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Game Update 3.0 Class Changes: Sentinel + Marauder


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Wow.... the amount of complaining going on in this thread is amazing.


Yes, it is sad that we are loosing Crippling/Deadly Throw. However, we aren't loosing the most important part of it: the Healing debuff it applied. Sure, it had a nice animation and the fact that it was a ranged attack had its uses (in very limited situations) and yet that wasn't the import part of it.


Also, what is this complaining that Sentinels/Marauders have lost a root? Crippling/Deadly Throw DOES NOT, by default, root its target. The only way to get the root was IF you were specced into Combat/Carnage and IF you took the Displacement talent (which requires that at least 15 points be in the tree already and to get the full effect you had to spend at least 17 in the tree).


As for using Crippling/Deadly Throw against mobs/players that were running away as a finisher... why would you do that? Dispatch/Vicious Throw costs the same, has the same range AND does twice the damage for use in this situation! If you wanted to hit a ranged mob/player in any other situation you were always better off using Force Scream/Blade Storm: same range, more damage AND it actually has synergies with 2 of the Sentinel/Marauder trees.


Personally, the only times I really used Crippling/Deadly Throw was to apply the Healing debuff (I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for most). Considering that the only times I did that was in PvP and that I would also be using Leg/Crippling Slash to slow the target, (P.S: I'm actually shocked to read that PvP Sentinels/Marauders in this thread are proudly proclaiming how they never used Leg/Crippling Slash and then complaining that they as melee players have problems with ranged classes :p), this rolling of the Healing debuff into Leg/Crippling Slash is a huge QoL improvement! Right now to slow and debuff the target Sentinels/Marauders need 2 GCDs and 5 focus/rage. After 3.0 launches they will need 1 GCD and less focus/rage to apply the same debuffs. Not to mention that if they decide to take Just Pursuit/Inescapable, they will not only be reducing the focus/rage cost even further (based on current focus/rage cost Leg/Crippling Slash will become free) but will also be rooting the target by reapplying Leg/Crippling Slash before its 12 second debuff runs out (considering they would/should be doing this anyway, this is huge).


As for Riposte/Retaliation, I can understand how some Sentinels/Marauders would miss it. The fact that it never missed and was off the GCD made it a potentially powerful ability. However, the fact that it relied on the player having parried/deflected/dodged an attack in the last 8 seconds and that it really only has synergy with the Cloak of Annihilation/Recompense talent made it situational at best and its cost and damage not really worth it (the player was generally better off using any other ability).


In short:

- the rolling of the Healing debuff into Leg/Crippling Slash is a good thing.

- the loss of Riposte/Retaliation, while a pity, is not a game breaker in any way.


You've got to be kidding me... You totally missed the predominate use of Crippling Throw as a carnage marauder in PvP.

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You've got to be kidding me... You totally missed the predominate use of Crippling Throw as a carnage marauder in PvP.


Really? I thought I covered that in my 3rd paragraph... I'll try and be more clear:

- Combat/Carnage are currently the ONLY Sentinel/Marauder spec to get a root on Crippling/Deadly Throw.

- They have to spend 2 talent points to guarantee the root.

Edited by ZeroPlus
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Yeah and that's critical for Carnage Marauders in PvP. PvE it hardly matters. The healing debuff is almost the secondary affect of it for Carnage marauders. The main point of it in PvP is to give the Marauder a chance to root a ranged class after a knockback. What would we do once we only have melee roots and ranged classes are getting more mobile? Use predation? Now we can't use Berserk so damage goes down, and with Gore on the GCD I'm not liking how things are shaping up.


PvE I have no major complaints about the changes - but I prefer to PvP and I'd rather not be gimp on my main.

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Yeah and that's critical for Carnage Marauders in PvP. PvE it hardly matters. The healing debuff is almost the secondary affect of it for Carnage marauders. The main point of it in PvP is to give the Marauder a chance to root a ranged class after a knockback. What would we do once we only have melee roots and ranged classes are getting more mobile? Use predation? Now we can't use Berserk so damage goes down, and with Gore on the GCD I'm not liking how things are shaping up.


