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A Powertech PvP Thread


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Hey guys, I've been currently looking into a couple builds for the Bounty Hunter Powertech, and I'd like to receive some constructive feedback by people who absolutely know what they're doing. Feel free to post you own builds, and play styles (including rotations) and we can discuss which builds are best suited for an individuals, taking maps and world PvP into account. I'll start off with a couple of mine.




23/13/5 Shield Tech

This build mainly centers around games like huttball, obviously where you will be tanking. It has a lot of utility, using Jet Charge and Grapple as gap closers to get in close with some melee. Also, Prototype Electro Dart. Works great in combination with Grapple (over a heat vent, or in the acid pools) or with the Flamethrower. You could go higher up on the tree, but The 31 point seems to be a bit lack luster- therefore I went with retractable blade as you'll need the extra punch from being mainly a survival spec.




8/31/2 Advanced Prototype

This one is a little bit different, as I have somewhat a hard time getting into the AP spec in PvP. It seems pretty viable, especially with the single target damage it's capable of. Essentially, the concept of this build is to proc your Prototype Flamethrower with you Flame Bursts until you hit the +50% point. There, you can combine with an Electro Dart / Flamethrower/ Rail Shot for an incredibly dangerous combo. Hell, throw a Rocket Punch in there if/while you can. I feel like it lacks a little bit of survivability, but Kolto Vents partially makes up for that, as well as some of the other top tier talents such as Stabilized Armor and Hydraulic Overrides.




5/5/31 Pyrotech

Pretty standard PvP build, not much explanation involved. Basically it relies on the power of dots to rack up as much damage as possible, but probably has the least survivability out of all the builds. Spamming Incindiary Missile on everyone you can seems to be a semi-constructive yet idiotic tactic to utilize with this one. Not much else is needed. Burn everything you can, that's really it.




23/3/13 Hybrid

This one is probably my favorite, as I really love both the Shield Tech tree and the Incindiary Missile talent. It's a solid combination of survivability while still capable of pumping out some of the massive-damage dots from the Pyrotech tree. Obviously, Combustible Gas Cylinder will be used for this build. It brings the utility of Jet Charge, which is also a great benefactor to use in PvP. 2 points are left over for your choice, solid investments being: Prototype Burn Enhancers, Prototype Electro Dart, Degauss, or even Jet Speed if you're so inclined (in no particular order).


Well, that's it from me. Feel free to post your own builds or offer suggestions to mine.



Edited by AnAcuteAngle
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I love your last build, the ST/Pyro hybrid. It keeps all the main damage sources from Pyro while getting a good bit of tankiness and mobility from the ST tree. However, I think you should change one thing in it:




I removed the points from Flame Surge and 1 point from Puncture to allow the build to accommodate Prototype Particle Accelerator 3/3. This is one of the best feats for Pyro, since it increases both damage and heat management a LOT (the latter because the target's gonna be on fire 24/7). It'll make up for the damage loss in flame burst/RP crits and the 20% less pen on rail shots (you'll be doing stupid damage enough with them, and they'll be used a lot more). My only decision is whether to spend 2 points in Pyro in Degauss (for anti-CC) or Gryoscoptic Jet Alignment for more heat control.




Edit: Also, I take it from the two feats you have in the ST tree that you'll be using shield generators over power generators? How does that work out? I know shields have a base 5% to block now, and shield vents bumps that up to 7%, but is there any way to increase the chance without using Ion Cylinder (which is worthless for this build, really, given all the Pyro damage requirements) and the other shield chance feats in the ST tree?

Edited by EbrisDhifi
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Hey guys, I've been currently looking into a couple builds for the Bounty Hunter Powertech, and I'd like to receive some constructive feedback by people who absolutely know what they're doing. Feel free to post you own builds, and play styles (including rotations) and we can discuss which builds are best suited for an individuals, taking maps and world PvP into account. I'll start off with a couple of mine.




