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Anyone else leaving SWTOR until 12xp comes back?


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12xp wasn't so great under the hood. Toons leveled so fast that they didn't upgrade their gear along the way, for themselves or their companions. They missed out on the raw resources available to craft and leveling that lagged behind too, ensuring they'd not have money proportioned to their needs. (Granted the GTN gods are kind). It was a nice temporary thing but the game wasn't designed for it.


exactly why no one should complain, level is just part of the equation. Those problems are not yours but someone else's. It's a trade off to 12x , if you use it you will be under-geared and behind in most aspects of the game. Or you lvl regular , why not have that choice for someone who has max leveled a toon on both factions??? you can't come up with a good enough reason for me and many others. We all have our opinions though, again glad mine is shared by the larger chunk of the pie xD

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agree on that, to QQ quit on anything is childish at best. We our in agreement:D


I just thought of something too , thankyou for not thinking the babyish was a comment towards you . It was just a general comment to anyone who would quit .

I hate people who think every word you say is targeted at them .



Do not get me wrong , I been playing for on and off 3 years since the game went live . I have only 2 55s (3rd got deleted long story lol) .

So now that I have come back from Archeage I plan on leveling all the classes (6 to go) for Companion maxing and stories .

The extra 12% would help but I am not going to get upset about it .

Edited by mefit
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I stopped leveling my alts when 12x came around so no. I'm glad I never got hooked into that system because it really ruins the leveling experience in my opinion. I don't care if I'm leveling the same class two or three times, I don't need to rush that experience. I like getting the proper rewards as they're given in a consistent and timely manner. I think 12x was really great for some people prior to the expansion. If it ever became permanent, I can guarantee I wouldn't like it.
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Wow compared to some other 12x threads out there, there are many in this particular thread that's against it.


I'm actually thinking of canceling my sub. I came back to SWTOR after nearly 3 years. (played it for 2 months) This event/bonus/pre-expansion pack perk made the game much more enjoyable. Yeah I was leveling up the toons faster, I even took the time to try and get gear from the GTN with some support from my higher characters. Can't say I would be fool enough to try and join high end content when my gear isn't up to par anyway. Even getting gear from doing side-quests and heroics.


despite that I'm not crying about not having the 12x boost. However, I am strongly considering canceling because I just don't have the time to grind through every side-quest/heroic just to maintain a moderate leveling curve. I have a life outside gaming. Don't have time for guilds and haven't even considered paying such an absurd amount of credits to pay for legacy perks for each character.


This boost had made the game much more enjoyable and I can't fathom as an alta-holic to do the same quests over and over and over again.



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lol no



besides the fact that some of us like the side quests and experience of leveling, generally it doesn't take too long too long to get to high level. I I wanted to I could have a level 60 character from scratch in less than 3 weeks, and that is with me relaxing and taking breaks, I do other stuff too. Also, 12xp should really just be reserved for stuff like an upcoming expansion or whatever, a time where its most advantageous to have people at higher level so they want to purchase the expansion more. having permanent 12xp might seem like a good thing, but in the end people would just burn out faster, they would be done with the game faster, and it would lose what had made it so special.

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Wow compared to some other 12x threads out there, there are many in this particular thread that's against it.


I'm actually thinking of canceling my sub. I came back to SWTOR after nearly 3 years. (played it for 2 months) This event/bonus/pre-expansion pack perk made the game much more enjoyable. Yeah I was leveling up the toons faster, I even took the time to try and get gear from the GTN with some support from my higher characters. Can't say I would be fool enough to try and join high end content when my gear isn't up to par anyway. Even getting gear from doing side-quests and heroics.


despite that I'm not crying about not having the 12x boost. However, I am strongly considering canceling because I just don't have the time to grind through every side-quest/heroic just to maintain a moderate leveling curve. I have a life outside gaming. Don't have time for guilds and haven't even considered paying such an absurd amount of credits to pay for legacy perks for each character.


This boost had made the game much more enjoyable and I can't fathom as an alta-holic to do the same quests over and over and over again.




You act like an MMO is a race to completion.

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I do not care either way but it is awfully babyish to stomp your feet and threaten to quit over .