PvE I have no major complaints about the changes - but I prefer to PvP and I'd rather not be gimp on my main.


You'll adapt. You'll change.


You'll do what the other specs have done all along:

1) you won't leap at targets that can knockback so that your leap is available AFTER they knock you back.

2) you'll use Leg/Crippling Slash to keep targets slowed and near you/unable to move far when/if they knock you back.

3) you'll slow them before they create distance, not after.

4) after 3.0, if you take Just Pursuit/Inescapable, you'll be able to root them by keeping them slowed (and if focus/rage costs stay the same as now, you'll do the slowing/rooting for free).


You'll adapt. You'll change. It's not the end of the world.

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You'll do what the other specs have done all along:

1) you won't leap at targets that can knockback so that your leap is available AFTER they knock you back.

2) you'll use Leg/Crippling Slash to keep targets slowed and near you/unable to move far when/if they knock you back.

3) you'll slow them before they create distance, not after.

4) after 3.0, if you take Just Pursuit/Inescapable, you'll be able to root them by keeping them slowed (and if focus/rage costs stay the same as now, you'll do the slowing/rooting for free

This is stupid idea brah

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You'll do what the other specs have done all along:

1) you won't leap at targets that can knockback so that your leap is available AFTER they knock you back.

2) you'll use Leg/Crippling Slash to keep targets slowed and near you/unable to move far when/if they knock you back.

3) you'll slow them before they create distance, not after.

4) after 3.0, if you take Just Pursuit/Inescapable, you'll be able to root them by keeping them slowed (and if focus/rage costs stay the same as now, you'll do the slowing/rooting for free

This is stupid idea brah


Really? Why? Because it works?


You might want to elaborate a bit, brah.

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So far, I'm disappointed on so many levels :( When I saw the powertech changes I was really impressed. I thought "wow playing my powertech will be a lot of fun hopefully mara will be better :D". I main a marauder and was really looking forward to some positive changes. There is just nothing impressive in here so far. Undying rage is something that NEEDS to be addressed. The ability is next to useless. The only time I use it in PVE is to eat those orbs on brontes. Of course when I do this I have to yell at my healers to let them know I will be losing 50% of my *********** health in 4 seconds. I know for balance, one has to be careful with changing that ability, but there is a solution and the current iteration is not acceptable. Another thing - bloodthirst. I may be wrong on how this works so please correct me if I am. I used to enjoy this ability which was unique to marauders. Now however, sorcs, mercs, ect. will have similar abilities. I'm assuming their abilities will only cost some manageable amount of force/heat ect. So now I ask, how is it fair for marauders to convert 30 stacks of fury for bloodthirst which they rely upon for berserk to maintain dps? If we have to use fury, I think the ability should keep its current 15% damage/healing increase for 15 seconds. PVP: everyone has already addressed the concerns I have. Struggling class may become even worse :rolleyes:


TLDR: All in all I am holding my breath for the stream this evening. I love my mara and will continue to play it no matter what. However, thus far I haven't seen anything to get excited about like I saw in the powertech post. It also seems certain critical issues have simply been ignored.

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Really? Why? Because it works?


Works Against who ?


Players who let you coming by foot in mele and don't slow / root / bump you when they see you ? don't use their tool to break slow / root effect, who stay static instead of running away ?


And we are supposed to use a stupid tool, that we have to use twice ( taking his sweet time to root isn't it ), to keep a target in range and that target will let us do it in the name of what ? because he take us on pity ?


It is not working atm and it will not works in future, if you play against casuals who let you do all you want , then fine, that's not our case.

Edited by KaellSolaris
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guys like 20 pages of post not one word from them about this but did have money sitting on my nightstand i feel dirty


If you were a developer/PR, what would you do if players turned against your/team's idea (almost) unanimously?

Against an idea that raises far more complex questions and leads back to a player base - developer team perception problem on melee/ranged discrepancy in PVP.


If I may suggest, I would like to have a fun day where PVPers may team up (both random groupes and guilds) against Devs.

Devs are going to play melee classes all day against ranged PVP teams. See how it goes.

