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what is the dumbest/silliest/goofiest things you've done when you 1st started


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Heh. Those were the days...


So back then you couldn't train speeder piloting I until level 25. And, there were no pocket trainers so you had to go to a trainer to train so I didn't train as often. So... I ran all over Tat on foot wondering when I would get my "speeder" quest and remarking in chat how huge the planet was not realizing I had speeder training for at least 3 or 4 levels.

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Heh. Those were the days...


So back then you couldn't train speeder piloting I until level 25. And, there were no pocket trainers so you had to go to a trainer to train so I didn't train as often. So... I ran all over Tat on foot wondering when I would get my "speeder" quest and remarking in chat how huge the planet was not realizing I had speeder training for at least 3 or 4 levels.


On my first character (Jedi Guardian DPS) I never could afford speeder piloting until I hit Corellia...yep..Tatt, Alderaan, Hoth, Belsavis, etc....all on foot.

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- Heroic on Dromund Kaas, the boss drops loot (some non-weapon offhand) and we roll. I didn't need it (I knew that much), but greed? I don't want to be greedy! Disassemble - hmm, no idea what that does, but it sounds pretty neutral, so that's what I choose.

Even better, I won the roll and disassembled the offhand into an artifact fragment. Which made me both wonder where the offhand went, and, after finding an artifact fragment in my inventory, think that I got some super mega rare item.


- During a Heroic on Tatooine, a Sorcerer reminded me to not broke CC. I had my own CC (Slice Droid) and could use it, but had no idea about the others. When I said that I can't see if a target is CCed, the Sorcerer (politely!) explained that the big purple whirlwind is a hint (earlier I did every single Heroic on Dromund Kaas, Balmorra and Nar Shadda, without any party CC knowledge).


- New ability, yay! Hmm ...Interrupts the target's current action, and prevents its use for 4 seconds. That must be the most useless ability ever.

I leveled my first sniper to level 40+ without ever using the interrupt (and died in certain fights a lot). Only after a "restart", when I created second Sniper, I learned about interrupting and it's proper usage. And boy was that a change in gameplay!


- I thought Coordination (the IA buff) is only usable on other players. And when I noticed I get it too when cast on others, I started to chase other players and cast it on them in order to get the buff on myself.


- I did every Flashpoint when I was at least 10 levels above it, so I could solo it and enjoy both the story and my pace. This way there was no chance to find out there are some actual boss mechanics, of course ... until general Ortol in Cademimu.

"How can I keep dying when I am so overleveled here! And what's the Rocket Fire which is killing me? The boss doesn't even have a rocket launcher!

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1. When I was running around on Korriban with my new sith warrior, I came to the part where I had to go to the lower wilds. I had no idea a taxi was supposed to take me down the cliff so I resorted to jumping off of it trying to land on ledges. I can't even guess how many times I overshot my landing:p.

2. I made my first smuggler and finally got to the part where I had to go into the volcano fortress. I was unable to find a door so I went around in circles in there for like a half hour until I gave up and deleted that character. I then made a trooper and did the same thing.


3. I made a bounty hunter and got all the way to level 14 without knowing about advanced classes.

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On my first character (Jedi Guardian DPS) I never could afford speeder piloting until I hit Corellia...yep..Tatt, Alderaan, Hoth, Belsavis, etc....all on foot.


Before I discovered the GTN I could afford my very first speeder on Quesh...When I got to Hoth I thanked the stars I decided to save credits for it :)

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ROFLMAO at these stories!


Mine was typical. This is my first mmo, and so I made rookie mistakes. My first toon was a Jedi sentinel because I wanted to use two sabers. I had no idea that each class had a "main stat " because in Kotor, you upgraded all of them. So my Jedi was running around in whatever looked good. Lol Then I found myself constantly getting kicked from groups because I was too honest lol (basically telling everybody that this was my 1st mmo and I had ABSOLUTELY NO idea what I was doing). Then there was all the (sarcasm alert) "friends" I made spamming gen chat asking "how can I get a controller to work with this game?" After about a week of this, I finally said "to Hell with this" and quit playing.

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My first character, on Taris ( I think) there was a dead body laying on the ground. It was glowing blue, and I thought Blue meant click me click me. So i clicked it and out spawned a huge beast. I took off running, but it was too late. I was killed instantly.

There was some guy following me, he didnt see what happened, but rezzed me. I convinced him it was a good idea to click the corpse to. I got a good laugh *muahahaha*


the other thing was that I thought the way to use the speeders was to jump on the back of them at the vendors. This is my first MMO, and was coming from BF2. Also, on NS there are speeders in some areas that you can just click on to use.