I'm fine with folks like this quitting. Why they have to spam the forum with drama on their way out is beyond me. They really offer nothing to the -M- part of an MMO. They are game hoppers, who want desperately to beat the game as quickly and easily as possible. Console games is their proper venue IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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while I actualy wouldn't mind optional 12xp as some sort of a perk.. leaving becasue its not there? yeah, I'm not sure you are an MMO player either (and the only reason I wouldn't mind is because I have 12 characters at 55 already and while I still enjoy side quests on occasion, its nice to have an option to speed level a character to fill a role an ops group might be missing or just get an uninterrupted refresher on class story)


and I say that as pathologically slow leveler. as in... I'm nowhere near having even a single 60 yet.

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Originally I advocated that they should move all the XP from the planetary quests into the story quests, and perhaps boost the coin, com and cash rewards for side quests a bit.


This way folks that enjoyed leveling taking all the quests could still do so, and those that wanted to only do side quests could do so as well.


It would not be as quick a process as 12XP, but would provide both experiences without negatively impacting the game IMO. You would have the normal leveling process/time....the choice would be to either concentrate on the storyline quests only or take all the quests available and enjoy the extra loot/coin/comms.


Naturally have a 12Xp legacy perk for subs only, something that can be toggled off if desired would probably be simpler.

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Originally I advocated that they should move all the XP from the planetary quests into the story quests, and perhaps boost the coin, com and cash rewards for side quests a bit.


This way folks that enjoyed leveling taking all the quests could still do so, and those that wanted to only do side quests could do so as well.


It would not be as quick a process as 12XP, but would provide both experiences without negatively impacting the game IMO. You would have the normal leveling process/time....the choice would be to either concentrate on the storyline quests only or take all the quests available and enjoy the extra loot/coin/comms.


Naturally have a 12Xp legacy perk for subs only, something that can be toggled off if desired would probably be simpler.



The modern MMO player is (and I am generalizing here, not targeting any particular set of players) LAZY. Once you give them a promotional perk that somehow improves their perceived QoL... they demand it be made permanent and make threats and throw tantrums to try to make their point.


Exhibit A: 2X xp events. Once they dropped one on the player base... somehow.. once it ended... players complained that is was too much to level under the normal xp bonus rules.


Happily... 12x XP was not given to every player....so only the spoiled lazy subbers that preordered are in a position to demand it be made permanent. :p


Frankly.. IMO... if they made 12x permanent.. it would shorten the life of the game by years. Players that simply want it so they can super level.. will leave shortly after "beating" the leveling curve. Players that hate how 12x distorts game play and behavior in the players at large will leave in disgust.


TL;DR as much as I enjoyed it.. it should remain a special short term perk for key times in the games life cycle (primarily when a level cap is raised, or maybe for a short time during the anniversary date of the game (as a thank you to subscribers).

Edited by Andryah
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Did you read my post and do you realize I am prob one of the oldest members of this forum? (do your homework first please before you post against me). I said 12k was too easy. I didn't use it much I already had plenty of 55's. And since I helped get this game started and support it will absolutely NOT be better off without people like me.


Doesn't matter, all games are better without crit kiddies.

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The modern MMO player is (and I am generalizing here, not targeting any particular set of players) LAZY. Once you give them a promotional perk that somehow improves their perceived QoL... they demand it be made permanent and make threats and throw tantrums to try to make their point.


Exhibit A: 2X xp events. Once they dropped one on the player base... somehow.. once it ended... players complained that is was too much to level under the normal xp bonus rules.


Happily... 12x XP was not given to every player....so only the spoiled lazy subbers are in a position to demand it be made permanent. :p


Frankly.. IMO... if they made 12x permanent.. it would shorten the life of the game by years. Players that simply want it so they can super level.. will leave shortly after "beating" the leveling curve. Players that hate how 12x distorts game play and behavior in the players at large will leave in disgust.


TL;DR as much as I enjoyed it.. it should remain a special short term perk for key times in the games life cycle (primarily when a level cap is raised, or maybe for a short time during the anniversary date of the game (as a thank you to subscribers).


Fair enough on your points, but I think I disagree with you about it shortening the games life span. In fact, I think it would do the opposite. Here are the effects as I think they would be...which is by no means meant to be conclusive, just my view.

1) Casual players are more engaged to play and participate because they focus on the class story, arguably the best part of the game for that class of player.


2) Having multiple players at top level makes it much easier for casual players to participate in other game activities, like generating credits (dailies), crafting, joining guilds, gathering mats, etc.


3) Increasing activity among casuals could have the side effect of engaging them in other content that could be considered "gateway" content, like GSF as a lead in to PVP, or KDY as a lead in to raiding.


