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12x Xp for Sub as a pre-order perk is useless.


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What's the point of 12x Xp as a sub if you already got all 16AC at lvl 55, if this is why the announcement was delayed then I'm disappointed, becuz they should've added something else in there for subs not just a Xp buff for leveling alts.. They are hundreds if not thousand of players with all 16ac already.. I'm not gonna preorder the xpac until the last minute for early access. Or until they announce something more substantial for subs other than the Xp buff.. Which only benifit people who have yet to play some of the other classes to lvl cap.
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It's great for many players but not for all of us, including me and you, and a few others.


Infernixx nailed it:

To give some comparison: we all got a massive Nar Shadda Stronghold mostly opened up simply for subbing through a slow period. We got a useful holo-statue that had been insanely useful on every char I've used since HC. So, a decoration and a temp buff that I don't actually like isn't enough to get me excited at this point.


Not going to excite me either.

Edited by PavSalco
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im saying its useless for ppl with all 16 AC, there's thousand of players with all 16AC, and thousand of players without some AC so its a very good perk for those players. i just wish we had something else for players like my self and some others who feel the same way i do on the xp perk incentive.
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And we all know every feature added to a game must please all players equally or it's a failure.

Yep. I wouldn't say anything bad if I had a chance to get Jawa Party or anything like that after buying the preorder :D To pre-empt your answer - the statue of Revan is a large "reskin", so it does not apply.

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What's the point of 12x Xp as a sub if you already got all 16AC at lvl 55, if this is why the announcement was delayed then I'm disappointed, becuz they should've added something else in there for subs not just a Xp buff for leveling alts.. They are hundreds if not thousand of players with all 16ac already.. I'm not gonna preorder the xpac until the last minute for early access. Or until they announce something more substantial for subs other than the Xp buff.. Which only benifit people who have yet to play some of the other classes to lvl cap.


First of all, not everyone has 16 alts all at lvl 55.


Second, this is in fact a great idea for newer players, returning players and even players who have been playing for a while like myself who don't have all their alts to 55 yet. I'm going to be taking advantage of this to the full.


Lastly, the universe doesn't revolve around you. Get over it. Take into consideration that other people will benefit from something before you go on a rant and make a fool of yourself posting stuff like this.

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As someone who had 16 level 50s at 2.0 launch, it does not bother me. Gives me a chance to level on a different server instead of Harbinger when it crashes. As time goes by, things become easier. That is the nature of all MMO's. After getting all my toons through Makeb, I took like an 8 month break since there was no gear progression for a solo/fp player like me.


Cant wait to gear up to level 60 and go do Soa by myself.

Edited by itsmymillertime
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Perhaps this perk isn't aimed specifically at current subs? Any new subs can easily catch up to the long time players in terms of getting a class to 55 quickly. More players is a benefit to everyone. And if you do have all the toons you currently want to level, then why not roll one on another server? You never know when servers will start dying again or maybe you'll just find a great group of people to play with.


If you don't like the perk, then simply don't preorder and wait it out until early access to get in 3.0 early. I would say that there may be hundreds or thousands of players with 16 ACs, but there are hundreds of thousands that don't have more than 4.

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The XP perk and the pending changes to the Discipline System is what brought me back. Both should allow for a refresh on the game for me in a way. Will have more characters to choose from at 55 and I expect that will be useful when disciplines launch as I will not be able to predict what playstyle Im going to prefer. (Although I will be betting heavily on my slinger and sniper maintaining at least their identity)
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First of all, not everyone has 16 alts all at lvl 55.


Second, this is in fact a great idea for newer players, returning players and even players who have been playing for a while like myself who don't have all their alts to 55 yet. I'm going to be taking advantage of this to the full.


Lastly, the universe doesn't revolve around you. Get over it. Take into consideration that other people will benefit from something before you go on a rant and make a fool of yourself posting stuff like this.


So since you're so mean, you think the universe revolves around you and subs that are done with alts should get nothing while you enjoy 2 months of XP bonus and those subs get nothing instead? ;)

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im saying its useless for ppl with all 16 AC, there's thousand of players with all 16AC, and thousand of players without some AC so its a very good perk for those players. i just wish we had something else for players like my self and some others who feel the same way i do on the xp perk incentive.


Well, perhaps you could make some newer characters? Isn't the server limit 22 or something? As has been said, I think most players do not have an army of level 55 characters yet so this is good for them. Many players seem to love this bonus, so it looks like a good move on BW's part. It is a simple case of not being able to please every player.


Question: Why are you waiting to the last minute to pre-order? If you already have all you characters are level 55, why put off per-ordering?

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It's great for many players but not for all of us, including me and you, and a few others.


Infernixx nailed it:



Not going to excite me either.


Worthless to me as well. A real shame. Their solution is to stoke the instant gratification crowd. I have never felt more unwelcome and undesired by this company than I do today. I have nothing against the instant gratification crowd, but they could have at least offered something an ancient vet could also use. Making new toons on another server is not an option for me as I can barely manage what I have on one server now.


Heck had I ever even been able to utilize 2x {not even the first one before 2.0 hit} on one toon, I might feel less disappointment. But whatever. At least previous pre-order gifts had a function...but this has zero value to me. But alas they do not care. Par for the course. In the "Bee Dubya" world this makes perfect sense. Were this current team to display even the most basic vision and foresight I might faint.

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I've been subbed and playing regularly for almost 3yrs now, and I STILL have 2 classes to finish. Out of the 15 characters I have, only 2 (a sage and a sorcerer) are lvl 55. The rest I stopped playing after finishing the class story because I hated makeb so much I refused to do it more than once. I'm loving tha super xp boost! It's the reason I pre-ordered....I can FINALLY finish things I've been putting off so long! :D
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I think I might actually wait until after November 2nd to preorder so I don't get the 12x XP bonus. Even though I only have one 55 (and a couple of 40s that'll be 55 by then), I'm such a completionist that I always do all of the side missions and bonus series and such. I'll massively outlevel all of the content I'm doing far too quickly if I get the 12x bonus.


Yes, I know the fact that I don't rush to the endgame makes me unusual. The point is, 12x is great for new subscribers or people who are currently F2P/Preferred and want to hit 55 in time for SoR, but it's not for everyone and it's not for me. Maybe after my two 40s hit 55, I might consider it so I can level a couple other classes too. But honestly, I'd much prefer getting cartel coins or a trainer holostatue like the RotHC preorder bonus since I missed the deadline for that one. Or maybe a Rep boost instead of an XP boost.


Actually, a Rep boost would be AWESOME.


I do see the point of the XP boost, though. They want people to reach 55 before the expansion is released, so they can play the new content immediately. It makes perfect sense from their point of view. I just wish there was some other incentive for those of us who don't want (or don't need) the boost.

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Yep. I wouldn't say anything bad if I had a chance to get Jawa Party or anything like that after buying the preorder :D To pre-empt your answer - the statue of Revan is a large "reskin", so it does not apply.
Pulled out of DK Revanite quest as well iirc. :rolleyes:
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