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Damage Dropping In 3.0


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the gear is not being nerfed and why do you care about level 55 gear?


get to level 60, get lvl 60 gear. profit.


So you don't know by how much or what it may be relative too.


I care because thats what Im in and how it will affect me. Getting to 60 and getting 60 gear to be back at where I was at 55 is a hard sell already. I wouldn't mind knowing where the gear I have now stands.


I'm trying to figure out where we are being placed as far as gear goes when our 55 gear gets nerfed come 3.0

Edited by Quraswren
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the gear is not being nerfed


Absolutely not true. They (the two pasty faces in the video) that "A character at level 60 with 198 gear will do the same DPS as a 55 now in 186".


/\ That's not speculation - even those who argued that the MOBs are being made easier to kill (at least from 1-50) agree that is true.


Somebody, many pages ago and even more recently said it best, "This DPS nerf is to keep DF / DP relevant."

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Absolutely not true. They (the two pasty faces in the video) that "A character at level 60 with 198 gear will do the same DPS as a 55 now in 186".


/\ That's not speculation


Yes, but the statistics that players currently see on their gear (e.g. 325 Surge or 1104 Power) will not change the morning that 3.0 launches. Players will still have 325 Surge or 1104 Power, whatever they had the day before.


The damage reduction will be performed through back-end changes to stat return formulas and individual ability balancing that reduces the damage numbers in tooltips. For example, Snipe did W-X damage in 2.10 and now does Y-Z damage in 3.0 for a player in the exact same gear with the exact same statistics.

Edited by Levram
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Have we heard yet what the 186/180 gear will be equal to in DPS when it gets nerfed?






Lower / Higher? Or is that still a NDA thing?


Once 3.0 launches, I would expect that running DF and DP SM in a PUG of Level 55 players as they are currently geared today will feel like it did back in March 2014. That is, still easily clearable but players may actually have to pay attention to what they're doing for five minutes during a pull.


Of course, once 3.0 launches, DF and DP SM will never be run by PUGs that are completely full of Level 55 players as they are currently geared. There will be plenty of Level 60 players in 192 and 198 gear mixed in, resulting in future runs being essentially as easy as they are now.

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Absolutely not true. They (the two pasty faces in the video) that "A character at level 60 with 198 gear will do the same DPS as a 55 now in 186".


/\ That's not speculation - even those who argued that the MOBs are being made easier to kill (at least from 1-50) agree that is true.


Somebody, many pages ago and even more recently said it best, "This DPS nerf is to keep DF / DP relevant."


I can see how you might view that as a nerf to gear, but its actually a nerf to how well the stats on gear scale with level. While they are related, they are completely different variables in the equation for calculating damage output. It really only matters though to the people who actually do the math involved in theorycrafting.

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I can see how you might view that as a nerf to gear, but its actually a nerf to how well the stats on gear scale with level. While they are related, they are completely different variables in the equation for calculating damage output. It really only matters though to the people who actually do the math involved in theorycrafting.


No, it's a nerf to damage. (Gear and raw numbers I don't care about). I don't know how much clearer they can be that that is what is being done. To "balance" the situation, from 1-50 should be easier. Emphasis on should be. But if a 60 in 198 is doing the same as a current 55 in 186, that's not a nerf to "stats", that's a nerf to damage output.

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Absolutely not true. They (the two pasty faces in the video) that "A character at level 60 with 198 gear will do the same DPS as a 55 now in 186"


You can bring DPS down without touching gear or stat returns.


for instance by changing the base damage of abilities


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Have we heard yet what the 186/180 gear will be equal to in DPS when it gets nerfed?






Lower / Higher? Or is that still a NDA thing?


I haven't seen anything on it, but I could have easily missed if it was announced :o

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Just to be clear about the 1-50 nerf to mobs...


Here is the Duffy synopsis with the link to the Livestream for 3.0 Global Combat Changes.


- We also made some changes so that all the mobs in leveling planets etc will now die faster


Duffy 3.0 Livestream notes


Under DPS Changes


Livestream link


The comment begins at 4:33


This is not exact, but pretty close....


