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Why The Old Republc? Why not Use The Original Trilogy Storyline?


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And the events of Kotor happened around 3,959 BBY...so around 300 years. How is he off again? And even then, the game isn't confined to a two year period. The events and story of the game can extend for a couple dozen years with nothing more than extremely minor retcons, hypothetically.



"~4600 years of canvas to work with before the events of Phantom Menace." The 4600 years is what he got wrong, not the 300 years after kotor.

Edited by Olekalvo
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One of the major contributing factors is the prevalence of force users. They wanted to create games in a setting where it makes sense for there to be force users all over the place; something that is no longer the case by the time you get to the original trilogy.


That combined with the fact that they have significantly more freedom in shaping the storyline at this part of the timeline obviously. Even right after the movies is very well covered already in the extended universe; by carving out their own era with TOR they are allowed significantly more freedoms.

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Not everyone reads the comics. Or played KOTOR. I decided not to get KOTOR because this game was so close to coming out.


it makes no difference because believe it or not, not everyone playing this game has seen the original movies either... I had someone ask me who Lando Calrissian was in general the other day...

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using the old republic time period makes all the sence in the world. again as other people pointed out, people want to play force user classes(witch would have been everwhere in this time period). because this time period is thousnds of years remved the original movies, biowhere basicly has a free hand to develup the story as they see fit and not be hamstrung by what happend in the orginal movies.
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The Old Republic isn't tied to any visual content per se, there's a lot more creative freedom involved and it's a tumultuous well documented era through the EU and the comics. They can also build on the lore created in the KOTOR games.


Face it: People want to play Jedi in Star Wars games. If we would be playing during the period of Anakin, it'd be feasible, but during the period of Vader/Luke there were hardly any Jedi left until Luke began rebuilding the New Jedi Order. There's too much set in stone, the stories have already been experienced by people. You want them to carve their own legacy, and you can only do that in an area before or beyond the 6 movies.

Edited by Dekadez
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Because that era has been done to death and quite frankly I'm sick and tired of it.


I like new era to play around in. Also Bioware pretty much has free reign to do whatever they want to their story without conflicting with any lore.

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Face it: People want to play Jedi in Star Wars games. If we would be playing during the period of Anakin, it'd be feasible, but during the period of Vader/Luke there were hardly any Jedi left until Luke began rebuilding the New Jedi Order. There's too much set in stone, the stories have already been experienced by people. You want them to carve their own legacy, and you can only do that in an area before or beyond the 6 movies.


That didn't stop SOE though from botching it. ;)

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Not everyone reads the comics. Or played KOTOR. I decided not to get KOTOR because this game was so close to coming out.


Sad you didn't. There are an insane amount of KOTOR references in this game that provide just so much fun.


Play KOTOR, missing out on it is a felony.


That didn't stop SOE though from botching it. ;)


Yea well, SOE...And look at the sh.tstorm that caused.

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the problem with using the origonal trilogy storyline is that you don't get much creative liberties. you don't get to make the story the story is already made.



a game such as this already existed in the only way possible, it was a sandbox game, which people don't realize they love.




The trilogy timeline is highly limited by existing canon. Bioware can do what it wants within this timeline.

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As if Baldur's Gate didn't do that.


eh it didn't really... it did with a lot of gamers but not with the mass majority of people... the Star Wars tag on KoToR did that... but lets be honest I could put a Star Wars logo on a can of AIDs and people from all around the world would line up months in advance to buy them by the case

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Because George Lucas has decided that he is the only one that is allowed to mess with the time around the original movies in any major way (and mess with them he has), so this was the only choice more or less...


besides, they wanted to continue on their story from KotOR (and if you havent played that you should simply for the story)

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Why didn't Bioware use the Original Star Wars Trilogy storyline for this game. Characters we know and love etc.


Or even start the game just after Return of the Jedi? "The New Republic"?


Why go back thousands of years to a time that most Star Wars fans know very little about?


I'm not complaining here just wondering.


