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Snipers not viable in 4v4 without guard and healer


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Your logic of this game is flawed, and it is because of your dumb mentality is why this game's balancing is garbage in the first place.


My logic of the game is absolutely fine, it's just your too stupid to recognise what I'm saying. Where do you think any future 4x4 teams will come from exactly?


I mean what they just magically spring out of nowhere?


You're nothing but an elitist troll.

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My logic of the game is absolutely fine, it's just your too stupid to recognise what I'm saying. Where do you think any future 4x4 teams will come from exactly?


I mean what they just magically spring out of nowhere?


You're nothing but an elitist troll.


I am well aware that new teams need to step up for 4s to be kept alive? What's your point? Because my point is bads are afraid to step up to the challenge and would rather remain a regstar/soloQ hero 4 lyfe.


In case you haven't noticed brah, you don't get good magically and then rape every single team the first day you play 4s, pls think for a second? You get good BY playing 4s.


Call me and elitist if you want, but I am a realist. The fact remains, if you aren't doing 4s, you aren't good :)

Edited by BloodDevistaor
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I am well aware that new teams need to step up for 4s to be kept alive? What's your point? Because my point is bads are afraid to step up to the challenge and would rather remain a regstar/soloQ hero 4 lyfe.


In case you haven't noticed brah, you don't get good magically and then rape every single team the first day you play 4s, pls think for a second? You get good BY playing 4s.


Call me and elitist if you want, but I am a realist. The fact remains, if you aren't doing 4s, you aren't good :)


Where's my point....dear me. Where do you think your so called good players came from? You don't think perhaps a lot of them...maybe all of them (take your pick there honestly I leave to your own judgement) came from the remnants of the old 8x8 teams? Lets delve into that a bit shall we. Where did those players go? They either left the game, setup 4 group teams and started doing group ranked or......didn't like arena's and decided not to.


Now you are trying to tell me those that decided not to are not any good? Get real dude, that is why you are nothing but an elitist troll. Being realistic has nothing to do with it.


You haven't even begun to establish any facts...


Please don't try and define a good player because I don't think you're up to the task. Saying you are only good if you do 4x4 group ranked and everyone else is bad is having an extremely narrow mind set. There is a huge difference in a lack of experience and being good. They are very similar I grant that but there is a difference between the two.

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How is group ranked competitive in this game? You play vs, at best, 0.2% of the active playerbase (based on most active group server, assuming 0 alts are played in group and taking into account everyone with 1 or more ranked matches played). Considering *at least* 50% are probably alts, play few matches and are wintraders, I think we can settle on you competing with at best 0.1% of the playerbase? While I agree the game should be balanced around fours, we first need x-server (or similar), and the removal of the abomination called yolo ranked.
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How is group ranked competitive in this game? You play vs, at best, 0.2% of the active playerbase (based on most active group server, assuming 0 alts are played in group and taking into account everyone with 1 or more ranked matches played). Considering *at least* 50% are probably alts, play few matches and are wintraders, I think we can settle on you competing with at best 0.1% of the playerbase? While I agree the game should be balanced around fours, we first need x-server (or similar), and the removal of the abomination called yolo ranked.


Oh god, a stats guy.


Do you not realize that it doesn't matter if you are only playing the same teams over and over as long as those teams are good? Like **** how hard is it to accept that?


Basically you are saying that in the NBA games between Thunders and Spurs wouldn't be competitive if the teams are only playing against each other. Doesn't make sense...


Even if it's two teams playing against each other over and over and over as long as those teams are equally skilled it is still more competitive than stomping *******s in regs or getting bads in soloQ

Edited by BloodDevistaor
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Oh god, a stats guy.


Do you not realize that it doesn't matter if you are only playing the same teams over and over as long as those teams are good? Like **** how hard is it to accept that?


Basically you are saying that in the NBA games between Thunders and Spurs wouldn't be competitive if the teams are only playing against each other. Doesn't make sense...


Even if it's two teams playing against each other over and over and over as long as those teams are equally skilled it is still more competitive than stomping *******s in regs or getting bads in soloQ


What is the teams are equally skilled in yolo?


