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Serious? You had Darth Marr do this???


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And someone who clearly does not understand the personality of Darth Marr which has been consistent since the beginning of the game: pragmatic, loyal to the empire and wishes to preserve it, recognizes larger threats, and does not needlessly get embroiled in something disadvantageous.
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Marr has always shown respect towards his opponents that he feels are worth it. Satele is the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, and has stood toe to toe with Darth Malgus.


He is not being good, he is not admitting that she is better than him. It is a token of respect towards an honorable enemy.

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Marr is god. He is the sole reason (other than your char of course) that the Imps have slowly recovered and are on par with the Reps now.



Marr pisses himself at night with the thought of the emperor returning, so he'll bow to a kitten if it will save him .


Edited by undiess
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After the battle of Rishi; when he ceases his fleets' fire and puts Satele Shan on the holo...they had him BOW TO HER??? A Dark Lord of the Council? Bowing to a Jedi Master? Wow I guess having one Sith (Lana) act like a Jedi isn't enough they have to have Marr start acting good too. Unbelievable.


The heart of your post is the main reason the Empire began to fall by the time you get to Makeb to save the Empire; The constant Sith infighting to struggle to be at the top, no respect for others of power, and constant backstabbing/power grabbing.


All these are well and good in the proper time for Sith. Not freaking constantly.



Hence, Marr is literally left carrying the Empire's purse-strings with so many Dark Council deaths and disappearances by the time you enter Makeb. I mean just from the Warrior/Inquisitor timeline - Jadus (fake but still gets it later), Baras, Zash, Thanaton, all their servants, Malgus, and numerous other Darths are falling like cockroaches hit with Raid.



Finally.. What better way for a Sith to lull an enemy to sleep (and weakness) then to cull their respect for you by 'showing' respect.

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Marr pisses himself at night with the thought of the emperor returning, so he'll bow to a kitten if it will save him .


If you haven't played the expansion don't read.



The whole galaxy including Revan piss themselves at night to the emperor. The only one that has the option of not doing so is the consular in the final dialogs with Lana.



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Marr, like Beniko, is not your typical Sith. Yes he is ruthless and uses torture as interrogation technique, but he is pragmatic and orthological (within Sith constraints of course), cares about the empire, he is god in tactics and strategy and pretty scary with the saber too. Is he your most powerful force user? Probably not, but he emits respect and leadership and I don't think anyone would like to mess with him. On top of that he totally gives respect even to his opponents, his head bow greeting to Shatele is legendary. Also legendary are the dialogs if you "provoke" him as rep (see dialog option "if you have trusted us then you would have let me come along" and "Shatele should interrogate Ismen" to which he answers "You are playing a dangerous game" and "Don't push me further" respectively. A warning that even his pragmatism has limits, but a proof of being able to control his emotions in the heat of the moment.



Bottom line, bow to Marr or perish.


Vote Marr for a better Emperor.

Edited by MusicRider
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Marr, like Beniko, is not your typical Sith. Yes he is ruthless and uses torture as interrogation technique, but he is pragmatic and orthological (within Sith constraints of course), cares about the empire, he is god in tactics and strategy and pretty scary with the saber too. Is he your most powerful force user? Probably not, but he emits respect and leadership and I don't think anyone would like to mess with him. On top of that he totally gives respect even to his opponents, his head bow greeting to Shatele is legendary. Also legendary are the dialogs if you "provoke" him as rep (see dialog option "if you have trusted us then you would have let me come along" and "Shatele should interrogate Ismen" to which he answers "You are playing a dangerous game" and "Don't push me further" respectively. A warning that even his pragmatism has limits, but a proof of being able to control his emotions in the heat of the moment.



Bottom line, bow to Marr or perish.


Vote Marr for a better Emperor.


Emperors aren't elected to become Emperors. They are elected officials like Chancellors and Presidents before subtly shifting the democracy into an Empire. Marr just has to kill the Emperor and take His place.


Maybe that is what Act Five (SoR) is setting up. The rise of Emperor Marr.


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After the battle of Rishi; when he ceases his fleets' fire and puts Satele Shan on the holo...they had him BOW TO HER??? A Dark Lord of the Council? Bowing to a Jedi Master? Wow I guess having one Sith (Lana) act like a Jedi isn't enough they have to have Marr start acting good too. Unbelievable.


