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why is sentinel such garbage??????


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So I went in to this fight at lvl 32. I must have died about 15 times to Darth Angral. Some of those fights only lasted about 20 seconds. After getting frustrated I went to bed and thinking "OMG the Sentinel is broken" . The next day I was researching the fight and people complaining about the Sentinel, I found this post on the SWTOR Sentinel forum. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=47695


I went back to the Fleet, and changed my spec to Watchmen, and ran a 4 man Heroic on Alderaan, and the first part of the Jedi Prisoner FP. from these I got a new lightsaber, and new head, and chest piece. I still had not leveled to 33 yet, but my gear was significantly better than the simple quest rewards, and random mob drops I was using.


I decided to try Darth Angral again, and guess what I beat him in about 30 seconds, and with half my life. That primer on the sentinel explained what I was doing wrong, and how to correct it. Also gear is paramount in any RPG. Hopefully this will help others that are having a similar problem with the class, and need some direction like I did on how to improve their situation. Heroics, and Flash points for gear are important. I had not run them really myself because my server has a low population and getting a group together even during peak times seems to be hard.


Good luck, and may the force be with you. :D:D:D:D

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I pwned Angral when he was a level over me, and I am specced combat. Now, this is not because I am uber - indeed the first 3 times I died b/c my abilities would not fire when keys were pressed. The last time I tried, all went as pressed, and I pwned him in no time. The bugs were really the issue, and then the patch came. PvE has been a different world for me post-patch. Not perfect still, but much better.


The key to defeating Angral, as many have pointed out, is interrupting him. That only works if when you htiu force kick it fires. Those of you who have had difficulty with Angral, it should be easier post-patch. He really won't hurt you if you remember force kick, force stasis, and if combat-specced then you have other stuns to interrupt with also (crippling throw). It is about timing. Also, let Kira pounce on him through the first force lightning before you engage. It will give you a head start on him before he shifts focus to you.

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I am a level 50 jedi sentinel. And i noticed that damage is a big issue while playing in pvp. I see commandos doing 5 times more damage then me. I have almost all of my champion gear and about to reroll a shadow due to poor proformance in warzones and poor damage. If anyone else is having problems as a sentinel in pvp tell me.
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I pwned Angral when he was a level over me, and I am specced combat. Now, this is not because I am uber - indeed the first 3 times I died b/c my abilities would not fire when keys were pressed. The last time I tried, all went as pressed, and I pwned him in no time. The bugs were really the issue, and then the patch came. PvE has been a different world for me post-patch. Not perfect still, but much better.


I think you're hitting on a key note here either without directly saying it or not realizing it one. Combat spec'd Sentinels must do everything perfectly with no miscues and no lag or you will die in fights like this. That's either a problem with the amount of dmg we can deal and/or our dmg proc rate, or it is a problem inherent in the job. I'm not saying one shouldn't be good at their job, and certain jobs shouldn't be more complicated. But if you are going to make the job hard to play and need the kind of attention to what's going on in battle and the need for perfect execution as the Sentinel does, then it better damn well produce from big numbers. And we don't. Period.

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My 44 sentinel makes me want to uninstall, but that's unlikely. Na but lets face it, melee is always going to have a tougher time at anything.


I felt the same way for a while, than i started a new char. I am playing a sage now, and it is soooo much stronger.

i can kill champion! Champion exactly the same lvl , not elite, champion with my sage.

With the sentinel every elite boss was a major fight. i had to be well prepared for that, and i can kill 2 elites easy with my sage. I am doing the heroics 2+ with the sage, and i would not DARE to try that with the sentinel.

People can say whatever they want, unless they play another class and see how weak sentinels are, they will just flame.


And i still like my sentinel. it is a fun class, but weak, despite the fun.

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Did it at 29 no issues. What are people having issues with? As watchamn stack up centering and burns, zen then burns. Also interupt anything he does.


So we all should be forced to play watchman since Ataru form is broken, off hand is broken, and we get chewed up by range in PvP? There are two others specs. Don't you think they should work and people should be able to choose them and play effectively?

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I agree to this wholeheartedly.


I'm so shocked, and disheartened by others flaming those who complain about what tens, if not hundreds of other Sentinel players are experiencing.


I'm not well versed in DPS, but one thing I find amazingly unsettling, is that my character at level 38 (Strilat) has a Damage Pri. of 352 - 410. While my guildmate, who is level 29 has a Damage Pri. of 2600-3200.