23/13/5 Shield Tech

This build mainly centers around games like huttball, obviously where you will be tanking. It has a lot of utility, using Jet Charge and Grapple as gap closers to get in close with some melee. Also, Prototype Electro Dart. Works great in combination with Grapple (over a heat vent, or in the acid pools) or with the Flamethrower. You could go higher up on the tree, but The 31 point seems to be a bit lack luster- therefore I went with retractable blade as you'll need the extra punch from being mainly a survival spec.




8/31/2 Advanced Prototype

This one is a little bit different, as I have somewhat a hard time getting into the AP spec in PvP. It seems pretty viable, especially with the single target damage it's capable of. Essentially, the concept of this build is to proc your Prototype Flamethrower with you Flame Bursts until you hit the +50% point. There, you can combine with an Electro Dart / Flamethrower/ Rail Shot for an incredibly dangerous combo. Hell, throw a Rocket Punch in there if/while you can. I feel like it lacks a little bit of survivability, but Kolto Vents partially makes up for that, as well as some of the other top tier talents such as Stabilized Armor and Hydraulic Overrides.




5/5/31 Pyrotech

Pretty standard PvP build, not much explanation involved. Basically it relies on the power of dots to rack up as much damage as possible, but probably has the least survivability out of all the builds. Spamming Incindiary Missile on everyone you can seems to be a semi-constructive yet idiotic tactic to utilize with this one. Not much else is needed. Burn everything you can, that's really it.




23/3/13 Hybrid

This one is probably my favorite, as I really love both the Shield Tech tree and the Incindiary Missile talent. It's a solid combination of survivability while still capable of pumping out some of the massive-damage dots from the Pyrotech tree. Obviously, Combustible Gas Cylinder will be used for this build. It brings the utility of Jet Charge, which is also a great benefactor to use in PvP. 2 points are left over for your choice, solid investments being: Prototype Burn Enhancers, Prototype Electro Dart, Degauss, or even Jet Speed if you're so inclined (in no particular order).


Well, that's it from me. Feel free to post your own builds or offer suggestions to mine.





I think you are playing a Pyrotech wrong. no offense but you dont plant incidinary missiles on everyone that would be too idiotic and heat expensive. the way you play your pyrobuild is to build it around using railshot. yes railshot this is your bread and butter in this build also quite powerful too if played well, as far as I can tell pyrotech has the most mobility in pvp in the entire game, for all the instants we have you dont need anything to cast at all and can just run around shooting people.


the way i play my pyrotech is to first plant an incidenary missile on the one I plan to kill then railshot him or plant a explosive dart on him if there is more than one then use fireblast to keep him from escaping if it resets your railshot then do railshot if not use rocket punch, the cycle only just repeats up until the opponent is dead.

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Yeah, Granted I feel like I should use Rail Shot more but I don't think Pyrotech is worth going into unless you're going to pick up Incindiary Missile. Don't spam it, but it is a powerful dot. Use it, but don't overheat.


Atm I'm using whatever I can get my hands on, but yes- Shield generators are definitely preferred. My current one has a little mix of both, which is nice.



What kind of gear are you guys looking at for end-game PvP sort material? Personally, I like the survivability equipment but it seems as though most people are going with the DPS sets.



Edited by AnAcuteAngle
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My spec at 50 should be similar to your Shieldtech/Pyro build:



I'll be using Ion Gas Cylinder instead with a shield generator to give me higher chance to vent heat with Shield Vent. Should never run out of heat when combine Shield Vent and the free proc Rail Shots (return 8 heat/shot).


Only thing I'm not sure is Flame Surge or Puncture (2/3), which one will be more worth it. I'm leaning toward Flame Surge tho. Any input would be nice.

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Also it seems as if Pyrotech is a poor choice for a Hybrid build, as you almost have to give up your main spec's cylinders for any useful points in the Pyrotech to pick up incindiary missile or higher (the three points above it, I'm not looking at a skill tree right now).


Having a Shield Tech/Pyrobuild seems awkward at best, but also situationally viable. I like it, but that's just my opinion. I feel it's not the best, but there are so many specs it just comes down to playstyle and preference. Also- gear. I'm currently 31 Shield Tech because I bought a full set of the level 40 tank PvP gear.

