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If spamming your referral link + bribe is "ok", I'll shut up.


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I'm seeing this more lately.


Spammers spam general chat for people to click on their referral link for "cool stuffs" along with a bribe of credits.


Could someone please tell me if this is ok cuz if it is I'll stop reporting/caring about it but it doesn't seem like it's something that would be allowed.

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I'm seeing this more lately.


Spammers spam general chat for people to click on their referral link for "cool stuffs" along with a bribe of credits.


Could someone please tell me if this is ok cuz if it is I'll stop reporting/caring about it but it doesn't seem like it's something that would be allowed.


Not sure if it is allowed, but it certainly is pathetic. Almost as pathetic as the people who do it on the forums.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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I doubt anything about it is actually against the rules but I usually make it a point to chime into the discussion so that anyone who does it fully understands what the other person is getting out of the deal.


That way they can make up their own mind if it's worth doing.

It usually leads to requests for more credits since the referrer will get a steady supply of coins from it.

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I'm seeing this more lately.


Spammers spam general chat for people to click on their referral link for "cool stuffs" along with a bribe of credits.


Could someone please tell me if this is ok cuz if it is I'll stop reporting/caring about it but it doesn't seem like it's something that would be allowed.

I gave up trying to report these spammers & my ignore list is full *again* So its apparent that BW gives two s**ts about it or they would have done something or written some bs thread so it it pointless to make a thread about it, only two things will come out this thread :

1) It gets ignored ..


2) It gets deleted ..

Either way nothing will come of this thread,,, Mark my words ,, This time next year this will still be going on trust me...


Look at the Goldfarmers on the fleet & the homeworlds ... ITS BEEN 2 FREAKING YEARS AND STILL NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE TO GET RID OF THESE IDIOTS!!! So what makes you think they are going to do anything to get rid of these "NEW TYPE" of idiots ?!?!

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Report for spam, ignore and move on.



Or you can troll them like I did... was offered X amount of credits, started talking about how he'd get cartel coins every month for my click and how I should get a conversion of that to credits up front and so on and so forth... and then when he offered almost that much I said "no thanks, I'm just messing with you... I've already clicked someone elses link and you can only click one" and then proceeded to go on general chat and tell everyone that they should at the very least demand alot more money from him for clicking his link.


He then switched planet and I followed and then he went offline...



So that was fun :)


(and yes, I was bored)

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I have to retype it and copy/paste outside of the game to even use it.

;) just in case you ever end up in the position that someone wants your link, the way around that is to mail it.


---End Quote Reply---

To the OP, It's spamming, which ever way you look at it. Just report it, or have some fun at their expense. Just say you clicked it and now want the credits :D But most times when I see one in chat that is explicitly asking for subs, I will comment something in general chat about the fact how they conveniently forgot to mention the fact they'll be getting free CC from it (unless the player is straight up about that of course), and that if they want me to click the link I want the equivalent in credits for a year sub in advance... so basically around 1.5 million credits. Most times that shuts them up for the rest of the evening.


I know the referral program itself is legit, but nevertheless, if I see someone explicitly asking for subs and conveniently forgets to mention what they get out of it, I see it as just another type of scam and will usually confront it like one, expose and report.

Edited by LeJarC
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If they'd fix it so it would work as described (click -> (create account) -> subscribe) there wouldn't be quite as many spammers. The way it is now, those who are already subscribed get all the rewards and those who are actually new or returning players don't get anything unless someone tells them to click the link again after they subscribed.
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I know the referral program itself is legit, but nevertheless, if I see someone explicitly asking for subs and conveniently forgets to mention what they get out of it, I see it as just another type of scam and will usually confront it like one, expose and report.

That's what I do. I post something like "Now, why don't you tell all of use what YOU are getting out of the deal." And a few do.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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posting links should trigger the same systems that tend to goldsellers, report and ignore let BW sort it out. I dare say they would approve of such actions, it is just hard telling what they would exactly do. In the short run probably nothing, in long run probably remove the CC bonus as it is now being abused. A few bad apples ruin the bunch
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It's a little ironic that many if you are complaining about them when you have a referral link in your signature. New players can't even post on the forums. Every time you post, you are spamming your referral link.


Yep, and Bioware let that happen.

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It's a little ironic that many if you are complaining about them when you have a referral link in your signature. New players can't even post on the forums. Every time you post, you are spamming your referral link.


BW allows us to post it in our sigs, and where was I complaining? Just stated BW will see spamming chat with links as exploiting and address it as so. Posting your link in your sig is the only legit way to advertise your "offer", stack that with the fact only a small fraction of players actually come to these forums and we have no problems, this vs. spamming in-game general chat is two entirely different galaxies ,let alone worlds xD comparing apples to thumbtacks:rod_angel_g::rod_angel_g:


It's technically a pyramid scheme when posting to chat, as you have a chance to reach so many and stack up the monthly CC. The person spamming at top is collecting all benefits and the people below get hardly anything.

Edited by krisknife
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I still don't get what people expected. Every referral program ever has always been spammed. You institute something like this, with referral rewards, and spam will ensue. Blame Bioware.


It's not BW's fault people are greedy, it is their fault that limits should be in place to discourage this non-sense in the first place. Two things will possibly happen as BW will not let thousands of free CC flood their CM , they will either place those limits per account on number of referrals we can have( and really that hurts people who support us like dulfy etc.), or remove CC altogether and come up with a reward much like those clicking the link recieve. Either way a few rotten eggs have spoiled our dozen. Game companies tend to act quickly when it comes to their cash shop, we will see......

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