It seriously baffle me that all my weapons, armor, and gear, are all up to date, with the level required for everything being level 35 and below (I am level 38), and yet I can't solo an elite NPC (not even a boss) without dying at least 10 times.


The last boss I beat was sheer luck.


This time, I'm on Hoth, and I watch other players blow through enemy groups.


I've watched a trooper get assaulted by 5 NPC's of about 2600 health each.


He destroyed them.




I let him leave, and tried the same thing, with buffs, call on the force, etc.


I killed 2 before I died...


It's frustrating at times, and I cannot wiat for a guide to come out.


I guess it's just a waiting game to see what will come along to alleviate our pain, lol.


(braces for flames)


I am going to try my best to be sensitive to this issue. Are you using Doc or Kira? When you leap into battle do you already have rebuke up and are you using holocrons/Zen abilities? If not then you might want to consider doing so. I will admit I lost to Angral 5 times before I had to call in a friend for help. Since I got Doc though I have not had these issues. On-Level elites I will now engage even with my health bar at 3/4 and no focus built up at all yet still walk away from ths fight with decent health left for weak mobs. When I DO lose I find it is because I forgot to fire some ability beforehand or thatI messed up my rotation. Honestly, you should not be getting tromple-stomped by weak mobs with only 2-3K health. Time to reasses tactics, methinks.

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I've died on Darth Angral about 5 times now, and I've used stims and buffs. Why do i take so much damage? my armor is all up to date along with my companion. I seriously think there is a problem with this class. i know other people are experiencing it too, it just blows my mind it takes 4 try's to finish your class quest that should not be easily solo-able but defiantly solo-able. why did they get nerfed so bad? (so ready for everyone to tell me i am horrible at my class, which isn't the case at all.) at this point definitely thinking about re rolling but i don't wanna grind my way back to 30. This also isn't the first solo-able class quest that i died on 1000000 times.


ur post actually sickens me.... the class has its bugs, but its not trash.


i hope i run into u in huttball.... be happy to show u how i run rings around people like u.


ur not even 50 yet.....

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ur post actually sickens me.... the class has its bugs, but its not trash.


i hope i run into u in huttball.... be happy to show u how i run rings around people like u.


ur not even 50 yet.....


think you missed a 'mwahahaha' at the end

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It simply baffles me how so many people struggle with end chapter bosses. Fear not, you are not alone as I see these complaints through out several class forums. Having said that, I can say that without a doubt, assuming your gear is decently up to date (companion as well) then you need to interrupt big damaging spells.


Die once or twice on a new boss okay, you are learning the mechanics.


Die more than 5 times and it won't matter too much which class or spec you are playing. You are going to struggle if you don't learn to use ALL the abilities of the given class and spec.

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I've died on Darth Angral about 5 times now, and I've used stims and buffs. Why do i take so much damage? my armor is all up to date along with my companion. I seriously think there is a problem with this class. i know other people are experiencing it too, it just blows my mind it takes 4 try's to finish your class quest that should not be easily solo-able but defiantly solo-able. why did they get nerfed so bad? (so ready for everyone to tell me i am horrible at my class, which isn't the case at all.) at this point definitely thinking about re rolling but i don't wanna grind my way back to 30. This also isn't the first solo-able class quest that i died on 1000000 times.


I lolled.



"grind my way back to lvl 30"



I lolled again.

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I saw a couple mentions about PvP I am lvl 50 and lvld as a combat and was having difficulty in pvp as well. I swapped my spec to focus and it appears to work better for pvp, at least for my style of play. Hehe I did notice that heading into battle carring 2 lightsabers seems to make you an instant target.

As far as pve went each companion has its own strength and how you gear it is important, you can not ignore your comapnions gear and expect them to be effective. I used Kira for a majority of my lvling and she had higher dps then I did for much of it so I depended on simply burning down mobs as fast as possible.

If your looking for faceroll easy this class probably isn't for you shoot this game probably isn't for you go back to WoW and play with pandas

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I had no problem with Darth Angrel.


However, the security guard elite before him, killed me several times in a row, before I left and gained a level. Go figure.


A tip, if it matters: Watchman spec helps http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMfGzZhG.1


This is the one I've used (the standard watchman build), and it's great for long fights.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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I just finished the fight with Angral and having encountered this thread (and others like it regarding elites) before going in I admit I was expecting a MUCH more difficult fight. It wasn't a cakewalk but about an above-average elite fight. If it has a cast time do NOT let him finish the cast, it's really that simple.


