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Name 5 companions you'd happily toss out the airlock


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1) Scorpio - She made sense in the story as a guest star but as a companion she is worthless functionally AND as a character. Droids are extremely annoying to equip which is further amplified by Scorpio being effectively forgotten. No customization, uses tech staves which are horrific and she is really boring.


2) Ashara - Functionally she works, story wise she is dead weight. The Sith Warrior gets a dynamic companion that can be influenced by the player into what they want. The Sith Inquisitor gets a story which should have the same ability for this companion but instead your the one being 'broken'. Either you side with her ideals or she hates you... except you cant get her to leave.

Should have just given Inquisitors Thana Vesh, at least that would be semi-consistent and entertaining.


3) Xalek - Functionally he works, story wise... he really has no story.


4) Ship Droid - They need a mute button. Even with the toned down dialogue when entering the ship he is STILL irritating because hearing them say the same lines EVERY time you board your ship without being able to skip it is insane. Additionally, droids are annoying to gear and this droid has no character at all.

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1. Ashara - I cannot STAND her! As a Warrior you get Jaesa who is LS or DS based on whether you're LS or DS. Ashara is a whiny kid who keeps spewing Jedi rubbish at my Dark V Pureblood Sorcerer. I'm at the point where I'm either going to prented she doesn't exist, or give her the plagued customization and the most evil looking cyborg parts I can find.


2. Andronikos - The Inquisitor's companions are pretty lackluster, and Andronikos is no exception. He's just so bland and annoying. I used to love hearing Steve Blum, but seeing how many times he shows up in TOR it's making his voice annoying. Andronikos is dead weight. I'll probably get him in some armour that makes him look like some super commando and I'll rewrite him to be just that.


3. T7 - I hated T3 in KOTOR, and just didn't use him in K2. T3 was so useless as a battlefield companion, that having a utility droid again as a companion was abominable. Thankfully you get your own apprentice shortly after.



4. Lord Scourge - Where do I start with this guy? I suppose we can start with the whole "literally back stabbed the Exile" thing. I flippin love K2 much more than K1, so to see the main protagonist of that game killed off in such a disrespectful way was awful. Then we get her executioner as a companion. Next I'll tackle the whole "abdicated his place" thing. I played the Sith Warrior storyline. It's my favourite of the class stories; it's excellently written, the companions are fascinating, and the progression is marvelous. So to see our predecessor leave and go for the Jedi is nauseating. As the Sith Warrior you get handpicked by the Hand to be the Emperor's Wrath out of all the Sith in the Empire. As far as I know, Scourge got the job because he killed the Emperor's enemies in front of his throne. So I always got the impression that the Warrior is more powerful than Scourge. Scourge, as much as I love Purebloods, is so frustrating as a companion I just want to throw him out the airlock.



5. Corso - Eh he's bland and boring and too Lightside. I'm playing a generally dark, profit based smuggler who's pretty ruthlessly building up his own criminal empire over the course of the main campaign. So having this whiny farm boy complain when I shoot Skavak's girlfriends, or sell missiles back piece by piece, or not help the Republic, just makes me want to slap him silly.

Edited by Sangiban
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Kaliyo (hate, hate, hate everything about this disgusting walking slime, both character-story and mechanics-wise.).


Any and all Treeks I ever see now and in future, plus revocation of that month's CC sub-stipend from the owners for having such poor taste. (And for being enough of a bad to actually need a Treek in the first place.)


Theran Cedrax: "Haveimentionedi'mapacifist? Haveimentionedi'mapacifist? Haveimentionedi'mapacifist?" Actually, no, Tharan, you didn't just now because my Turbulence just alpha'ed your obnoxiously pretentious *** out of my life! Oh, happy, happy day!


And Skadge. Because **** him, that's why.

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Only Skadge and the ship droids, really. DS Jaesa creeps me out, even as a fellow dark-sider, but not enough to throw her off my ship.


I liked Ashara (played a LS male sorc with a philosophical bend -- gonna see how I will put up with her on my DS female sin), she's actually one of my favourite companions. I liked Zenith. I liked Tharan, mostly since his interactions with Holiday were amusing. I would like there to be some chance to actually punish Cpt. Quinn and Kaliyo after their respective ****-ups, but I like them as characters (plus they're extremely useful in combat).