What it boils down to is freedom to tell a story. The time of the movies has story set in stone. You're very limited in what you can do. You can't take out the Empire, because they're busy going after the Rebel Alliance. You can't take out Darth Vader or the Emperor, because they're central to the story. You can't really be a Jedi or Sith, because the only real Jedi left at the time of the movies are Luke and Yoda (not counting any oddball Expanded Universe stuff of the odd Jedi out there), and the Sith are living under the Rule of Two at that point, and there are already two: Palpatine and Vader.


You don't have much creative liberty after Episode VI either. Ostensibly, all the story goes through Lucas for his ultimate approval: R.A. Salvatore needed Lucas' approval to kill Chewbacca in "Vector Prime" to launch the New Jedi Order series. That stuff is canonical until Lucas decides otherwise by possibly doing a new trilogy in the future (pure conjecture, nothing confirmed).


You'd have to go farther into the future than the current "Fate of the Jedi" series, which not only puts you back where we're at now (dealing with characters we aren't as familiar with), but also hobbles the ability of authors to do more followups after Fate of the Jedi.


Putting the game 3500 years in the past allows enough time to tell stories in an era that isn't already heavily mapped out, and lets stories have major impact that doesn't have to impact things by the time Episode I picks up. Sith are everywhere, Jedi are everywhere, there's an Empire not led by Palpatine, and it all connects back to other Star Wars characters people know and love: Revan, Bastila Shan, etc.

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Because that was the mistake that SWG made and part of why it failed. They had no freedom when creating new content incase it conflicted with the movies. Anything new they were allowed to add (like jedi class) just didn't fit.


TOR can almost do what they like as long as they don't change the starwars basics and tbh what they have done so far is far more interesting than most other SW games :p

Edited by NasherUK
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Why didn't Bioware use the Original Star Wars Trilogy storyline for this game. Characters we know and love etc.


Or even start the game just after Return of the Jedi? "The New Republic"?


Why go back thousands of years to a time that most Star Wars fans know very little about?


I'm not complaining here just wondering.


Because Bioware is the producer of "Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic" and this MMO is based in that same era? :rolleyes:


If you want a sequel to Galaxies go cry elsewhere. The only reason I'm playing this game is because of the era it's in. Nowadays I don't even like Star Wars as much anymore but this era is extremely well made by Bioware and keeps me hooked.

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Not everyone reads the comics. Or played KOTOR. I decided not to get KOTOR because this game was so close to coming out.


You decided not to buy a game in 2003 because this game was just around the corner?


Anyway, you really should play it. The amount of references to that game is massive and you aren't really getting the full story without knowing what happened back then.


eh it didn't really... it did with a lot of gamers but not with the mass majority of people... the Star Wars tag on KoToR did that... but lets be honest I could put a Star Wars logo on a can of AIDs and people from all around the world would line up months in advance to buy them by the case


Bioware sold more copies of the Baldur's Gate series than they did KotoR for the PC. The people who never heard of Bioware before KotoR were Xbox users, they were already very well known on this platform.

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The Old Republic has the best setting, and the most flexible timeline they can create. And don't forget it's basically the sequel to Knights of the Old Republic 2, also a Bioware game FYI.


Knights of the old Republic 2 was an Obsidian Entertainment game not Bioware

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Flame on.


Sigh I've had it with these comments and this hipster forum attitude. Why would anyone flame you, seeing as everyone except the OP agree with your statements.


You didn't read the thread ofcourse, only reacted to the title. Zero contribution, nihil, nada, none.

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Sigh I've had it with these comments and this hipster forum attitude. Why would anyone flame you, seeing as everyone except the OP agree with your statements.


You didn't read the thread ofcourse, only reacted to the title. Zero contribution, nihil, nada, none.


You seriously have a problem with me adding my two cents? JUST because i put "flame on" in my post? Are you really that thick that you can't see why saying "i like the ToR era better than the original movies" can get me flamed?


Yeah so everyone else but the OP agrees with me, that doesn't mean others won't.


Also, if you see a post that in your mind makes zero contribution to the thread, you call them out on it, and make a post that ALSO makes zero contribution to the thread? Let me educate you, ignore them, you're only perpetuating the uselessness and becoming a hypocrite at the same time.

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