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Q for a WZ and Forced to Play Arena?


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Why am I forced to play a 4v4 arena match with complete strangers and completely random team comps, when all I want to do is play a WZ? Am I the only frustrated by this?


You are not the only one frustrated by this. I almost never leave cause I feel really bad for other people when I do, and I think it's bad karma, and I believe in karma, but even I've had a day where I was just ticked off before even playing and left all of the 4v4s the second i got in so that I could reque for a 8v8.

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What are you complaining about? Arenas, that is Deathmatches, are perfect for 99,5% of the WZ players, as most of them don't go for the objectives anyways. You are probably just pissed that you cannot enjoy a nice big long-lasting zerg like for example in Voidstar or Hypergates.
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What are you complaining about? Arenas, that is Deathmatches, are perfect for 99,5% of the WZ players, as most of them don't go for the objectives anyways. You are probably just pissed that you cannot enjoy a nice big long-lasting zerg like for example in Voidstar or Hypergates.


I actually enjoy objective based WZ's. The majority of the time I spent playing WoW I spent playing rated BG's. If I wanted to pay arenas, I would go play WoW where the arena PvP system actually works and is competitive.

Edited by TripleOG
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If I had an option to only play 4v4 (or at least the option of 'preferred') I would do so in a heartbeat. There are days when I am SICK of huttball and hypergates and I just want to PvP.


I am in favor of some kind of filtering or map option where you can remove 2-3 maps from your rotation (ala Starcraft where you can remove up to 3 maps from your rotation).


Its basic, really. All the WZ maps are listed and you can 'vote down' up to 3 maps that you pefer not to play. SInce a person can't opt out of too many at once, the matchmaking algorithm should be minimally impacted.

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Why are some people so afraid of arenas?


I've tried to get into them, but when you go in and you see 3 stealth across the way and know that they can see that you are in there as a gunslinger with no tank or healer; do you know what the gameplay actually is like? Its pretty much time to brace yourself for a reaming. Mercs know what I'm talking about.


Then you really get to not be welcomed there once you are pinpointed as a class that is an easy kill in arenas. Always pleasantries to be shared when that happens.


It would be better to me if they couldn't plan for at least the first round to give you at least one shot to get the element of surprise.

Edited by Technohic
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The only time I have minded them is when I have a fresh 60 (well, 55 at the time) and I was just starting the PVP gear grind. Some chars I didn't save comms up. I felt more bad for my teammates than myself.


In any event I don't mind them but even if I did they are great because they only last a few minutes and you get a notch toward your daily/weekly objective in very quickly. So they never bother me.


I just wish I could blacklist Hypergates.

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Arena of death is a warzone. Therefore, when you play arena, you play a warzone. Your wish is contradictory.


No it isn't contradictory when he says why 4v4 arena dm when all I want is 8v8 objective based wzs. He has differentiated the two, your (and other's) lack of reading comprehension isn't his problem. DId you (and the others) really think your asinine and erroneous posts were worth making?

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Why are some people so afraid of arenas?


I was just thinking about this yesterday. I enjoy and thrive tanking/healing for the zerg at mid during ACW/NC/AHG and the heavy door on VS offense/defense. Yet I feel like I'm total trash, dead weight, whenever I get an into an arena. I'm just talking regs, not even ranked (do you even ranked bro?). You'd think it's pretty much the same thing minus the pve objectives. Maybe that's it, no pve objective to distract anyone combined with a slightly smaller group (6 vs 6 or 7 vs 7 instead of 4 vs 4) equals less chances of "hiding" in the crowd.

Edited by Ridickilis
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I've tried to get into them, but when you go in and you see 3 stealth across the way and know that they can see that you are in there as a gunslinger with no tank or healer; do you know what the gameplay actually is like? Its pretty much time to brace yourself for a reaming. Mercs know what I'm talking about.


Then you really get to not be welcomed there once you are pinpointed as a class that is an easy kill in arenas. Always pleasantries to be shared when that happens.


It would be better to me if they couldn't plan for at least the first round to give you at least one shot to get the element of surprise.

Any class can play in arenas. Especially random queue arenas. I personally don't care who I get on my team. As long as they know how to play their class they are more useful than the 3 stealth derp team on the other side. The biggest problem with any random WZ or arena is the lack of communication. People are too scared and/or too lazy to talk to each other and work together. For instance if you think that all 3 stealthers are going to jump you right away, tell your team that so they know to stick close to you. Everyone wants to go off and do their own thing especially if they already think they're going to lose right from the start. It's never a given that you're going to win or lose a match. More likely maybe, but never given. A team that actually talks to each other is a lot more likely to win than a team that just has 3 stealthers, or a healer, or a tank or whatever but doesn't talk at all.