Cleared his ship, including him, without a death using Kira as my companion and finished that fight almost full health as Watchman spec.


It's a very challenging class to play with tons of cooldowns, and yes, you need to use them and use them a LOT. The class is designed around using cooldowns often, if you're not using them you need to start. I will say that compared to a class like the Vanguard the Sentinel is very squishy, but we're FAR from underpowered.


I've only had issues with high-DPS (which is most) champions so far but have managed to take down a couple, and I haven't even used doc yet. If you're unable to take out an average day-to-day elite I'm sorry but you may want to re-think your class choice.

Edited by Fyrewolf
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look at all the whiners expecting easy mode. Quit your whining, sentinels shouldn't be easy mode for people that suck. If you were looking for that then go make a guardian.


Actually they shouldn't reroll guardian since apparently they are too hard to play too lol!

Edited by Darkshadz
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I've died on Darth Angral about 5 times now, and I've used stims and buffs. Why do i take so much damage? my armor is all up to date along with my companion. I seriously think there is a problem with this class. i know other people are experiencing it too, it just blows my mind it takes 4 try's to finish your class quest that should not be easily solo-able but defiantly solo-able. why did they get nerfed so bad? (so ready for everyone to tell me i am horrible at my class, which isn't the case at all.) at this point definitely thinking about re rolling but i don't wanna grind my way back to 30. This also isn't the first solo-able class quest that i died on 1000000 times.


Sentinels are fine. I one shot Angral and although I felt it was challenging, it was not hard. I had friend in guild playing Sentinel after seeing how much success I am having and he was struggling badly on Angral. I told him I would help him out and he said his gear was fine. I took a look and his hilts was level 24 and Kira's gear was all less then level 20 mods/armoring and hilts. So I hooked him up with 2 blue hilts and some blue mods and armoring from commendations and he was able to go through and one shot Angral at level 31. I did it easily at level 30. It only gets better from there, through the 30's I solo'd heroics and champions and take out multiple elites withouth ever slowing down to rest.

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I think I'll add to this in saying that its probably not the class so much as it is the AC. I switched from Combat to Watchman at level 30 and suddenly so many of my problems went away. In fact, I was shocked at how quickly I could burn through an elite with the right sequence of moves.


This class has the potential to be horrifically powerful if it isn't handled delicately. My infiltration shadow can produce results like this, but for a short window coming out of stealth. Watchmen Sentinels seem to be wired to do a massive amount of damage, all the time. That is, if you stack your Overcharge Saber, Cauterize and Zen charges well. I'll admit that I can't always pull it off and sometimes when I'm caught by surprise my rotation just goes down the pooper... But that's the fun of it all for me.


I think what a lot of people are experiencing is the general ramp up in difficulty of the game around level 30-ish. At about the end of Alderaan, the game gets a lot harder. Couple that with the lack of control options for the sentinel, it probably seems like the class isn't performing up to par. I'm not sure about the experience at 50, but I'm absolutely demolishing groups of 4-5 at level 30.

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Most people are complaining about the Sentinel class in PvE when the problem is T7 and Kira. T7 is a bad tank past lvl 20 and Kira is bad DPS past lvl 20. Once you get Doc, magically the Sentinel becomes much more of a powerhouse (and so does Guardian).


PvP is mostly a L2P issue majority of the time.


Yeah, I'm level 42 and I was doing fine after gettting DOC until I got to Belsavis. I've killed lots of Elites at my level and above just hanging out in the world and some mission related but the 2 to finish off missions just face roll me. One has 100% shield that she puts up (at least she doesn't attack when that happens) but every time she deploys it, 4 more mobs come out and attack Doc or Lord Scourge. I jump over to help kill the adds but my companion still dies and before I can get back into combat range with the elite, She hits me with her big attack and I'm soon dead.


The other fight is against a Soceress who as soon as you interrupt with one special, she hits you with another. Now I know I have two interrupts but Stasis's CD is far too long to help much.


You want to know my spec, I'm a level 42 Focus Spec sentinel. I haven't purchased AWE, yet because I don't have 25K. I don't have 25K because I die so much that I spend all my money on repairing my equipment.


Oh and I used to be over leveled when I started HOTH, I was almost 2 level above the missions by the time I reached Belsavis, I was one level below. And yes, I did all the missions on HOTM save the Heroics. And people are complaining they are getting too much XP, it's clear that HOTH just doesn't give enough.

Edited by JerokTalram
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