Satela Shan is not just a Jedi Master. She is the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. A bit different than just being a Jedi Master or a Jedi Master on the Council.


Just because someone shows respect doesn't mean they will go from Dark to Light. Showing respect has nothing to do with light or dark.

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Marr is devoted to the dark side, but at the same time he tempers it with logic and does not let his devotion to the dark side get in the path of what is important and what must be done. If that means bowing to a Jedi to help solidify a temporary truce, then so be it given how he recognized they needed each other in order to survive
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Emperors aren't elected to become Emperors. They are elected officials like Chancellors and Presidents before subtly shifting the democracy into an Empire. Marr just has to kill the Emperor and take His place.


Maybe that is what Act Five (SoR) is setting up. The rise of Emperor Marr.


:) You know I was joking with the quote "Vote Marr for Emperor" :). There is no room for elections in autocracy. :)



And no in my opinion. Although Marr has all the qualities of a leader he is not force powerful enough to be Emperor. Right hand and councillor to a more reasonable Emperor (like my female sorcerer) maybe.


Edited by MusicRider
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:) You know I was joking with the quote "Vote Marr for Emperor" :). There is no room for elections in autocracy. :)



And no in my opinion. Although Marr has all the qualities of a leader he is not force powerful enough to be Emperor. Right hand and councillor to a more reasonable Emperor (like my female sorcerer) maybe.



Or, you know, you characters could be an advisor/counselor to Emperor Marr. My SW would happily take charge of the Imperial Military for him.


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A true Sith is unshackled by morality -- they are amoral.


Too many "Sith" spend every waking moment trying desperately to prove how immoral they are to themselves and anyone around, sinking ever deeper into depravity and gratuitous acts of debasement. They aren't set free by their passions, they're enslaved by them. The frothing mad dogs are useless and self-defeating.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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A true Sith is unshackled by morality -- they are amoral.


Too many "Sith" spend every waking moment trying desperately to prove how immoral they are to themselves and anyone around, sinking ever deeper into depravity and gratuitous acts of debasement. They aren't set free by their passions, they're enslaved by them. The frothing mad dogs are useless and self-defeating.


Or very lazy Sith. It is easy to piss off people, and to 'feed' off their anger. But I feel that that method is the instant gratification method, and very short term for most.



But taking the time, like Zash does the Inquisitor, and endearing yourself to those around you, and those followers would happily die for whatever you say the cause is. Taking the "longer", and often LS path, leads to a more loyal batch of followers, I've noticed.


Then again, I feel that my SW's LS choices usually lead to darker ends. The kid who gave up his memories can never be trusted because he was found as the sole survivor of an attack on the Republic Base. I am quite certain Naughlen and his men would happily defect later on in the war, because my SW was kind, reasonable, and didn't try to shove stupid Jedi proverbs down their throats. That Sith Naughlen's men helped her fight, I let live to revel in the misery of the fact that he was going to be a footnote in my entry of the history books, and he couldn't do anything or else he would undo the deal we had. I let the Jedi on Tat live because Yonlach would have to live with the truth of his failures, and suffer for it while living with a Jedi who was robbed of memories by said Master. On Ald, I went all LS, and then killed the jerk noble contact, because the noble contact was really creepy, and I really didn't want to make his rise to power any easier than I had to. Jaesa's parents lived because I wanted them to see their daughter happy learning from me, and to suffer for treating her like a bargaining chip. I let the Jedi live because it pissed him off, except he was too stupid to follow all that.


I let Karr live because it would piss off Baras. I lived to piss Baras off.


The game says she's LS IV, I say she's a slow plotter and should really be at least DS III. Jaesa stayed LS because I like the interaction between her and Pierce.



But yeah, loyalty is far more valuable than enemity, IMO.


Marr is awesome because he can keep his enemies off balance as to how he works.

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A true Sith is unshackled by morality -- they are amoral.


Too many "Sith" spend every waking moment trying desperately to prove how immoral they are to themselves and anyone around, sinking ever deeper into depravity and gratuitous acts of debasement. They aren't set free by their passions, they're enslaved by them. The frothing mad dogs are useless and self-defeating.


I liked how the game allows your Inquisitor to interpret the Sith Code as allowing you to do whatever the hell you want instead of having to be a puppy eating sociopath to keep the dark sides favor or whatever.

