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Solo Play is dead !


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And whats the reward for that ? More basic comms ?

Id like to see something thats "heavy and difficult" but rewards a bit of the upper class gear or comms !

Is it really that this question is toooooo strange ?


You just want to get Ops level gear without taking the time to run the Ops. Be honest. There's no solo content on Rishi or Yavin that requires higher than level 186 gear. Frankly, having higher level gear to run your dailies, etc. would just make things even less challenging. Particularly with the solo mode tactical flashpoints, this expansion caters to solo players. It's always people who want Ops gear without running Ops (i.e., without earning it) or people who just want to fast-forward through their dailies quicker. Any other alleged reason given for getting the best gear in the game from running solo content is disingenuous.

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Your thread makes little to no sense.


Why do you crave for operations gear, if you have no interest in running operations? 186 and 192 should be enough for Solo play.


Assuming it's the armor shells you want, either get to it or wait a couple of years or so, which is the time by which they'll -- probably -- hit the Cartel Market.


I can see his point as it is easier now to get comms in ops.. even in lower end I see that Kuat drive yards now gives 20 comms for the complete while the older FPs are only giving 10 for level appropriate content..


this is both a bad thing and a good thing.. YOU aren't going to see the older FPs anymore in non heroic instances and yet I for one KNOW that the lower end content wasn't popping even before expansion.. I waited 2 to 3 hours for a random group for lower end FPs with Kuat Drive yards untoggled and yet had less that 5 mins wait if I left Kuat Drive Yards togged but of course the only thing you get to do is run KUat Drive yards ..


Issue with this is low levels don't learn the older FPs the easier way and DON'T get a chance to pick up the older MOD get (some of which I preferred for the cosmetic appearance)..


meh I can see his point but not sure how I feel about the changes

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sorry quick 2nd post.. :)


I remember when this game first came out and with most MMOs after WoW that they have become too solo centric ..


you really don't group up for much in any of them with seems a bit of a waste if you are playing an "mmo" but again different strokes for different folks .. RIGHT?

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Good post. The original post also makes sense.


To the argument, if you do not do OPs you do not need OPs gear, all I can say is that is very true. But it misses the basic point of human nature. What you want and what you need are two entirely different things. My wife and I (and three dogs) live in a large three bedroom house, have a large screen TV, two high powered gaming computers, a new very fast car, etc. Do we need any of that? No, not in the least. But we want it and work for it. Our work is not limited by one path or one way to accoumplish our goals.


The same is true for gaming. We are solo players that game together. We are both good experienced players and I have done the equivalent of OPs in other games with no issue. Yet, neither of us wants to be in a Guild with the drama and other negitives involved. Our gaming is part of our time together. We have no desire to share it with others to any but a limited extent. By the structure of end game content we are limited in that we can progress our characters only so far. We can never reach close to top. We both can craft everything possible (without picking up FP and OP mats and schematics), but that is limited. So the structure of the game makes us always second rate and limits what we can do.


As far as needing OPs gear to do OPs, yup again. But why? Simply because OPs are designed to require OPs gear. The same OPs can be designed to require any level of gear. OP gear progression is simply a mechanic to induce players to play OPs. Otherwise, most players would do OPs once or twice and never do them again. There is simply no reason to repeat OPs other than gear advancemt once done. So to us OPs are a joke, a treadmill at best.


One last thought. OPs actually trivialize the game for those who do them. When geared in OPs level gear, what other content in the game is worth doing or any challenge or fun at all? That is self defeating from a design perspective.


We liked the solo flashpoints and think that BW has taken a step in the right direction with them. It has brought solo players to content thet they would otherwise not see.


MMO devs have never gotten past the concept of FPs and OPs as end game. Until they can develope (part of develope is dev) ideas for end game play beyond that, they will end up with somewhat disaffected solosists and after a shot time bored OPs players. We (the gaming community) need some creative thinking in end game design. We have not seen that yet. Is this really a problem that cannot be solved or are the current crop of game designers / devs just poor and limited in their abilities?


Ding Ding Ding we have a winner :D


great post


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Also don't forget Makeb gives elites.


I have checked the weeklies yet on Yavin.


weeklies on Yavin give 4 elites each but there is 3 of them for a total of 12


but to be fair getting the walker weekly done anytime soon is unlikely because of camping and spawn times (should have been a instance group fight rather then slow spawn thats over camped)


so really 8 elites is what you can reasonably expect to get from Yavin

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weeklies on Yavin give 4 elites each but there is 3 of them for a total of 12


but to be fair getting the walker weekly done anytime soon is unlikely because of camping and spawn times (should have been a instance group fight rather then slow spawn thats over camped)


so really 8 elites is what you can reasonably expect to get from Yavin


They should have made the weekly something like TC imo and there still could've been a worldboss with a quest for it from the fleet terminal.

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This is already the most solo friendly MMO I have ever played. Being able to solo Story FP's is probably going too far as it is. If you want to to play a solo game there are many available.