Slowing down the leveling process, IMO, did little to engage casual players. In the end, casuals generally lost interest in leveling, arguably the most important thing to a casual player (and that last statement is VERY general and speculative).


So hardcore players burned through the content, Casuals set low level characters aside and remained closed off to the rest of the community since they lacked any real presence in the game.


Having multiple high level characters makes a transition into end game content for casual players MUCH easier IMO, and much more likely.


Just my slant of course.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Fair enough on your points, but I think I disagree with you about it shortening the games life span. In fact, I think it would do the opposite. Here are the effects as I think they would be...which is by no means meant to be conclusive, just my view.

1) Casual players are more engaged to play and participate because they focus on the class story, arguably the best part of the game for that class of player.

Or for the most part they will skip it being the xp would be too easy .

2) Having multiple players at top level makes it much easier for casual players to participate in other game activities, like generating credits (dailies), crafting, joining guilds, gathering mats, etc.

All reward no work .

3) Increasing activity among casuals could have the side effect of engaging them in other content that could be considered "gateway" content, like GSF as a lead in to PVP, or KDY as a lead in to raiding.

All reward no work , heck lets lower the cost of endgame items to seeing how that is a grind too .

Slowing down the leveling process, IMO, did little to engage casual players. In the end, casuals generally lost interest in leveling, arguably the most important thing to a casual player (and that last statement is VERY general and speculative).

They did not slow it down , they gave you 12% for a short term .

So hardcore players burned through the content, Casuals set low level characters aside and remained closed off to the rest of the community since they lacked any real presence in the game.

This game is very much probably one of the most Casual games on in the MMO world.

Having multiple high level characters makes a transition into end game content for casual players MUCH easier IMO, and much more likely.

Ok so level those characters , nothing is stopping you.

Just my slant of course.


This is in fact probably those most Casual MMO on the market period.

Legacy plus Guild gives you +40% EXP to all aspects of the game (Class, Space , PvP, Exploration ......etc).

By far easier to level in this game now than it was the first year by great distances.

I mean why don't you guys just as for a instant 60lv Item on Cash Shop ........



In my opinion if they keep cutting down the XP it takes to get to max level , they should just do away with levels in a whole . Obviously we are just all looking for the end goal and care not for the building a character anymore .

Edited by mefit
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After 12xp, I've tried to raise an alt, spent 30 hours to get to level 30 with all legacy unlocks and available boosts by repeating KDY like 30 times, then decided it's not worth my time. This is literally stupidest thing I could do ...


Yes, yes it is. Why would you think levelling by doing only KDY would be a) enjoyable; and b) an efficient way of levelling? Doing all relevant daily and weekly missions for PvP, Space Missions, and Flashpoints as an addition to your storyline quests is a much more efficient way. And you did say:


We don't live eternity, and our times have be to be spent wisely, be it work, romance, or entertainment such as this.


Also, how did you come up with the number for "you are forced to spend over 150 hours of repetition"? How many alts is that for? If you divide that by 16 (which is the number of different Advanced Classes), you get a little over 9 hours each. That's not bad considering some people could only get to 55 in that amount of time by using the 12x XP boost. Not that anyone is forcing you to play alts...

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This is in fact probably those most Casual MMO on the market period.

Legacy plus Guild gives you +40% EXP to all aspects of the game (Class, Space , PvP, Exploration ......etc).

By far easier to level in this game now than it was the first year by great distances.

I mean why don't you guys just as for a instant 60lv Item on Cash Shop ........



In my opinion if they keep cutting down the XP it takes to get to max level , they should just do away with levels in a whole . Obviously we are just all looking for the end goal and care not for the building a character anymore .


I am not sure why you are telling me these things, unless it is simply to express your opinion, or perhaps push some kind of hardcore agenda. Most of the responses you gave were absolutely obvious to almost anyone.


Therefore they were meaningless IMO. The points I made were my viewpoints, based on casual participation. I do not deal in "how casuals should play" and those kind of ridiculous short sighted platitudes. Instead I deal in realities, and there are a few....

Casuals dominate the market at present.

This game can be more casual friendly, and has been moving toward that end over time.

There is nothing wrong, IMO, with encouraging casual player participation.


You can browbeat casuals if you like....instead I would rather find ways to get them to dedicate themselves to this game and play it.


If that means further changes that the hardcore MINORITY player set dislike, then so be it.


