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AP Powertech needs a serious nerf.


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I find it hilarious that most of the people complaining are assassin, sorc and operative players. But of course, those classes are totally fine. : sarcasm : Heaven forbid troopers and bounty hunters be able to kill said classes.


People complain sorcs and sins are OP.


Claim PT's don't deserve a nerf because they're in line with sorcs and sins.


Seems *********** legit.

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13 pages in and the only people claiming everything is fine are the ones who play this spec ;)


Let's be clear: PT's burst is far from the only unbalanced feature of 3.0 pvp. However, it is the most glaring and the one that needs to be fixed the most urgently. War zones and arenas are filling up with AP PTs with the most insane burst this game has ever seen.


Once BW fixes this, they can move on to the other issues.

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13 pages in and the only people claiming everything is fine are the ones who play this spec ;)


Let's be clear: PT's burst is far from the only unbalanced feature of 3.0 pvp. However, it is the most glaring and the one that needs to be fixed the most urgently. War zones and arenas are filling up with AP PTs with the most insane burst this game has ever seen.


Once BW fixes this, they can move on to the other issues.

I had a game where our side was me (sniper), five PT's, one sin and two sorcs. The other side was a Jugg, five sorcs and two sins. We got curbstomped pretty hard.


I am still vouching for nerfing sorcs and sins first.

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I had a game where our side was me (sniper), five PT's, one sin and two sorcs. The other side was a Jugg, five sorcs and two sins. We got curbstomped pretty hard.


I am still vouching for nerfing sorcs and sins first.


I think this speaks more of your collective lack of skill ;)


Lack of skill on your side and anecdotal evidence aside, there is a reason a majority of players are complaining about AP's unbalanced burst.


And, congrats on being a team of 9 in warzone. You should work harder on the made up story :)

Edited by Pathlight-
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and in PvP they are totally overpowered. how can we deny this srly?


Because they die just as fast as they kill? Reality is the only thing that needs to change is the ICD on shoulder cannon and their super speed on HO (seriously, HO is on a 30s CD and runs faster than predation in carnage spec and that requires a secondary resource that forces a marauder to give up dps.....logic?). Aside from those two things? AP PT is fine. Its bursty, but its also super squishy.

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Because they die just as fast as they kill? Reality is the only thing that needs to change is the ICD on shoulder cannon and their super speed on HO (seriously, HO is on a 30s CD and runs faster than predation in carnage spec and that requires a secondary resource that forces a marauder to give up dps.....logic?). Aside from those two things? AP PT is fine. Its bursty, but its also super squishy.


I don't think anyone is disagreeing that those two are the changes we need...?

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I think this speaks more of your collective lack of skill ;)


Lack of skill on your side and anecdotal evidence aside, there is a reason a majority of players are complaining about AP's unbalanced burst.


And, congrats on being a team of 9 in warzone. You should work harder on the made up story :)

Could be minus one on the sin or the sorcs. For some reason, the PrintScreen doesn't work well. It was definitely five PT's though. I did only present it as one of my reasons, so I don't think I have to document it though.


And I only said I was for sorc/sin nerfs first, since your post seems to imply that before everything BW needs to "fix PT". This is obviously wrong, they can try to fix several issues in a single go. But even if they had to take things one by one, I would rather they tone down on the (in one spec un-LOSable) highest DPS in the game, and the class that has a useful response for everything.


And the complaints about sins/sorcs are much longer and numerous, so "there is a reason" argument doesn't really work that well.



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Don't like AP? Roll a Shadow and take the 5 second Resilience utility. Laugh as all their burst gets resisted (TD, Cell Burst, RP, ED all get shrugged off). The 2 sec Shroud on Cloak will also allow you to lollerskate away from their burst.


Fixing the ICD on Shoulder Cannon is a must becasue it's broken according to the tooltip. The rest of their burst is very strong but I also melt them on my Shadow.


You could also roll a TK Sage. They are crazy mobile and have excellent burst as well. Fairly survivable if played well.


Or you could stop queueing for solo and get a team together and play group ranked. Then you would always have a guard and heals ready to counter them. Just saying.

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Because they die just as fast as they kill? Reality is the only thing that needs to change is the ICD on shoulder cannon and their super speed on HO (seriously, HO is on a 30s CD and runs faster than predation in carnage spec and that requires a secondary resource that forces a marauder to give up dps.....logic?). Aside from those two things? AP PT is fine. Its bursty, but its also super squishy.


Kind of how I feel at the moment. I've played VG for a long time, and have been playing AP a lot lately. The burst can be devastating, but in ranked 4s, it can be ignored by several classes and mediated by several others.


Saber Reflect, Resilience, Roll, Barrier, etc...There is also enough warning that it's coming to pop an adrenal or a DCD if you can't do any of the above.


Fix Shoulder Cannon, either make it 4 missiles or put an ICD back on it. HtL lightspeed run is silly, but there really isn't much else to take. Give a heroic utility option that beefs up Shield or AF and I'd take it over HtL.


if my burst doesn't kill you, I'm dead. AF is weak in Tactics unless everyone decides to stop attacking me and let me actually heal back up to 35%, only to immediately die thereafter.

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Because they die just as fast as they kill? Reality is the only thing that needs to change is the ICD on shoulder cannon and their super speed on HO (seriously, HO is on a 30s CD and runs faster than predation in carnage spec and that requires a secondary resource that forces a marauder to give up dps.....logic?). Aside from those two things? AP PT is fine. Its bursty, but its also super squishy.