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Any class can play in arenas. Especially random queue arenas. I personally don't care who I get on my team. As long as they know how to play their class they are more useful than the 3 stealth derp team on the other side. The biggest problem with any random WZ or arena is the lack of communication. People are too scared and/or too lazy to talk to each other and work together. For instance if you think that all 3 stealthers are going to jump you right away, tell your team that so they know to stick close to you. Everyone wants to go off and do their own thing especially if they already think they're going to lose right from the start. It's never a given that you're going to win or lose a match. More likely maybe, but never given. A team that actually talks to each other is a lot more likely to win than a team that just has 3 stealthers, or a healer, or a tank or whatever but doesn't talk at all.


Yeah, yeah. I've won my fair share too; but the other team can communicate as well and playing against another team that doesn't also works in your favore. Some classes just are better suited for it any way you slice it. it just isn't that much fun when your strategy is pretty much zeroed in on keeping your *** alive.

Edited by Technohic
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It isn't fear. It's intolerance of a poorly thought out system. No objectives, just dm, idiotic team comps. I'd rather cruise planets looking for OWpvp. That being said, I am not an arena quitter. I just don't like them.


So much this^ I find the 8v8s far more fun, more dynamic, and certainly more engaging for team play in mumble. I just think the 4v4 system in swtor is poorly done, and ranked is a joke/crapshoot with the way the current rating system works.

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It isn't fear. It's intolerance of a poorly thought out system. No objectives, just dm, idiotic team comps. I'd rather cruise planets looking for OWpvp. That being said, I am not an arena quitter. I just don't like them.


So there are no idiotic team comps in 8v8? And OWpvp has so many objectives? I'm sorry, failing to see your logic here. If you just like OWpvp more then that's fine, but saying the system is poorly thought out when the examples you gave are present elsewhere makes no sense.

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So there are no idiotic team comps in 8v8? And OWpvp has so many objectives? I'm sorry, failing to see your logic here. If you just like OWpvp more then that's fine, but saying the system is poorly thought out when the examples you gave are present elsewhere makes no sense.


Just to clear it up, when they say 'not well thought out' what they mean is that the population is too low to properly support an ELO system, which is employed in ranked. To add insult to injury the system matches similar rated players to teams before matching team ratings. SWTOR is therefore notorious for very highly rated teams being pitted against very lowly rated teams. As the seasons have gone on players have decided to sidestep the ELO system by que syncing and win trading to not have to deal with the highly rated team versus lowly rated team mismatch, and also because people just don't want to wait for hours in que, and then there are people that want rewards with no effort.


In response BW acknowledges the system isn't working as intended, and gives just a little furious rewards to get people to move along while they think of what the best way to move forward really is. In summary, 4v4 wasn't well thought out, and it isn't credible in it's current state.


And at least in my case, 8v8 objective based games are simply more fun and dynamic. I think they add a level of complexity beyond the DM mode, and I enjoy that. 4v4 would be more fun if is was populous enough to truely support an ELO system.

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Just to clear it up, when they say 'not well thought out' what they mean is that the population is too low to properly support an ELO system, which is employed in ranked. To add insult to injury the system matches similar rated players to teams before matching team ratings. SWTOR is therefore notorious for very highly rated teams being pitted against very lowly rated teams. As the seasons have gone on players have decided to sidestep the ELO system by que syncing and win trading to not have to deal with the highly rated team versus lowly rated team mismatch, and also because people just don't want to wait for hours in que, and then there are people that want rewards with no effort.


In response BW acknowledges the system isn't working as intended, and gives just a little furious rewards to get people to move along while they think of what the best way to move forward really is. In summary, 4v4 wasn't well thought out, and it isn't credible in it's current state.


And at least in my case, 8v8 objective based games are simply more fun and dynamic. I think they add a level of complexity beyond the DM mode, and I enjoy that. 4v4 would be more fun if is was populous enough to truely support an ELO system.


All of which I completely agree with except that they were talking about random solo queue. In a premade 4v4 team environment, yes, this game did it very wrong. In solo queue, it's really not any different than any other form of pvp in this game. Some like it, some don't. I personally don't care because I try to have fun no matter what and the matches are over pretty fast anyway.

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I would prefer the choice. I find arena's are either over too quickly or last too long and it becomes kinda boring. I know it is for queues etc but maybe introduce a 6v6 warzone. Smaller map and still have objective. You could do voidstar with 6v6. 1 defender still just have 5 attacking so it could work. Would prefer a new WZ though.
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