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Cannot complete Enemy Within quest.


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Revan stuns all the NPCs, then melees myself and companion down. He does not go into a bubble or spawn any fissures - I've seen him do that once during over 10 attempts, but I couldn't work out what to do because the tooltips are misleading.


Specifically, on the tooltips, it seemed to imply I can block the projectiles, so I tried to do that. In fact, your supposed to run and stand on top of the NPCs and it has nothing to do with blocking the projectiles. You could begin by writing a sensible tooltip if you want people to understand your content without resorting to trial and error.


Now, the main problem is 90% of the time, he stuns ALL the NPCS, PERMANENTLY, with NO WAY TO FREE THEM, because no light/dark fissures spawn, while he continues to use all his melee abilities on you with no healing, so you die in short order.


This quest has been EXTREMELY irritating for me and MANY others. I liked the story part, but seriously, any good will you got from that was burnt and turned to anger and frustration by this extremely sloppy implementation of the final quest which I simply can't complete. If you wanted to design a quest to PISS PEOPLE OFF, you passed with flying colours. If I was supposed to enjoy it, you failed utterly.


So far, this isn't even in the known issues. Well, your actually affecting EVERYONE in early access with this alpha level quest implementation. How this ever got past alpha, let alone into beta, let alone into LIVE, I will never know. Sadly, such poor quality is what has become the norm for bioware. Your brand is dead to me.

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I've done this so many times I'm starting to get pissed. Each time it's something different that goes wrong. Allies get hung up and the bubbles that you are supposed to use to release them never spawn and Revan goes on a rampage, the non-stop stuns roots and knockdowns that you can't possibly interrupt because the cooldowns on your abilities are now longer and the simple fact that Hold the Line does nothing of the sort.


This is by far the worst piece of design I've ever seen. Challenging is one thing but impossible because of bugs and bad mechanics is quite another. Was this not tested?

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The only way to reliably do this, since the mechanics don't want to spawn properly, is to take a flashpoint group in and do it four times...once for each player.


That way, when your allies are gone you still have 4 interrupts to keep spamming so he doesn't gank you over and over.


Whoever was responsible for this should be ashamed for the utter lack of QA on this fight.

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I finished this mission once for the story and I'm now stuck on the weekly version I got right after. :o


Mechanics worked properly the first time around, with the NPCs being simulaneously CCed with that Whirlwind-like thing, and Revan standing in the middle attacking only them, slowly whittling down their HPs.

The DS and LS orbs spawned properly, so I figured I had to carry those to the opposite locked characters. Those with the DS debuff needed hte LS one, those with the LS one needed the DS orb.

This made the fight doable. And that mechanics happened about 2 times during the fight, both times without issues. :p

It was tough, of course, but satisfying. :cool:


On the weekly attempt, however, I tryed about 5 times, between respawning there and to medcenter, resetting the quest and whatnot. The mechanics applied halfway every time. The NPCs are stunned, the orbs don't spawn, and hte boss keeps chasing me around till I die. Then he kills the NPCs, since htey can't defend themselves. :mad:


Now, I know I'm lucky, because judging from Yavin's general chat I'm about hte only one who downed the boss, or at least one of the few. But it shouldn't be like that. I mean, relying on luck to see mechanics spawn? Really?

It's a gamebreaking issue, and a very important one, at that. :eek:


I'd suggest to have a look at it ASAP, because if it was something about the boss resetting, ok, with NPCs it'd be less of an issue. But something like that is not a small problem. It's a huge one, it effectively prevents people to finish the planetary quest line. :(


Thanks for the reports!


We are looking into this Mission now.




Also thanks for hte quick response, began writing before it so I though I should edit to acknowledge it. :o

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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kinda a bit too late. I "restarted" quest hoping to fix Revan's bugging but then something else happened. It tells me now that I have to kill all bosses over again and finish 6 dailes (which I already did so I'm unable to do it till tomorrow). Just EPIC.
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Yeah, something is wrong with this one, while Solo. First attempt group got cc'd and could not get out and we all wiped. Second attempt I kind of went along with the mechanics and notice Shatele do some type of battle meditation. to everyone. I made her my main focus to save instead. while the fight took longer cause my lack of dps I was able to clear it in under 10 mins.
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It took me 5 tries to finish this fight. The first four times the npcs would get cc'd and then I would be demolished by Revan having no way to stop his constant cc and incoming dmg, because the fissures would never spawn. The fifth time Revan never jumped to the middle at all he just dps'd so I was able to finally finish the fight, although the fissures didn't spawn this time either.


