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Original companions are completely useless now that we have Treek and HK-51


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IMO the only companion funnier than either is Gus.


Gault. And Blizz. Well, Gault is funny because he whines about things like not having silk shirts and the like. Blizz is funny because he is freaking adorable giving me weapons for gifts and his eagerness to help me (too cute to really use in battle, so I claim I keep him working to save my Mantis from my mechanical ineptitude).


Doc is great for laughs. "Yeah, ruined shirts seem like a small thing to worry about when you run with planet destroying friends."-type comments.


Kira: " Whatcha got, Kira? Oh nothing, just the key to saving [the planet]." She would make a better Supreme Chancellor than either of the ones in-game.


Talos is great. "Are we dea-oh, we won! Great!" He's what, forty-odd years old (clearly not related to Quinn who has been frozen in age-time), give him an artifact and he's like a happy child.


Khem's the straight man in the comedy duo. "I have an excellent sabaac face. That was a joke. I hate sabaac." A joke.

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Then do so. The only person making you use Treek or HK is you.


well when the choice is fail often and use the crappy companion or succeed and use the much more powerful companion its not really much of an option. I want to be able to succeed regardless of which companion I want to use. Why should Treek be so much better that I have to gimp myself if I don't want to use it?

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well when the choice is fail often and use the crappy companion or succeed and use the much more powerful companion its not really much of an option. I want to be able to succeed regardless of which companion I want to use. Why should Treek be so much better that I have to gimp myself if I don't want to use it?


If you are failing often, I am fairly sure the issue is not your companions.


Just a thought.

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well when the choice is fail often and use the crappy companion or succeed and use the much more powerful companion its not really much of an option. I want to be able to succeed regardless of which companion I want to use. Why should Treek be so much better that I have to gimp myself if I don't want to use it?


Hmm. Non-treek/HK owners do just fine without them. I went a full 1-60 without using nor owning either. At 60, I decided to finish HK's quest just to clear it off my logs.


My troopers are happy to toss their old gear on companions, and my Cybertech Guard is working wonders for Forex.

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I am having my cybertech craft the new droid 186 parts and such for my Operative's Scorpio. I always felt that Treeks lack of a direct taunt is one reason champions will often bypass her and go straight to you.


I loved Scorpio as a tank and hoped we could one day get her properly geared. With the new droid parts the new legacy 192 techstaff and shield and crafted implants/earpiece I am going to see how she does Yavin IV.

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I don't care if she can shoot laser beams of insta-death and fly at 200% speed, I'm not using a gosh darned Ewok for a companion! She's creepy, sounds annoying, and would look silly with my characters. I refuse! *stomps foot* :p


I really wish that Bioware would either find some way to update and/or add versatility to our class companions (even if it is CM "role kit" item or something), or at least add some cool looking, non-irritating new companions to the CM that are as awesome as Treek. Until then, don't mind me. I'll be over here playing (carefully) with various "non-optimal" companions because I prefer them to the more convenient/safe choices.

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There was no personal attack on my part. Only pointing out a possibility.


I NEVER even used Treek while leveling, and alas, I do not remember failing because of it.


if you ever played a jedi knight or a bounty hunter merc speced heals you would know how fun both those classes are as you don't get a healer till you get to balmorra's end so what is that 7 or 8 worlds till you have a healer and as for when bounty hunters get a tank who knows I always give up (keep meaning to delete my 40th level BH and restart as a tank since BHs get their healer as the starting companion)


sure it is possible I got my first JKG to 40th level and through to balmorra by taking biomed and crossing my fingers but when you look at other classes and the way they get their companions you notice a BIG difference to the leveling performance ..


I have treek I could reequip to 40th level but not sure if I have the patience so I have just shelved some characters


I will also say Treek does make it a bit too easy as a healer if she is used as tank since she self heals a it ..


since i got treek I usually only use her but then again this isn't a big deal to me I can see the point that VERY few players use anything other than the 2 companions once unlocked since the power levels are a lot different.

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if you ever played a jedi knight or a bounty hunter merc speced heals


I have three Jedi Knights. I have two Bounty Hunters.


All LV55. Fully leveled before the 12x XP silliness and while avoiding the double XP weekends.


Your statement makes little sense to me.


Also, I do not use healers.