Edited by varietasplus
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So far, I'm disappointed on so many levels :( When I saw the powertech changes I was really impressed. I thought "wow playing my powertech will be a lot of fun hopefully mara will be better :D". I main a marauder and was really looking forward to some positive changes. There is just nothing impressive in here so far. Undying rage is something that NEEDS to be addressed. The ability is next to useless. The only time I use it in PVE is to eat those orbs on brontes. Of course when I do this I have to yell at my healers to let them know I will be losing 50% of my *********** health in 4 seconds. I know for balance, one has to be careful with changing that ability, but there is a solution and the current iteration is not acceptable. Another thing - bloodthirst. I may be wrong on how this works so please correct me if I am. I used to enjoy this ability which was unique to marauders. Now however, sorcs, mercs, ect. will have similar abilities. I'm assuming their abilities will only cost some manageable amount of force/heat ect. So now I ask, how is it fair for marauders to convert 30 stacks of fury for bloodthirst which they rely upon for berserk to maintain dps? If we have to use fury, I think the ability should keep its current 15% damage/healing increase for 15 seconds. PVP: everyone has already addressed the concerns I have. Struggling class may become even worse :rolleyes:


TLDR: All in all I am holding my breath for the stream this evening. I love my mara and will continue to play it no matter what. However, thus far I haven't seen anything to get excited about like I saw in the powertech post. It also seems certain critical issues have simply been ignored.


Merc will need to spend their Supercharge to use their buff.

Oper will probably need to spend their TA to use their buff.

Only Sorcs can use their with only a force cost.

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You'll adapt. You'll change.


You'll do what the other specs have done all along:

1) you won't leap at targets that can knockback so that your leap is available AFTER they knock you back.

2) you'll use Leg/Crippling Slash to keep targets slowed and near you/unable to move far when/if they knock you back.

3) you'll slow them before they create distance, not after.

4) after 3.0, if you take Just Pursuit/Inescapable, you'll be able to root them by keeping them slowed (and if focus/rage costs stay the same as now, you'll do the slowing/rooting for free).


You'll adapt. You'll change. It's not the end of the world.


Yep, and my damage will drop. All the stuff you mentioned either means less time on target or spending more time doing less damage. I don't think it's the end of the world. Is it a change I'm welcoming and looking forward to? No. Is it a change I think the class needs to be balanced? No.


Also if I can't use force charge to close distance why don't they just run away from me and I'll never get close? Pretty easy for them.


Let me ask you, why are other classes getting mobility and surviability improvements with 3.0 while carnage marauders are not?

Edited by K_osss
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its not just carnage marauders, all of the details released for mara/sent do not inspire the same "OMG were gona be so OP" that other classes get. Think about it for a sec....


PT: holy burst batman, 40m pull, hope you didnt plan on scoring in huttball ever again!

Merc:run while casting HAHAHA, ill just cast at that mara while he tries to run to me, and if he leaps, ill just knock him back... good luck ever killing a merc again.

Sin: shroud for 5 sec of cc imunity and then deflection for another 10 seconds od cc imunity, all the while doing arguably the best burst in the game, or best DPS if madness.

sorc: run while casting HAHAHA, ill just cast at that mara while he tries to run to me, and if he leaps, ill just knock him back... good luck ever killing a sorc again.

Snipers: well this has always been a hard counter to mara, and it will only get harder now with their new buffs

Jugs: oh, here have hydralic overrides and resets on all your tools on combat exit, not to mention a ranged root.


These so called "Buffs" are very lackluster in comparison to the other class changes, there is no denying this. It will show in 3.0 if this goes live as is.

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its not just carnage marauders, all of the details released for mara/sent do not inspire the same "OMG were gona be so OP" that other classes get. Think about it for a sec....


PT: holy burst batman, 40m pull, hope you didnt plan on scoring in huttball ever again!

Merc:run while casting HAHAHA, ill just cast at that mara while he tries to run to me, and if he leaps, ill just knock him back... good luck ever killing a merc again.

Sin: shroud for 5 sec of cc imunity and then deflection for another 10 seconds od cc imunity, all the while doing arguably the best burst in the game, or best DPS if madness.

sorc: run while casting HAHAHA, ill just cast at that mara while he tries to run to me, and if he leaps, ill just knock him back... good luck ever killing a sorc again.