I agree with most of the other posters, a very frustrating and unsatisfying experience.

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I have never had it work as intended.


First time for the story it was so laggy on Yavin that I don't know what happened just get hitting him till he died don't know if I was getting any help from the others or if they got stuck cause the lag was so bad.


For the weekly first time they got stunned and there was nothing I could do to help them, no orbs no Revan in the middle him just beating on me. So I swapped out my dps companion to the uber Ewok and tried again. Same thing everyone stunned me fighting him got him to 1% then chain stunned till I died. Third time interupted those force chokes like crazy, no one stunned no orbs and he went down.

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This crap is why people leave games devs. You have us do all that friggen grinding only to gate us (unwittingly admittedly) at the very end. I'm getting really tired of the incompetence shown by your team. I know you are doing your best and I love you guys but it's not like this is the first time this has happened. Almost every end game operation/quest has wound up bugged in the beginning of its implementation and required a patch to fix the issue.


While I am happy you have acknowledged the problem and are addressing it, as a paying customer I am most displeased with the constant lack of attention to detail that is constantly exhibited.


In short your team needs to do better. This has been a CONSTANT problem since the launch of the game.



-Unsatisfied paying customer

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I ran in to this same problem yesterday when questing but figured out away around it. Since the quest is bugged I will post how I did it. I think it works 100% but i have only done it twice so far. Both times worked.


To know how to do it you need to know the mechanics. At 70% and 30% he is pushing all NPC to the pillars. You cant do anything when this happens and its bugged you die quickly.


If you go out and the door to the room is closed leave the instance and reset the phase. Do Not, I repeat do not reset the quest, if you so you will have to start over with the dailies and have to wait one day to do it again. (Happened to a guildy i was questing with, felt so bad for him) Resetting the phase will reopen the door.


Now to work around this this is what you need to do:


Go in and get him down to 70%. All NPC's will go to pillars. Just Die. After you die you an use medical probe but dont. Wait till he kills off all the NPC at the poles. Once he kills them all he resets back to the center and all the NPC come back as if to start again. But the fight doesnt reset completely. Now use your the medical probe. Heal up and attack again. He will now be able to be DPS him past 70% all the way down to 30% where he will put everyone at the poles and kill you again. Wait till he kills everyone and resets him and the NPC's. Use medical probe again. attack again, this time he wont do that move at either 70% or 30% and you can DPS him all the way down to 0.


Takes forever but works.


I don't know if this would be an exploit or not since the quest is bugged. I like to think of it as creative approach to the problem. The dev;s can feel free to delete this if they feel it neccessary.

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This workaround worked for me:


Use a tank comp (i used Treek but i guess any will do the trick)

Fight him for about 10 secons

Go grab a cup of coffee while the whole team fights it

At around 20% he starts doing dark growth, interrupt it

Done :D

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Try as much as possible. I've done it in my sixth attempt. I respeced to tank and had 2 taunts. I taunted him when he was going to the center and then used Threatening Scream when he was already there. I bugged his bugged mechanic (sic!). Later, he repeated it at 32% (not 35), but luckily he spawned Fissures that time.
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Can't finish the boss fight as well, because the rest of the group is CC'd with no way of freeing them. I came close to beating Revan still because Satele, despite being CC'd, still kept doing her healing.


But after I was killed and I respawned outside the phase, I couldn't reenter the fight since the gate is closed...

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I ran in to this same problem yesterday when questing but figured out away around it. Since the quest is bugged I will post how I did it. I think it works 100% but i have only done it twice so far. Both times worked.