Ops require a lot more effort than solo play. It would be ridiculous to be able to acquire the same gear being solo that 16 people have to coordinate to get. If you want the gear learn to group.

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They should have made the weekly something like TC imo and there still could've been a worldboss with a quest for it from the fleet terminal.


agree or even a heroic 4 instance for the Walker portion (which would have calmed some of the complaints about expansion not having any heroics at all)

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It is BioWares own fault really. For some people gear is the reason to play and they've made gear 100% vertical progression instead of some games making raid gear only better for raiding. I play for leveling so if I have good enough gear to play at max level and my character can look like I want then I don't have to have the "best" gear. I can understand if that gear is their accomplishment instead then they have just as much right to be upset as if I could only hit 57 because I didn't raid or couldn't raid enough to ever get level 60.
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lol Playing in a group is wayyyy more fun ;p you find some interesting peoples sometimes... What they really need to do with these expansions is make em more about grouping....


Problem is introducing grouping at end game is a very very VERY bad idea


They need to introduce grouping at a much earlier stage while leveling up if they want grouping at end game to be important.


But they didnt and really they can not now


Just look at the 12x XP disaster (grouping wise)

From everything I read and hear GF queue times are at record slow pops


Ill hazard a guess (as I did this myself) that the tanks and healers got absolutely fed up with idiot 55s who didnt know their classes or abilities (or have even basic level 55 gear) and stopped utilizing GF.


Its not uncommon now to hear about some DPS whining they in queue for hours on Harbinger through GF


You can not artificially bump player to max level through solo play and then suddenly expect them to group up


Just not going to happen and we seeing it happen first hand in this very game.


So either EA need to embrace the solo mode they have embraced all along and treat this game like a MSORPG (Massive Solo Online RPG) or they need to redo the leveling curve and experience to promote group play well before anyone reachs max level.


They tried to have it both ways and we see clearly it didnt work

not at all

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The facts have been stated over and over by numerous developers and third-party analysis reports: the largest number of MMO players don't raid, and most of them never group up either. Quite simply there is no math or sound business reason to develop your pinacle content as something that 60 to 80 percent of your players have no interest in. Character progression is the appeal of an MMO, and when players are frozen out of progression they leave.


Solo and non-raiding players getting the shaft is what every source (including the developers themselves) has identified as the reason for Wildstar's implosion, and undoubtedly has played a huge role in the boom-to-bust of virtually every MMO launched in the last few years. The model does not work. A game with a happy solo and non-raiding population will have a more stable population, leading to a more stable revenue flow, leading to better/larger/more frequent content updates.


Opening up the endgame to solo and non-raiding players is just smart business.

Edited by WSRB
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lol Playing in a group is wayyyy more fun ;p you find some interesting peoples sometimes... What they really need to do with these expansions is make em more about grouping....

I agree that grouping up is really fun. I enjoy it. But there are times I want to do a flashpoint for the story. All told I do enjoy the solo content and flashpoints way more that operations. Any more that 4 players is like herding cats.

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This is already the most solo friendly MMO I have ever played. Being able to solo Story FP's is probably going too far as it is. If you want to to play a solo game there are many available.


Which Star Wars solo game are you talking about? Force Unleashed?

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lol Playing in a group is wayyyy more fun ;p you find some interesting peoples sometimes... What they really need to do with these expansions is make em more about grouping....


Some maybe but not all people are interesting to play with. I have met some that I would rather not group with due to their attitudes or behavior so I restrict my grouping with my boyfriend, friends and guild.


Some people would prefer not to deal with some of the attitudes some of the people have so not all the time is grouping more fun.

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Why ?


1. the comm destribution is far away from being solo-friendly now ! U can get lots of basic or even elite comms, but u wont get anything like Ops ppl get !


2. Yes: for all the "OPS-Whiners" that might come out now: solo people exist !


3. Being able to do something solo, doesnt mean that one doesnt want to play in groups/guilds, or simply "doesnt do that" ! Im playing Ops when i can, in guild, in GF, and depending on time and who else is on: also content like Flashpoints ! Flashpoint are group-content, but needs less people, therefore more often to happen, and also could be titled as "solo-content" in my opinion, because u can manage that on your own, through GF e.g., to get a group !

Most of my FP daily/weekly stuff i do on my own !


4. Why did you (Bioware/EA) make it harder now to get the comms for better gear for people like me ? (which are id think more than 50% of the playerbase). Why dont you also push the "solo-content" or the "flashpoints" ?

U only want people in game that only play OPs all time ? So only the kiddies/students that dont have a job and family ?


5. The last point will do some people rage ! :-D

So do it !


6. I dont really know atm how to get/keep my 3 chars up ! If i cant do ops 3-4 times a week for hours...! Hmm ! And theres crafting, and other stuff too ! So..., hehe, s*** m* d*** ! :-D


Idk how many "hardcoregamer" here exist or push things further ! And im personally not far away from being "hardcore" in terms of "theory crafting, expierience, practice, etc". But i dont wanna see arguments or changes anymore that only favor the Ops-Community !