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Also it seems as if Pyrotech is a poor choice for a Hybrid build, as you almost have to give up your main spec's cylinders for any useful points in the Pyrotech to pick up incindiary missile or higher (the three points above it, I'm not looking at a skill tree right now).


Having a Shield Tech/Pyrobuild seems awkward at best, but also situationally viable. I like it, but that's just my opinion. I feel it's not the best, but there are so many specs it just comes down to playstyle and preference. Also- gear. I'm currently 31 Shield Tech because I bought a full set of the level 40 tank PvP gear.


Currently using a deep Shield Tech build for pvp (lvl 42), just feel like I want to do more damage (can't get the 2.5k hit medals...:() but keep the mobility and part of the survival. The only 3 points I waste are ones from Super Heated Gas to unlock Superheated Rail.

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I beg to differ.. pyrotech can dish out a steady amount of damage in pvp, and can easily get past the 200k mark in damage done, actually almost all the warzones ive been to Ive easily surpassed the 200k damage mark and the thing is im only in my 20s back then, but im 32 atm and its getting ridiculously easier to dish out damage, and I rarely even lose a 1 on 1 fight even to a lvl 50 any class.


here is some screenies of the results as a Pyro build









I have tons of other screenies but this one would do.



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I tried the 31 Shield Tech Route, and found that it was actually quite squishy in PVP based on the fact that when you're stunned, and you will always be CCed, you don't block or dodge.


It also doesn't help we don't got the massive number of cooldowns that juggies get, So instead I opted for the 10/31/0 Spec.


Basically, if I'm PVEing, I let the Juggies tank, and I run the DPS Cylinder so I can managed heat easily.


if i'm playing PVP though, I run Ion instead, so I run around with all the DPS of the 31 Points of the DPS line, with the advantage of being able to guard, more armor, a DD proc on my shots, with a snare + dot.


To make it even more lame, I actually run the Defensive PVP armor as well, so I'm basically a Tanky DPS.


I usually top most of the Warfronts i'm in doing this, As I put out a stupid amount of DPS (Immolate Crits for 2.5k, FlameBurst for almost 2k) while pushing stupid amount of Defense capability.


The one problem i've found with the spec, is the lack of Charge, which makes me a crap Huttball Carrier..


Oh yea, and because of the talent in the later part of the tree, I take 20% less damage whenever i'm stunned, which means I basically have better mitigation then shield tech while CCed.

Edited by Xsorus
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I tried the 31 Shield Tech Route, and found that it was actually quite squishy in PVP based on the fact that when you're stunned, and you will always be CCed, you don't block or dodge.


It also doesn't help we don't got the massive number of cooldowns that juggies get, So instead I opted for the 10/31/0 Spec.


Basically, if I'm PVEing, I let the Juggies tank, and I run the DPS Cylinder so I can managed heat easily.


if i'm playing PVP though, I run Ion instead, so I run around with all the DPS of the 31 Points of the DPS line, with the advantage of being able to guard, more armor, a DD proc on my shots, with a snare + dot.


To make it even more lame, I actually run the Defensive PVP armor as well, so I'm basically a Tanky DPS.


I usually top most of the Warfronts i'm in doing this, As I put out a stupid amount of DPS (Immolate Crits for 2.5k, FlameBurst for almost 2k) while pushing stupid amount of Defense capability.


The one problem i've found with the spec, is the lack of Charge, which makes me a crap Huttball Carrier..


Oh yea, and because of the talent in the later part of the tree, I take 20% less damage whenever i'm stunned, which means I basically have better mitigation then shield tech while CCed.


You have to utilize Resolve. Anticipate the incoming stun and pop Energy Shield/Kolto Overload to tank it through. Trinket the next CC and you'll have a full resolve bar and be immune to CC.

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I beg to differ.. pyrotech can dish out a steady amount of damage in pvp, and can easily get past the 200k mark in damage done, actually almost all the warzones ive been to Ive easily surpassed the 200k damage mark and the thing is im only in my 20s back then, but im 32 atm and its getting ridiculously easier to dish out damage, and I rarely even lose a 1 on 1 fight even to a lvl 50 any class.


here is some screenies of the results as a Pyro build









I have tons of other screenies but this one would do.





