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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Eric, where is the "cool thing for subscribers"?


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The SoR announcement was supposedly delayed so you guys could add a 'cool thing for subscribers', where is that thing?


I'm not sure if you're asking seriously or sarcastically, but the "cool" thing was the 12x xp bonus. Presumably they did not have the bonus ready yet last week, and they wanted it to go live as soon as pre-ordering did. Hence the one week delay.

Edited by CmdrShpd
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The 12X EXP perk.


Gamers have been asking for the ability to level with class story only for a long time now.


It's a very nice perk even if it is short lived.


I gotta agree. It's what sold me on buying it yesterday...well...not really, I'd have bought it anyway, but it did make me press the button without delay :)

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The 12X EXP perk.


Gamers have been asking for the ability to level with class story only for a long time now.


It's a very nice perk even if it is short lived.


You could already level with class story alone during double XP, and by doing a small amount of other things otherwise.


And it seems to me that a majority of subscribers are probably long term players, and a majority of long term players have probably already leveled as many characters as they wanted to level given that the game has been out a couple years now.


I hate to be 'one of those guys', but I would really like to see an official confirmation that this is in fact the 'cool thing for subscribers', because I'm really not at all impressed.

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Even if it's not your cup of tea you'd have to realize something like 12x XP for subscribers was designed to be a "cool thing for subscribers".


I guess from my point of view it seems like most subscribers would have finished leveling by now this late in the expansion's life cycle, so if they were going to make a big deal about a 'cool thing for subscribers', it should have been something more universally useful or interesting.


Plus theres already so many ways to boost XP, do we really need 12x more?

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You could already level with class story alone during double XP, and by doing a small amount of other things otherwise.


And it seems to me that a majority of subscribers are probably long term players, and a majority of long term players have probably already leveled as many characters as they wanted to level given that the game has been out a couple years now.


I hate to be 'one of those guys', but I would really like to see an official confirmation that this is in fact the 'cool thing for subscribers', because I'm really not at all impressed.


I've been playing straight through since launch and I haven't finished leveling all of the characters I plan to level. Last night it gave me the push to start playing my gunslinger I had left sitting half way through Balmorra. And it's not just me either, a lot of my guildies got on last night to level either new characters or characters they had started but hadn't finished.


This is something a lot of people had been asking for for a long time. Leveling by playing nothing but class quests. And I for one love it. The class stories are some of the strongest parts of this game.

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I guess from my point of view it seems like most subscribers would have finished leveling by now this late in the expansion's life cycle, so if they were going to make a big deal about a 'cool thing for subscribers', it should have been something more universally useful or interesting.


Plus theres already so many ways to boost XP, do we really need 12x more?


It's impossible to give something away that's universally useful or interesting. Someone won't like it or will want something else.

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And it seems to me that a majority of subscribers are probably long term players, and a majority of long term players have probably already leveled as many characters as they wanted to level given that the game has been out a couple years now.


I hate to be 'one of those guys', but I would really like to see an official confirmation that this is in fact the 'cool thing for subscribers', because I'm really not at all impressed.

This perk has me personally holding off on pre-ordering, just because I am leveling a couple of new characters and I'm already outpacing the level curve on each planet, and I enjoy the process a bit more if I'm relatively in line with the level.


But my own preferences aside, I really doubt that most players have leveled all the characters they want to, from all the positive comments on the forum alone it seems a lot were holding off on leveling characters because they didn't want to go through the same faction-specific quests on every planet for the third or fourth time. (I'm also not sure I agree that most subscribers are long-term players, there's probably a lot of turnover - plus this is partially an incentive to get people to subscribe, not just for current subscribers.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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I'm being completely serious, if that is what it is then color me extremely disappointed.


Yep, it's not a perk that everyone would like, but I think it is safe to say that it is a perk that MANY will be very pleased with. I certainly can say it is for me. I plan to see the last couple stories I never finished, and re-do the ones I really enjoyed. If there intention with this was to encourage pre-ordering for this perk, it absolutely worked on me. I pre-ordered the moment I saw and read the announcement.


