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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Eric, where is the "cool thing for subscribers"?


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I guess from my point of view it seems like most subscribers would have finished leveling by now this late in the expansion's life cycle, so if they were going to make a big deal about a 'cool thing for subscribers', it should have been something more universally useful or interesting.


Plus theres already so many ways to boost XP, do we really need 12x more?


Well, you're wrong.

I've been here since day one (earlier even) and I still haven't maxed out the following classes: Agent, Trooper, Knight and Consular. Not to mention I have one alt of each class that I want to play through exploring the choices I didn't make during the first run through and listening to the opposite sex voice acting.


Not to mention all the subscribers who haven't been here since day one.

Or maby only the old dogs count?


So yeah, the 12x XP is a cool thing for most subscribers (judging from the reactions on the forums and in-game)

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What would you suggest they give the long time 16 AC subscribers? Serious question.


CC's? -I'm sure they recall how the community acted last time they did that.

Speeder? -See above

Pet? -See above

Title? -See above


The point I'm trying to make is that no matter what they were to give out, somebody would complain about it. It may not be you, but there would be someone who thinks in worthless. Why not give the devs some suggestions on what you'd think would be a nice gift?


Something useful like the Hutt statues would be nice. I really can't think of anything offhand, but isn't that part of why I am paying them? So that they can come up with the cool stuff for me to enjoy?

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Something useful like the Hutt statues would be nice. I really can't think of anything offhand, but isn't that part of why I am paying them? So that they can come up with the cool stuff for me to enjoy?


But they can't please everyone...that was my point previously. YOU aren't satisfied with this bonus, but others are. If they gave us another trainer, I'm sure there would be plenty of subscribers upset.


Remember they are also trying to get people to sub either for the 1st time or resub. This I think was a nice incentive for quite a number of players.

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I'm not sure if you're asking seriously or sarcastically, but the "cool" thing was the 12x xp bonus. Presumably they did not have the bonus ready yet last week, and they wanted it to go live as soon as pre-ordering did. Hence the one week delay.




That's not cool at all.

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Well I like the idea. I think I'm more concerned with having to get to the higher levels and not get squashed. I did 10 levels in a hour last night my gears still lvl20 in 10 more levels I will not be able to collect enough gear to become squishy!! Also your also giving up all the credits you can make speed leveling. So yes I beleive this is a good and bad benifit. More weighing in on the good side though :)
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Yeah, cuz all of the things you listed have gone over so well in the past right? LUCKY 77 Speeder for example...or the lame pets they keep throwing at us...that would've been better right?


For me it would. XP boosts are useless for me (and many others apparently). What would have been really cool was a deep subscriber discount across the whole CM. That would have been something worth waiting for, and pre-ordering for immediately.

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Seems very cool to me, and evidently many others.

Especially people who haven't played in some time. I haven't been this excited to play the game in a long time. After sleeping on it, I'm subbed, pre ordered, and ready to make a zillion new characters over the next months. I could rarely get over the 25-35 hump and most of my alts died out there from repeating the same grindy quests over and over. I've wanted to level with only story missions for 2 years now. This is a dream come true for a lot of people who enjoy the best part of this game leveling wise.

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I'm not sure if you're asking seriously or sarcastically, but the "cool" thing was the 12x xp bonus. Presumably they did not have the bonus ready yet last week, and they wanted it to go live as soon as pre-ordering did. Hence the one week delay.
Lol many of us are done with our grinds, so the xp bonus is little incentive.
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Lol many of us are done with our grinds, so the xp bonus is little incentive.


I'm going to start some on a new server. I play on PVE right now so hey why not set up shop on a pvp server. Besides who going to want to run ops when they will become pointless in a couple months.

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12x EXP for preorder + subscriber. Oh, and I think we get a holostatue for a SH decoration. And a few other things. Right on the announcement page.


