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The Most Lifeless Universe....


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Derp. Servers = full. Queues = present. Holidays / game being new = irrelevant.


I love how i posted this a million times (copy&paste ftw) yet noone had a come back, not once. I wonder why. :rolleyes:


I see people. This fits with the servers full. Your argument is irrelevant.

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I see people. This fits with the servers full. Your argument is irrelevant.


That's funny, cause everyone else isn't.


Which makes your post irrelevant and a blatant lie.


Also my post isn't irrelevant anyway since it was referring to people saying it's the holidays or the game is new and that's why there aren't people playing. And since the servers are full anyway and with queues their post made no sense. Use logic next time.

Edited by Skeelol
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Ugh, so i'm at work looking to see if you can buy a physical authenticator at a store anywhere when i accidentally stumble into this forum post. Frankly this whole post is ridiculous, a large number of the people posting here seem to be polarized one way or the other and largely unwilling to make any concessions. First of all in every MMO i've played there's been a lot of "lifeless" areas. I remember maybe getting 2 quests to go to Alterac mountains in WOW? Maybe a rare case but they exist. The fact is people want BIG in an MMO, fail to deliver that (as some posters belive BW has) and people argue that it's not big enough so they shot for the middle and honestly i have no problems with it. Next people say this is a big single player game... Have you tried forming groups? I don't usually have many problems finding a group and while i may not get one everytime i'm not going to pop on here and cry about it everytime i don't. Furthermore this game has been out for 5 days so give it time with any luck BW will listen to it's community and make appropriate changes. As i recall PvP wasn't always that balanced after a release for WoW (DK's and Pallys post Wrath launch anyone?) and i'm not sure WoW had a ton of endgame content at release either. However, a lot of patching added content. SWTOR is admittedly more linear in order to provide a storyline. BW said they wanted an MMO with a storyline and if it weren't for this distinction this really would by Wow with glowsticks and then it would fail. In response to those saying it's not an MMO ya you don't interact with as many players at once, maybe the sharding is a bit overkill but the launch has been alright with the exception of some nasty early access queues, to me an MMO is a game where it's multiplayer and you don't have a choice. To those who say this **** will be f2p in no time cuz it's soooo bad. Where do you get this? Ok we get it you don't like this game sooo maybe it's not for everyone, but to come out and say it's gonna fail and go f2p on day 5 with no statistics? Even you have to admit that's a really bold statement without a lot of evidence to back it up. Now i won't turn around and say SWTOR is sweet and will get all the subs it ever needs! I hope so, but we'll see. This game does have flaws, it's not for everyone, but lets see what happens a few months down the road before we start ripping it apart. WoW has had years of polish i think this game deserves a bit more than 5 days. Now, let the trolling commence because i probably misspelled something or didn't say enough bad things so i'll be labeled fanboi....OH NO! I tried being resonable.

(Also if this game comes even close to KOTOR on steroids it's gonna be great. KOTOR was one of the best IMO.)

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Ugh, so i'm at work looking to see if you can buy a physical authenticator at a store anywhere when i accidentally stumble into this forum post. Frankly this whole post is ridiculous, a large number of the people posting here seem to be polarized one way or the other and largely unwilling to make any concessions. First of all in every MMO i've played there's been a lot of "lifeless" areas. I remember maybe getting 2 quests to go to Alterac mountains in WOW? Maybe a rare case but they exist. The fact is people want BIG in an MMO, fail to deliver that (as some posters belive BW has) and people argue that it's not big enough so they shot for the middle and honestly i have no problems with it. Next people say this is a big single player game... Have you tried forming groups? I don't usually have many problems finding a group and while i may not get one everytime i'm not going to pop on here and cry about it everytime i don't. Furthermore this game has been out for 5 days so give it time with any luck BW will listen to it's community and make appropriate changes. As i recall PvP wasn't always that balanced after a release for WoW (DK's and Pallys post Wrath launch anyone?) and i'm not sure WoW had a ton of endgame content at release either. However, a lot of patching added content. SWTOR is admittedly more linear in order to provide a storyline. BW said they wanted an MMO with a storyline and if it weren't for this distinction this really would by Wow with glowsticks and then it would fail. In response to those saying it's not an MMO ya you don't interact with as many players at once, maybe the sharding is a bit overkill but the launch has been alright with the exception of some nasty early access queues, to me an MMO is a game where it's multiplayer and you don't have a choice. To those who say this **** will be f2p in no time cuz it's soooo bad. Where do you get this? Ok we get it you don't like this game sooo maybe it's not for everyone, but to come out and say it's gonna fail and go f2p on day 5 with no statistics? Even you have to admit that's a really bold statement without a lot of evidence to back it up. Now i won't turn around and say SWTOR is sweet and will get all the subs it ever needs! I hope so, but we'll see. This game does have flaws, it's not for everyone, but lets see what happens a few months down the road before we start ripping it apart. WoW has had years of polish i think this game deserves a bit more than 5 days. Now, let the trolling commence because i probably misspelled something or didn't say enough bad things so i'll be labeled fanboi....OH NO! I tried being resonable.