Hey Exe im curious to see your build, I'm also interested in Pyro but just not sure...

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So I went ahead and try out the Shield Tech/Pyro hybrid. My survival did not go down, and I gain a noticeable amount of damage increase on Rail Shot. I also wants to confirm that heat vent from Superheated Rail does work off Incendiary Missile. Here's the build at level 45:



Did a few WZ's against mixed levels. 10-11 medals each game with 200k+ damage and 70-80k guard.


With Prototype Particle Accelerator, I'll be spamming Rail Shot non-stop thanks to the refresh Rocket Punch and the ability to use Flame Burst more (Shield Vent + Superheated Rail). Sure, I won't have the burst due to the lack of critical damage bonus talents. However, my damage is constant and very sustainable.


I'll definitely spec Shield Tech/Pyro at 50: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hRGbdMboZ0MZbIbrzh.1

Edited by Trungalung
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I tried the 31 Shield Tech Route, and found that it was actually quite squishy in PVP based on the fact that when you're stunned, and you will always be CCed, you don't block or dodge.


It also doesn't help we don't got the massive number of cooldowns that juggies get, So instead I opted for the 10/31/0 Spec.


Basically, if I'm PVEing, I let the Juggies tank, and I run the DPS Cylinder so I can managed heat easily.


if i'm playing PVP though, I run Ion instead, so I run around with all the DPS of the 31 Points of the DPS line, with the advantage of being able to guard, more armor, a DD proc on my shots, with a snare + dot.


To make it even more lame, I actually run the Defensive PVP armor as well, so I'm basically a Tanky DPS.


I usually top most of the Warfronts i'm in doing this, As I put out a stupid amount of DPS (Immolate Crits for 2.5k, FlameBurst for almost 2k) while pushing stupid amount of Defense capability.


The one problem i've found with the spec, is the lack of Charge, which makes me a crap Huttball Carrier..


Oh yea, and because of the talent in the later part of the tree, I take 20% less damage whenever i'm stunned, which means I basically have better mitigation then shield tech while CCed.



Can you link your build? I like this concept a lot. I want to go full AP, but skip the talents that enhance the cylinder, and use ion. I want to play very offense while being able to use guard.

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I don't know why you guys like hybrid specs so much. Your better off specializing in a tree.


Anyway, here is my PyroTech build I am going to do. I see people going for the extra aim which is nice for a flat damage boost but from my experience crit is better - especially with Firebug talent.




You could go 3/3 in intimidation and 1/2 in Rail loaders as alternative. it might be better to do that since it boosts more of your attacks. Enjoy

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I don't know why you guys like hybrid specs so much. Your better off specializing in a tree.


Anyway, here is my PyroTech build I am going to do. I see people going for the extra aim which is nice for a flat damage boost but from my experience crit is better - especially with Firebug talent.




You could go 3/3 in intimidation and 1/2 in Rail loaders as alternative. it might be better to do that since it boosts more of your attacks. Enjoy


Because I would like to keep my mobility, part of the survivability, and the ability to use Guard. I really like the Shield Tech tree and PvP tanking in this game. However, I feel like I want to do a little more damage instead of being guard bot.

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Can you link your build? I like this concept a lot. I want to go full AP, but skip the talents that enhance the cylinder, and use ion. I want to play very offense while being able to use guard.




Basically, Just stack the defensive pvp set, I run around with a stupid amount of defense while still hitting very hard when I crit (2000 point Flameburst's now, and 2600 Immolates)


in PVE it allows ya to switch over to the DPS Buff instead of the Defensive One, and put on DPS gear and fill the slot of a DPS in the group.


Only crappy thing like I said, is like of Jet Charge.

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Basically, Just stack the defensive pvp set, I run around with a stupid amount of defense while still hitting very hard when I crit (2000 point Flameburst's now, and 2600 Immolates)


in PVE it allows ya to switch over to the DPS Buff instead of the Defensive One, and put on DPS gear and fill the slot of a DPS in the group.


Only crappy thing like I said, is like of Jet Charge.


When you are in ION in pvp, how is heat management? I read somewhere where a person was complaining about it.

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