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Damage Dropping In 3.0


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maybe you should design a game that caters to truely hardcore players..so you can join the wildstar devs at the unemployment line.


Considering the only way to fail the DPS checks (which are almost non existent) in SM is to spam auto attack all fricking fight???


Problem is much more likely coming from people just ignoring mechanics because they are hollier than thou. SM are already catered to casual and allow casual to get the third best gear in the game (behind 186 and token 180).


Don't say any ******** about this game not cattering to casual. If this game didn't cater to casual, you wouldn't be able to get Ultimate comms without doing NiM S&V, TFB, DF, DP. Elite would be only in HM level and Basic for SM. It ISN'T the case. do SM and you get Ultimate and can still get gear just behind NiM top gear without setting a toe in a HM ops.. Hell you don't even have to set a toe in SM ops.. Just run enough TFP.

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Considering the only way to fail the DPS checks (which are almost non existent) in SM is to spam auto attack all fricking fight???


Problem is much more likely coming from people just ignoring mechanics because they are hollier than thou. SM are already catered to casual and allow casual to get the third best gear in the game (behind 186 and token 180).


Don't say any ******** about this game not cattering to casual. If this game didn't cater to casual, you wouldn't be able to get Ultimate comms without doing NiM S&V, TFB, DF, DP. Elite would be only in HM level and Basic for SM. It ISN'T the case. do SM and you get Ultimate and can still get gear just behind NiM top gear without setting a toe in a HM ops.. Hell you don't even have to set a toe in SM ops.. Just run enough TFP.


we will see how it goes after the nerf. we have no idea how much actual testing has been done and if they decided to listen to testers this time around. as substantial as this nerf looks, pug groups may not be able to do dp/df story modes after dec 2, when subscriber beta will start. when this game stops catering to the casual, you can expect to see it dwindle away to the dustbin, because casuals pay the bills.

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Problem is much more likely coming from people just ignoring mechanics


/\ 100%.


because they are hollier than thou.


Not sure. Most folks we see DO try and avoid fire, they're just a tad late on the trigger.


SM are already catered to casual and allow casual to get the third best gear in the game (behind 186 and token 180).




Don't say any ******** about this game not cattering to casual. If this game didn't cater to casual, you wouldn't be able to get Ultimate comms without doing NiM S&V, TFB, DF, DP. Elite would be only in HM level and Basic for SM. It ISN'T the case. do SM and you get Ultimate and can still get gear just behind NiM top gear without setting a toe in a HM ops.. Hell you don't even have to set a toe in SM ops.. Just run enough TFP. (sic) (I think he meant 'TFB')


That's not the discussion we're having. (I think). But if 180s can't complete SM DF / DP, what on earth are they going to do when their damage is reduced?

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- one shotting 40 man raid boss

- everyone and their brother farmed lower levels raids for gold, because soloable


Healing and threat are also going down.


Those weren't the reasons they squished it and those raids are at least supposed to be soloable the same way as they were before.


Being able to solo the old raids was never a problem for Blizzard (and it shouldn't), they even changed a number of encounters in such a way, that you CAN solo them now and they added little pets to the loot tables and so on.


They also reduced the amount of gold those bosses drop already during Cataclysm when people were farming the early Burning Crusade Raids for gold. So that isn't an issue either.


The main goal for Blizzard was to reduce the overall numbers in the game. Not only threat generation, healing and damage, but also the HP of basically EVERY mob in the game.


BTW: Being able to solo some of the older group content would be kinda cool and makes your character feel more powerful. It also wouldn't really break the game balance, if you were able to "farm" the 150 rating items on level 60, when even green items will likely be well above that.

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one reason off the top of my head to why the damage is being lowered is they don't want people soloing bosses instead they want people to go as a group as intended, this tells me that Bioware isn't going to follow the path of the Panda game where you can solo every raid boss.
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one reason off the top of my head to why the damage is being lowered is they don't want people soloing bosses instead they want people to go as a group as intended, this tells me that Bioware isn't going to follow the path of the Panda game where you can solo every raid boss.


no one will be soloing dp/df. there are enough "you take 175000 points of damage" type mechanics that you cant survive.

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Well being mainly a causal PVE type... between all these class changes and skill changes to cater to the PvP crowd... If it requires work to play the game do to damage rather than get together with some friends to play.. Most of the group im with will just leave... to many other games out there to worry about this game being a job....
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What would be so bad about soloing old group content? I don't get it. You get new OPs for groups anyway.