Snipers: well this has always been a hard counter to mara, and it will only get harder now with their new buffs

Jugs: oh, here have hydralic overrides and resets on all your tools on combat exit, not to mention a ranged root.


These so called "Buffs" are very lackluster in comparison to the other class changes, there is no denying this. It will show in 3.0 if this goes live as is.



If you look at this counter, nothing at all in the game comes remotely close to this "balance". snipers/slinger is laughing their asses off while controlling and annihilating maras. Why are there not any other counters in the game i wonder?!

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Works Against who ?

Against everyone that let's me do it. That allows me to control the fight. That's the way PvP works.


Players who let you coming by foot in mele and don't slow / root / bump you when they see you ?

Nope. Not against these players. You know why? Because they are controlling the fight. PvP is about control. If you (or a team mate) isn't controlling the fight, your enemy is. If they see me coming and react to my presence before I can get to them and control them, I break off/reset the fight. If I can help it, I never fight on the enemy's terms.

Not to mention, that right now, having Crippling/Deadly Throw apply a root won't help you against someone that is doing the above to you and that is what we are discussing here.


don't use their tool to break slow / root effect, who stay static instead of running away ?

Yes. It will work against these. Maybe their breaks are on cooldown. Maybe they used them and I reapplied the slow (remember it just costs 2 focus/rage). Maybe they cannot run away because *gasp* they are slowed.


And we are supposed to use a stupid tool, that we have to use twice ( taking his sweet time to root isn't it ), to keep a target in range and that target will let us do it in the name of what ? because he take us on pity ?

Stupid tool? It is a slow. It has a low cost. The slow it applies lasts 12 seconds. Why is it stupid? Because you don't like it? Because you don't use it? It is fine. It will keep a target in range and if he does break the slow, I'll be right there next to him to apply it again (remember: 2 focus/rage cost). Not to mention that when 3.0 comes around, if you take the corresponding utility, it will be even better because simply reapplying the slow (remember: you have 12 seconds to do it in) will root the target.


It is not working atm and it will not works in future, if you play against casuals who let you do all you want , then fine, that's not our case.

It does work now and it will work in the future. You aren't alone on the battlefield against the ranged. He has other targets and so do you. Approaching someone that has tools to create distance to you means that you have to sneaky about it. If you cannot close the distance to a ranged player without using your Leap, that's your problem. Not the class's.

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Yep, and my damage will drop. All the stuff you mentioned either means less time on target or spending more time doing less damage.

Your damage won't drop. The root you are so scared of loosing lasted 3 seconds and then the target was free to move normally. The slow in question last 12 seconds. That's 4 times longer that you will be able to remain on target. How will you be doing less damage?


I don't think it's the end of the world. Is it a change I'm welcoming and looking forward to? No. Is it a change I think the class needs to be balanced? No.

Fair enough. I can understand not liking the change or thinking that it wasn't needed. But it is coming and it really isn't that bad.


Also if I can't use force charge to close distance why don't they just run away from me and I'll never get close? Pretty easy for them.

Easy solution: don't let them see you coming. By the time they become aware of you, you should already be on top of them. Remember: you aren't alone on the battlefield.


Let me ask you, why are other classes getting mobility and surviability improvements with 3.0 while carnage marauders are not?

Because they needed them? Because the developers decided to give them those improvements? I don't know, I cannot answer that question. It wasn't my decision.


These are the cards being dealt to us at this time. Could it be a better hand? Definetely. Is it a bad hand? Not at all. Will the outcome of the game depend on how we play the hand we got handed? Definetely. ;)

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For the focus spec,


In the current trees we can spend our max 40 points of our skill points to focus spec (as default by focus spec's capacity), so we are forced to use our other points for watchman and/or combat (we were not intentionally hybrid). For pvp oriented reasons most of us choose to use this extra points for combat spec. Especially for the following passives:


(p)defensive forms : +%2 damage reduction for Shii-cho form

(p)dual wield mastery : +%36 damage for offhand saber

(p)steadfast : +%3 accuracy

(p)defensive roll : -%30 AoE damage


As i understand from the blog they dont give us this passives (i am not sure %100 i guess we'll see if i am right with the video stream) and instead they give us watchman passives (as written in blog) which i think useless comparing the ones above. And if u watch youtube videos about the spec, you'll see almost every sent player thinks same way


In addition they remove the following abilities (as written in blog).