This also worked for me...kinda. I did it for the first phase, in the second phase at 30% the fissures actually spawned and I could end the fight as intended. :)

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kinda a bit too late. I "restarted" quest hoping to fix Revan's bugging but then something else happened. It tells me now that I have to kill all bosses over again and finish 6 dailes (which I already did so I'm unable to do it till tomorrow). Just EPIC.


Yes, this is exactly what happened to me too. I am so pissed! I died on my first attempt, I released to medcenter... and I couldn't get back in the room because the door/gate was down. I didn't try logging out first but I should have. Now I can't finish until tomorrow unless I can get an operation together. Pretty annoyed but I hope they fix it soon.

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Jup i'm stuck at that quest too, and it's annoying you can't finish the story-line, it's should be one of those 'on the top of our list' bug fixes since players are litteraly stuck in questing...

Hope they will fix it soon!


It is right at the top of the list, and we are looking to get it fixed ASAP! Sorry for the inconvenience folks!



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I ran in to this same problem yesterday when questing but figured out away around it. Since the quest is bugged I will post how I did it. I think it works 100% but i have only done it twice so far. Both times worked.


To know how to do it you need to know the mechanics. At 70% and 30% he is pushing all NPC to the pillars. You cant do anything when this happens and its bugged you die quickly.


If you go out and the door to the room is closed leave the instance and reset the phase. Do Not, I repeat do not reset the quest, if you so you will have to start over with the dailies and have to wait one day to do it again. (Happened to a guildy i was questing with, felt so bad for him) Resetting the phase will reopen the door.


Now to work around this this is what you need to do:


Go in and get him down to 70%. All NPC's will go to pillars. Just Die. After you die you an use medical probe but dont. Wait till he kills off all the NPC at the poles. Once he kills them all he resets back to the center and all the NPC come back as if to start again. But the fight doesnt reset completely. Now use your the medical probe. Heal up and attack again. He will now be able to be DPS him past 70% all the way down to 30% where he will put everyone at the poles and kill you again. Wait till he kills everyone and resets him and the NPC's. Use medical probe again. attack again, this time he wont do that move at either 70% or 30% and you can DPS him all the way down to 0.


Takes forever but works.


I don't know if this would be an exploit or not since the quest is bugged. I like to think of it as creative approach to the problem. The dev;s can feel free to delete this if they feel it neccessary.


I love you, I do, I really really do. This worked for me, thank you so very much.

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I ran in to this same problem yesterday when questing but figured out away around it. Since the quest is bugged I will post how I did it. I think it works 100% but i have only done it twice so far. Both times worked.


To know how to do it you need to know the mechanics. At 70% and 30% he is pushing all NPC to the pillars. You cant do anything when this happens and its bugged you die quickly.


If you go out and the door to the room is closed leave the instance and reset the phase. Do Not, I repeat do not reset the quest, if you so you will have to start over with the dailies and have to wait one day to do it again. (Happened to a guildy i was questing with, felt so bad for him) Resetting the phase will reopen the door.


Now to work around this this is what you need to do:


Go in and get him down to 70%. All NPC's will go to pillars. Just Die. After you die you an use medical probe but dont. Wait till he kills off all the NPC at the poles. Once he kills them all he resets back to the center and all the NPC come back as if to start again. But the fight doesnt reset completely. Now use your the medical probe. Heal up and attack again. He will now be able to be DPS him past 70% all the way down to 30% where he will put everyone at the poles and kill you again. Wait till he kills everyone and resets him and the NPC's. Use medical probe again. attack again, this time he wont do that move at either 70% or 30% and you can DPS him all the way down to 0.


Takes forever but works.


I don't know if this would be an exploit or not since the quest is bugged. I like to think of it as creative approach to the problem. The dev;s can feel free to delete this if they feel it neccessary.


This works like gangbusters. Thank you! Was one of the first on my server to reach the fight and have been trying for over 24 hours now to finish while watching others complete it no problem. My completionist OCD was going crazy. Thanks so much.

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kinda a bit too late. I "restarted" quest hoping to fix Revan's bugging but then something else happened. It tells me now that I have to kill all bosses over again and finish 6 dailes (which I already did so I'm unable to do it till tomorrow). Just EPIC.


I just did this exact same thing... :(

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