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Original companions are completely useless now that we have Treek and HK-51


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I guess I'm one of the few who still prefers Mako and Hk to just about everyone else. I completely dislike Treek. I don't doubt her effectiveness, I just don't ever, ever want to use her.

And ^that,^ too.


As a primarily damager-Merc, Mako is the first companion you get, and the last one you will ever need. For a heal-Merc, you have to wait till Torian joins you (end of Imp-Taris), and then happily let him just wreck everything.


(Granted that it doesn't hurt that I find it impossible not to adore Mako's character <3)


On my first few Gunslingers, I went right to level-cap with Corso --not "optimal" by any means, but as long as you keep both of "yourselves" geared, and mind the limitations of the "Gank = tank" paradigm, then again, just fine. Then Guss, then at end-level, geared Risha, or geared Akaavi.


Sorry, but Treek is a crutch for noobs and bads. Fullstop/end-of, no two ways around it.

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Quote: Originally Posted by XorrOn View Post

Can anyone give me some info on if it's possible to solo the HK chain at 60? I think there are some flashpoints (?) you need to complete for teh HK companion and you also need a level 15 republic character?


I solod it at 55 so see no reason you couldnt solo it at 60


The flashpoints are ultra easy now,

They have been nerfed and depopulated to such a degree that only the boss fights are even remotely interesting (and only a couple of those truth be told, most are simple dps them down with no tactics involved)


The only downside to HK quest solo is time it takes


I did it 1 full time at 55

Got half way through a 2nd solo run and said s"screw it" and just started to buy the HKs each month with my sub cartel coins.


but I was looking at like 12 more HKs needed so just saved time and energy buying them


Do wish there was an account unlock after running the quest once on each side though

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Mako is cute and tough. And ruthless sometimes. Perfect for my BH

Elara's accent and poise is sexy as hell

Qyzen is the epitome of tank -tough skinned, determined, scary -perfect tank

Akaavi and her "stay down fool!" is just awesome

I love Vette

Lord Scourge's sarcastic dark personality is just magnetic

Kalyio is cyberpunk anarchistic bad-*** terrorist


as so on.


Then we have Treek. No reason rp-wise to use her. Just an excuse for lame players to faceroll the content and then complain that the game is getting dumber.

And it is an Ewok -and all the bad things in Star Wars stared with Ewoks. I can even believe they could live on Endor. But why there's a one accompanying Emperor's Wrath, or Havoc Squad several thousands years prior to Battle of Endor is just beyond me.


Seriously, even healing companions seem too extreme at some level of player (and legacy) experience. To think that someone needs Treek to feel safe -well I personally would be ashamed to admit I need Treek to clear some content.


Or maybe, just a thought, it explains all those happy people stating they didn't get no trouble with the silvers buffed? That would explain a lot. I bet if they gave us a GODMODE people would happily use it. And complain the game is too easy.

Edited by jstankaroslo
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there's something odd going on with oricon champs. I used to be able to solo them with no issues, treek or no treek on all of my 55ves. post 3.0? nope. not happening. actualy on my scoundrel, switching to Treek made it worse - with Risha, I derped and died at 2 % because I didn't heal up in time. With Treek, couldn't even get that champ down to under 50%.


ever since 3.0 I've noticed that my most effective companions are actualy of dps variety. I used to hate questing as dps with dps comp. but now it seems to work out best for me, mainly due to how much squishier both my characters and companions feel, so at least as double dps combo, I manage to burn stuff down fast enough that they don't manage to make much of a dent in me.


so no. older companions are far from useless with Treek and HK in game.


in fact, I personally found HK to be the most useless companion. his one awesome abilities, iMO requires too much of a build up and then wait for it to go off. first HK I got because I wanted to see the quest chain. second HK I got, becasue I heard he makes leveling better. not by much at all IMO. third HK I got solely because could of friends wanted to do the quest pub side, and I wanted to see if there were any differences (not anything significant). I'm never bothering to get another HK again.


Treek for me is basically a filler companion until I get the one I really want to be playing with. (like in case of my gunslinger - it was Guss, or Talos for my assassin) that and I used her on my operatives cause Kallio irritates me and SCORPIO is annoying as hell to gear, thanks to droid gear limitations. I think I'm going to try Reina and Vector again, given my experiences with dps companions on my other characters.