Not holo, it is the real deal you see on Rakata Prime (maybe a bit scaled down, I have no idea how big Centerpiece decorations are)

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Lol many of us are done with our grinds, so the xp bonus is little incentive.

Yeah that's what you get for powerleveling. I have never powerleveled since 1.3, and because of that have never burned out of the lowbie experience. (or the endgame one for that matter.) Although I have finished all class stories.

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Lol many of us are done with our grinds, so the xp bonus is little incentive.


But you aren't the only market to be concerned about either. What if this bonus brings a preferred or f2p player to subscribe? What if it brings back some older subs that only wish to do class stories and avoid planetary quests? What if there are some current subs that just want to see the class stories once more but play DS or LS?


Even though some people don't think this is a nice gift, there are plenty of players that do and it may end up being healthy for the game to boot.

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Personally, I enjoy the bonus very much. It gave me the chance to level up some alts I've been considering for a while. And since I took a break from the game for about a year, I only have a few chars at 55, right now..


That said, the bonus would have been even better, if it had been paired with a dynamic buff (somewhat like KDY), that kept you at reasonable stats from 1-50, so you didn't end up lagging so far behind in gear. While I do have crafters on the side to pick up the slack, it doesn't make it easier on new or returning players. Or even on veterans, who prefer not to have to relog and craft every few hours, because their speedleveling toons can't hit anything anymore..


At level 50 the bonus could either vanish and let us either fend for ourselves or there could be a 'finishing event' granting us some Planetaries to get started on the 50 gear. (For the players without plenty to spare)..

My thought was on 50, because it's fairly easy to gear up from that point on, though 55 would probably be better for new players.


Anyhow, that's my 2 cents..

Edited by Lord_Robert
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Not holo, it is the real deal you see on Rakata Prime (maybe a bit scaled down, I have no idea how big Centerpiece decorations are)


Omg! Squeeze! Awesome!


Personally, I'm enjoying the EXP bonus. I can completely skip imp Balmorra, pub Taris, and Tat's planet quest, and then easily breeze through Quesh and enjoy the fact that I didn't have to grind the last couple exp to get on level again to go to Hoth. And maybe have fun steam rolling Belsavis.


But maybe now I will actually have one of each class finished and see the whole class story. Because I don't want to have to deal with plans that will fail to keep the planet on the respective faction's side.

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When I look back at the Hutt expansion we got a minipet, a title, and a Hutt Holo statue. The Hutt holo has been something I have used a lot. That to me was a decent incentive.


The Revan stronghold item you cant even use unless you purchased the 1.5 million credit balcony unlock. As fate would have it I already have an emperor statue.

The xp bonus is great if your new, but for me at least my leveling days are done.


So honestly I wont be preordering this time.

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When I look back at the Hutt expansion we got a minipet, a title, and a Hutt Holo statue. The Hutt holo has been something I have used a lot. That to me was a decent incentive.


The Revan stronghold item you cant even use unless you purchased the 1.5 million credit balcony unlock. As fate would have it I already have an emperor statue.

The xp bonus is great if your new, but for me at least my leveling days are done.


So honestly I wont be preordering this time.


So they haven't offered anything that you deem worthy of a preorder and that's fine. What would you rather have that would give you incentive along with pleasing everyone else?

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I guess I missed something, what cool thing did they come up with that is useful like the hutt statue?


Actually something that just struck me...if you look at the Disciplines blog post, it almost seems that the skill costs are going out the window since they are following a linear skill path. Almost as if they've gotten rid of upgrades for current abilities. If that's the way this were to play out, the Hutt Statue may become obsolete...


I'm just purely guessing here btw. That's just how I see it could work.


Edit: I mean ability costs that you'd train as you level up not skills.

Edited by SteelPiranha
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I like the 12x class story bonus. I've been a subscriber since launch and haven't leveled everything I want to yet. In fact I haven't leveled any Imperial characters at all. I'm planning to use the 12x bonus to level some!
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