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Post here if you pre-ordered!


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..unlikely to based on the fact that since I've been shoveling my money into this game to this point via subscription, they've already made more off of me than they should for the weak class story updates (i.e. NONE), and imo otherwise uninteresting add-ons. Once Rise of the Hutt Cartel went free for subscribers I decided just maybe I won't bother paying for an expansion that isn't worth paying for.


I've seen more content updates and fixes in Star Trek Online in the past year than I have here.. and I'm Free to Play there. Here, I'm paying EA for what's gotten to be content that's the same old bunk. So.. no. I didn't pre-order.


If and when THIS expansion becomes a freebie, I'll pick it up then. I just do not feel 20 more dollars should go to EA when I'm just not at all pleased with what I've seen since RotHC.

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I will be pre-ordering to get the early access and Revan Statue (and because I know I want the expansion so I might as well pre-order), but the 12X Experience Bonus really isn't conducive to my gaming style, so I'm going to hold off until the last minute.


Join the group. :cool:

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Done and dusted. Ready to go.


Now... I must say, I'm really happy about the new content most especially the Ops. But... I'm a little nervous about Disciplines. I love my Shadow Tank. It is a challenging tank spec because you really have to be on your game to mitigate, hold aggro etc. to clear difficult content. I hope that doesn't change.

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Preordered but feels like daylight robbery ad more exclusive!

Come on we all know it end up again free for those prefered players.

So feel am paying for them again lol, so give me digital goodies ! Metalic Pale-Teal/ Black Dye please. (ala elite mercenary chest)


Haven't even logged in for a while and again paying another two months game card.

Honestly why I am doing it :p I don't know.


So more digital rewards please ;) to encourage those prefered players to pay for other F2P

Toss Subs a dye, you know how people kill eachother for dye colors ;)

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After I read the 12x XP boost part in the email I preordered and subbed.


When I quit playing I was in the process of completing all of the class stories. I got burnt out doing the same missions over and over. The XP bonus will allow me to complete them all without having to grind for leveling.


I have over 2GB of patching to do. It is downloading so slow. I have a very fast internet connection and I'm getting 200KB/s if I'm lucky. It is sometimes dropping down to dial-up speeds of around 4-6KB/s :(

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I will be pre-ordering to get the early access and Revan Statue (and because I know I want the expansion so I might as well pre-order), but the 12X Experience Bonus really isn't conducive to my gaming style, so I'm going to hold off until the last minute.


I almost decided to wait until the last minute, but I eventually decided that it might be fun to replay some of the class stories straight through. I do wish we could toggle the XP bonus on and off, though.

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