(p)force health : +%2 damage reduction plus twin saber throw builds 2 focus

(a)crippling throw : like everone knows

(a)reposte : like every one knows (personally i dont worry about this one's removal)


First break point here for me is the loss of %4 damage reduction, because success of focus sentinels strictly depends on their good defence


Now lets get to the default basic melee damage for sents


main hand : %100 damage and %90 accuracy = %90 of main hand saber's capacity

offhand : %30 damage and %57 accuracy = %17 of offhand saber's capacity

Assuming both sabers have same stats, total basic melee damage = %107 of main hand capacity


As u can see the existence of offhand wapon is a joke for jedi knight without all the accuracy ratings and dual wield mastery. there are two facts here:


1) now all guardians have single saber mastery (+%20 for main hand damage. i can say it is more than sentinels' total basic melee damage and i dont even calculate the optional +%10 accuracy for guardians) so we considerably loose our second sabers' significance in game, because devs decide to give its power to guardians. It is simply humiliation for sentinels: Guardians have a mastery of their only saber, but sents still dont know how to use even one of theirs. In addition cripplig throw is gone, so second saber is just for visual fun in focus spec.


2) if we are significantly loosing our accuracy, how can devs want us to use more alacrity rating. it is a trade off that acuracy rating always wins.


with 3.0 all classes gets fantastic developments while we "sents" (as focus spec here) earn only an option of single target focus version of force sweep. It means we have less usefull active abilities (specially without crippling throw: we're now less jedi and less capable against ranged) less defence and useless new passives.


Result for me : NERF of a class which is already hard to play pvp - probably canceling subcription after 2 Dec i only wait to see it clearly in warzone.


PS: please correct me if i understand the blog completely wrong or numbers i've given are wrong

Edited by erdems
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Ale Play pvp as mara/sent after this changes is hiding from enemy team... Think what you wrote dude...


What? Where did you get the idea that I was saying Sentinels/Marauders will be hiding from the enemy team?


I know what I wrote. Unfortunately, I have no idea if you understood a single thing that I did write.


Maybe you should go back and reread what I wrote. Then maybe you should think about what I wrote. Once you have done that, sit down and write a proper rebuttal (if you can) indicating why what I wrote is wrong.

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For the focus spec,


In the current trees we can spend our max 40 points of our skill points to focus spec (as default by focus spec's capacity), so we are forced to use our other points for watchman and/or combat (we were not intentionally hybrid). For pvp oriented reasons most of us choose to use this extra points for combat spec. Especially for the following passives:


(p)defensive forms : +%2 damage reduction for Shii-cho form

(p)dual wield mastery : +%36 damage for offhand saber

(p)steadfast : +%3 accuracy

(p)defensive roll : -%30 AoE damage


As i understand from the blog they dont give us this passives (i am not sure %100 i guess we'll see if i am right with the video stream) and instead they give us watchman passives (as written in blog) which i think useless comparing the ones above. And if u watch youtube videos about the spec, you'll see almost every sent player thinks same way


In addition they remove the following abilities (as written in blog).


(p)force health : +%2 damage reduction plus twin saber throw builds 2 focus

(a)crippling throw : like everone knows

(a)reposte : like every one knows (personally i dont worry about this one's removal)


First break point here for me is the loss of %4 damage reduction, because success of focus sentinels is strictly depends on their good defence


Now lets get to the default basic melee damage for sents


main hand : %100 damage and %90 accuracy = %90 of main hand saber's capacity

offhand : %30 damage and %57 accuracy = %17 of offhand saber's capacity

Assuming both sabers have same stats, total basic melee damage = %107 of main hand capacity


(please correct me if numbers are wrong) As u can see the existence of offhand wapon is a joke for jedi knight without all the accuracy ratings and dual wield mastery. there are two facts here:


1) now all guardians have single saber mastery (+%20 for main hand damage. i can say it is more than sentinels' total basic melee damage and i dont even calculate the optional +%10 accuracy for guardians) so we considerably loose our second sabers' significance in game, because devs decide to give its power to guardians. It is simply humiliation for sentinels: Guardians have a mastery of their only saber, but sents still dont know how to use even one of theirs. In addition cripplig throw is gone, so second saber is just for visual fun in focus spec.