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I liked how the game allows your Inquisitor to interpret the Sith Code as allowing you to do whatever the hell you want instead of having to be a puppy eating sociopath to keep the dark sides favor or whatever.


Sith Warriors can do the same thing.


It's just too bad that the Jedi classes are railroaded into either being rule-followers, or rule-breakers, but not rule-benders outside of romances.

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He bowed to her out of Respect . Marr fears no one but the Emperor who clearly out powers Marr and Satele .

Does not mean Marr likes her or wants to have a date !


Marr is the second most powerful and feared Sithlord outside of the Emperor not inclucing PC characters .


His body is deteriorating and yet no one messes with him because even with his body at it's current state he is probably more than a Match for anyone .


Marr commands Respect for Power and Wisdom , he leads the council for a reason . There is no doubt in my mind if Revan was a non issue Marr would have killed Satele .


Marr is dying , but is still powerful and smart enough to take down most .

Being Respectful is not a weakness and to think so shows how horrible this people in real life are becoming .


In anyway , Satele might just be more powerful than him too , as the one thing all Sith Respect is power .Being the Descendant of Revan and going off to kill him , might have also gained Marr's respect.

Edited by mefit
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Or very lazy Sith. It is easy to piss off people, and to 'feed' off their anger. But I feel that that method is the instant gratification method, and very short term for most.



But taking the time, like Zash does the Inquisitor, and endearing yourself to those around you, and those followers would happily die for whatever you say the cause is. Taking the "longer", and often LS path, leads to a more loyal batch of followers, I've noticed.


Then again, I feel that my SW's LS choices usually lead to darker ends. The kid who gave up his memories can never be trusted because he was found as the sole survivor of an attack on the Republic Base. I am quite certain Naughlen and his men would happily defect later on in the war, because my SW was kind, reasonable, and didn't try to shove stupid Jedi proverbs down their throats. That Sith Naughlen's men helped her fight, I let live to revel in the misery of the fact that he was going to be a footnote in my entry of the history books, and he couldn't do anything or else he would undo the deal we had. I let the Jedi on Tat live because Yonlach would have to live with the truth of his failures, and suffer for it while living with a Jedi who was robbed of memories by said Master. On Ald, I went all LS, and then killed the jerk noble contact, because the noble contact was really creepy, and I really didn't want to make his rise to power any easier than I had to. Jaesa's parents lived because I wanted them to see their daughter happy learning from me, and to suffer for treating her like a bargaining chip. I let the Jedi live because it pissed him off, except he was too stupid to follow all that.


I let Karr live because it would piss off Baras. I lived to piss Baras off.


The game says she's LS IV, I say she's a slow plotter and should really be at least DS III. Jaesa stayed LS because I like the interaction between her and Pierce.



But yeah, loyalty is far more valuable than enemity, IMO.


Marr is awesome because he can keep his enemies off balance as to how he works.


Bravo, I agree 100% with you.


Although my SI did not go LS V like your SW, I ended up neutral. I wasn't always neutral in my game-play. I made a lot of LS and DS, which make my toon sometimes aligning with the LS and in another times with the DS. My decisions were based on the consequences of what could happen in the near or far future if I were to let people live. It did not matter whether or not they were republic or imperial. My SI will have people/groups in both factions that could "give him a hand" to repay the good gesture my SI showed when they most needed.


That's one of the reasons why I admire and love Darth Marr. He knows to play his cards in the right time and place.


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Bravo, I agree 100% with you.


Although my SI did not go LS V like your SW, I ended up neutral. I wasn't always neutral in my game-play. I made a lot of LS and DS, which make my toon sometimes aligning with the LS and in another times with the DS. My decisions were based on the consequences of what could happen in the near or far future if I were to let people live. It did not matter whether or not they were republic or imperial. My SI will have people/groups in both factions that could "give him a hand" to repay the good gesture my SI showed when they most needed.


That's one of the reasons why I admire and love Darth Marr. He knows to play his cards in the right time and place.


My BH respects Marr as well, because he doesn't try to skip out on paying her. Or insulting her.


Marr commands respect, as you said, and respect is far more powerful tool to get people to do what you want, IMO.

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:) You know I was joking with the quote "Vote Marr for Emperor" :). There is no room for elections in autocracy. :)


Autocracy is the ultimate expression of the Democratic ideal of One Man, One Vote...sounds better in German, though.

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