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People mainly complain about the problems about PvP in SWTOR.


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Cold truth inc.


BW doesn't give a **** about balancing PvP, probably never will. If you want a competitive game, SWTOR isn't it. It's never balanced, stunlocks are out of control and there are 2-3 dominate classes that also happen to be easy mode.


Another issue with TOR PvP, is balance will always be noticeable, as the game doesn't have a very high skill ceiling, especially compared to other PvP based games. I'm pretty sure the only class I ever found to require any effort is Mara and it's still easy to get good at when compared to other games. Though Mara is at the mercy of the enemies skill more than your own.


If you're competitive and PvP in this game frustrates you, due to stun locks, perpetual FotM or cheese like premades in normals, then find a new game. You won't regret it.



(No, I'm not angry at SWTOR, I just always see rant threads and complaints in PvP forums and had to post my 2 cents. I still play PvP some, but I'm quitting the game soon anyway. I never found PvP in SWTOR to feel rewarding or be as challenging as games I was deeply invested in the past. Games like GoW, H2, LoL, SC2, DOTA, H3 & TF2, the challenge, skill floor and ceiling in SWTOR just doesn't compare to any of those, even LoL, lol.

Edited by YexaC
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Cold truth inc.


BW doesn't give a **** about balancing PvP, probably never will. If you want a competitive game, SWTOR isn't it. It's never balanced, stunlocks are out of control and there are 2-3 dominate classes that also happen to be easy mode.


Im guessing you are talking about the toilet that is solo ranked. If you truly want something competitive try group ranked instead of QQing.



If you're competitive and PvP in this game frustrates you, due to stun locks, perpetual FotM or cheese like premades in normals, then find a new game. You won't regret it.


A "competitive" guy complaining about premades... right.


(No, I'm not angry at SWTOR, I just always see rant threads and complaints in PvP forums and had to post my 2 cents. I still play PvP some, but I'm quitting the game soon anyway. I never found PvP in SWTOR to feel rewarding or be as challenging as games I was deeply invested in the past. Games like GoW, H2, LoL, SC2, DOTA, H3 & TF2, the challenge, skill floor and ceiling in SWTOR just doesn't compare to any of those, even LoL, lol.


LoL, GoW is challenging? lol good one.


For people who know how to actually play, the game currently is more balance than it ever was. Yes there are some classes that are OP (madness sorcs for example), and some classes need to be polished up; but overall it is not that bad. Solo ranked is terrible, but anyone with half a brain understands that it is just a place to get comms, not a place to find real competition. Group ranked on the other hand is very balanced and considered by many to be the true ranked. Maybe the problem is you just don't have any friends to group with?

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The OP is just another case of a bad coming on to these forums complaining about things he perceives to be wrong and needs to learn how to play. But seeing as he says he's leaving the game soon anyways, he's done us all a favor and will probably be one less person that rage quits or fills gen chat with troll comments. PVP is as balanced as it has been in a while, and with disciplines coming up in the next expansion peoples issues with Hybrids will be gone, so I'd say that BW does care about class balance. So should anyone take what the OP says as a serious indicment on PVP in SWTOR? Nope. He's probably a paid corporate troll that is here to try to advertise other MMO's pvp systems as superior. Sorry but the pvp for TOR is quite good. Not perfect. No game has a perfect pvp system. But it is a very fun system and does take skill to be good at. I'm getting tired of these QQ threads.



Edited by Trevor_the_Bruce
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Cold truth inc.


BW doesn't give a **** about balancing PvP, probably never will. If you want a competitive game, SWTOR isn't it. It's never balanced, stunlocks are out of control and there are 2-3 dominate classes that also happen to be easy mode.

You're right, they don't care about balance for PvP....lucky for you, they DO care about it in PvE, which is the only reason balance is near what it is.


Also, wait until you hear more about 3.0 combat changes...the whole CC issue sounds like it's being addressed finally. It's by far the single greatest issue with SWTOR PvP imo. I believe the excessive CC's have driven numerous players from this game...nobody PvPs to not be able to do ****! It sounds like they've finally listened.

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lol stunlocks.


No single player is stunlocking in this game. If you're being stunlocked it means your team is bad and the other team is outplaying you....or you're by yourself against 3+ players and they are wasting CC's on you.


You want know what real stunlocking is?


Rogue in WoW if I really wanted to be a dick I could keep you CC'd by myself for a consecutive 14s while also doing decent dps in between.


Assassin in swtor is probably the only class that can come close but one of its CC's isn't a hard stun and resolve prevents them from CCing consecutively like that.


Stunlocking in this game doesn't exist.

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Im guessing you are talking about the toilet that is solo ranked. If you truly want something competitive try group ranked instead of QQing.





A "competitive" guy complaining about premades... right.




LoL, GoW is challenging? lol good one.


For people who know how to actually play, the game currently is more balance than it ever was. Yes there are some classes that are OP (madness sorcs for example), and some classes need to be polished up; but overall it is not that bad. Solo ranked is terrible, but anyone with half a brain understands that it is just a place to get comms, not a place to find real competition. Group ranked on the other hand is very balanced and considered by many to be the true ranked. Maybe the problem is you just don't have any friends to group with?


^ LOL. This game is far from balanced, no matter how you try to put it. If you've ever played games the likes of GW2 or Tera you'd know this. Group ranked is only viable for a select few classes and that is NOT balance.

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^ LOL. This game is far from balanced, no matter how you try to put it. If you've ever played games the likes of GW2 or Tera you'd know this. Group ranked is only viable for a select few classes and that is NOT balance.


So go play those games then if you are so in love with their pvp system. Although you probably say the same things on their forums complaining about class balance. The person your laughing at was correct in saying that class balance is the best it has been in the past. So go to those other games, and leave the gaming here to real players that know how to play.

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So go play those games then if you are so in love with their pvp system. Although you probably say the same things on their forums complaining about class balance. The person your laughing at was correct in saying that class balance is the best it has been in the past. So go to those other games, and leave the gaming here to real players that know how to play.


The real players stopped pvping in this game a long time ago.

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^ LOL. This game is far from balanced, no matter how you try to put it. If you've ever played games the likes of GW2 or Tera you'd know this. Group ranked is only viable for a select few classes and that is NOT balance.


SWTOR is better balanced than GW2, and WS and TESO to name the other mmos I've played recently.

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The perception of classes being unbalance had a lot to do with arenas vs objective based wz. Objective based 8 v 8 wz are the most balanced they have been since launch. Arenas are crap and so inherently different from objective wz don't think you can fix one with out breaking the other. Edited by Chimerako
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