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Will PvP comms reset in the following expansion?


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That would be really, really weird, even for BioWare Austin. I don't really see the point in stacking commendations (and certainly not weapons) anyway. What's the rush? You really want to be marginally stronger than the people in Brutalizer while running those new dailies. Oh, okay, I guess you'll be marginally harder to gank. I hope it was worth the effort of buying and selling PVP rifles every hour, while you play. :rolleyes:


Gear shouldn't be something that you lust over. You get it when you get it. It's all good.

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I will laugh my *** off if they finally fix the com exploit. The PvP community outrage will be epic.


I don't think there would be an outrage. After all that wouldn't even be justified.

People might complain.. but it wouldn't explode.


If bioware intends to do that though, instead of *********** everyone over with a massive trollface..

They could just inform us right about now. And nobody would be allowed to complain.

Edited by Evolixe
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Even if they just made the trade back time something like 15 min it would be impossible to even play and be able to trade items back in time.... Which still allows you to trade back upon making a mistake.


Also I also never do this and think very few people do (tried once)... Like Evolixe said it is just too much of a pain in the ***... I'll wait my 2 seeks to 1 month before I'm all "rank" tier depending on how much I'm playing...


With bolster it's really just not that important in my experience.


Of course this time everyone will be below "starter" tier pvp gear cause no one will even be lvl 60 for at least a few hours.... But....

Edited by masih_ad_dajjal
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That could cause massive issues that would piss off more than just the pvp players.


How could that cause massive issues?

Warn people up front and if you screw up it's your own fault. No right to complain.


WoW does it, I don't see why SWTOR couldn't.

Edited by Evolixe
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If you guys actually read admin posts on xpac updates or watch interviews with bioware team they will be reseting wz and ranked wz coms when xpac releases they are very aware of the exploit and plan on not letting it continue. its the same thing when people exploited the game when they were selling warzone mods on GTN Bam fixed after 2 days of it happening. Now with this many weirdos exploiting the game then braging bout it on forums go read bioware policies its a banable if you get caught exploiting in any manner. and anyways you guys must not pay attention to interviews or game updates if you think they are going to allow it in the next expansion.
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If you guys actually read admin posts on xpac updates or watch interviews with bioware team they will be reseting wz and ranked wz coms when xpac releases they are very aware of the exploit and plan on not letting it continue. its the same thing when people exploited the game when they were selling warzone mods on GTN Bam fixed after 2 days of it happening. Now with this many weirdos exploiting the game then braging bout it on forums go read bioware policies its a banable if you get caught exploiting in any manner. and anyways you guys must not pay attention to interviews or game updates if you think they are going to allow it in the next expansion.

Exploit? Banable? Weirdos? Bragging? Oh please. I was inclined to believe you, but seeing that you have some sort of bone to pick with pvpers, now I'm wondering if you're just trolling.

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If you guys actually read admin posts on xpac updates or watch interviews with bioware team they will be reseting wz and ranked wz coms when xpac releases they are very aware of the exploit and plan on not letting it continue. its the same thing when people exploited the game when they were selling warzone mods on GTN Bam fixed after 2 days of it happening. Now with this many weirdos exploiting the game then braging bout it on forums go read bioware policies its a banable if you get caught exploiting in any manner. and anyways you guys must not pay attention to interviews or game updates if you think they are going to allow it in the next expansion.


Trading in weapons isn't really an exploit when the game itself is designed to function that way and has remained so ever since they introduced the refund system. People like you also said they would do this before brut gear came out that they would fix the "exploit" but they never did.


BW doesn't really care. I've been doing the weapon trick since they introduced the refund system and I've never once even gotten a warning. If they actually cared they would have done something about it a long time ago.

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They should fix the exploit by removing the cap. Why not let people earn all their comms and save them for when they want them? I mean; don't they believe in their own crummy bolster system to where who has it and who doesn't shouldn't be an issue? :rolleyes:


That artificial grind has to exist somewhere :(

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I just read through all of the dev tracker posts through October, not a peep regarding a comms reset. Anybody have any hard evidence?


No because the question was never brought up until this thread was created. I doubt BW plans to do anything.

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If you guys actually read admin posts on xpac updates or watch interviews with bioware team they will be reseting wz and ranked wz coms when xpac releases they are very aware of the exploit and plan on not letting it continue. its the same thing when people exploited the game when they were selling warzone mods on GTN Bam fixed after 2 days of it happening.....

and anyways you guys must not pay attention to interviews or game updates if you think they are going to allow it in the next expansion.


Can you provide links where they say this... I have not been able to find any evidence of this



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Trading in weapons isn't really an exploit when the game itself is designed to function that way and has remained so ever since they introduced the refund system. People like you also said they would do this before brut gear came out that they would fix the "exploit" but they never did.


BW doesn't really care. I've been doing the weapon trick since they introduced the refund system and I've never once even gotten a warning. If they actually cared they would have done something about it a long time ago.

Raansu, what you just said is the definition of an exploit. Players are using the current system in a manner that was never intended to be used. In other words, they are exploiting the system for personal gain.


As for BW "not caring," I wouldn't be so quit to judge that to be the case. They've closed the loops on a few "exploitable" things in this game, like respecting during a PvP match. I wouldn't be surprised if they did make a decision to stop those using the refund system in the manner they are doing now.

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Raansu, what you just said is the definition of an exploit. Players are using the current system in a manner that was never intended to be used. In other words, they are exploiting the system for personal gain.


As for BW "not caring," I wouldn't be so quit to judge that to be the case. They've closed the loops on a few "exploitable" things in this game, like respecting during a PvP match. I wouldn't be surprised if they did make a decision to stop those using the refund system in the manner they are doing now.


Its really not, and neither was field respec. Was field respec silly in warzones? Yes, but it definitely was not an exploit. The only exploit would be those using macros to quickly respec instantly.

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