I'm not familiar with how basket ball plays out, but going by soccer (I have no clue about that either so going with random team names): You can't claim FC Uganda is as good as Manchester United, because they can't play vs eachother. Does this make whichever league FC Uganda played in more or less competitive than Premier / Champions league? Because currently, group ranked can only compete vs the 'locals'.


Now, I don't know which server you're playing on, but going by your aggressive posting, I'll assume you're most likely from tofn or pot5. Since it's night in America now, I'm guessing tofn? Continuing from that logic - are you better or worse than the americans? And is it as competitive on the EU German RP-PvE server group ranked, as it is on tofn?

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Buffing snipers survivability will not affect group ranked that much as much as you people think. They are not comparably better than any other class right now, and they are by far the least played class. Why not buff them so they can actually be effective in solo pvp?


What I'm hearing is they are fine in <1% of pvp, so leave them broken for the other 99%.

Edited by kvandertulip
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LOL. You think 8v8 ranked took more skills than 4v4? Can you please stop?


Surely you must realize as competitive as 8v8 was it was mostly teamwork rather than individual. You must be a complete moron if you believe 8v8 had a higher skill cap than 4v4. I will use the same example I used in the previous post. If you take the best teams in arenas right now and you put them in a 8v8 environment against the has-beens top 8s team back then, they would win everything game. If you take some 8v8 has been players and put them in arenas against the current top 4s team, I could not say the same for them about how they would win every game. Please dude, you do not know what you are talking about.


But please name some of these players, I would love to imagine these well-known players in 4s and think about how well they would do, LOL.


Fact of the matter is, the best players left in this game are all in areans, if you aren't playing 4s you aren't playing at the top level in this game (which is sad considering how ez this game is).

You do realize you sound like a complete ***** and no one is taking you seriously because of your egotistical *** hole attitude right? Just a quick fyi.
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You do realize you sound like a complete ***** and no one is taking you seriously because of your egotistical *** hole attitude right? Just a quick fyi.


His ingame name is mwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmw I think that says all. He insults other people and doesn't even know basic game mechanics like that a GCD happens after an instant skill


Great guy

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If anyone has anything valid to contribute to the skill cap of this game, keep in mind this game is meant to be played around a tank and healer so I can stop bashing my head on the keyboard watching people ***** about the survivability of a sniper when they are in a perfect position

This game or any game for that matter is worked and vamped around high end game content and that means group 4's and not regs or fkn solo q lul


like my good friend said:

Yah? Then you could either a) reroll b) deal with it or c) step up and play 4s
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You do realize you sound like a complete ***** and no one is taking you seriously because of your egotistical *** hole attitude right? Just a quick fyi.


noone? talk for yourself. I completely agree with what BloodDevistaor guy says. so g tfo.

Edited by Wonkanerd
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I play a Sniper 60, and its very very hard. Especially with no PVP gear, or even just a few, and I don't mean old level 55, no just amazing PVE gear. When I get targetted, I'm always dead within 2 seconds. Maybe sometimes in 1.5 sec.

And yes, I do know the class well, I'm amazing in PVE. Where a Guardian, in PVE, uses like 40 seconds to kill pve stuff, I kill that same in like 3 seconds... Yes, I do have everything purple best augments. So this means in pvp, I expect to loose 4 out of 5 games. Still getting some pvp gear, but those that already have amazing gear will laugh at what I get.

Now, I know in the past, there was introductionary pvp fresh level 50 (Uncertain. Anyways, it was then the max level) gear, and you got a whole bag of PVP gear, not awesome, but then you were viable. Now, I'm not, and not for a long time... Why play this game at al???

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Nonsensical post. Anyone with half an understanding of how PvP works generally goes for sniper first because they drop in seconds with any kind of focus. Do tell me how a sniper can save himself from say, a lightning sorc, a vengeance jugger and AP PT. Please, I'm all ears.


Man, anything gets focused by those three in yolo will get rekt. Not just sniper. The truth is, sometimes(rarely) there are **** team comps, more than often people don't know how to play with a sniper. When they do, they **** **** up as a team.


Snipers in regs without a healer have a hard time if the other team is semi competent, yes. They do get targeted often in yolo, but so do PTs and sages. I don't think they die any quicker than a PT, in fact on the opposite.


