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Game Update 3.0 Class Changes: Shadow + Assassin


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What? What bosses are you talking about? Just champions or what? Have you ever seen Jugger/Mara/Sorc/Madness Sin DPS there?

All 2nd tree Opers have is high OPEN burst, but after this - absolutely nothing!


Not really Concealment actually has quite a good sustained DPS.

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Strange because it wasn't all that long ago that sins were pretty much the worst dps class you could take into PVE Operation content ( deception still isn't that flash but thanks for the madness op though I don't use madness ).


Being that more people play PVE vs PVP one would assume they cater to the PVE community first.


1. Madness Sins are perfect for PVE

2. Deception Sins are nearly the best class for PVP (and the best one is 2nd tree Jugger, for sure)


PVE-crayfishes can't see anything over this Opses, flashpoints etc...

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What? What bosses are you talking about? Just champions or what? Have you ever seen Jugger/Mara/Sorc/Madness Sin DPS there?

All 2nd tree Opers have is high OPEN burst, but after this - absolutely nothing!


I have to agree that Madness/Pyro is currently highest vs. Ops training dummy.

You just can't maintain that 5k dps in real fights though.

Edited by Halinalle
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It's Inquisitor and Consular week for Disciplines blogs! First up are Assassins and Shadows.


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So, there's a replacement for telekinetic throw in tank spec. Will the replacement ability also proc the stuff that tanks need to do their tanking?


Or will we still be using TKThrow to proc our defences, and use the new ability in other ways?


Also can you tell us when the Sorc/Sage blog is going up?

Edited by Ycoga
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So, there's a replacement for telekinetic throw in tank spec. Will the replacement ability also proc the stuff that tanks need to do their tanking?


Or will we still be using TKThrow to proc our defences, and use the new ability in other ways?


They said in blog that the way KC works is similar to way it currently works.


That means you can't switch between those. Currently you have just enough time to use two Projects and 1 Slow Time between TK Throw channels. That's if you want to keep your Shadow Protection at 4 stacks at all times.

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The skill that gives me a boost to crit based if I get a crit during a force attack, I never bought when we had trees, why you ask?


I did not bother with this useless skill, because the great majority of an assassin's attacks are melee, so the odds to get a crit with a set of attacks that are hardly used is incredibly poor, and now in disciplines I am forced to take this useless skill, go figure...


Was really hoping, the developers would stop picking on the class that is politically correct to nurf and level the playing field.


Developers, how often does a Tank place a guard on an "Assassin"?


Answer: Never, they have the most inferior DPS of all the DPS classes.



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Not happy about these changes, I play deception and infiltration.


Further nerf to crit chance, no new abilities, and a buff to Lacerate to be used in rotation?! I can't test these yet, but you kidding me?


Why break up a rotation we've been playing for 2 years to introduce more Lacerate in it? In fact, why not make Lacerate just... better? Give it larger range like other AoEs and it actually might get used. Give it a slow, or a debuff. Simply expecting us to start including a sub-par ability into a new rotation is a good way to get me to take a break from one of my mains. It doesn't matter it will cost less force, or maybe it will get more damage or crit multplier -- it's still a crap ability, only used when stopping Voidstar door caps, or inside a Novare bunker.


Are you saying you're making Lacerate so awesome now, it will actually be used in ranked? If the answer is no, then just remove it and give us something meaningful.


The reason I hardly ever use lascerate its is very high energy use, use it twice and you down to harsh language to fight with...



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The skill that gives me a boost to crit based if I get a crit during a force attack, I never bought when we had trees, why you ask?


I did not bother with this useless skill, because the great majority of an assassin's attacks are melee, so the odds to get a crit with a set of attacks that are hardly used is incredibly poor, and now in disciplines I am forced to take this useless skill, go figure...


Was really hoping, the developers would stop picking on the class that is politically correct to nurf and level the playing field.


Developers, how often does a Tank place a guard on an "Assassin"?


Answer: Never, they have the most inferior DPS of all the DPS classes.




for Balance it has 100% uptime 100% of the time (DOTs & Force technique)

i think it has 100% uptime for kinetic (Particle Acceleration) (i never checked though)

and it will be active for Deception Opener (Force potency) and very likely close to 100% even outside of Force Potency (unless you go power only, completely ignoring crit) if you ignored it as one of the DPS specs you were doing it wrong.

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for Balance it has 100% uptime 100% of the time (DOTs & Force technique)

i think it has 100% uptime for kinetic (Particle Acceleration) (i never checked though)

and it will be active for Deception Opener (Force potency) and very likely close to 100% even outside of Force Potency (unless you go power only, completely ignoring crit) if you ignored it as one of the DPS specs you were doing it wrong.


No point to explain, the poster obviously has no idea. Might as well play with a single bladed lightsaber.

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So... going to post the sage/sorc stuff?


The reason there is the crit chance increase from a force attack:

sever force, force breach, force in balance, mind crush... yep no force attacks used in rotation here


Nope nothing to see...

Edited by g_land
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Darkness Sins: am i correct in reading that force pull is not granting harnessed darkness stacks? I was under the impression we were going to get some help in our dark protection uptime. Casting FL on the run would of helped that, rather than having to stand still to cast the one ability that gives us the greatest benefit.


Recklessness (deflection) is now giving us +30% absorb, in addition to dark wards +20% shield.... that sounds great in theory, but in my opinion you can stack all the shield and absorb in the world - but it doesnt matter if someone crits... we dont get a roll then - - and our light armour is just completely useless for the mitigation roll we get. still spiky as hell looks like - well be at 80% health and then boom one RNG away from sub 20%.


guess well have to see - the stance s +10% internal/elemental may make a diff for the uncleansable dots - but the root of sin tanks problem -- was either the terrible armour mitigation - leading to spikiness -- or the RNG with shield. I have run 44% base shield on my sin in an attemt to prevent a lot of this dmg - but it just doesnt matter when we cannot shield certain attacks - or we just plain lose 3 rolls in a row to the RNG -- ven at 75% shield that means nothing to a crit, or technically we could have 4 RNG rolls go terribly wrong ni a row - and = dead sin tank. wipe.

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Dark Stability/ Sturdiness is completely OP for PvP. 12 secs without stun and incapacitating effects? Very nice for mine but is completely unreasonable.

The spread of discharge/CR through DF is enough to compensate for the 4% crit loss from Exploitive Strikes.

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Recklessness (Imp)

Force Potency (Rep)

(the auto crits)

(deflection is the +50% defense, same for both sides)


Major err on my part- I must of flipped that in my head and when I was typing.


So is deflection still giving us defense?

I would hope- as it's the only real way we an deal with nefra/ calphysus ATM.


Other than stacking defense-- carrying two sets of armour-- which is already assasine tryingto gear one set on a tank...

How about giving us some love in the equipment comm dept.


And making it slightly easier to maintain darknprotectionthata the real prob with sins- mitigation next to light armour... Not giving us more absorb... Especially when so many major attacks completely ignore SHIELD thereby making absorb utterly useless....


C'mon I heard good things were on the way for sin tanks... This is literally a step back

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