Then there was when I got into raiding. I constantly was the only person in my raid group to die on the transition phases on Gharj in EV, as a marauder. This was before I learned how to use my defensives and my group kept telling me to use undying rage. I didnt know what this was, apparently i thought it was a useless ability and had never bought it from the trainer. this was before the change to UR and was actually useful haha

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I love the idea of this post - SWTOR is my first MMO, and I had absolutely no clue how most things worked. 2 that come to mind:


- Rolled a Trooper->VG that I still have to this day; it was my 2nd toon, and i was just experimenting with stuff I had seen in beta. I had no idea what Esseles was or what a Flashpoint was, but someone was sitting by the door LFG, so I joined up (my first ever group). Mortar Volley to open each pull; if the mobs attacked my partner (who clearly knew what the heck was going on), I would mortar volley them and grab their attention. My partner, who was very patient with me, kept mentioning "aggro"...and I thought he meant that I was crazy, because my friends and I use that term for someone who's angry/losing it. Somehow, we completed Esseles, and my partner kindly asked me if this was my first MMO...and kindly suggested that I link up with someone who could explain the finer points of MMO terms, etc. I thanked him and hid my face for an hour...and spoke with a guy at work the next day, who schooled me in the necessary knowledge. To this day, I'm super hesitant about being responsible for a pull :)


- Crafting - RE pissed me off; I was under the impression that you should get a schematic from each RE (boy was I disappointed)


- Crafting - probably one of my biggest noob moments was when I was up to around 40 on my main BH. I had no mats to build gear for RE...what I gathered on the planets was not keeping up, and my gathering missions were leveled above what I needed. I didn't have a ton of money, so buying off the GTN was frustrating. I was chatting with a friend who had prior MMO experience, and he was telling me of how he was crafting all of his hilts/mods/etc for his toon and companion while leveling. I asked him how he had time to go back to all of the prior planets to gather the necessary mats. Silence in the chat...then he says to me, "you do know that you can select a level of gathering mission from the dropdown, right?" DOH!!!


I'm sure I have a TON more, but I'll stop there :)


Keep them coming!

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Having played many years of wow before coming to this game i did not make many noobish mistakes. Did manage one last week though.


I was selling a few purple 36 enhancments and failed to notice that 2 of them were different, so 4 went up for 449k credits, and the other 2 for default price, around 5800. They sold very quick.........

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Mine is a classic one...

Leveled a madness assassin, using dark charge and with the following rotation:

- shock

- force lighting

- thrash

- death field

Creeping terror only used at range and almost never used Crushing darkness (didn't like casted abilities, and I used it only as an opener when a target was cc'ed):rak_03:

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oh and cant forget my first characters name which i thought was great. his name was Broseph. I was told on multiple occasions that they would not group with a player with the name. Apparently there was some guy in WoW with that name that caused a lot of trouble.. i have no idea. I even submitted a help ticket requesting to change my name and was denied! lol


But with server mergers I lost that name and changed to BroStine. then i again transferred (on my own) to another server and changed my name yet again lol

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Have a good story that relates to new MMO players in this game.

I played WOW for years so the transition to SWTOR wasn't at all painful yet it reminded me so much of the early months of vanilla WOW with all the new players.


First character I made was a Jedi Sage. I love healing classes.

The lay out of a starting planet is almost always the same. Dozens of new characters all running around with terrible looking clothes and little sticks , eager to kill level 1 mobs for progression.

Im on Tython killing the Fleshraiders and a Jedi Knight catches my eye.

It seems that he is killing one mob, waiting in the same spot till it respawns, then killing it again.

I watch this occur and figure he will figure it out on his own. With so many people running around killing fleshraiders and moving on, eventually he will pick up on the obvious.

I come back to the main location to cash in quests, upgrade etc , and I see the same poor player killing the same mob.

He hasn't moved at all in about 30 mins.

I whisper him. Explaining that he needs to kill two types of mobs in order to complete the quest.

I get the blank stare.

Its the one you get from a new player where the character doesn't move and he is obviously formulating this thoughts on the other side of the keyboard.

I wait for about a full 2 mins for a reply.

I whisper him again with instructions on HOW to reply to my message.

Another 2 mins pass.

Finally he spams in general chat that this mobs keep coming back and he doesn't understand why.

I do my best to explain that MMO's aren't like many other games. That mobs will always respawn as apart of the world itself. That you need to look at the title of the mob your killing in order to complete the quest.

