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Wow, no patch today


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I too have a dream to spend the holidays working on a game instead of with silly things like family.


Employees over at CIG volunteered to work over the holiday to make sure the latest update Star Citizen's pre-alpha Arena Commander 1.0 module is accessible to everyone with the least amount of issues possible.


Bioware simply doesn't care...and why should they with people whoring out to the cartel market all the time haha.

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Employees over at CIG volunteered to work over the holiday to make sure the latest update Star Citizen's pre-alpha Arena Commander 1.0 module is accessible to everyone with the least amount of issues possible.


Bioware simply doesn't care...and why should they with people whoring out to the cartel market all the time haha.


Come on.


The game is up. The expansion is active and playable - there is lag on some (not all) servers - it is available to everyone that purchased it - what you are looking for is perfection, and that's just silly. If you can log into and play the game, there ya go.

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I have been complaining a lot lately myself, but after seeing this thread and the attitude of the OP, I think I'm going to stop and remind myself more often that these people are PEOPLE too. The OP is ridiculous complaining at this time. I'd rather the Developers go and enjoy the holidays, come back refreshed and ready for a busy new year.
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If there were a patch today, you'd just be here whining about the time they have to take the servers down for, then the time downloading the patch itself. Probably something along the lines of picking the worst time to patch because YOU are on vacation or something.
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While there are most certainly things I would have liked to have seen fixed before Christmas, the game, as it is, is still playable. I much prefer that they didn't drop something completely game breaking with no one around to fix it until the new year.


This sums it up nicely.


OP If we've all been playing the same game, then it's always had bugs. Get over yourself and let the people at BioWare take some well earned rest during the festive season.

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Employees over at CIG volunteered to work over the holiday to make sure the latest update Star Citizen's pre-alpha Arena Commander 1.0 module is accessible to everyone with the least amount of issues possible.


Bioware simply doesn't care...and why should they with people whoring out to the cartel market all the time haha.




Sign me up for the world in which every employee across the country gets 2-weeks paid vacation for Christmas (except customer service, since you guys talk about them like they're a different species).....


I'm sorry, but you guys are living in fantasy-land. That or you just don't know what it's like to have a job. See, people get a certain amount of time for vacation each year, depending on their job. Some people put in to have their vacation time around the holidays, some people put in to have it during the summer, some during spring, and others during Thanksgiving. And all employers stagger their employees vacations so that their entire company isn't on vacation all at the same time, and all your work doesn't get halted because of it.


To say that it's completely understandable that there's no patch to fix the myriad off issues that really do need fixing asap simply because they're off for Christmas......it's no wonder this game has so many issues if a majority of they're devs took off the last 2 weeks for Thursday's holiday 2-weeks after dropping a completely buggy "expansion". It's an undisputed fact that gameplay has been significantly worsened since that patch dropped, BW has admitted as much. And just how much time off are they taking all at once? You all seem to think they've been off all last week, this week, and then what, next week too for New Years? Seriously, find me a job where I get off for almost an entire month for a 1-day holiday.


Personally, I get Thursday off and Friday off. And that's it. Both of my sisters get just tomorrow and Friday plus the weekend......See, we have real jobs, which means we a have responsibility. Which in turn means that we don't WANT tons of time off at the same time, and especially when everyone else is off too.....


Responsibility means not throwing your hands up in the air and saying "Screw the product, we need vacation NOW."


That there's no patch this week means that they're not implementing the fixes that didn't make it into the last patch (ie stuff was almost done last week), and helping fix the critical issues currently plaguing them.


Honestly, if someone bought you SWTOR for Christmas, and you're first experience playing the game is with all the ability delay, framerate issues, lag, and what-not, you'd turn off the game and call it a piece of ****.


It's hurting them more than it's hurting us, and just walking out of the office because "it's a holiday and everyone gets 2-weeks off" shows that they just plain don't care.


And why would they? They're re-selling old gambling packs and people are eating them up....the irony of course being that the items in the re-sold packs are mostly re-colors of stuff they just sold you during the last "deal on re-sold packs".


The devs think we sub so that we can buy **** from the CM, in truth we sub because there's a game to play. They couldn't be more fundamentally out of touch.


EDIT: I'm not trying to be a scrooge here and say the employees don't need vacation, or time for the holidays, but you guys are implying that BW has been shut down, light's off, heat off, until January 2nd. The world just doesn't work that way, and it's fair to ask why there isn't a patch today.

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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Sign me up for the world in which every employee across the country gets 2-weeks paid vacation for Christmas (except customer service, since you guys talk about them like they're a different species).....


I'm sorry, but you guys are living in fantasy-land. That or you just don't know what it's like to have a job. See, people get a certain amount of time for vacation each year, depending on their job. Some people put in to have their vacation time around the holidays, some people put in to have it during the summer, some during spring, and others during Thanksgiving. And all employers stagger their employees vacations so that their entire company isn't on vacation all at the same time, and all your work doesn't get halted because of it.