(Also if this game comes even close to KOTOR on steroids it's gonna be great. KOTOR was one of the best IMO.)


They wish they could have provided a WoW with glowing sticks. Then their game would suddenly have 10 mil subs and they'd be rich.

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i am tired of seeing a lot of people just griping about the game from most reviews released so far and from what i played in the beta test it is a really great game with a good story and the environments from what i have seen so far are very impressive in my opinion sure its not Mass Effect 3 or Cyriss 2 BUT if the game looked like that then not as many people could run it. so they had to make sure that the average person could run it ok. and i think it looks very nice and better then a lot of MMOs out there (come on star wars galaxies was dated and people still cried when that ended!) This game looks far better then Galaxies and i think you need to stop complaining and just enjoy it


besides there have been ton of video previews and trailers and walkthroughs released in the months before it came out, if you didnt like the look then why did you get it? not our fault!

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you obviously didn't get very far in the game. Only the first planet is linear and the second somewhat so (but not much). Past that, planets are immense, fully explorable, and exploration is encouraged by hidden quests, datacrons and lore unlocks.


Basically, you're so far off the mark that it's not even funny.


Lifeless? please... That's not even realistic.


The game takes a lot of step forwards in the MMORPG genre, for sure not backwards.


I am so so glad to hear this! I for one had the same worries as the OP, but I m only lvl 19 right now so I have not progressed past the second world as of yet. .../crosses fingers that it really opens up.

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i am tired of seeing a lot of people just griping about the game from most reviews released so far and from what i played in the beta test it is a really great game with a good story and the environments from what i have seen so far are very impressive in my opinion sure its not Mass Effect 3 or Cyriss 2 BUT if the game looked like that then not as many people could run it. so they had to make sure that the average person could run it ok. and i think it looks very nice and better then a lot of MMOs out there (come on star wars galaxies was dated and people still cried when that ended!) This game looks far better then Galaxies and i think you need to stop complaining and just enjoy it


besides there have been ton of video previews and trailers and walkthroughs released in the months before it came out, if you didnt like the look then why did you get it? not our fault!


Thread talking about world being dead, your post talking about graphics.




I am so so glad to hear this! I for one had the same worries as the OP, but I m only lvl 19 right now so I have not progressed past the second world as of yet. .../crosses fingers that it really opens up.


It does open up more than the starting areas, but you're still very limited and most of the huge areas are only huge because of size and not content. There's plenty of spots between main areas where there's absolutely nothing else but terrain. No mobs, no npcs, no players.. just terrain.

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That's funny, cause everyone else isn't.


Which makes your post irrelevant and a blatant lie.


Also my post isn't irrelevant anyway since it was referring to people saying it's the holidays or the game is new and that's why there aren't people playing. And since the servers are full anyway and with queues their post made no sense. Use logic next time.


Everyone else who? You and anchorsomething and another couple of people? ah ok in that case.....

I been playing 2 alts today and I always had to compete for mobs, seen plenty people. MAYBE you don't see 40 people in the same place, but that's your problem

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A Universe so linear it's like traveling down a blackhole.


given that there still isn't any definitive proof blackholes even exist it's a terribly poor analogy.


not to mention the theories we have regarding black holes would mean you'd be pretty spread out after a short amount of time...


the rest i agree with just saying thats a poor analogy.

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you obviously didn't get very far in the game. Only the first planet is linear and the second somewhat so (but not much). Past that, planets are immense, fully explorable, and exploration is encouraged by hidden quests, datacrons and lore unlocks.


Basically, you're so far off the mark that it's not even funny.


Lifeless? please... That's not even realistic.


The game takes a lot of step forwards in the MMORPG genre, for sure not backwards.


I dont know what game your playing but its always go to the space port get quests, branch out over time across the area and be damned if you try and take a short cut to your quest and stray off the path bioware made invisiable walls and such to keep us on said path.

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Yes. You're unable to get to the opposite faction's Tattooine main city to make griefing impossible there. As for the exhaustion areas in the dune sea, just how far do you want to ride through an endless expanse of dunes? What do you suggest be put in that endless expanse?