When you see a good sniper on the opposite team you know it'll be hard. I can see a good PT or a good sage/sorc and not be concerned too much. But a good sniper is a problem.

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Nonsensical post. Anyone with half an understanding of how PvP works generally goes for sniper first because they drop in seconds with any kind of focus. Do tell me how a sniper can save himself from say, a lightning sorc, a vengeance jugger and AP PT. Please, I'm all ears.


Stay back and tell your team to lead ahead and attempt to slow down the PT and Jugg as much as possible.


When they start breaching defenses, use hardstuns and roll away to "reset" the effort.

The Jugg should never be able to reach you without using 2 leaps and a push in the first place. And then you should still have your roll.



The lightning sorc is your only real trouble, whom you can LoS or just eat given your healer has you for the time being.



People are stupid, so in solo ranked that Sorc will probably dive on you with all cooldowns even if his buddies aren't anywhere near you yet. If you survive that burst, the melee will have used pretty much every cooldown they have to get to you and you should be able to pick the pt off pretty easily.




I just teached you how to sniper. You're welcome.

Edited by Evolixe
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Stay back and tell your team to lead ahead and attempt to slow down the PT and Jugg as much as possible.


When they start breaching defenses, use hardstuns and roll away to "reset" the effort.

The Jugg should never be able to reach you without using 2 leaps and a push in the first place. And then you should still have your roll.



The lightning sorc is your only real trouble, whom you can LoS or just eat given your healer has you for the time being.



People are stupid, so in solo ranked that Sorc will probably dive on you with all cooldowns even if his buddies aren't anywhere near you yet. If you survive that burst, the melee will have used pretty much every cooldown they have to get to you and you should be able to pick the pt off pretty easily.




I just teached you how to sniper. You're welcome.


Lightning sorcs arent a problem bro. 60% aoe dmg reductione etc...

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A lot of trolling and insults flying around, but I have said before, there are times when I think slinger sucks, I suck, or my team sucks; and there are times when all those things seem to be great. Thats the nature of YOLO though.


Basically; you go into YOLO and you're going to get teams where your top DPS guy might complain about how you do no damage, while he sat there focusing a target not once considering a peel, but then its everyone else's fault for the loss because he lived the longest and did the most damage. Usually someone in a class like Jugg where they are going to be targeted last just due to taking longest to kill. Peels are something few people ever worry about even when protecting their healer, let alone other DPS.


You also have people that want to just go charging up the ramp and across the bridge a lot with the singe strategy of knocking someone off so they can focus a target. Thats not great for a slinger either as you just open up the back end for stealth to come up. One thing you can do as a sniper is plant and get your stealth detection going for the back side., but again; your team is probably trying to just charge in with little thought to that.


Believe it or not, the best matches I have had is when we have 2 slingers. Then people start paying attention and you can get back to back to pick up stealth in either direction and players are more willing to take a "hold your ground" kind of strategy rather than just charge into the fight.


It's also good to get the other team to think about focusing the other "squishy" target, which could be another sniper, but a sage or merc seems to be a favorite as well. This is time where you yourself might want to think about giving a peel, or aiding with your group DCDs in diversion and scrambling field.



When all that group oriented stuff fails, its easy to get frustrated as a slinger. Especially as you watch some of the FOTMs that are solo superstars, and act like you should be able to do that solo as well; but you should ignore them or roll one of those solo king classes, because slinger is not one and neither are 5 out of 8 of the classes.

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Stay back and tell your team to lead ahead and attempt to slow down the PT and Jugg as much as possible.


When they start breaching defenses, use hardstuns and roll away to "reset" the effort.

The Jugg should never be able to reach you without using 2 leaps and a push in the first place. And then you should still have your roll.



The lightning sorc is your only real trouble, whom you can LoS or just eat given your healer has you for the time being.



People are stupid, so in solo ranked that Sorc will probably dive on you with all cooldowns even if his buddies aren't anywhere near you yet. If you survive that burst, the melee will have used pretty much every cooldown they have to get to you and you should be able to pick the pt off pretty easily.




I just teached you how to sniper. You're welcome.


Yeah, this post shows me you have absolutely no idea how to play Sniper in Arenas. But since you virtually only play Shadow/Sin that doesn't surprise me.

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