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Anyone else leaving SWTOR until 12xp comes back?


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We don't live eternity, and our times have be to be spent wisely, be it work, romance, or entertainment such as this.


It is an undeniable truth that SWTOR forces you to repeat the same side quests 4 times on each faction when you start an alt. This means, after your first character, you are forced to spend over 150 hours of repetition with absolutely no entertainment value(unless you enjoy doing the same things over and over while leveling) to get a character to end game contents. That is a whole month of spending 5 hours a day, doing things that is not enjoyable.


After 12xp, I've tried to raise an alt, spent 30 hours to get to level 30 with all legacy unlocks and available boosts by repeating KDY like 30 times, then decided it's not worth my time. This is literally stupidest thing I could do with my leisure time. 99% games are more enjoyable and shorter than repeating the same SQ in SWTOR. I would rather play Ride to Hell:Retribution(the game that scored 1/10 in GS review.)


SWTOR does not have enough side quests to avoid repetition, and on top of that, those fillers are not even well-made. The time and efforts it takes to normally level up is simply not worth it. Bioware should seriously consider bringing back 12xp in CC or legacy unlock because otherwise the leveling contents are simply too awful to repeat after the first time and Bioware is not really getting long-term profit by taking it away when people don't bother to play like me.


I am unsubbing and I somehow doubt something like 12xp will ever come back. SWTOR felt very enjoyable while it lasted. :(

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TL;DR: No.


A bit longer answer: No mmo could function with permanent 12x. People would play for 2 months, be done with everything and unsub. One year later and the game would die. From an economy p.o.v., 12x is suicide.

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Angry Birds =====>


Regardless of where you go, you're going to have repetitive side quests. The difference between SWTOR and other games is that SWTOR actually has a variety of storylines that you can experience.


Good luck wherever you go.

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TL;DR: No.


A bit longer answer: No mmo could function with permanent 12x. People would play for 2 months, be done with everything and unsub. One year later and the game would die. From an economy p.o.v., 12x is suicide.


People like me wouldn't bother even 2 month without 12x after first character. If 12xp is only unlocked after maxing like a character on each faction, and Bioware charages CC for it, it will be more profitable for Bioware and good for players.

Edited by Highsis
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People like me wouldn't bother even 2 month without 12x after first character. If 12xp is only unlocked after maxing like a character on each faction, and Bioware charages CC for it, it will be more profitable for Bioware and good for players.


A steady stream of players who rush to "endgame" and join max-level groups in level 10-15 greens and don't know how to play will not help the company, the players, or the game.


Certainly, if you aren't enjoying the game, go do something else. There are people who play a single character for years, and others who make a new alt every week. But if you aren't having fun doing it, there's no point in continuing, the game is not made better because players are miserable but refuse to leave.

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12x was way to easy. I just want the same level of power I had the night I went to bed with 2.0. When they do that I might come back. I hit cancel the next day cause I refuse to accept the reduction in my characters. This is way to big a change when they sell Cartel IP property items for cash then change what it is sold for. I would never spent one penny for this nerfed down set of character legacy.
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12x was way to easy. I just want the same level of power I had the night I went to bed with 2.0. When they do that I might come back. I hit cancel the next day cause I refuse to accept the reduction in my characters. This is way to big a change when they sell Cartel IP property items for cash then change what it is sold for. I would never spent one penny for this nerfed down set of character legacy.


if all you care about is your character critting for 12k, then farewell.

The game will be better off without players with that mindset.

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Nah. It's an adjustment getting back to the actual gameplay, but I don't mind it so much now I have a system of leveling in place (ie, not repeating the same planet order and same class several times on alts, now I switch between empire/republic classes). I still love this game plenty without the 12x XP, it was just a nice perk I'd like to have back sometime in the future so I can get through some more dreadful classes.
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if all you care about is your character critting for 12k, then farewell.

The game will be better off without players with that mindset.


Did you read my post and do you realize I am prob one of the oldest members of this forum? (do your homework first please before you post against me). I said 12k was too easy. I didn't use it much I already had plenty of 55's. And since I helped get this game started and support it will absolutely NOT be better off without people like me.

Edited by Vashgud
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Did you read my post and do you realize I am prob one of the oldest members of this forum? (do your homework first please before you post against me). I said 12k was too easy. I didn't use it much I already had plenty of 55's. And since I helped get this game started and support it will absolutely NOT be better off without people like me.


So what? That doesn't somehow invalidate his response.

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Did you read my post and do you realize I am prob one of the oldest members of this forum? (do your homework first please before you post against me).


Do you think I care if you've been here for three years or three weeks?

And I don't need to do "homework" to reply to an irrational complaint.




I said 12k was too easy




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Do you think I care if you've been here for three years or three weeks?

And I don't need to do "homework" to reply to an irrational complaint.


Yes because your post was incorrect so you actually do have to take a minute to read and think about things and even go read some of my other posts then you post. Otherwise you basically blasted me for nothing and that's a karma in the universe you don't want because it will come back someday so .. Peace & Love..


Have a nice day...

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Though I certainly hope the 12XP returns to the game in some form (I hope permanently), I will not leave the game in it's absence.


I have decided to stick around for a while.


same here, rage quitting will not bring 12x back, repeating these threads until we do may get us some luck. But to do that we need to keep our subs and keep it fresh on their minds xD

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No because between Legacy and Guild you get 40% more XP anyways.


it's only on class missions, not 12 x for the entire game. 40% is nothing , most MMOs offer wayyyyy more than that just for subscribing. When you add up all the XP boost even using cartel boost it's still a grind to level. *** for tat, whatever, pretty sure the population is in favor largely of 12x , dissenters always try to make the loudest noises though and we alll already know that, even BW xD

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12xp wasn't so great under the hood. Toons leveled so fast that they didn't upgrade their gear along the way, for themselves or their companions. They missed out on the raw resources available to craft and leveling that lagged behind too, ensuring they'd not have money proportioned to their needs. (Granted the GTN gods are kind). It was a nice temporary thing but the game wasn't designed for it.
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it's only on class missions, not 12 x for the entire game. 40% is nothing , most MMOs offer wayyyyy more than that just for subscribing. When you add up all the XP boost even using cartel boost it's still a grind to level. *** for tat, whatever, pretty sure the population is in favor largely of 12x , dissenters always try to make the loudest noises though and we alll already know that, even BW xD


10% from Guild

30% is if you upgrade all your Legacy per Character , which is for Space Missions , Class Missions , PvP ............so on .

Maybe not for killing mob to mob but it covers everything else .


I do not care either way but it is awfully babyish to stomp your feet and threaten to quit over .

Edited by mefit
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