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wow really


treek is a feature as is HK , enjoy the feature or not it's up to you. Playing with either isn't lame or stupid or a sign of anything, you are just playing a game. Yet if you are judging said people for what comp they roll with well.... that is kinda lame and not cool.......just saying xD. Pre 3.0 there may have been a slight advantage over both, but me actually playing the game have found that they are definitely not as effective. Each comp has str. and weakness to master, they are situational and why BW gave you the chance to obtain so many. For their Crew Skill bonuses alone you are lacking in some "departments" if you do not have them already, so not sure why either bares so much hate here, but it's awful funny.


I am highly entertained TY

Edited by krisknife
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Really funny and pretty sad that people would even say that the regular companions are "useless". :rolleyes:

Every companion is useful if you keep them geared properly, and you don't have to spend a million credits or gobs of cartel coins to get them. Though the precedent has been set and all of you with Treek are ruining this game.



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Really funny and pretty sad that people would even say that the regular companions are "useless". :rolleyes:

Every companion is useful if you keep them geared properly, and you don't have to spend a million credits or gobs of cartel coins to get them. Though the precedent has been set and all of you with Treek are ruining this game.




Bit of the pot calling the kettle isn't it? Agree that "useless" was a bit hyperbolic, but so is "ruining the game". It is a choice, nothing more. You don't have to use Treek and even if you have Treek it doesn't mean other companions aren't important to gear and use.

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Bit of the pot calling the kettle isn't it? Agree that "useless" was a bit hyperbolic, but so is "ruining the game". It is a choice, nothing more. You don't have to use Treek and even if you have Treek it doesn't mean other companions aren't important to gear and use.


It sure is.

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That asinine, borderline pay-to-win-in-principle teddy-bear doesn't do anything that you couldn't do before, just a little more conveniently.




Pay-to-win? I don't think that means what you think it does.

To my knowledge Treek can't get into Warzones or Operations, and there certainly wasn't any companion that could heal and tank.


Beyond that, I find it slightly disingenuous that there are players out there slighting the ability of those players that choose to run with a heal companion or perish the thought Treek. When they themselves are probably running the end game dailies on a character with near Best-in-slot mods and full augments.

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Yea I crafted all the armoring myself. For the mods and enhancements I ended up using all my saved up basic comms to buy the Yavin gloves from the Basic Comms vendor on fleet and ripped those out. (The gloves have both power mods and enhancements). I also crafted the barrels, implants, and ears though you can also buy the implants and ears from the basic vendor. I crafted overkill augments as well for all the pieces.


Nice. Yeah, it will be a while for me, but it will be done.

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Well, folks can complain about how Treek and the companions use is ruining the game and so on....


....just make sure you ignore that little fuzzy loquacious companion they have running around with them.


It is NOT Treek. It only looks, sounds and acts like Treek....but it isn't.


It's a gremlin. True story.

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I've had more success on the Oricon H2 as a dps with a tank than as a dps with a healer.


Those champions have so much CC that it just seems better to enter the dps race with your tank eating the CC while you burn it down, as opposed to you spending half the fight stunned / knocked down while your healer comp tries to keep you alive.

I've had the best success by just grouping with another player ;)

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Every classes melee DPS companion in bleed stance (all abilities have a chance to inflict a bleed effect) are the top DPSing companions in the game, even over HK-51.


On my assassin I geared up every companion with equivalent mods from the vendor and crafted implants/earpieces. I parsed them against the dummies with parsec. Any non-DPS abilities were turned off (such as CCs, heals, taunts).


Ashara (pure melee DPS) in bleed stance topped the chart with 1796 DPS. Ashara in armor penetration stance is 1491 DPS.


Second place was tied between Revel (pure ranged DPS) and HK-51. Revel in single-target stance put out 1456 DPS, while HK put out a very close 1404 DPS.


At the bottom of the chart were Talos (ranged healer/DPS) at 945 DPS, and Treek with 954 DPS in heal stance and 1034 DPS in tank stance.


What was clear is that any companion with a dual role ended up suffering in DPS because of the ability slots wasted on the other role. This was especially true with Talos, since only two of his abilities were for damage, the rest were for heals.


TL;DR: Pure melee DPS companion in bleed stance has better DPS than any other companion

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That is great to know. :D


Considering you mentioned single-target from Andronikos, is that the best one for Ranged DPS companion then?


Area-target revel was very close at 1425 DPS, so I think for general use like dailies, the area one would be better.


One thing to note is that cybertechs can craft better-than-198 droid gear, so while HK might not perform as well with equal gear as anyone else, he is able to be upgraded very cheaply with very powerful gear. That will be my next thing to test :D

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