I simply said upon arriving at Tatooine you can not ride your speeder to the middle of the map which is where 90% of the quests are located. You can only get there on a Taxi, if Blizzard made this you would be able to ride there. This has nothing to do with griefing (which imo is impossible on a pvp server but thats another story).

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I simply said upon arriving at Tatooine you can not ride your speeder to the middle of the map which is where 90% of the quests are located. You can only get there on a Taxi, if Blizzard made this you would be able to ride there. This has nothing to do with griefing (which imo is impossible on a pvp server but thats another story).


You're saying the same thing in a different way. If you could ride off into the center of the map, a raid group from the other side could ride into the city from the center of the map and proceed to kill off every NPC in the city, making it unplayable for people in that city. That's the reason, whether you like it or not, that BW made it this way. Frankly, I'm glad Blizzard didn't make this game. I like to choose when I am subjected to PvP.

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You're saying the same thing in a different way. If you could ride off into the center of the map, a raid group from the other side could ride into the city from the center of the map and proceed to kill off every NPC in the city, making it unplayable for people in that city. That's the reason, whether you like it or not, that BW made it this way. Frankly, I'm glad Blizzard didn't make this game. I like to choose when I am subjected to PvP.


You really need to do your homework, NPC's are not killable so try again. :p


The real reason they did not do it is simple becuase they are incapable of doing this with the badly designed game.

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WOW is a non linear world that is alive and kicking so huge that it would take about an hour to ride from one end of the world to the other which would take you through cities, towns, winter mountains, forests and deserts without a single loading screen and you can take any path you like, it's totally up to you.


SWTOR where you can ride for a whole 5 minutes then you hit a barrier. A world that is empty and you are railroaded to every quest through a maze of barriers either corridors, mountains or just plain invisible ones that kill you unless you turn back.


One of these is a sandbox gaming experience full or replayability, the other is a play once then leave experience.

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The whole game is linear.


<- Already lv50 SI Sorc Healer.


There is absolutely no reason to go back to any of the planets.

* Hopefully they expand them and add RvR into the game.


Assuming you were in the EGA, you got to 50 in ten days? You must have way more free time than I do and I was home on half days and light duty from surgery most of the time playing. (from EGA). I'm sorry but anyone that got that far in ten days I can't take seriously.

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It does open up more than the starting areas, but you're still very limited and most of the huge areas are only huge because of size and not content. There's plenty of spots between main areas where there's absolutely nothing else but terrain. No mobs, no npcs, no players.. just terrain.


I actually like that. reminds me of the old breeland in lotro. I'm kinda sick of mmos that have every inch of the landscape planned for one quest or another (which usually means collect all quests in the questhub, move into area, genocide the local population, proceed to next questhub).


put some hidden optional stuff there, maybe a worldboss - and the game feels bigger.

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WOW is a non linear world that is alive and kicking so huge that it would take about an hour to ride from one end of the world to the other which would take you through cities, towns, winter mountains, forests and deserts without a single loading screen and you can take any path you like, it's totally up to you.



Where you will see...what?...five people until you get to the most recent content? Having more content which is empty doesn't make it better. TOR has seamless zones within planets. You can't reasonably expect to go from surface to space and back without loading.

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It really feels dead especially that you don't need any help at all. Heroics fps you can come back few levels later and solo that ****. Warzones or quests. Quests... Same old **** he ran away so go kill him. Those dialogues apart fom main story line are boring as ****. Second char on same faction. Space bar ftw if I can force myself.


There is no need for player integration whatsoever and all those force defenders here obviously never played any real MMO where without others you can't do much besides basics.

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Heroics fps you can come back few levels later and solo that ****.


And this is different from every other MMO how, exactly? Sure you can CHOOSE to do it later, but you can't make that choice and then turn around and say it's the game's fault and it's not MMO enough. It gives you the tools and the tasks, you choose how to do them.

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And this is different from every other MMO how, exactly? Sure you can CHOOSE to do it later, but you can't make that choice and then turn around and say it's the game's fault and it's not MMO enough. It gives you the tools and the tasks, you choose how to do them.


In eve if I want to do some WH exploration I either need several months of play and 2-3B ship or a lot of people. In here I need to lvl for 24h and then go back and solo this with my eyes closed.


This is the difference.

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In eve if I want to do some WH exploration I either need several months of play and 2-3B ship or a lot of people. In here I need to lvl for 24h and then go back and solo this with my eyes closed.


This is the difference.


eve is a different kind of mmo than tor - with a different target demographic.

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