From a dev standpoint it is less work to have more viable, for all top level players, content instead of actually making new ones. Even though they will make new ones the longer they can drag out the lifespan of old group content the longer new top level players have to grind it before they too get bored with longtime players. In the mmo world where people don't all play for months/years this gives new top level players numerous operations/group content to play through as 'new' or challenging which makes them grind more ie play longer and more $$ or chance at $$.


Some 'old' players don't want people to be able to 'faceroll' through content they had to work to get through especially when there are unique rewards for doing it.


I think in this themepark ride old crap should become 'irrelevant' for the top level player in so far as you are able to solo it at some point when we keep adding hp to everything and call that content. When the point is to grind for gear and add levels on the game then old stuff should get easier as you out level it. For some of that you should be able to solo it where mechanics weren't put in place that require multiple players. I'd even like to see at one point that kind of content made to be soloable but with the way the devs spend and prioritize their time they'd be unlikely to go back and do that for old content.

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Ideally content should never fall behind to where its soloable. Simply put its a better game design to have as many raids available as possible both to give more content options and for new players who haven't been raiding since EV. Unforunately thanks to power creep this usually isn't possible in your typical WoW clone mmmorpg.
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Pretty big joke. Take a real MMo for example EQ2. New content would come out, the junk gear would surpass top tier raid gear. Your numbers would go up not down then become completely even. This is a poor choice on the lazy developers end.


Actually, having, say, level 56 junk gear surpass the previous level 55 BiS gear is TERRIBLE game design.

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I don't want DF/DP of ANY type to remain 100% relevant!


You know Oricon hasn't been out forever, but I only go there if I have to. After the 10000000000000000000000000th time people go to DF/DP or are progressing through DF/DP I AM SICK OF DF/DP!


Can we get NEW operations. I'm finished with DF/DP. Once I hit 60, I'm done. No more setting foot in there unless it's like EV/KP and I'm bored.


No more Dread anything, omgwtfbbq!!!!

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they are simplfying the game, and redoing the amount of damage and healing,they are hiding that with a small bit of customizing. just a simple bit of adjustment, all mmos have the same problem, city of heroes had the same issues,and they had to do some nerfing also,several different ways.remember this game is now owned by disney,the joy ride kings,they want to give us the illusion that we are powerful imps or pubs and pay out 15.00 per months, i like the storyline,find the ops after about3-5 times very boring and grindy.to me the best thing about the 3.0 is the finishing of the storylines(so i heard) get to finish stories so leaving the game will be eaiser
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they are simplfying the game, and redoing the amount of damage and healing,they are hiding that with a small bit of customizing. just a simple bit of adjustment, all mmos have the same problem, city of heroes had the same issues,and they had to do some nerfing also,several different ways.remember this game is now owned by disney,the joy ride kings,they want to give us the illusion that we are powerful imps or pubs and pay out 15.00 per months, i like the storyline,find the ops after about3-5 times very boring and grindy.to me the best thing about the 3.0 is the finishing of the storylines(so i heard) get to finish stories so leaving the game will be eaiser


Umm what?

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I don't want DF/DP of ANY type to remain 100% relevant!


You know Oricon hasn't been out forever, but I only go there if I have to. After the 10000000000000000000000000th time people go to DF/DP or are progressing through DF/DP I AM SICK OF DF/DP!


Can we get NEW operations. I'm finished with DF/DP. Once I hit 60, I'm done. No more setting foot in there unless it's like EV/KP and I'm bored.


No more Dread anything, omgwtfbbq!!!!

ok then dont go to df or dp


you dont have to


the comms they will give you is a consolation given the difficulty on nim. there will be no need to go in there ever again unless you wanted to.

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I don't want DF/DP of ANY type to remain 100% relevant!


You know Oricon hasn't been out forever, but I only go there if I have to. After the 10000000000000000000000000th time people go to DF/DP or are progressing through DF/DP I AM SICK OF DF/DP!


Can we get NEW operations. I'm finished with DF/DP. Once I hit 60, I'm done. No more setting foot in there unless it's like EV/KP and I'm bored.


No more Dread anything, omgwtfbbq!!!!


It hurts nothing if they still exist as a challenge at 60. No one is forcing you to run them. Even if everyone abandons DF and DP at 60 it makes ZERO difference in the game. They will just be there as valid options instead of being a punching bag for players.

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