Our conversation goes on for about 20 mins with me doing my best to explain the dynamics of MMO gaming.

He seems very interested and asks very good questions so I figure he is getting the hang of it.

Finally he asks what the max level a character can reach in the game. At that time it was 50.


Out of know where my chat log erupts with a string of swear words and frustrations.

I think his direct quote was;

"I have to kill a million of these things just to get to 50? F--- This!"

He logs off.


I look at the clock and its nearly time for me to log off. My first SWTOR experience I was able to get to level 2 and destroy someones night by explaining what an MMO was.


Im sure anyone who was been patient with a new player can relate.

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The stupidest thing I did when starting out was to start on a PvP server so I could play in my clan's Guild. After they all left, the ganking became so much of a PiA, that I left to play GW2. When I came back to SWTOR, it cost me 9000 cartel coins (about $80) to move my 5 characters from Ganker's Heaven to a PvE server (JC).

(In retrospect, it would have been easy enough to just reroll the characters, but I didn't want to lose all the Legacy, crafting levels, credits, etc.)

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My first MMO ever was Everquest 1, and I'd come from WoW so I knew about the MMO lingo and such and what to look for for quests, etc. Well, I rerolled my toon because I first started on my husband's account, making a toon just to see if I'd like the game before actually paying a sub (cause there was no preferred or f2p back then) and I got hooked. Rerolled her when she was lvl 30. Boo.


Anyway, my first toon was an agent because I loved the look of the Chiss species and at that time Chiss could only either be a bounty hunter or an agent. I actually sat there and read what each class was and did, etc. My first time on Hutta I was flipping amazed that there were little videos in this MMO and EVERYTHING was voice acted. Every MMO I'd been in it was all read only text.


I remember Kaliyo dying on Hutta and I had no idea how to get her back, so I had to ask gen chat.


I think the worse noobie thing I ever really did was I spoiled myself for a certain thing that happens to Sith Warriors:

I watched on youtube Quinn's betrayal. It broke my heart so badly I couldn't play my female Sith Warrior after that and I almost cried to my husband. I wasn't used to people you played with doing things like this. But he told me it's just a game and it'll be fine, and it was. But I think this was the newbiest thing I ever did. Not wanting to play a toon because of something a companion did.



Finding dead jawas on Tattooine and clicking the blue skull. I was butt stomped quite quickly.

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Not here at the beginning. I started playing when the game went F2P. First MMO. What didn’t I do wrong, lol.


-- First toon, a Gunslinger, had equipment with all sorts of stats because I thought I needed a bit of everything.


-- Probably became known as, “who’s the tank?” in Flashpoints. I’d just started playing and didn’t know any class except Smuggler. So, I didn’t know who was the tank. Started FPs with, "Hi. Who's the tank?"


-- Did not know that the bag received after choosing an Advanced Class held the offhand. Did not know this for many characters, not just the first. Routine: clear starter world; select Advanced Class; hit the GTN for an offhand.


-- Had zero understanding of Need vs Greed. Probably made it on to a lot of /ignore because I thought, “I don’t want to be greedy, so I’ll go with Need.”


-- Had to continually look up the meaning of game-related acronyms, including “MMO.”


-- Was mightily confused, and slightly panicked, the first time I went to Fleet and green numbers started floating around my toon. I thought something was wrong with the game, or my character.


-- Played through level 50/completing class story on my first toon without knowing that a companion could be directed to attack. As a Gunslinger, I spent 50 levels believing the only way to get a companion to join a fight was with my toon taking damage first.


-- Clicked the skull on Tatooine. Yeah, that one. Afterward, expected to be killed dead every time I clicked something, even mission goals on my Log.


-- I would right-click players to talk to them, like I’d right-click NPCs or companions. Didn’t understand why a cutscene didn’t start when I right-clicked other players.


-- My first toon was a Smuggler. I went to the same Imp base three times in a row trying to sightsee. Took me a bit to figure out that the Imp base defenses were what was causing the screen to black out, and my toon to suddenly be at the nearest med droid. I’m on a PVE server. I thought since I could be near Imp players without dire consequence, I would be able to amble around an Imp base on my Pub toon.

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This thread was made for me...there were so many noobish things I did when I first started playing this game, which is my first MMO.

My husband got me into Star Wars and when he introduced me to this game, he told me to create a toon and have fun. I did, but not without making many, many terrifying mistakes...