I prefer to use, whenever possible, either a DPS or Tank companion. As soon as I got Gault for my BH, I walked around with him until I got Torian.


With my Knight, I walked around with Kira and eventually... well, you only need to take a look at my avatar to get there presumably.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I loved Scorpio as a tank and hoped we could one day get her properly geared. With the new droid parts the new legacy 192 techstaff and shield and crafted implants/earpiece I am going to see how she does Yavin IV.

Very good idea. How does the new techstaff model look?


Most of the techstaves in the game look a little silly -- like two pillows on each end of a stick. It would be nice if the legacy one is a bit snazzier.

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I have three Jedi Knights. I have two Bounty Hunters.


All LV55. Fully leveled before the 12x XP silliness and while avoiding the double XP weekends.


Your statement makes little sense to me.


Also, I do not use healers.


I prefer to use, whenever possible, either a DPS or Tank companion. As soon as I got Gault for my BH, I walked around with him until I got Torian.


With my Knight, I walked around with Kira and eventually... well, you only need to take a look at my avatar to get there presumably.


Not saying you CAN'T do it ..but for me it is a bit unbalanced and always was when some classes get companions in a seriously different order..


I hate building DPS for PvP soling and then rebuilding tank for instances and without the bonuses you get later on to presence the leveling though possible is a lot harder.


pre SoR I did have a tank BH and hard no problems with green heroics 2+ but haven't tested it since I came back as even my trooper is a pain as VG unless I go DPS..


sadly the game is NOW way easier with DPS BUT i never play DPS so I guess as far as it goes I am screwed

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This is what I had suggested as a new companion....a REAL tank.


I would say it should be a Gen'Dai pure melee tank. I would suggest the following equipment and abilities.....


The Gen'dai Flame in game



Main Attribute: Strength and/or Aim



Armor Proficiency: Adaptive, Focus, Heavy, Light, Medium, Shield Generator


Weapon Proficiency: Techblade, Techstaff, Vibrosword, Electrostaff





He would come with a special techblade that looks like a huge hammer, and two sets of orange adaptive armor, one with a focus, one with a shield generator. He would be available to players as a quest at level 20, thereafter if unlocked at level 20 to all players. The armor comes with level 20 mods installed, one DPS set, one Shield stat set.


This companion would have a quest chain, like HK-51, that would originate on Nar Shadaa.





Mountain (Tank Stance) - Instant - Cooldown: 1.5s - Enters Mountain stance, increasing threat generation by 100% and shield chance by 25%.

Ground Shaker (DPS Stance) - Instant - Cooldown: 1.5s - Enters an offensive stance, increasing all damage dealt by 10% and lowering threat generation by 25%. Additionally lowers the cooldown of all attacks by 20%.


Taunt - Instant - Cooldown: 15s - Range: 30 m - Taunts the target, forcing it to attack the companion for 6 seconds.

Hammer - Instant - Cooldown: 9s - Range: 4 m - A powerful attack that deals 2000 - 2100 kinetic damage and interrupts the target for 2s.

Destroy - Instant - Cooldown: 12s - Range: 4 m - A powerful attack that deals 5000 - 5200 weapon damage and increases the companion's armor rating by 25% for 20 seconds. This ability generates a high amount of threat.

Smash - Instant - Cooldown: 12s - Range: 4 m - Strikes the target for 600 - 700 weapon damage and up to 2 nearby targets for 600 - 700 weapon damage, stunning all effected targets for 2s.

Earthquake - Instant - Cooldown: 15s - Range: 4 m - Knocks down up to 5 targets in an 8-meter radius, dealing 1500 kinetic damage and stunning all effected for 4s. This ability generates a very high amount of threat.

Shockwave - Instant - Cooldown: 15s - Range: 100 m - Dashes to the target, stunning the target for 5s.

Doom (AOE Taunt)- Instant - Cooldown: 45s - Range: 15 m - Very strong challenge to all enemies within 15 meters, forcing them to attack the companion for 6 seconds.

Stone - Instant - Cooldown: 120s - Reduces all damage taken by 25% for 30 seconds.


The idea of this companion is that he would be a superior tank without any healing ability but with very strong agro management and shield capabilities, even superior to Khem Val. Almost all of his attacks would cause interrupts and knockdowns. His interrupts and knockdowns would NOT effect players, however. His attacks would be slightly stronger then Khem Val.


