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Would you like another ''Star Wars MMORPG''


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Nope, but I would be quite happy if someone bought and brought back SWG for entirely different reasons. :p

Might not even be a bad move on EA's part if they were to acquire it and offer some kind of two for one subscription deal.


SW fans could get their story fix on TOR, and their sandboxy fun on SWG.

But I doubt it'll ever happen. SOE would probably charge a ridiculous amount for the rights, game engine, etc... and given that SWG wasn't very profitable by the end, it'd take too long to make back the investment for EA to go there.

Edited by Callaron
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id prefer a SWMMO that was set kind of like in the same timeline as Rebels.


The Jedi are gone the Empire is everywhere and Rebellions are forming.




I liked SWTOR when it first came out, but after Rebels and the announcement of Battlefront I started to miss things from the trilogies. It's a more familiar world that we grew up with. Now when I look at SWTOR it's just army of Jedi vs army of Sith, everything being "oooh so dark". Besides I want to be able to shoot tie fighters from a turret while someone flies the ship, someone running around inside doing repairs, don't you?

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I doubt there's going to be another star wars mmo in the next 10 years.

Will there be a star wars mmo in the distant future, that's almost a guarantee, but it will be after Episode IX releases.


EA has a 10 year deal to make star wars video games,

EA already publishes swtor, EA won't make a competing mmo any time soon.

Swtor is going to be the only star wars mmo for a long time.

Edited by Falensawino
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I liked SWTOR when it first came out, but after Rebels and the announcement of Battlefront I started to miss things from the trilogies. It's a more familiar world that we grew up with. Now when I look at SWTOR it's just army of Jedi vs army of Sith, everything being "oooh so dark". Besides I want to be able to shoot tie fighters from a turret while someone flies the ship, someone running around inside doing repairs, don't you?


I've often thought over the course of the last 2.8 years, after seeing comment after comment about the timeline of this game, (on a few forums) that Bioware really should have just made KotOR 3 sprpg for the KotOR fans, and then just made their MMO in the timeline of the movies, it would be more recognizable to the general public as "Star Wars".

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SWTOR is a ok game and I would be lying if I said I didn't have fun playing. The fun has more to do with the people I play with. The game itself has, in my opinion fallen short of even my lower expectations. I came from SWG and yes I am bias. I loved the ability to tailor your class, decorate the inside of your star ship, a much better and affordable housing model, crafter driven economy, and much more wrapped up in a nice little sandbox style of play. I will say SWTOR has a much better story and quest system than SWG, but having smugglers slice your weapons and armor was sweet or group space combat, having your guild on a multi person ship where everyone can work a gun or station on the ship and go town on pirates or what ever. Now we have strongholds which is a start. I did find that the cost to unlock the strong hold rooms is ridiculous. I get EA and BIOWARE are companies and want to make money, Cartel market brings in that money along with subscriptions and as long as people are willing to throw there money at the game they will continue to take it, but dang its pricey :(.


The long drawn out point is this, take SWTOR and SWG and smush em together and you will have a Star Wars MMO that will last for a long long time.


PS quit making the ARMOR all goofy looking! :eek:

Edited by Crizzapp
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I think if Players are missing Features, BW should implement it into SWtoR, not into a new MMO. Working on two Star Wars MMOs at the same time can't be good for both of 'em.


I don't want to know how many ressources, time, money and developement is going with one game. Releasing a second one would kill the first or the second one, both at the worst case scenario ...


Saying "No, I would not like another 'Star Wars MMORPG'' ...

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So, as my point goes, would you like another Star wars MMORPG, just like Star Wars Galaxies, that was brilliant until the combat system update.

Would you like EA to buy the rights to Galaxies and bring it back?


God no. I hated Galaxies.

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Not really. I don't know if I'm in the minority, but I'm enjoying the Old Republic era far more than I have ever enjoyed the Prequel and Rebellion eras.


This, totally. I find this period much more interesting. I'm also not that interested in open world. It's very difficult to tell stories with the depth of swtor in a non-linear, open world way. Actually, impossible. If they were to ever make another star wars mmo, I'd want it to be Bioware, story based and I'd want it to be set in the Je'daii period not the movie era or a direct follow up to this one. But really, I just want this game to keep going for years and years, hopefully with increased emphasis on continuing planetary and class stories as it goes along.

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No, I'm happy with this game as is. And contrary to what the vocal majority is saying, most people are quite happy with this game as well.


Not really. I don't know if I'm in the minority, but I'm enjoying the Old Republic era far more than I have ever enjoyed the Prequel and Rebellion eras.


This, totally. I find this period much more interesting. I'm also not that interested in open world. It's very difficult to tell stories with the depth of swtor in a non-linear, open world way. Actually, impossible. If they were to ever make another star wars mmo, I'd want it to be Bioware, story based and I'd want it to be set in the Je'daii period not the movie era or a direct follow up to this one. But really, I just want this game to keep going for years and years, hopefully with increased emphasis on continuing planetary and class stories as it goes along.


