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Please just end this Socorro madness


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Allow us to trade this garbage in for jawa scrap, please.


New Jawa Vendor (Ikea) coming in 3.0


Ikea accepts Socorro weapons and Cybernetic Armor pieces directly -- no need to trade for a scrap token.


Mats available would be the usual white crafting items available from the regular crafting mat vendor at a price ration of 1 (weapon or piece) per 10 credit value of mat.


Problem solved.

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New Jawa Vendor (Ikea) coming in 3.0


Ikea accepts Socorro weapons and Cybernetic Armor pieces directly -- no need to trade for a scrap token.


Mats available would be the usual white crafting items available from the regular crafting mat vendor at a price ration of 1 (weapon or piece) per 10 credit value of mat.


Problem solved.



Yes please another jawa for my tatooine jawa camp! (And then I wouldn't have to summon my advance field repair droid for crafting parts)

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No one in their right mind would buy these abominations. I have not seen one person use a single one of these ugly weapons. Stop using them as filler material and design something nice please. These weapons go for 100 credits on the GTN because no one in the entire game thinks they look good.


250cc? No wonder the price has gone down.


I HATE these ugly *** weapons! Who could've ever thought they were a good idea?

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It's a fair assumption though.


They go on the GTN for between 50 to a couple of hundred credits.


I do a lot of PvP as well as running around levelling and have yet to see a single person using antique socorro weapons.


There are hordes of them on the GTN that don't seem to be selling.


50 creds ?? u mad ? it's a rip-off


http://i.imgur.com/qgGXvq4.jpg :D

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What presumption.


Ok, -you- don't like them. That doesn't mean -everyone- agrees with you.


He says that they are going for 100 credits on the GTN. Unless he is flat out lying, the market on his server agrees with him too.


PS I think they are awful, but honestly Ive seen bioware designers come up with even uglier crap so Im not in the least bit surprised tbh...

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Even if the GTN speaks volumes on the matter, have you maybe considered the fact that these weapons have flooded the market because they had flooded the packs in the first place? I mean even if ppl liked them, dropping in the hundreads, wouldn't help in their popularity.

I don't like them either(except maybe the cannon) and i know they are not very popular. All i'm saying is to not disregard the opposite opinion so easily.


It's not just a matter of demand, it's also a matter of excessive supply.


Excessive supply is inherently tied to demand. If only 1 in 10,000 people want them on a server population with 100,000 then even 100 guns is an oversupply. So yes it is very much poor demand that is driving the gtn prices down to double digit prices.

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I think all these weapons look pretty bad also. I DID buy a lightsaber off the GTN but thats ONLY because it cost liked 50 credits and I want a unique lightsaber for my Warrior (that still had an ancient feel to it.)


These Socorro weapons have been HORRIBLE design and the GTN shows how unpopular they are.

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Ahem, from your OP.




You're attempting to speak for everyone.

You seem to be taking it quite literally when I say "no one". I suggest you educate yourself for once and learn the meaning of the word "hyperbole". But fair enough if English isn't your first language, I'm glad to have helped you anyway.


When I made the thread, I spoke for myself, but with the replies it shows that a lot of people share the same opinion as me, which is the overwhelming majority of people. The replies in this thread alone and the incredibly low prices of these items on the GTN show I am correct.


No doubt you'd ask me for a source for when I say "majority of people", and even go as far to ask for statistics, because the replies on this thread and the GTN prices wouldn't be enough confirmation for you. This would only show you're in denial & can't accept the truth. ;)

Edited by EvenHardNiner
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You seem to be taking it quite literally when I say "no one". I suggest you educate yourself for once and learn the meaning of the word "hyperbole". But fair enough if English isn't your first language, I'm glad to have helped you anyway.


When I made the thread, I spoke for myself, but with the replies it shows that a lot of people share the same opinion as me, which is the overwhelming majority of people. The replies in this thread alone and the incredibly low prices of these items on the GTN show I am correct.


No doubt you'd ask me for a source for when I say "majority of people", and even go as far to ask for statistics, because the replies on this thread and the GTN prices wouldn't be enough confirmation for you. This would only show you're in denial & can't accept the truth. ;)


Hey I just pointed out the obvious. Facts don't lie, no matter how you defend them.

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You do know that the guns can be RE'd with Armstech?


Buy 'em for a credit on the GTN - Reverse engineer and sell the materials.


-This time next century you'll be a millionaire! :)


Huh will have to try it, will clear up a few cargo bays lol, my poor armstech will have a full mailbox.

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Even if the GTN speaks volumes on the matter, have you maybe considered the fact that these weapons have flooded the market because they had flooded the packs in the first place? I mean even if ppl liked them, dropping in the hundreads, wouldn't help in their popularity.

I don't like them either(except maybe the cannon) and i know they are not very popular. All i'm saying is to not disregard the opposite opinion so easily.


It's not just a matter of demand, it's also a matter of excessive supply.


Well, not really.


Sure, there is an oversupply.

But even if there wasn't, people just aren't buying the guns.


They're not even buying them for 1 cr on my server (the progenitor).


That tells you that either pretty much everyone has one already (which would mean that pretty much everyone has bought one of the packs from the latest shipment, which is very unlikely), or people just really really really don't want one even if you're giving them away.


Now, if there was just an oversupply, then sure, prices would drop and they'd be selling for maby a hundred credits or so.

But if they're not even selling for 1 credit, then there just is no interest in them at all.

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Ahem, from your OP.


You're attempting to speak for everyone.

In his opinion, no one in their right mind would buy them...that's not "speaking for everyone". Stop nit pickling Reno...it makes you look bad to everyone.

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I use the pistols on my merc.


Pretty amazing you would think the whole world likes and dislikes the same art as you.


You can easily determine the general view of the public through the GTN pricing on items. These new weapons and the awful Cybernetic sets can't be given away...I know, I tried, no one wanted them.


Sure, a few people might like them but the GTN having pages of these items for less than 50 Cr each tells anyone with a lick of common sense that people wanting these are in an extreme minority.

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In his opinion, no one in their right mind would buy them...that's not "speaking for everyone". Stop nit pickling Reno...it makes you look bad to everyone.


Yes it is, he's saying no one in their right mind would buy them. "No one" He's speaking for people. It's not hard to figure out TUXs.


Plus idk why he's upset, we're getting new weapon models next shipment, he's not going to have to worry about these anymore.

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