My main is a sentinel. She's my favorite toon and the first one I ever made. When I died for the first time fighting some Flesh Raiders on Tython, I freaked out because I thought I would have to start all over again. Like create a new toon and arrive on Tython all over again.

When I leveled up, I thought I would have to go back to the Jedi Temple every time I dinged. I did not know there were trainers on every planet and the fleet.

I put everything on my toon. It didn't matter if it was Willpower, Aim, Strength, or Cunning, if it showed a stat boost compared to whatever I was wearing, I equipped it. I also put every kind of stat on my companions. They needed "good gear" too!

When I got to the fleet and saw the chat, I thought that because everyone's chat statement began with [General] it literally meant they were a General in the Republic military.

At first I did not understand the concept of crowd control. I was specced in Focus (now Concentration, still am) and used my Force Sweep as part of my rotation no matter what. I didn't know why that was "breaking the CC." From then on, my husband called it my "special skill" and told me not to use my "special skill" near CC'd enemies.

Additionally, I used Disable Droid and Force Kick as part of my rotation even when they weren't necessary because I figured that they were on my quickbar for a good reason.

On my Smuggler I came across the Ancient Knowledge object on Voss and clicked on it because I thought it was a lore object. I love lore objects! The devs must have forgotten to label it as such...*click* OH MY GOODNESS I AM DEAD WHAT HAPPENED?? The Nightmare Pilgrim one-shot me. Super!

Of course, I am more seasoned now and love to help nooby players because I was one once!

So who can beat me in the Noob Arena...I am accepting challengers. :rak_01:

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This thread was made for me...there were so many noobish things I did when I first started playing this game, which is my first MMO.

My husband got me into Star Wars and when he introduced me to this game, he told me to create a toon and have fun. I did, but not without making many, many terrifying mistakes...


My main is a sentinel. She's my favorite toon and the first one I ever made. When I died for the first time fighting some Flesh Raiders on Tython, I freaked out because I thought I would have to start all over again. Like create a new toon and arrive on Tython all over again.

When I leveled up, I thought I would have to go back to the Jedi Temple every time I dinged. I did not know there were trainers on every planet and the fleet.

I put everything on my toon. It didn't matter if it was Willpower, Aim, Strength, or Cunning, if it showed a stat boost compared to whatever I was wearing, I equipped it. I also put every kind of stat on my companions. They needed "good gear" too!

When I got to the fleet and saw the chat, I thought that because everyone's chat statement began with [General] it literally meant they were a General in the Republic military.

At first I did not understand the concept of crowd control. I was specced in Focus (now Concentration, still am) and used my Force Sweep as part of my rotation no matter what. I didn't know why that was "breaking the CC." From then on, my husband called it my "special skill" and told me not to use my "special skill" near CC'd enemies.

Additionally, I used Disable Droid and Force Kick as part of my rotation even when they weren't necessary because I figured that they were on my quickbar for a good reason.

On my Smuggler I came across the Ancient Knowledge object on Voss and clicked on it because I thought it was a lore object. I love lore objects! The devs must have forgotten to label it as such...*click* OH MY GOODNESS I AM DEAD WHAT HAPPENED?? The Nightmare Pilgrim one-shot me. Super!

Of course, I am more seasoned now and love to help nooby players because I was one once!

So who can beat me in the Noob Arena...I am accepting challengers. :rak_01:


You win.


Great post!

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This was my first MMO, though I did a bit of research before I started playing. Even so, I made a lot of mistakes.


-First, and the worst imo, keyboard turning (I used the arrow keys, not even asdw). I did this for the first year of playing until I got absolutely embarrassed by a PT in PvP. Got turned around so bad he had to use his grapple to pull me back. At that point I forced myself to learn to use the mouse. It was a good decision.


-Didn't know you could RE items until I was on about my third alt.


-I did know the difference between Need and Greed... I just confused which did what. Needed on everything and hit greed for the items I wanted. Needless to say I was corrected rather quickly.

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When I first started playing during open beta weekend, I made a point of replacing my damaged armor after I lost my heavily damaged pants on Ord Mantell and rolled into Fort Garnik in my undies. I didn't figure out until level 15 or so that vendors had a repair option... :rolleyes:
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When I started, it took me 25 levels or so to realize I was running with only half of my abilities because I didn't notice a second tab was added to the trainer after choosing AC ...


... and yes, I did see the green cross all the time but I thought it was a bug :D

Oh, I did that as well. I kept asking people how they got that Force bubble around them and they would just keep telling me it was a skill. Finally one nice person told me to check the additional tab at the trainer.

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