Why not more casual content ? Because if u have more casuals that are happy and go further, youll also have more hardcore gamers too, and not only the ones existing for 3 years now !


OK the old idea was....

Doing ops rewards ops gear

Doing dailies rewards dailies gear

Doing levelling quest rewards levelling gear

Creating a character rewards starting gear


So you think that's out dated?

And everyone should just get ops gear by logging on?

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The point of fact is, after 3.0 you only have 2, that is two, TWO ops to run, and everything else is pointless, as it doesn't reward you with anything of value. Commendations have become a complete joke and HM FPs are ... the same in black'n'white.:-( Welcome to the new normal.:mad:

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For me its if the players who do ops and have the 192 gear would f*** off and leave my characters alone would not have a issue. Don't need the gear for the actual game I play solo. As for doing raids to get it. I never done one and admit I am making a assumption here but aren't they GROUP EVENTS? what part of solo is confusing you?


If they can be done solo I apologize here and now.


Or better yet 192 gear could only be used in the ops themselves and not in general play.


Not going to happen I know but do see the OP;s point on that, not the point of solo play been dead because it not going to be because of the 192 gear. Its just something the rest of us just happen to have to put up with if we are going to use a PvP sever. Yes that's right only talking about players attacking players nothing else.

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The point of fact is, after 3.0 you only have 2, that is two, TWO ops to run, and everything else is pointless, as it doesn't reward you with anything of value. Commendations have become a complete joke and HM FPs are ... the same in black'n'white.:-( Welcome to the new normal.:mad:


Oh, I finally get it.


How many new ops did RotHC launch with? How many ops did the game itself launch with?


You seem to think that a new expac should launch with a dozen ops? Considering there are people out there who haven't even cleared one op yet, this is foolish.


Comms are exactly the same as they were at launch and at RotHC. Your basic comms get you basic gear which allows you to do top level flashpoints and SM ops. Doing those get you better comms that allow you to purchase better gear which will allow you to do HM Ops. Eventually, if you apply yourself, you get to do NiM ops.


It isn't the new normal, it's the same old normal that has been around since the game launched. Granted, there are only three tiers of comms now...which is great to be honest...but it isn't any different now than it has been before.


I think someone is new to MMO's.

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Oh, I finally get it.


How many new ops did RotHC launch with? How many ops did the game itself launch with?


You seem to think that a new expac should launch with a dozen ops? Considering there are people out there who haven't even cleared one op yet, this is foolish.


Comms are exactly the same as they were at launch and at RotHC. Your basic comms get you basic gear which allows you to do top level flashpoints and SM ops. Doing those get you better comms that allow you to purchase better gear which will allow you to do HM Ops. Eventually, if you apply yourself, you get to do NiM ops.


It isn't the new normal, it's the same old normal that has been around since the game launched. Granted, there are only three tiers of comms now...which is great to be honest...but it isn't any different now than it has been before.


I think someone is new to MMO's.


^^ Agree.

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For me its if the players who do ops and have the 192 gear would f*** off and leave my characters alone would not have a issue. Don't need the gear for the actual game I play solo. As for doing raids to get it. I never done one and admit I am making a assumption here but aren't they GROUP EVENTS? what part of solo is confusing you?


If they can be done solo I apologize here and now.


Or better yet 192 gear could only be used in the ops themselves and not in general play.


Not going to happen I know but do see the OP;s point on that, not the point of solo play been dead because it not going to be because of the 192 gear. Its just something the rest of us just happen to have to put up with if we are going to use a PvP sever. Yes that's right only talking about players attacking players nothing else.




If somone wants rating 192 gear, they can do that without operations. That gear is on elite gear, which you can do the weeklies for: Makeb, Oricion, Yavin and even CZ and get elite comms. Sure might take you longer but can be done.


That was the way I got elite gear before 3.0 (minus Yavin).

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If I understand the OP correctly, what he wants is the same number of comms for the same time put in as people running Ops get and he wants solo content that is as challenging as Ops, but aimed at solo play. It might work if they locked the content so it could only be played solo. (If not, then people would group to do it for the comms defeating the idea of challenging solo content.


It's not necessarily a bad idea, but I don't see it happening.

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If somone wants rating 192 gear, they can do that without operations. That gear is on elite gear, which you can do the weeklies for: Makeb, Oricion, Yavin and even CZ and get elite comms. Sure might take you longer but can be done.


That was the way I got elite gear before 3.0 (minus Yavin).


Ok guess then don't have an issue.


Guess the real question as the OP said is, solo mode going to be a thing of the past or dead. I still say no to that.

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If I understand the OP correctly, what he wants is the same number of comms for the same time put in as people running Ops get and he wants solo content that is as challenging as Ops, but aimed at solo play. It might work if they locked the content so it could only be played solo. (If not, then people would group to do it for the comms defeating the idea of challenging solo content.


It's not necessarily a bad idea, but I don't see it happening.


Good point, if that is indeed what the OP is saying.

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