2) if we are significantly loosing our accuracy, how can devs want us to use more alacrity rating. it is a trade of that acuracy rating always wins.


with 3.0 all classes gets fantastic developments while we "sents" (as focus spec here) earn only an option of single target focus version of force sweep. It means we have less usefull active abilities (specially without crippling throw: we're now less jedi and less capable against ranged) less defence and useless new passives.


Result for me : NERF of a class which is already hard to play pvp - probably canceling subcription after 2 Dec i only wait to see it clearly in warzone.


PS: please correct me if i understand the blog completely wrong.


I suggest you watch the stream later today/tonight (depending on where you are) at: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor.


The blog only lists a few highlights and nothing more.


The stream on the other hand will show the entire tree of each discipline (and they will do it for both factions) and in it you will be able to see which passives are kept in the trees and which ones were considered utilities and made available to everyone.


Here's hoping you enjoy the stream more than you did the blog. ;)

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What? Where did you get the idea that I was saying Sentinels/Marauders will be hiding from the enemy team?


I know what I wrote. Unfortunately, I have no idea if you understood a single thing that I did write.


Maybe you should go back and reread what I wrote. Then maybe you should think about what I wrote. Once you have done that, sit down and write a proper rebuttal (if you can) indicating why what I wrote is wrong.


You are clueless or under the influence of something.Enlighten me how a melee root/slow is superior than a ranged one.Leg slash should be removed from the game and crippling throw get the slow,not the other way around.Especially combat sentinels,not only they get nothing new in 3.0 but they actually lose vital abilities.

Edited by giorgo
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Your damage won't drop. The root you are so scared of loosing lasted 3 seconds and then the target was free to move normally. The slow in question last 12 seconds. That's 4 times longer that you will be able to remain on target. How will you be doing less damage?


Because it's going to be significantly harder to apply amoung other things. Also there are situations where someone needs rooted immediately and time is of the escense. Now I will have to be in 4m range AND either use the ability 2x or use another ability. Not prefered. Can it be worked around? Sure. Is it as good as it used to be? No.



Easy solution: don't let them see you coming. By the time they become aware of you, you should already be on top of them. Remember: you aren't alone on the battlefield.


Solo node guarding exisits. Plenty of 1 on 1 scenarios happen even in team play. I don't want to be at a disadvantage because I'm a non-stealthing class and "don't let them see you coming" or I get kited to death. I have a 55 merc, 55 guardian, 55 gunslinger, 55 shadow, 55 powertech. It's not the end of the world for me. I'll play another class. Problem is they aren't my main. I know their strengths and weaknesses. I'm not epeening. I don't like the suggested 3.0 changes because I think they make my favorite class more difficult to succeed with. I don't think Carnage is over the top now. I'd suggest Bioware look at their leaderboard metrics amongst others if they think they're soo amazing.


These are the cards being dealt to us at this time. Could it be a better hand? Definetely. Is it a bad hand? Not at all. Will the outcome of the game depend on how we play the hand we got handed? Definetely. ;)


I agree. But I will take the opportunity to say my piece about why I think the changes are a step in the WRONG direction before they're implemented. Maybe someone's reading and will see the logic.

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I suggest you watch the stream later today/tonight (depending on where you are) at: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor.

The blog only lists a few highlights and nothing more.

The stream on the other hand will show the entire tree of each discipline (and they will do it for both factions) and in it you will be able to see which passives are kept in the trees and which ones were considered utilities and made available to everyone.

Here's hoping you enjoy the stream more than you did the blog. ;)


thanx, i hope so:)

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