I have to admit I have little concern over the plight of hardcore players when and if it stands in the way of getting bodies in the chairs. I am more concerned with engaging casuals.

Edited by LordArtemis
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No...no way...no thank-you.


12x was far too much and leveled far too fast. I could see them offering 50% boosts or 1hr 100% boosts to those who want it....and i would only agree to this since it would be optional.


many of us play for the stories...and yes..re-playing the story lines is fun to do again.

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I love these threads, people raging about stuff which they clearly haven't checked prior to their posting. The devs have stated that they really liked 12xp and would like to find a format in which to keep it around. They also acknowledged that gearing was an issue and that they would want to look into that if it was to become a later release. No I am not going to supply the quote for you because you people supposively have brains. I would suggest looking in the press preview of SoR and in the recent livestreams though. Edited by g_land
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I am not sure why you are telling me these things, unless it is simply to express your opinion. Most of the responses you gave were absolutely obvious to almost anyone.


Therefore they were meaningless IMO. The points I made were my viewpoints, based on casual participation. I do not deal in "how casuals should play" and those kind of ridiculous short sighted platitudes. Instead I deal in realities, and there are a few....

Well I can say your views are meaningless too in my opinion . I wrote it to you as a reply to you , maybe you could not understand that .

Casuals dominate the market at present.

This game can be more casual friendly, and has been moving toward that end over time.

There is nothing wrong, IMO, with encouraging casual player participation.

Again SWTOR is already the most Casual MMO on the market . A lot of people want instant gratification , with little to no work . Eventually we all lose our Identity in this because at one point those who were considered Hardcore or dedicated were able to separate themselves by the amount of time and effort to gain rewards and goals. Now anyone can have that .

You can browbeat casuals if you like....instead I would rather find ways to get them to dedicate themselves to this game and play it.

I am not "Browbeating" casuals , I am stating facts . 12% more XP is going to do little , when you are already getting 40% + EXP from Legacy+ Guild + Sub .

If that means further changes that the hardcore MINORITY player set dislike, then so be it.

Ofcourse destroy what some people like for the majority .

I have to admit I have little concern over the plight of hardcore players when it stands in the way of getting bodies in the chairs. I am more concerned with engaging casuals.


12% will see the bodies come and go just like before . Sad fact of Casual Gameplay is people come and go at a faster Rate than they did when their was a Grind .


Take FF11 , a game I use to enjoy . Went from having over 20 servers down to under 8 when Abyssea came out which made leveling go from months to 2-3 days.


Dedicated players are those who put in time and effort . Everyone else is vacationers who jump from MMO to MMO.


In the first Month of SWTOR people were crying not enough Content because we were able to fly through it with little effort and that is before all the increases in EXP from Legacy , Cash Shop , and Guild .


They all wanted more Content , I wanted Bioware to work on what we had .

You know , Beds we can lay in , Chairs we can click on to sit in , Map expanding past the walls we have , more Companion customizations and uses , Gamma Fix ..................etc .


Casuals might be the ruling Amount of players but most Casuals are not loyal to any one MMO either .


Here is the kicker , I am a Casual Gamer . Being I have a Job , Wife , and 3 kids .

I find nothing epic or cool about a game that springs me to the last level .

Endgame in these current games becomes a job rather than fun because everyday I find myself doing the samething everyday.

Eventually you are trapped in a day that is like yesterday and the day before it .

Casual Extremism brought that to MMOs .

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12% will see the bodies come and go just like before . Sad fact of Casual Gameplay is people come and go at a faster Rate than they did when their was a Grind .

I would disagree, but I can't argue against the logic of that statement. You could most certainly be correct.


Take FF11 , a game I use to enjoy . Went from having over 20 servers down to under 8 when Abyssea came out which made leveling go from months to 2-3 days.

Fair point.

Dedicated players are those who put in time and effort . Everyone else is vacationers who jump from MMO to MMO.


Let me be clear about this...multiple studies have demonstrated (depending on how they defined casual and hardcore of course) that hardcore players are generally dedicated, loyal players. Casual players, on the other hand are far more transient.


So that point you make is absolutely valid IMO...not that you need my validation of course.


My intention is try and reduce that transient nature. It can be argued that that is not possible, and that can be a logical stand IMO. But I do not think the effort is hopeless, especially in a game such as this.


I think this game has unique opportunities to draw casual players in todays market based on its subject material and the upcoming movies in the genre.

Edited by LordArtemis
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