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PvP inbalance


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You don't stun break on the stealth mezz. If you are standing a few feet away from the cap, the attacker cannot mezz you, get to node and finish cap before the mezz wears off.


Only use your stun break when your resolve bar is filled or if absolutely necessary to save the node. As a Sorc you also have Force Barrier which will break CC, although it should be a last resort.


Sorcs are not the best node guards, but they aren't the worst either and you can easily delay an attacker until help arrives if you call immediately.



^^ this.


Added point, this bears in all node guarding wz's whether that be pylons, civil war, or novarro.


In terms of incs, when stunned, it's time to call, since your aren't going to break the stun, since you are standing a good 15-20m away, learn the lingo. stealth south, p1 stealth, etc... don't take long to type,


also, if you are a sorc/sage, and your barrier is down, get someone else to guard. Barrier is your best delaying tactic. Use the time wisely, make sure you have them on target, make another inc, stop the cap, force speed out of range, but close enough to get back. The purpose is to draw them away. If you still die, and no one came to help, at that point, not your bad.

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Now remember, I suck at PvP. I do it for the challenge and competitiveness of the sport. However, you cannot honestly tell me that a fully geared PvP Trooper, and Powertech, are on even grounds. The trooper will slaughter that Powertech or Mercenary. It's just a fact, and the developers won't fix it. Yes, I understand, good guys always win. But in a video game, that doesn't fly. It has to be balanced, or it takes out the fun.


Aside from the fact that stating that a class has an advantage over its mirror class is flat out wrong, your general proposition is also wrong. Yes some classes are better 1v1, but thats irrelevant because PvP is team and/or objective based.

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Now back onto PvP. PvP is in fact unbalanced. People don't admit this when someone complains in General Chat on fleet, too many children trying to get cool points from their peers. However, the Republic side is favored in PvP, greatly. You put each class up against the mirror of the other faction, and the Republic player will win more times than not. With exact gear, and same rotation understanding, Republic toons will win. They are similar, not even or exact. Force Lightning does less than the Republic's pebble throwing thing. (Not a Republic Player here.) And the effects are far worse when getting pelted. The classes maybe similar in ability, but each class on the Republic side has distinct advantages.


Now remember, I suck at PvP. I do it for the challenge and competitiveness of the sport. However, you cannot honestly tell me that a fully geared PvP Trooper, and Powertech, are on even grounds. The trooper will slaughter that Powertech or Mercenary. It's just a fact, and the developers won't fix it. Yes, I understand, good guys always win. But in a video game, that doesn't fly. It has to be balanced, or it takes out the fun.


LOL Thanks for the laugh.

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Ok, let me stop you here.


Terrible Sorcs should not guard nodes, but terrible anythings shouldn't do anything, so that's a moot point. You have 30 meter range to kite anyone who shows up. You have TWO CC BREAKS. You have 10 seconds of immunity in your bubble to stall for help. Other than stealth, I can't think of a better class to be guarding the node until help arrives.


The problem is, you can't have the 1v1 mindset because you're a sorc. Keep them busy until help shows up and you're doing your job right. Thinking you can 1v1 a Sin is some of the dumbest logic I've ever heard on this forum (from the OP).


Mostly this (cept the 1v1 part :p). And to OP: don't stand directly beside the node, it's a common rookie mistake. Stand ~20 meters away from the node so that they can't start capping right away after cci'ng/stunning you.

Edited by LeglessChair
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I do have to agree with the original writer in this, and with the other players who have commented. Reason being, I honestly am not that great at PvP, and I rage a lot, but that is because I typically get ganged everywhere I go. However, PvP is very unbalanced. But not in the same faction. A sin is going to take down a sorcerer any day of the week. They have too many ways to get around you. That is what ASSASSIN means. They assassinate. What do you expect?


Now in regards to what everyone else has said, I honestly have learned something. I didn't personal understand the white bar or how to utilize it properly in PvP. Now I do.


However, that being said, people trolling on someone who doesn't know any better is just down right rude and inconsiderate. You can't expect everyone to come right out and know every little thing about PvP or the roles in PvE. You just can't, because you didn't. No one did.


Now back onto PvP. PvP is in fact unbalanced. People don't admit this when someone complains in General Chat on fleet, too many children trying to get cool points from their peers. However, the Republic side is favored in PvP, greatly. You put each class up against the mirror of the other faction, and the Republic player will win more times than not. With exact gear, and same rotation understanding, Republic toons will win. They are similar, not even or exact. Force Lightning does less than the Republic's pebble throwing thing. (Not a Republic Player here.) And the effects are far worse when getting pelted. The classes maybe similar in ability, but each class on the Republic side has distinct advantages.


Now remember, I suck at PvP. I do it for the challenge and competitiveness of the sport. However, you cannot honestly tell me that a fully geared PvP Trooper, and Powertech, are on even grounds. The trooper will slaughter that Powertech or Mercenary. It's just a fact, and the developers won't fix it. Yes, I understand, good guys always win. But in a video game, that doesn't fly. It has to be balanced, or it takes out the fun.


