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Scheduled Maintenance: December 2nd, 2014


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Will we be able to start the download at any time before 7 a.m. PST tomorrow when the servers come back up? If so, what is the earliest time when we could restart the launcher and expect it to start the download?


The download always were available within 5 minutes after the servers shut down; why should it be different this time?

Edited by Mubrak
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Hey everyone!



(ex: French and German assets are different sizes than English).


the one and only time the Irish curse is a good thing....


I just couldn't resist. I will plan on having dinner while updating since most likely not going to be a simple 5 or 10 minute patch.

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Who wants to lay bets on whether or not EFP and QT will be broken this time around? ;)


Who wants to lay bets on whether or not you'll go this whole week without parading your ever endless list of "suggestions"? ;)


The difference is that TOR is a complex piece of software, as these things tend to be. Plus, I'm sure Bioware is not the only developer breaking stuff every so often.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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"New Celestial Body Orbiting An Unavailable Planet: Yavin 4!" just doesn't have a nice ring to it. ;)


Add that! Add that!






I forgot earlier. Never hurts to say:

Thanks for such a detailed and thorough list of the incoming changes. :D


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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New Flashpoints! Ruthless Mandalorians and an army of fanatical Revanites stand between the Players and their ultimate goal in two new Flashpoints for levels 56-60!


I take it from Ruthless Mandalorians, what we can make out in the trailers and the article that we will be defeating Shae Vizla. This is the last remaining 'imperial' character from the trailers left alive and not for much longer.


Does this mean we will soon get to kill Satele Shan and Jace Malcom and Nico Okarr, as it doesn't seem that the empire gets to kill very many notable Republic heroes. I've lost track of home many Dark council members have been slain. Even in the forged alliance arc alone I think I kill 2 while on the republic side a Colonel and a Jedi master, who may sit on the council though I don't recall him on any of my republic play throughs.


So its got to be about time we finally get to kill Satele Shan.

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Free proofreading! (Monetary) tips appreciated.


Channeled abilities are no longer effected by pushback, but can still be stopped by Interrupts or Stuns.

"affected", not "effected"



Channeled abilities now consume resources every time the Ability deals - or would deal – damage or healing, and does not have an upfront resource cost.


"do not", not "does not"

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Hey everyone!


Two things!


1. Patch notes will be posted later today!


2. The patch is big. I know some people have concerns about the filesize of the 3.0 update, so I thought I would let you know that internally we are showing roughly 2.5 gigs for the update from 2.10.3a. This number will fluctuate depending on your client version and your region (ex: French and German assets are different sizes than English).


Thanks so much man, i was really worried about patch size. now i can breath easy, thought i would not be able to patch until 6th because of internet usage limit. thanks a lot man.

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