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Goals for Addressing Server Concerns


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Their solution appears to be to get more players.


There method of doing this is to dumb down the game so it has 20 hours of story content and then buy end game gear from the vendor and then shelve it till sufficient new story content is available to warrant 15 bucks. I don't get how that is going to get more players though.


The new combat changes seem to offer little to balance the classes so I'm also a little lost how half the classes you might get through group finder wont further discourage people from using it. I'm on my Sorc with good damage, good protection and good maneuverability and someone else queues with a MDPS and we get to the Lurker or Torque and they can't contribute cause of the mechanics they will just make group finder more painful where you get some noob with a mdps wasting everyones time cause you have to carry them. So why would I want to use group find to find the pug even before their skills or knowledge of the mechanics is called into question is made up with classes that the combat team shafted and the operation team screwed over so we can't get through the bosses.

Edited by Costello
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In the coming months we will be releasing more details. We appreciate your patience as we work towards these goals.





Backus- I will probably lose my job for this, but I can say that there are two things that we are actively working on to address your concerns here and what you describe as ‘better than cross-server’. I can’t say much more than that, except that you will see an announcement and implementation before next New York ComiCon


So Tl-Dr, the update from this original thread in 2014 is that there will be an update in 2016.



Edited by Jinre_the_Jedi
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  • 1 month later...
Hey folks,


At our fan event in Las Vegas, one of the things we stated is that we are working to address the concerns of things like queue times and uneven server populations and that we would provide an update before the end of the year. As you might expect we're not ready to tell you exactly what we are working on yet, but we did want to go into what our goals are for next year.


  • To address issues of queue times across all types of content, both PvP and PvE.
  • To rethink how we approach “server separation.”
  • Remain sensitive to things like character identity.
  • The continued ability to define your chosen server playstyle, PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP.
  • We also would love to use this opportunity to enhance/create social systems. It’s a big ole’ galaxy and we want it to feel that way.

In the coming months we will be releasing more details. We appreciate your patience as we work towards these goals.




I don't mean to scare you, but there is only just one month left! How about a nice, well detailed update? ;)

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While I love mega-servers on the other games I've played, there's no way they can make it work here with the engine SWTOR is running on.


I'm able to get stable 90-100 FPS in the unpopulated open world and in my starship. But when you put a few people in the room, things take a nosedive. Now, I never drop below 60-65 FPS, but the server lag STILL makes my game look choppy. And that's with no packet loss on a cable connection with 50-55 MBS download speeds and 10-12 MBS upload speeds.


No WAY cramming everyone onto the same server is going to be anywhere CLOSE to a good idea.



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This thread has a special place in my heart, it is a monument to the naivety of anyone who ever believed a word the devs uttered.



Not to get off-topic, but I just imagined you sounding like a Southern woman when you said that. While sipping iced sweet tea. :D


I'm betting you don't lose many arguments. LOL!

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  • 3 months later...

I only care about two things. 1. Am I going to lose characters if I have max number (40) on more than one server. 2. am I going to lose character names.


To me these two are more important than just a few players complaining about server population or queue times. I don't see why I should lose out over someone's else's issues.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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i only care about two things. 1. Am i going to lose characters if i have max number (40) on more than one server. 2. Am i going to lose character names.


To me these two are more important than just a few players complaining about server population or queue times. I don't see why i should lose out over someone's else's issues.


^ QFFT. If there ever is a merge, or something like it, we don't need people losing character names or character slots for the sake of "short queue times", or Market Sim 2017 players to get more customers, or whatever.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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^ QFFT. If there ever is a merge, or something like it, we don't need people losing character names or character slots for the sake of "short queue times", or Market Sim 2017 players to get more customers, or whatever.


One of the biggest arguments AGAINST server mergers without addressing both of those.


OTOH, they technically have answers to both, via the "spaces in character names" and "40 character slots per server." (Neither are adequate answers.)

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  • 7 months later...
Hey folks,


At our fan event in Las Vegas, one of the things we stated is that we are working to address the concerns of things like queue times and uneven server populations and that we would provide an update before the end of the year. As you might expect we're not ready to tell you exactly what we are working on yet, but we did want to go into what our goals are for next year.


  • To address issues of queue times across all types of content, both PvP and PvE.
  • To rethink how we approach “server separation.”
  • Remain sensitive to things like character identity.
  • The continued ability to define your chosen server playstyle, PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP.
  • We also would love to use this opportunity to enhance/create social systems. It’s a big ole’ galaxy and we want it to feel that way.

In the coming months we will be releasing more details. We appreciate your patience as we work towards these goals.




Well, they did one thing off the list.


The continued ability to define your chosen server playstyle, PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP.


By making instances.

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Well, they did one thing off the list.


The continued ability to define your chosen server playstyle, PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP.


By making instances.


Now if only they'd make some instances - like FPs, WZs, GSF, and Ops - cross-server.


Can't happen, but damn it'd be nice : (

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Well, they did one thing off the list.


The continued ability to define your chosen server playstyle, PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP.


By making instances.


Kind of, selecting a server now, just says, East coast or West coast. If you're selecting a European server, then it's separated by language. Furthermore if 90% of the servers are dead, then you can't really RP, or PvP even. Mega servers would have been a better fix, but oh well Bioware...

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Once again server concerns need addressing. It's a shame Bioware have not publically acknowledged this.

Populations on 75% of servers have low or dead populations and we need some acknowledgment from Bioware that they are addressing this issue.

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Furthermore if 90% of the servers are dead, then you can't really RP, or PvP even. Mega servers would have been a better fix, but oh well Bioware...

Just treat it like extreme Role Play as we did on Hex Droid, back in the ol' days when there were less than 10 of us on the server...


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