To say that it's completely understandable that there's no patch to fix the myriad off issues that really do need fixing asap simply because they're off for Christmas......it's no wonder this game has so many issues if a majority of they're devs took off the last 2 weeks for Thursday's holiday 2-weeks after dropping a completely buggy "expansion". It's an undisputed fact that gameplay has been significantly worsened since that patch dropped, BW has admitted as much. And just how much time off are they taking all at once? You all seem to think they've been off all last week, this week, and then what, next week too for New Years? Seriously, find me a job where I get off for almost an entire month for a 1-day holiday.


Personally, I get Thursday off and Friday off. And that's it. Both of my sisters get just tomorrow and Friday plus the weekend......See, we have real jobs, which means we a have responsibility. Which in turn means that we don't WANT tons of time off at the same time, and especially when everyone else is off too.....


Responsibility means not throwing your hands up in the air and saying "Screw the product, we need vacation NOW."


That there's no patch this week means that they're not implementing the fixes that didn't make it into the last patch (ie stuff was almost done last week), and helping fix the critical issues currently plaguing them.


Honestly, if someone bought you SWTOR for Christmas, and you're first experience playing the game is with all the ability delay, framerate issues, lag, and what-not, you'd turn off the game and call it a piece of ****.


It's hurting them more than it's hurting us, and just walking out of the office because "it's a holiday and everyone gets 2-weeks off" shows that they just plain don't care.


And why would they? They're re-selling old gambling packs and people are eating them up....the irony of course being that the items in the re-sold packs are mostly re-colors of stuff they just sold you during the last "deal on re-sold packs".


The devs think we sub so that we can buy **** from the CM, in truth we sub because there's a game to play. They couldn't be more fundamentally out of touch.


EDIT: I'm not trying to be a scrooge here and say the employees don't need vacation, or time for the holidays, but you guys are implying that BW has been shut down, light's off, heat off, until January 2nd. The world just doesn't work that way, and it's fair to ask why there isn't a patch today.


Agree. I worked in the service sector for 5 years, and the most days off I could get around holidays were 2-3. SWTOR is a service, and BW is its provider, meaning that they should work even harder than usual to satisfy the users during holiday season, not taking time off and calling it a day. People will be playing a lot more than usual, and there will be re-subs and new subs, this should be the time for BW to show how great a game SWTOR is. Instead we are going into the holidays with a buggy expansion full of balance issues. But at least we have 12 Days of Swtor crap market deals, yay!

Edited by Pantokratorx
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Agree. I worked in the service sector for 5 years, and the most days off I could get around holidays were 2-3. SWTOR is a service, and BW is its provider, meaning that they should work even harder than usual to satisfy the users during holiday season, not taking time off and calling it a day. People will be playing a lot more than usual, and there will be re-subs and new subs, this should be the time for BW to show how great a game SWTOR is. Instead we are going into the holidays with a buggy expansion full of balance issues. But at least we have 12 Days of Swtor crap market deals, yay!


The exact opposite is true - fewer people play during the holidays because they are spending time with their families. Don't you think we are being a tad dramatic here?

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Dont worry though the Cartel market is working as intended.


There may not be any patches or discussion about the lag or the bugs but they are on hand to tell us which pack they are selling each day.


As for entitlement I fear anyone who has worked in the service industry knows you don't get Christmas off to spend with you family unless you have seniority. Even retail is busiest around the Christmas period so you don't get to take 2 weeks off before Christmas to spend with your family. While it would be nice to live in a world where we dont have to work for a living plenty of people do have to work through the holidays or be on call.


Whether thats BW policy who knows but given they sold a product that was full of bugs and are pimping the cartel market during the festive season, it would suggest they want your cash. So might not be the best time to take a vacation.

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Ah, the same QQ thread every year. You know how a lot of companies have this thing called "Christmas Leave?" Yeah, BioWare employees get it too. They are not mindless drones who slave away through the holidays for the thankless masses. They get time off to spend with their families, just like you.

umm thats all fine and dandy , what have they been doing for the last week then?

the game is unplayable in a 16m OP

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Sign me up for the world in which every employee across the country gets 2-weeks paid vacation for Christmas (except customer service, since you guys talk about them like they're a different species).....


I'm sorry, but you guys are living in fantasy-land. That or you just don't know what it's like to have a job. See, people get a certain amount of time for vacation each year, depending on their job. Some people put in to have their vacation time around the holidays, some people put in to have it during the summer, some during spring, and others during Thanksgiving. And all employers stagger their employees vacations so that their entire company isn't on vacation all at the same time, and all your work doesn't get halted because of it.