This is spot on.

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Fix Shoulder Cannon, either make it 4 missiles or put an ICD back on it. HtL lightspeed run is silly, but there really isn't much else to take. Give a heroic utility option that beefs up Shield or AF and I'd take it over HtL.


I wouldn't mind having the pyro talent that reduces the CD on kolto when attacked and has a defensive bonus being a utility instead. Was one of the reasons I liked pyro over AP pre 3.0 when AP was all the rage for the aoe in ranked. I miss my flares too :(

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That ability (sin tank one) must hit hard with recklessness, because there's a pair of sins on our server (Ivy and Frost, sure you know them) that used to run dark maul. Now, they just run tank spec in full DPS gear minus shield, and Iso (think that's frost) took me down 30-40% of my HP with one use of that ability. Not even kidding. May have been cause I was on my op and lolsquishy, but I dunno.


That's exactly what I do. With Recless and 174 I get 20 - 23k in 2.9sec every 1m 15. This cannot be done with 7 missiles. Off cd is an unfair advantage yet Cell burst, as noticed before, might be 14k every 15s.

The sin tank build is a test. Hatred does x dmg.

Edited by Aetideus
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I wouldn't mind having the pyro talent that reduces the CD on kolto when attacked and has a defensive bonus being a utility instead. Was one of the reasons I liked pyro over AP pre 3.0 when AP was all the rage for the aoe in ranked. I miss my flares too :(




Adrenaline Fueled in Tactics is just a week heal, which currently can just be burst through without much effort. It's almost a placebo effect at this point. "I popped AF, I'll live another 8 sec...oh wait, nevermind I'm dead."


Give me the defense chance as an ability called "30% defense chance" Tying it to sonic round (and energy rebounder, which I take sometimes in regs.) Handcuffs the ability completely. Here's a single ability that has a function as a Taunt/DCD/Raid-DCD at once. And if I'm trying to Energy Rebounder (taunt) for people, it means I'm not taking a lot of damage myself.


The CDR on the shield is nice, but it's just the most textbook proactive DCD a class could have.And if not DR increase for AF, at least make a utility allow to heal up to any percentage.

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I don't know, it clearly has an advantage. I can't get in a WZ ranked or unranked without seeing 6 PT's and 5 lightning sorcs. Their's a reason...because it's easy mode. I'm not advocating for the nerf bat, but unless you want a season of who's the best PT for the next season of ranked, something's going to have to change.
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And it can only be used that rapidly at the start and even then so what? Heatseekers and Ambush have a flat 15 second cooldown, and the latter ability has a autocrit for the first and the second time its used.


Snips and Mercs would appreciate having the AP rotation AND Ambush or HM...

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lol - that's me with tactics. when I finally get frustrated with all the tactics and AP guys rolling over me in plasmatech, I'll hop over to the tactics VG, knock out a few pvp dailies and craft some augment kits. honestly, though, it feels cheap to play that spec, even if its survivability is low. the particularly frustrating thing is that plasmatech survivability is lower, and (therefore?) I get singled-out and focused first more often on the plasmatech! eesh.


Playing Plasma I dont think that the survivability is that lower. The problem is the bugged Adrenaline.

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Playing Plasma I dont think that the survivability is that lower. The problem is the bugged Adrenaline.


considering the time you need on target to build up dmg, it's exponentially lower. and the cleave is weak sauce as far as punishing enemies for stacking.

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considering the time you need on target to build up dmg, it's exponentially lower. and the cleave is weak sauce as far as punishing enemies for stacking.


Seriously, 1.2-1.4k ticks of an ability that takes a decent amount of set up that can be interrupted and walked out of is crazy. The tooltip damage for the tank specs new ability is way higher than the tooltip damage for buffed PC/FT.


The new Assassin tank lightning is even higher.

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Why does Tactics have 7 rockets???

They switch the specs and I see no reason for also switching the number of SC missiles.

That needs to go asap and also icd fixed.

If you play that spec and say it doesn't need a nerf you can ask BW for a FOTM nameplate ;)

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Seriously, 1.2-1.4k ticks of an ability that takes a decent amount of set up that can be interrupted and walked out of is crazy. The tooltip damage for the tank specs new ability is way higher than the tooltip damage for buffed PC/FT.


The new Assassin tank lightning is even higher.


The assassin tank depredating volts may hit 23k, but is not playable imo as Hatred.

Getting 4k ticks from PG and not full 174. PG can be preloaded with EC and does not take that time.

Needs a fix on Adrenaline on reducing the cd which is bugged. The input even from PVErs is that the dmg is not where it should be, so BW should fix it for...Nim.

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Seriously, 1.2-1.4k ticks of an ability that takes a decent amount of set up that can be interrupted and walked out of is crazy. The tooltip damage for the tank specs new ability is way higher than the tooltip damage for buffed PC/FT.


The new Assassin tank lightning is even higher.


Ya the cleave needs to do more damage.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...
they seem pretty balanced to me if you compare them to sorcs and sins


my balance fix would be:


1) remove force storm crit / surge buff from lightning sorc tree

2) reduce dot spread damage for sins and sorcs (like dots do 50% of damage on the targets they were spread to)

3) Make shoulder cannon respect the gcd


Might not fix everything but a lot of the big issues atm would be fixed like this, imho.


I would like to congratulate this guy on the most accurate prediction I've seen this year.

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