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Shadow of Revan (Possible Spoilers)


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So I reach the final mission 'The Enemy Within' and I'm given two options: Use the combined might of Imperial and Republic forces to stop the ritual (solo) or go directly into the operation and stop the ritual yourself (operation). Of course, since the game just launched, I figured there'd be a solo version of ToS. I chose the solo option and was given dailies to complete... Okay, I'll just finish these quests and move on to the solo operation. Nope. It just skips a major part of the main story and I'm given a small cutscene in it's place before moving on to finish the story after an anti-climactic build-up of events.


After scouring through videos on youtube, it turns out you get more out of the story if you go with the operation. More conversations, scenes, etc.


Seriously, BioWare? You couldn't make a one-time solo version of the operation? You had to just have us skip it if we choose to solo it?


I finished the last mission and realized that I missed out on the climactic build-up. gg.


Edit 1: For those of you who haven't finished the last mission. Choose to do the operation. More fulfilling that way.

Edited by Inafinus
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You expected otherwise? :rolleyes:


One option has you running around doing the same trivial affairs you did earlier; The other actually requires team effort, coordination, people getting along and what not.


It only makes sense that the latter is FAR MORE bombastic and epic in nature than the former. Dunno why you are apparently so surprised or shocked.


IMHO, Bioware screwed up in some regards but for one, I'm glad they made such distinction. Good call.

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There wasn't much of a clarification as to what would happen, so those who go the solo route are ****ed over when it comes to a fulfilling story.


Option 1 (Operation): "Take an elite group from your own faction into the Temple of Sacrifice to stop the ritual."


Option 2 (Solo): "Inspire cooperation among the Empire and Republic and make one combined effort to make the final push against the Revanites to stop the ritual."


I'm sure you can guess which one seems better. There was little to no information other than those descriptions.

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There wasn't much of a clarification as to what would happen, so those who go the solo route are ****ed over when it comes to a fulfilling story.


Not really.


People are given a choice. It would seem that in your case, you went for the easiest route; however, last I checked, no one forced you to.


By skipping the operation, isn't it FAIRLY OBVIOUS you'd be missing everything pertaining it?


Not trying to provoke or slam here but merely pointing out a fact.

I'm sure you can guess which one seems better. There was little to no information other than those descriptions.


Again, IMHO, it was fairly obvious from the get-go that you would miss some stuff by SKIPPING altogether the operation.


Regardless, now that you know, you can always do it again with a different character.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Not really.


People are given a choice. It would seem that in your case, you went for the easiest route; however, last I checked, no one forced you to.


By skipping the operation, isn't it FAIRLY OBVIOUS you'd be missing everything pertaining it?


Not trying to provoke or slam here but merely pointing out a fact.



Again, IMHO, it was fairly obvious from the get-go that you would miss some stuff by SKIPPING altogether the operation.


Regardless, now that you know, you can always do it again with a different character.


It said 'SOLO'. I already said that I figured there'd be a solo version of the operation, but was ended up with a disappointing cutscene in it's place. They have solo versions of Blood Hunt and Battle of Rishi, why not the Temple of Sacrifice? No one forced me to do it, but I wasn't given much information other than misleading descriptions.


If I had known I would be getting more out of the story if I chose to do the actual group operation, I would've done it in a hearbeat. I didn't choose to 'easy' option just to get the story over with.

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It said 'SOLO'. I already said that I figured there'd be a solo version of the operation, but was ended up with a disappointing cutscene in it's place. They have solo versions of Blood Hunt and Battle of Rishi, why not the Temple of Sacrifice?


Last I checked, they never promised solo versions of operations.


That was an assumption on your part, which turned out to be inaccurate.


Operations are supposed to be group-affairs. Period.


Even so, Bioware caved in and made it possible to finish the story by offering an alternative. Nowhere it was ever stated that said alternative, in both grandiosity and majesty, would be akin to the solo operation.


No one forced me to do it, but I wasn't given much information other than misleading descriptions.


Apologies, but you sure were.


Again, by going solo, you knew you'd be SKIPPING the operation altogether and everything pertaining it. You may not like the outcome now but it was inferred to say the least.

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Last I checked, they never promised solo versions of operations.


That was an assumption on your part, which turned out to be inaccurate.


Operations are supposed to be group-affairs. Period.


Even so, Bioware caved in and made it possible to finish the story by offering an alternative. Nowhere it is ever stated that said alternative, in both grandiosity and majesty, would be equal to the operation.




Apologies, but you sure were.


Again, by going solo, you knew you'd be SKIPPING the operation altogether and everything pertaining it. You may not like the outcome now but it was inferred to say the least.


They gave a solo option for Blood Hunt that gave the same experience as the group option, same with the Battle of Rishi. Where does it say that I was skipping it? I didn't know that I was skipping it, I thought I was going to be running a solo mode of the operation. Nowhere does it say that I'd be missing out on content ffs. Aren't flashpoints group affairs? They did solo modes of them.