If someone would instruct me on how to be a better Marauder or Sorcerer Healer in PvP while on Harbinger Server, then please by all means come teach me. However, the fact still stands that the Republic side is in fact more favored in this game.


But the Imperial story lines are way cooler. :3


The classes of the two factions are exact mirrors of each other. For instance, Vanguard (trooper AC) and Powertech (bounty hunter AC) are mirror classes, and all of their abilities function EXACTLY the same (i.e., same damage, range, etc). The ONLY difference between mirror classes is the names of the abilities and the animations. They are functionally exactly the same.


And as an interesting aside, the empire classes were actually favored over their republic counterparts at the launch of the game. For example, at the launch of the game the gunslinger's mezz had a longer cooldown (90 seconds) than the sniper's mezz (60 seconds). These imbalances have long since been fixed, but there has never been a time in this game where republic classes have been functionally better than their empire counterparts.

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I do have to agree with the original writer in this, and with the other players who have commented. Reason being, I honestly am not that great at PvP, and I rage a lot, but that is because I typically get ganged everywhere I go. However, PvP is very unbalanced. But not in the same faction. A sin is going to take down a sorcerer any day of the week. They have too many ways to get around you. That is what ASSASSIN means. They assassinate. What do you expect?


Now in regards to what everyone else has said, I honestly have learned something. I didn't personal understand the white bar or how to utilize it properly in PvP. Now I do.


However, that being said, people trolling on someone who doesn't know any better is just down right rude and inconsiderate. You can't expect everyone to come right out and know every little thing about PvP or the roles in PvE. You just can't, because you didn't. No one did.


Now back onto PvP. PvP is in fact unbalanced. People don't admit this when someone complains in General Chat on fleet, too many children trying to get cool points from their peers. However, the Republic side is favored in PvP, greatly. You put each class up against the mirror of the other faction, and the Republic player will win more times than not. With exact gear, and same rotation understanding, Republic toons will win. They are similar, not even or exact. Force Lightning does less than the Republic's pebble throwing thing. (Not a Republic Player here.) And the effects are far worse when getting pelted. The classes maybe similar in ability, but each class on the Republic side has distinct advantages.


Now remember, I suck at PvP. I do it for the challenge and competitiveness of the sport. However, you cannot honestly tell me that a fully geared PvP Trooper, and Powertech, are on even grounds. The trooper will slaughter that Powertech or Mercenary. It's just a fact, and the developers won't fix it. Yes, I understand, good guys always win. But in a video game, that doesn't fly. It has to be balanced, or it takes out the fun.


If someone would instruct me on how to be a better Marauder or Sorcerer Healer in PvP while on Harbinger Server, then please by all means come teach me. However, the fact still stands that the Republic side is in fact more favored in this game.


But the Imperial story lines are way cooler. :3


The PUBS may be favored on your Server but its not on JUNG MA The IMPS Rule that server

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I have a question for the devs, say im a sorc guarding a node alone on novare coast, and a shadow comes up and stealth stuns me, starts capping, I use stun breaker, he uses spike and continues capping, then when it finishes he uses electrocute and carries on capping, when I finally get out of it, he going back into stealth, stealth stuns me and finishes the cap. this is severely inbalanced in terms of classes making sins and operative's almost unbeatable in a 1v1 situation. I would like to know the reason behind this as I know the amount of stuns you receive in wz's is utterly ridiculous compared to the 1 stun breaker we receive. If you want tore-invigorate PvP in this game then this should be fixed. it means that a sub standard sin or operative can kill a good player who is playing a sage or a commando lets say. there is no reasonable explanation for this.


So while you were stunned...you didn't call out for help? Sorc's shouldn't be guarding nodes, and if you do, you need someone else there with you. This is far from a pvp inbalance. This is just another case of you needing to learn how to play pvp and your class. Tough.

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If I can guard a node on my marauder agains 2 assassins you should be able to do it on a sorc against one. It's all about the timing.


And sometimes you just come across those players that are better than you. Non of us like to admit it but it happens. And of course sometimes dumb luck is a factor.

Edited by Ld-Siris
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It's simple, never break on anything but a ninjacap attempt.

Especially as a sorc you have absolutely no excuse to lose a node to anyone within 30 seconds.


Yes... This...

You shouldn't break... Wait till absolutely you have too... Call incs while your stunned

As a Sorc... You can counter most of the attack or at least make it hard for him to cap...

Sitting there guarding a node as a Sorc wastes your needed DPS in the main battle... But if you get stuck there...

Don't stand on the node... Stay far enough away that your ranged attack still reaches... Don't stand still... Don't be predictable in your moving around... Make sure the node is always in line of sight... Hide if you know how too ;)

It's not hard guarding a node on a Sorc... You should able to hold at least till help arrives if not longer

Personally I kill the stealth a few times... Eventually he gives up trying



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I'm really bad on my sorc in 1vs1 *duels* but lol


Call inc, break CC, stun him or even use whirlwind, run away... slow him. Use your barrier as last CC break, but wait till it ends and run away again after knock back... This is ~60sec or more lol even without off-heals. :D


If no one helps to you in 60 sec, then its just not your fault. :p

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