Now, the truth of course is, tangentially related to that, in the lower level game something that we want to do is we sort of always felt as time has gone on with the game, especially because the game is more mature now and players tend to play the higher level that we could speed up the low level game. So one of the things that we are doing is effectively all the mobs from like level 50 on down, all the mobs that you see out in the planetary content in the story mode that are in your class missions kind of stuff, they are actually all going to die faster. So, at least it won't be quite such a slog....- Rob Hinkle


Not perfectly verbatim, but as close as I could get it. You can listen to the stream yourself to confirm what I have written here.

Edited by LordArtemis
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What's the point of all the arguing at this point? Yes, your damage is being nerfed. No, that's not always pleasant. No, it's not the freaking apocalypse. You can walk over DF/DP now, and when you get your basic gear at 60, you can walk over DF/DP again if you want to.


The only thing you can't do is log in after 3.0, keep exactly the same gear on, and walk over DF/DP. If that's all you're concerned about, then I honestly think you are simply chasing things to complain about.

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I haven't seen anything on it, but I could have easily missed if it was announced :o


I have not either to be honest and it may still be under the NDA.


We were working up some information for players and we had hoped to give it a baseline. We know it's a nerf across the board for everyone but we had hoped to give it a comparison to current gear.


Such as, your 180/186 gear will be like running DF/DP in 156 gear. You get a better feel for just how much you take a hit when you can realistically look at what happens to your DPS in game.


We've talked to a good number of gamers and they still plan to hit DF/DP ASAP and get a comm jump. They know they will clear it but they also want to have something to compare the nerf to.

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Such as, your 180/186 gear will be like running DF/DP in 156 gear. You get a better feel for just how much you take a hit when you can realistically look at what happens to your DPS in game.


DP/DF are final part of Oricon story, right?

Oricon quest rewards: 156 pieces.


Most of the players don't even have better gear at this point. Maybe random 162 piece / Obroan relics but that's pretty much it.

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Do as I did. Watch the Twitch stream. Then tell me how, at the 3:00 mark when they say, "A 60 in 198 will be doing the same damage as a 55 in 186" that it's about "ratios".


And before you tell me to FF to 4:00 when they talk about the "slog", realize the cutoff for reducing MOB health was * 50 *.

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Do as I did. Watch the Twitch stream. Then tell me how, at the 3:00 mark when they say, "A 60 in 198 will be doing the same damage as a 55 in 186" that it's about "ratios".


And before you tell me to FF to 4:00 when they talk about the "slog", realize the cutoff for reducing MOB health was * 50 *.


As long as TTK has not been affected to the point where enrage timers or mechanic timers are no longer achievable... then it doesn't matter.

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As long as TTK has not been affected to the point where enrage timers or mechanic timers are no longer achievable... then it doesn't matter.


Well....you're talking OPs whereas I was talking leveling, et.al. Having said that, I am concerned when the two talk about "baselines" insofar as DPS. This may seem minor, but the term they should've used was "ceiling". Baseline refers to the lowest DPS, the problem is players exceeding the threshold / ceiling of what the devs thought possible. May seem minor, but words have meaning. (ask any lawyer) And if you don't understand the difference between baseline and ceiling, that raises an eyebrow.


If this entire debacle, er I mean discussion, is about keeping DF / DP relevant (hence why I told another poster beware how far down the Rabbit hole you want to go) then that's another discussion. At the end of the day, if all the leveling and griding etc. to achieve gear was simply a waste of time, because in five levels, after MORE grinding, I'm right back where I am now, then...well I suppose each individual has to make a choice.

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DP/DF are final part of Oricon story, right?

Oricon quest rewards: 156 pieces.


Most of the players don't even have better gear at this point. Maybe random 162 piece / Obroan relics but that's pretty much it.


Honestly thats kinda what we were thinking.


If you go into DF/DP with 156 gear that BW handed you from dailies, I bet BW used that as a new starting point.


As a guess, anything around 186 will act as if it's about 156 for all intents and purposes. If you needed to gauge how you might be doing in that content with current gear and If you plan to get a jump on getting more ultimate comms (which I think most would if they can). You should be able to tell how things might turn out.


I'd imagine we know know for sure till the NDA is lifted.

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