To say that it's completely understandable that there's no patch to fix the myriad off issues that really do need fixing asap simply because they're off for Christmas......it's no wonder this game has so many issues if a majority of they're devs took off the last 2 weeks for Thursday's holiday 2-weeks after dropping a completely buggy "expansion". It's an undisputed fact that gameplay has been significantly worsened since that patch dropped, BW has admitted as much. And just how much time off are they taking all at once? You all seem to think they've been off all last week, this week, and then what, next week too for New Years? Seriously, find me a job where I get off for almost an entire month for a 1-day holiday.


Personally, I get Thursday off and Friday off. And that's it. Both of my sisters get just tomorrow and Friday plus the weekend......See, we have real jobs, which means we a have responsibility. Which in turn means that we don't WANT tons of time off at the same time, and especially when everyone else is off too.....


Responsibility means not throwing your hands up in the air and saying "Screw the product, we need vacation NOW."


That there's no patch this week means that they're not implementing the fixes that didn't make it into the last patch (ie stuff was almost done last week), and helping fix the critical issues currently plaguing them.


Honestly, if someone bought you SWTOR for Christmas, and you're first experience playing the game is with all the ability delay, framerate issues, lag, and what-not, you'd turn off the game and call it a piece of ****.


It's hurting them more than it's hurting us, and just walking out of the office because "it's a holiday and everyone gets 2-weeks off" shows that they just plain don't care.


And why would they? They're re-selling old gambling packs and people are eating them up....the irony of course being that the items in the re-sold packs are mostly re-colors of stuff they just sold you during the last "deal on re-sold packs".


The devs think we sub so that we can buy **** from the CM, in truth we sub because there's a game to play. They couldn't be more fundamentally out of touch.


EDIT: I'm not trying to be a scrooge here and say the employees don't need vacation, or time for the holidays, but you guys are implying that BW has been shut down, light's off, heat off, until January 2nd. The world just doesn't work that way, and it's fair to ask why there isn't a patch today.


You must be a real treat around the holidays. Only thing you are missing is a "slap in the face" section.


How do the CM packs being up affect you? Does it negatively impact your game play or is it depriving you of something? I always been super curious about why people get so worked up about that.


That said it's pretty clear you dont work in the software industry or if you do you have limited exposure. As was explaining in a prior post companies weigh the cost benefit of a patch when they are going to have employees most likely out for the next 2-3 work days and a short work week next week along with vacations.


If it goes in and breaks something worse then what? With a code base this size a lot of **** can happen, they haD SoR on beta some of the issues in live weren't present there (big problem). Knowing this it is only natural to be hesitant about dropping a fix on a short a week. It's really common sense and should not insight anger and a rant. Unless the Cartel Packs are really what have you twisted up.


This does not mean they arent working on fixes, if they had a fix that would resolve everything with a low chance of blowing something up they would drop it ASAP.


They main mistake they made was dropping it likely too close to the holidays they should've done earlier so this was ironed out by now or held SoR till Jan. (Among other issues of course like why is the PTS not producing the same results as the live servers? *** did no one test PvP & Bolster with the current brackets? ect).


Have a Merry Christmas everyone and anyone at BW that is still working this week.

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Sign me up for the world in which every employee across the country gets 2-weeks paid vacation for Christmas (except customer service, since you guys talk about them like they're a different species).....


I'm sorry, but you guys are living in fantasy-land. That or you just don't know what it's like to have a job. See, people get a certain amount of time for vacation each year, depending on their job. Some people put in to have their vacation time around the holidays, some people put in to have it during the summer, some during spring, and others during Thanksgiving. And all employers stagger their employees vacations so that their entire company isn't on vacation all at the same time, and all your work doesn't get halted because of it.


To say that it's completely understandable that there's no patch to fix the myriad off issues that really do need fixing asap simply because they're off for Christmas......it's no wonder this game has so many issues if a majority of they're devs took off the last 2 weeks for Thursday's holiday 2-weeks after dropping a completely buggy "expansion". It's an undisputed fact that gameplay has been significantly worsened since that patch dropped, BW has admitted as much. And just how much time off are they taking all at once? You all seem to think they've been off all last week, this week, and then what, next week too for New Years? Seriously, find me a job where I get off for almost an entire month for a 1-day holiday.


Personally, I get Thursday off and Friday off. And that's it. Both of my sisters get just tomorrow and Friday plus the weekend......See, we have real jobs, which means we a have responsibility. Which in turn means that we don't WANT tons of time off at the same time, and especially when everyone else is off too.....


Responsibility means not throwing your hands up in the air and saying "Screw the product, we need vacation NOW."


That there's no patch this week means that they're not implementing the fixes that didn't make it into the last patch (ie stuff was almost done last week), and helping fix the critical issues currently plaguing them.


