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Friday Livestream Boycott


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Typically I would not be one to support such an action as boycotting the livestream. However, I am beginning to feel like bioware and their profound lack of understanding of what the community wants warents such an action. The community has loudly spoken and said that we do not want to see Forged Alliances for the 900th time on the livestream. We want some information about 3.0, I no longer want to hear we are doing it in Novermber. However, the fact is that 3.0 comes out in barely more than a month and the lack of communication about what we are getting and what the changes are exactly is rather shocking.


So in my opinion this really leaves no other options for the community as a whole. Clearly an extreme message needs to be sent, so I am calling for an all out boycott of the friday livestream. Maybe if nobody shows up for it they will get the idea that we no longer want to see them play through Forged Alliances for the 900th time. Maybe a public embarassment will get them to start doing their jobs. Their lack of communication is why the Data miners are getting more and more popular, we want information and we will get it however we can.


Maybe one of several of our wonderful streamers in the community such as Snave or the Data Miner who shall not be named will do a livestream at the same time as Bioware's so we can actually get some information. Or just watch something enjoyable with no mind numbing conversations about sandwiches. If you do choose to watch biowares stream please be respectful in the chat Courtney and Hillary do not deserve to be treated like they have been in their streams.


So please join me in a boycott of Bioware's livestream, I am going to find another Swtor livestreamer who is on at that time and watch that instead. After three months of solid Forged Alliances livestreams I have had enough.

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I would watch i'm just a big fan of streams.


Information I can get after the event and game streams i've got no interest in, i'd rather be playing myself than watching others play.


It's pretty much like snooker and golf. I love playing them but get bored watching.

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If the developer isn't ready to reveal more then maybe it is for a good reason. They know, we don't, so it makes more sense for them to make an informed decision than for us to make an uninformed decision.


Besides in the last stream they did respond to the 3.0 questions they could and noted questions they didn't have answers to.

Edited by Gleneagle
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If you have no interest in the stream, don't watch it.


If you have an interest in the stream, watch it.


Do you require a degree in Advanced Physics to understand this basic concept by any chance? Do you realize the world doesn't revolve around you?


As the Sith Warrior usually says:

Your ego is overinflated.

Take a break.

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I don't watch their streams, nor any others for that matter.


I find the lack of details around 3.0 to be disappointing and a little disconcerting, and along with the lack of an open PTS phase for the major changes (e.g. Disciplines and such - not the new story), I'm finding myself a bit apprehensive about the launch for 3.0.


I'm not going to worry too much about it for another week or two, but really even if all they do in November is more BS teaser crap, there isn't much we can do about it so it isn't something to get all bothered over.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Absolutely not. In fact, now that you have declared such, I will be sure and not miss it. What is it about you that makes you think BW is obligated in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER to tell you what is upcoming? They do not owe you any such thing, and your attitude about it is as good a reason as any to not do it.


Your boycott be damned. Let's give them a good audience this time!

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I find the lack of details around 3.0 to be disappointing and a little disconcerting, and along with the lack of an open PTS phase for the major changes (e.g. Disciplines and such - not the new story), I'm finding myself a bit apprehensive about the launch for 3.0.

Interesting, I have the exact same feeling, that 3.0 might not bring that much to the game, so the lack of infos or that it will be so rushed out that whatever good it'll be riddled with a lack of proper polish.

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Absolutely not. In fact, now that you have declared such, I will be sure and not miss it.

Well now I have to watch it.

Maybe that's the plan all along :eek:


OP is an EA/BW plant - part of a devious plot to use forum-goers' contrariness in order to drive up their Stream views. :rak_03:


...the implications would honestly be less disturbing than the idea that OP might be serious.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I am normally very upset with the way BW communicates. Because they usually communicate through silence. But in this case they have been very up front with their schedule. We'll start getting more livestreams about 3.0 in November.
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