So I can see where some might not like it, but to say it's not a cool thing for subscribers just because you don't like it isn't really accurate. There can be no doubt that this perk was considered a huge plus for many, many people. I've been wanting something like this for a long time, and I think a lot of others have as well.

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Their announcement of the delay of the announcement was on sptember 29th, the last big patch was on september 30th (The little hotfix two days later doesn't count, because it was unplanned).


This means, that the 12x EXP boost must have already been patched into the game by september 30th.

IF the EXP boost is the "cool thing", then i see no logical reason why they still delayed their announcement.

Edited by Sindariel
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Yes, quite a disappointment...

12x xp for class missions?

That is quite lame.


Thought there would be a special vehicle, pet, armor or something like that.


Yeah, cuz all of the things you listed have gone over so well in the past right? LUCKY 77 Speeder for example...or the lame pets they keep throwing at us...that would've been better right?

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Their announcement of the delay of the announcement was on sptember 29th, the last big patch was on september 30th (The little hotfix two days later doesn't count, because it was unplanned).


This means, that the 12x EXP boost must have already been patched into the game by september 30th.

IF the EXP boost is the "cool thing", then i see no logical reason why they still delayed their announcement.


This is a good point, although I suppose it could just be something they change on the server side and don't have to patch into the game. I'm not a programmer type so I'm not sure.

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You could already level with class story alone during double XP, and by doing a small amount of other things otherwise.


You have to do more than a small amount of other things even in a double EXP weekend with other legacy, guild, perks and boosts.


Class stories were never even close to enough. You had to supplement your EXP by more than a small number of side quests or random FP's. 12X experience is more than most realize and so much more than some percentage boosts


And it seems to me that a majority of subscribers are probably long term players, and a majority of long term players have probably already leveled as many characters as they wanted to level given that the game has been out a couple years now.


That however, I think is true. While you don't have to have 16 toons to 55 to see all the stories and see all the AC's, many seem to consider that the goal. I do not and agree with you that many will have leveled 8 toons, played all the stories and seen every AC (after all, they are mirrored).


This perk does have a good chance of being relatively worthless to some. How big or small that number is I have no idea but we have a few in our guild that has already stated it's worthless to them.


I hate to be 'one of those guys', but I would really like to see an official confirmation that this is in fact the 'cool thing for subscribers', because I'm really not at all impressed.


I get your point but I feel like this is what many gamers have asked for and thats what we got. It's not bad at all.

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Yes, quite a disappointment...

12x xp for class missions?

That is quite lame.


Thought there would be a special vehicle, pet, armor or something like that.


I would rather have the class mission bonus for one weekend than have another pet I'll never use or another speeder I don't need because I have a ton already.


Tastes and preferences. In my opinion (and I believe in the opinion of many others) this XP boost is far, FAR cooler than a speeder or pet.

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Tastes and preferences. In my opinion (and I believe in the opinion of many others) this XP boost is far, FAR cooler than a speeder or pet.


XP bonus is completely useless to me, a speeder or pet at the very least could have been a decoration for my stronghold if it wasn't cool enough to actually use.

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The 12x boost let me take my VG from 49-55 in about an hour and a half and saves me several hundred thousand credits on skills.


I'd have liked a few more odds and bods (Oggurob statue still is one of the most useful things ever) but I cant say I'm disappointed.

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What would you suggest they give the long time 16 AC subscribers? Serious question.


CC's? -I'm sure they recall how the community acted last time they did that.

Speeder? -See above

Pet? -See above

Title? -See above


The point I'm trying to make is that no matter what they were to give out, somebody would complain about it. It may not be you, but there would be someone who thinks in worthless. Why not give the devs some suggestions on what you'd think would be a nice gift?

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