Honestly, if someone bought you SWTOR for Christmas, and you're first experience playing the game is with all the ability delay, framerate issues, lag, and what-not, you'd turn off the game and call it a piece of ****.


It's hurting them more than it's hurting us, and just walking out of the office because "it's a holiday and everyone gets 2-weeks off" shows that they just plain don't care.


And why would they? They're re-selling old gambling packs and people are eating them up....the irony of course being that the items in the re-sold packs are mostly re-colors of stuff they just sold you during the last "deal on re-sold packs".


The devs think we sub so that we can buy **** from the CM, in truth we sub because there's a game to play. They couldn't be more fundamentally out of touch.


EDIT: I'm not trying to be a scrooge here and say the employees don't need vacation, or time for the holidays, but you guys are implying that BW has been shut down, light's off, heat off, until January 2nd. The world just doesn't work that way, and it's fair to ask why there isn't a patch today.

I agree with everything you wrote, but this is all too common from MMO companies.


And my guess as to why there's no patch today: They don't wanna come in tomorrow to fix anything they break. My guess is they released 3.0 and were content to issue a few patches, now they're going to wait until the new year to do anything more.

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Yep; like I said, no one lets off an entire department for a one day holiday. Seniority gets their vacation if they want it during that time; but to excuse them for not fixing bugs which make the game unplayable for many people is extremely unsatisfactory.


The only explanation I can come up with is that EA has gutted this game so much that they only have a couple of people on staff anymore and therefore can't stagger vacation time.


The number of EA apologists posting here is astounding. Surely they could have fixed SOMETHIING in the past week.


What I find most hilarious about these bootlickers is that it is acceptable to them that the quality of SWTOR development is so bad that introducing a patch may create worse problems. Hilarious that the quality and expectations have sunk so low.


I guess it takes a real genius to make a decision to release a patch on Monday instead of Tuesday to give them an extra day "in case of ineptness"

Edited by FourPawnBenoni
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Yep; like I said, no one lets off an entire department for a one day holiday. Seniority gets their vacation if they want it during that time; but to excuse them for not fixing bugs which make the game unplayable for many people is extremely unsatisfactory.


The only explanation I can come up with is that EA has gutted this game so much that they only have a couple of people on staff anymore and therefore can't stagger vacation time.


The number of EA apologists posting here is astounding. Surely they could have fixed SOMETHIING in the past week.


What I find most hilarious about these bootlickers is that it is acceptable to them that the quality of SWTOR development is so bad that introducing a patch may create worse problems. Hilarious that the quality and expectations have sunk so low.


Again, what about the game is "unplayable"? Will it not open? Not run? What?


If you hate it - don't play - no one is forcing you to pay for a sub - I play on Ebon - and the lag issue is relatively minor, IMO.


Do you even know how coding and software companies work? It's not like there is a magic wand

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Again, what about the game is "unplayable"? Will it not open? Not run? What?


If you hate it - don't play - no one is forcing you to pay for a sub - I play on Ebon - and the lag issue is relatively minor, IMO.


Do you even know how coding and software companies work? It's not like there is a magic wand


You're awfully defensive; do you have some personal stake in EA stock or something? Besides, I never said I "hated it"...I just said it was unsatisfactory customer service. Nothing wrong with having that opinion.

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You're awfully defensive; do you have some personal stake in EA stock or something? Besides, I never said I "hated it"...I just said it was unsatisfactory customer service. Nothing wrong with having that opinion.


Yes - I run my own EA fan site - it's super fun.


When you say things like "it's unplayable" - that's just silly - it's not unplayable - there are bugs and some lags. And no, nothing wrong at all with having an opinion - but having an opinion doesn't make it correct.


When a person spends so much energy complaining, i just don't understand why they bother playing the game. This game could have actual issues - like complete glitches on boss fights, FP resets, etc - but it doesn't - at most what we have is a minor issue that is being turned into a comedy of dramatic statements.

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umm thats all fine and dandy , what have they been doing for the last week then?

the game is unplayable in a 16m OP


Hyperbole much?


I've been doing 16m ops since 3.0 landed and while it's been laggy, it's not unplayable.


This is my system:



Athlon 64 X2 6400+ dual-core clocked @ 3.2GHz

8GB Dual-channel DDR2 ram clocked @ 833 MHz

AMD 6770 PCIe 2.0 x16, 1 GB GDDR3, core clock @ 700 MHz, ram clock @ 667 MHz

240 GB Intel SSD




The two most important parts of your computer for running an MMORPG are the processor and ram, and mine are at the bottom end of the system requirements.


The only person I've seen with a legit beef in this thread is Neves, and that's only because his character is bugged and he can't even log in. But the game is hardly lagging to the point of being unplayable, unless it's something in your hardware, drivers, or ISP, and none of those Bioware can fix.

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