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They gave a solo option for Blood Hunt that gave the same experience as the group option, same with the Battle of Rishi.


Those were flashpoints, not operations last I checked.


Where does it say that I was skipping it? I didn't know that I was skipping it, I thought I was going to be running a solo mode of the operation.


That was an assumption, a failure on your part to comprehend what was being conveyed. The game gave you two options:


- Rally a team of elite specialists ( Operation )

- Rally both factions ( Solo )


If you chose the latter, how doesn't it infer that you SKIP altogether the operation and whatever pertains it?


Nowhere does it say that I'd be missing out on content ffs. Aren't flashpoints group affairs? They did solo modes of them.


We went through that already.

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Actually, I wouldn't mind having those extra dialogue cutscenes in the SOLO mode since I record the storyline and doing that solo is tons easier than doing it with a group of people (usually spamming chat with "spacebar, spacebar, SPACEBAR!!11!!!").


Never saw that happen during operations.


Most likely because each person sees the cutscenes SEPARATELY. They can skip at will on their end and you keep seeing them on yours.

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To be honest, going by the description I didn't really know what to expect, either. I was sure that it would not be a solo run of the original OP, assuming that, here I have to agree with DW, was baseless. I didn't however think that the solo run would be the actaul end of the story.


As in I didn't think there would be two different ways of letting the story end but one canon one. I assumed that I'd be fighting Revan without actually defeating him in a battle that takes place before the OP or something along those lines. I also thought that this was supposed to happen in any case, because the trailer for SoR showed the Imps and Reps banding together. I wasn't even sure if I'd be skipping the actual temple of sacrifice OP or if the OP would've been something like Toborro's Courtyard.


EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm not upset about this in any way as I'll be doing the OP anyway.

Edited by Knorlac
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So is the story itself different if you do solo mode? I don't raid. I sometimes group. But anything more than 3 or 4 people is just too much investment for me. I want to do it solo. I have no particular desire to group with anyone other than the friends I have that play this game, and there's no way in hell I can get 8 of them together at the same time for any decent length of time. That kind of scheduling only works when you don't have a life or half your friends don't work shifts. Or nights. Or have kids. Or .. well, you get the point.


But if the solo experience actually tells a different story, I'll be disappointed. I hate that kind of bait-and-switch that says "look, you can go through the story solo and enjoy the content we've created but we're going to deny you the last piece of content because you happen to have a life or work schedule that's incompatible with 7 of your friends"


And all you "oh look, multiplayer in an MMO" people can just drop it with the strawman. There are plenty of reasons for a primarily soloer to play an MMO over an offline, single-player game. Grouping up to kill bad guys is JUST ONE of those many, many reasons.

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  • 4 weeks later...
So to do the [OPERATION] you'll need to gathar a group of players? And the [sOLO] is like the FP before, with a support droid?

'Just want to know, cuz I really want to play the stroy full out. So I want to go OP if so. :)


Solo is doing a bunch of the daily quests on Yavin + killing four named mobs. Operation is doing Temple of Sacrifice, I assume. I never picked that option.

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Wait, I'm confused. You're telling me that the story unfolds in a different direction depending on whether you choose group mode or single mode? Does this go for rishi and that other one too? I had no idea.


It's not that big a deal, and it's only for the final part of the story. The idea is that eventually you need to fight your way to Revan himself. You can either do that yourself (i.e. Temple of Sacrifice) or you can "rally the troops" to increase morale and cooperation within the coalition, so the army clears the way for you (i.e. do dailies). Then the final fight is the same either way.

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Damn, I went solo thinking it was the same story wise, maybe that's why the expansion felt like it fell so flat for me. Yavin IV was just doing mind numbingly easy thoughtless dailies before you'd even completed the story, and then suddenly a Revan fight. It seemed like Bioware completely phoned that planet in and just gave up on story, but now apparently there was other stuff which they expect you to be playing with 8 people during that part of your story to see? I mean it's not some side thing like oricon, it's literally the end of the expansion's main storyline. They never did anything like that on the first 3 chapter stories or the makeb story.
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  • 6 years later...
They gave a solo option for Blood Hunt that gave the same experience as the group option, same with the Battle of Rishi. Where does it say that I was skipping it? I didn't know that I was skipping it, I thought I was going to be running a solo mode of the operation. Nowhere does it say that I'd be missing out on content ffs. Aren't flashpoints group affairs? They did solo modes of them.


yes it sux, they force to lose time, to wait for other people and rely on their failure or success instead of your own.

i just hit the same place, there are like 5 people on yavin lol not many people to ask....and if there are conversations they will pick the wrong answers just to annoy you....


sux your cant play it like a game from start to scratch and that you must become a silly world of warcraft n00b to continue the story

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