hour instead of having to play an arena.


That doesn't even make sense given the average arena takes 15 minutes at most to conclude.

If you afk through it even shorter.




After 3 weeks you would come back here QQing about how queues are too long no matter what.

And then I'm being extremely generous.

Edited by Evolixe
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I wonder if you could do this with a "preferred" WZ option.


So it would work like this. You could select one or more WZs that you would prefer to play. So for me that would be Huttball, Queshball and Voidstar (DON'T JUDGE ME! :jawa_tongue:). The system would work just like it does now, except that if there are say 16 who have Huttball selected, then the queue will give them that WZ instead of a random one.


If instead there aren't enough people to pick a particular WZ in the queue, but enough to make a WZ, the game just picks a random WZ.


What would be the downside of that?

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I don't get the hate towards arenas. They're pvp in its purest form! Killing other players.

"I just don't like the senseless killing compared to objective based warzones"

Do you really like teamwork that much?


I would like arenas more if they were a "how many kills can you get in [X] amount of time" or a "First to [X] number of kills wins," with the ability to respawn.


As it stands, the rules of Arenas greatly favor some classes over others. I can't tell you how many poor Mercs/Commandos I see quit after getting blown up in a first round.

Edited by Master-Nala
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