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12x Experience Boost-A slap in the face to people who had to level at launch.


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... who else remembers leveling up without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experiences boost?


I do.


I like the 12x XP- I've already spent hours and hours levelling up "without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experience boost" (outside of rested XP) and I appreciate being able to do it quicker.


It's not a "slap in the face". :rolleyes: Those who have only just joined the game and levelled up to 55 in ~10 hours are missing what time doesn't give you- experience and knowledge.


After December we'll be hearing about how not being able to have 12x XP is a "slap in the face" to those who couldn't access it at the time. ;)

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I was a little upset when SW:TOR introduced experience boosts and double experience weekends, this frustration grew to anger when they extended double experience weekends into a full blown week. Now I am completely outraged, who else remembers leveling up without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experiences boost? They've taken all our hard work and said meh, anyone joining now can just download the game free and be 55 in a day. /unsubbed /uninstall .


Oh brother.


Whatever dude, I played at launch and I don't feel like this is a slap in the face at all, in fact the contrary.



Maybe go find something even more pointless to waste your mock-outrage on....

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Why do things have to be easier?

Why do things have to be faster or take less time?

Why does the game have to cater for the short term?


What incentive is there to roll any new characters once the xp bonus is gone and people have all classes at max level?

How many of those level 55 characters will you take through level 55-60 content before getting bored of said content?


I'm asking these questions in the interest of game longevity, not player satisfaction.


It's really simple, the game is old enough now that they're doing this to bring back old people and maybe bring in some new ones. And you know what, it's working really really well. I had quit I think last April and hadn't been paying attention at all until the deal came up and I realized I could dust off and finished characters I hadn't touched since a few months after launch. And so I did. They're getting me playing this game two months before the expansion is even out.


You guys seem to think that people were just subbing and slowly finishing stories over time, feeding the company money and "longevity" when that's not actually what was happening. People got bored of the grind and quit. Company gets no more money. They breathed new life into an old game with one simple tweak.

Edited by hadoken
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Back in my day you didn't get a speeder until level 25, and woe betide you if you got to the dune sea and were underleveled and it was way more expensive and I had to walk to school and back in a blizzard uphill both ways!


I remember those days and it was fine, it's not like I knew any different and the story was all fresh and new. Now I really like all the exp boosts so I can cultivate my alt army. :D I don't see any reason to be angry. It's not like people who signed up back then don't have access to the new events.

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I was a little upset when SW:TOR introduced experience boosts and double experience weekends, this frustration grew to anger when they extended double experience weekends into a full blown week. Now I am completely outraged, who else remembers leveling up without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experiences boost? They've taken all our hard work and said meh, anyone joining now can just download the game free and be 55 in a day. /unsubbed /uninstall .


I got one class to max without those, another almost to max without those, and once you get one on each side done that way, it's good to have all those xp boosts.


Now, if there were extra quests so you could really change it up when leveling up, it'd be a different story, but while class and planet storylines were fun, I got to hating those side quests, since I kept seeing them and they really didn't seem to mean as much.

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And this affects you how? I've been since launch and having people level up with Xp boost has zero impact on me. I got to experience, I enjoyed it, I play a video game for my enjoyment, I play a video game to spend time with friends how in the world could a person be this upset over something so ridiculous that they are quitting? (Btw quitting threads are agdinst the TOS) .


The game will be a better place without you.

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I've done more than enough grinding BS since Beta, and i'm sick and tired of whinny babies complaining about this 12X Class xp. I've done enough grinding to last for another few years. If ppl don't like it then You Don't Have to Grind. It's ur choice to do 12X grinding or not. Their is plenty of other stuff to do on ur 55s.


Truthfully, I would rather have it this way for us Vets that have done the same storylines over and over because it's not worth it, it's a waste of time. Btw, all other missions are Basic XP.

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Not even my 60,000 cartel coins?


I'll take those. They'll help me move my characters to one server.


On topic:


I've been playing since beta and I know how you feel. I didn't like it when XP boosts were first introduced, but I'm enjoying myself with the x12 event.


Honestly, there are some characters that I just didn't like and would have taken another few years to finish their stories without this event/bonus. I'm glad to have finished their stories now and I'm excited to level some new characters of old classes to enjoy the story again.


However, I remember the days of no sprint, no speeder until 25, speeders that didn't adjust to your piloting level so you had to get a new one each time, no group finder to do Flashpoints as you level, dead servers before merges with no PvP pops or people on planets with whom to do Heroics, and certainly no XP boosts. That doesn't make any of those things a positive, though.


Despite all that grueling process, it still only took about a month and change depending on dedication to get to 50. Obviously that's nothing compared to it taking me three days to take a new Trooper to 55, but I hope you get my point.

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Why do things have to be easier?

Why do things have to be faster or take less time?

Why does the game have to cater for the short term?


What incentive is there to roll any new characters once the xp bonus is gone and people have all classes at max level?

How many of those level 55 characters will you take through level 55-60 content before getting bored of said content?


I'm asking these questions in the interest of game longevity, not player satisfaction.


One of the single largest potential markets for an MMO is former players of the game, and expansion packs are how you draw them back. Content patches retain existing players, but expansions draw back old ones.


In terms of longevity? This is a very smart move for BW - because an old player might think "I'm interested in the expansion, but I'd have to play for a month leveling up before I got to the new content". The 12xp carrot is for them. It's to get old, inactive players back and ready for the new content. This is a long-term gambit, not a short one.

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Time marches on. As it does the market changes, and so do the games within that market if they wish to survive.


I would assume this was a well received and appreciated event for the majority of players. In fact, IMO, this is how the XP buff events should have been from the beginning....


...and I would go as far as to say they should dump the XP from side quests into the class quests permanently. Boost the credit/gear/comm rewards in the side quests so they are still desirable.


This would allow folks to play the class story through all the way to the top all the time, and still allow those that wish to do side quests to get the same amount of XP they had before.


I would imagine folks that like to "run it tight" would not like this, but I would assume they are a minority. This event stands in evidence that this is a popular move. Assumption naturally, but I would call that a safe bet IMO.

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There should be a parody of the Lonely Island song "Its my Richard in a box!"


"Its a slap in the face!"


Hey Dev's

I got something' real important to tell you

So just sit down and listen


Dev you know Ive played this game such a long long time

(such a long time)

And now Devs you have really crossed the line

Wow, you know its Patch day and my heart is torn wide

(Torn Wide)

Gotta tell you now so you know whats on my mind

(whats on my mind)


This change is so bad, at the wrong pace

I cannot believe, its a slap in the face

In the FACE!



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I'm playing SWTOR since late 2012. What should I say ? Well, I'm fine with the 12. This way I can level through imperial characters story-only, because I just don't play Empire, I'm merely interested in their story.


Plus, this way I can pull myself through those utterly booooooooooooooooooring Republic class story lines. Honestly, I just cann't bring myself into finishing Act 1 of the Trooper, Act 2 (or was is 3 ?) of my Sage, and Act 1 of my Shadow, 1 Vanguard, 2 Scoundrels, 3 Jedi Knights, 1 Bounty Hunter ...


If these Acts weren't so greatly boring, SWTOR would be so much more interesting. They just have no "thrill".

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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