He would have a natural resistance to damage, with a defense boost of 15 percent, putting him at 20 percent defense as a baseline.


Of course, one of the draws of this companion, IMO, would be his huge size. He is a very tall NPC in the game, and would be the same as a companion. Certainly an intimidating sight.


I would also suggest they allow us to craft droid and train animal companions.


They would be very focused on roles (like your ship droid), have no affection or conversation, and have very specific abilities when it comes to crew skills....droids could go on missions and provide a healthy bonus, craft but not scavenge. Pets could scavenge and provide a good bonus, but could not go on missions or craft.


They would be crafted with very specific bonuses to help crafters and scavengers.


The pets and droids would disappear if they are killed.

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I still use Kaliyo on my sniper. She doesn't have to tank, she just has to hold aggro long enough for me to do my thing. In fact, she makes me be a better sniper because she can't tank like treek. I'll be damned if I use an ewok an any imperial character ever ever. As it is I only have her on a sage and a shadow. All other toons use original companions.


I would like to see them add stuff that the gsi droid has, like guard. Comp skill set variations would be awesome too.

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For starters, HK, as a droid, is significantly harder to gear than traditional companions, and in most cases, I prefer to use my MDPS companions on characters that I tank with, espeically Nadia, Kira, and Jaesa. Their PBAoE far outclasses anything HK can throw out.


On my DPS and Healer toons, I prefer to use a tank companion, despite that fact that AI tanking in the companions is terrible. Treek is a decent tank, but given that she's split focus, even in her tank stance, she's a less effective tank than companions like Khem, Iresso, Bowdarr, and Scourge. Plus, she's an ewok. I hate Ewoks. Plus, she's annoying as all hell.


I don't use healing companions unless I'm soloing a flashpoint that a DPS companion just doesn't cut it for.

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I dislike Treek , both visually and aurally, so I haven't unlocked him on any of my characters.


A common problem with tank companions is that their taunts are lacking the threat component that player taunts have. Companion taunts only force the enemy to attack the companion for six seconds, after which it goes back on the player. As such, it's very hard for them to hold aggro on a single enemy, and often enough on multiple enemies as well. I don't know if Treek rectifies this problem, since I haven't seen his abilities.

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LordA isn't that basically Bowdarr in a lot of ways ..


sure interesting idea BUT they never seemed to make one companion too much like another


Actually I used Khem Val as a template. So it is an improved version of Khem Val for all players.


Treek is a good tank IMO, but not the best. IMO Khem is one of the best. And we already have ranged DPS covered with HK. So what we need, from my perspective, is a really good tank companion.

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I love treek as a companion, but never bothered getting HK, but I don't use him constantly. he's a great tank but i've only got him geared on two characters the rest of my characters I use him for crew skills (though i'm seriously considering gearing him and forgetting about bowdaar because he can't hold aggro that well).


I like the other companions, I use Treek on my Bounty Hunter, but I also use Mako, Gault, Torian, and Blizz so i've got a lot of choices with him. With my Trooper I either use Elara or Vik though i'm thinking about gearing up cat man or M1. I only use Treek with my Sith sorcerer as tank becuase I hated Khem Val, mainly anymore I use Ashara with my Sith sorcerer duel dpsing is awesome.

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I use Treek to print credits and one of the companions I like as my travelling partner. Now, with a mature legacy and all the bonuses from unlocks they are all viable. I have a feeling that at level 60 I would end up adventuring simply with the companion that mirrors my main's stats the best, so I can give him or her the endless sets of gear I get in the SoR. Save for Nadia Grell. Nothing gonna make me part with Zenith! Not even gear!!!!
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Actually I used Khem Val as a template. So it is an improved version of Khem Val for all players.


Treek is a good tank IMO, but not the best. IMO Khem is one of the best. And we already have ranged DPS covered with HK. So what we need, from my perspective, is a really good tank companion.


The AI for all Vanilla companions works pretty much the same.


The main difference comes down to them being a DPS, Tank or Healer companion.


Scourge is no better than Khem or vice-versa. They operate EXACTLY the same way, apart some minor differences in ability names and animations.


Same for Elara VS Mako or Yuun VS Akaavi.

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