So page one is the SWG fanboys tooting the same horn, over and over. Page 2 are the people that know this game is waaaaay better that SWG ever was.

Open world MMO's suck. Open World RPG's really have no business being MMO's. Not if you are trying to drive a story forward. Which for star wars makes a lot more sense to have a theme park style MMO than an open world. for group questing and operations, open worlds hardly work since there are no defined roles, so more often than not you get 1 guy who can gank anything in a party, and 3 other people that couldn't kill anything with more than 500 hp.

SWG is OVER and never coming back. Bioware has done a great job on SWTOR, and have done better in 3 years than most other MMO's have in their lifetime, so stop ************, or stop playing cuz no one likes you.


Old Republic Era is nice because it's kinda a fresh start without the typical limitations on lore the later versions would have, they can play looser with the context of the story which ends up making it better story telling. Hell of a lot better than Lucas could ever do. But without stepping on the toes of "canon" because there is hardly anyway it could contradict. Old Republic Era Jedi would wreck Clone Wars Era Jedi every day of the week. Those Jedi were weak in comparison by a long shot.

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Would you like another ''Star Wars MMORPG''

Huge yes.


New game should take everything good from different games and forge something awesome. (i mean combat system, story system, some others systems :) )

About story... The whole EU should be in this game. There is a lot of comics, books, guides etc...

About era... My dream is dynamic era change. At launch, game would be at... let's say... 5,000 BBY and progress every 2(or so) months, every week some event happening, so players can watch the entire Star Wars history on in-game news system (not like on swtor) and participate in it.

Players can travel around the galaxy (not like in swtor), freelance, participate in wars, and even start their own wars with (or against) guilds.

Players can gather armies of NPCs, build fleets, command them and fight with (and against) guilds. Everyone has a chance to do something.

And of course everything should be in reasonable limits. Or the game story will just collapse.




I apologize for any mistakes in text. I'm not good with english and just wanted to share my dream of ideal Star Wars game ;)

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I'm pretty happy with SW:TOR. Who grew up with this movies -not- wanting to be a Jedi or to have their own lightsaber? Here you get your own story altogether in the Star Wars universe. Be a Jedi, a Smuggler, a Sith, a Trooper. We have our own Republic, we have our own Empire, and our own heroes and villains to worry about. I take it as an individualized participation in Star Wars where I get to be the legend, and that's actually not so bad.


Sure, the modern era is hip and all, but I have a major pet peeve: Luke Skywalker was never allowed to grow up. In any given book or video game, he wore exactly what he wore in Return of the Jedi. Same hair, same clothes, same lightsaber, whatever. He never, ever changed. I would have thought he'd have grown a beard as Obi-Wan had, donned some traditional Jedi robes after a point, and you know, Moved Forward. The books got stuck in a Superweapon of the Week mentality (how many Death Stars and Death Star Superweapons and Planet Threatening Doomsday Devices ended up in the books again?) and the video games, recycling the same soundtrack over and over and over and over, got a bit dull. (One of my favorite things about KOTOR 1 and 2 was the original music they composed for it, some of which is in SW:TOR).


For me, SW:TOR was Star Wars with a clean start, where I could be the hero in my own galactic saga, removed from an era that was worn down to the floorboards with redundancy. I know there's a superweapon or two in SW:TOR, but it's an epidemic like it was in the Rebellion Era. The KOTOR era and the Clone Wars era are my favorites in Star Wars, because I felt the legacy of the films and the books/video games based on them didn't go so well.


Just my two cents, and you can have change if you want it. :p

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The enduring affection for star wars galaxies is a bit baffling to me as I've only played it briefly on an emulator. That left me with the feeling that what people reallly miss is the friendships they formed, the group activities and the roleplay they engaged it. Obviously, an emulator doesn't have the same population so there was no way for me to judge that experience, but what was left...well, I dunno. It didn't particularlly grab me, not the way swtor has. It seemed grindy, often baffling and lacking in the visceral combat of swtor.


To be fair, the graphics are so dated that one really can't take them into account and I have a personal bias in that I like story driven games, which means that open world games tend to lose my interest quickly. I particularly like Bioware games. After almost 3 years of constant play, I'm still engaged, I still care about my characters and I'm still having fun.


Sure, there are things I'd like to see change. I'd like them to go back to the original vision where class stories were a major part. I'd like to see them stop trying to appease every single QQ and allow more things to be challlenging than they do (ie original rakghoull event as compared to the current repeating one.) Overall, though, I have no desire to see someone else take over the star wars mmo mantle, for there to be a change in style/genre, or for it to take place in a different period. Old republic all the way.


If I'm right and the bulk of the nostalgia for swg has to do with friendships more than gameplay, that couldn't be recaptured, and I'm pretty sure the game style woulldn't reach more than a niche market in today's gaming world. Peoplle are simply too casual, too spoiled and too impatient for a game that takes that much work to get anywhere.

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