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so you just hate every male healer in the game:rolleyes:


my 5: hmm i only hate 2 actually Treek(language) and Skadge(*****es about everything + the super lame bs way he got on my ship and into my crew ty lazy writing)

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I think the whole Affection gain through conversation system is too tedious.

The game should DISPLAY clear as day how many points you lose or gain by picking an option

Why make us have to cancel and restart the conversation, making us map in our heads the entire conversation tree

ummm no, it shouldnt tell you AT ALL


Why do you want your hand held ????

For god sakes kid, think for yourself


Each choice should have no forewarning of any type and you pick what is best for your character

Why I'd want Bioware to shave time from my playthroughs:

I experience a kind of OCD every time I get negative affection gain. I should realize -1 is minor in comparison to +20 or +40 but that doesn't happen in my head. I see the minus affection loss and have to reset conversation or worse,


conversation roll all THREEs to the end of convo line, hit escape to reset;

conversation roll all TWOs to the end, hit escape;

conversation roll all ONEs, hit escape.


I have to keep a tally. Finally, I navigate the conversation based on +affection gain or +force alignment changes. (I hear every piece of player dialogue, listen to NPC dialogue at least once, try to skip repeat NPC dialogue.)

I've gotten through Agent and Trooper storyline using this method.

Since I listen to every line anyway, I don't mind which choices are finalized, the points weigh more.


My story is chop suey at this point (chopped up and all out of order), it makes no difference what choice I make :/



My line of reasoning must come from a history of playing Bioware RPGs, and save importing. Mass Effect 1 conditioned me to care about maximizing my alignment points (paragon, renegade), the goal: minimize repeat playthroughs, save time, import best possible save. Back then I didn't care about hearing every line delivery, the +25 renegade and paragon points mattered most.


I played Mass Effect and ME2 in 2011, there were preexisting guides/walkthroughs so I was hellbent on getting the best possible save to import to ME2 from Mass Effect1. These two guides were the basis for my outline to maximize Paragon and Renegade choices.

http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox360/file/mass_effect_d.txt ctrl+f = CITADEL TOWER [MANDATORY]

http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox360/file/mass_effect_a.txt ctrl+f = 21a1pr



My history with bioware games

I played KOTOR1 back in 2003, I don't remember how much I consulted walkthroughs at the time. Probably winged it, Bastila kept me going. played twice, romanced Bastila as light side and dark side, saw both endings.


Neverwinter Nights Diamond edition, barely played, became a loot hoarder, eventually quit without finishing 1 module. I had played Dungeon Siege 1 by this time so I had my fill of diablo-like dungeon crawlers.


KOTOR2, bought it on a steam sale after playing swtor, shipment 2/3 cartels packs added bunch of KOTOR2 related items, I wanted to know the history of said items. SWTOR spoiled me with its voiced player dialogue, couldn't get passed Obsidian's old school kotor game. KOTOR2 is on my to play list.


Dragon Age, high fantasy isn't really my thing, has conversation wheel, probably gonna opt out of all dragon age games.


Jade Empire, saw the plot twist video, really spoiled the game for me. My fault. Don't have it, probably going to opt out as well.


Oh, and Mass Effect 3, opting out. Will never play it. My shepard and crew are ALL still alive and kicking after the suicide mission.

Why Agent and Trooper storylines:

a.First ever swtor class I played was sith warrior, my free trial lasted to level 20.

b.Made a new account since I intended on subscribing:

1. I picked Agent male because I disliked the cliched Jedi classes and was eager for non-jedi star wars action the game gave me the option. (I come from an fps/rts background, and loved star wars battlefront 2(players played as 501st Legion clone/stormtroopers)

2. I picked Trooper female because I played as female Shepard in mass effect 1+2, same voice actress, Jennifer Hale. (she also voiced Bastila Shan in KOTOR1)


Class story to do list

Steve Blum, Sith Inquisitor (companion Andronikos Revel only, Blum's been in like every video game I've played, going to voice characters in Star Wars Rebels)

David Hayter, Jedi Knight (voice of Solid Snake in metal gear solid series)

Nolan North, Jedi Consular (supposed to be a good voice actor, main protagonist in Uncharted games)


** Jedi Knight voice over is such dead beat jedi drone, it was painful, have to use dark side or roll three in conversations **


Edited by Falensawino
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Malavai Quinn - :mon_evil:

Jaesa (DS) - Really bad voice acting, and her whole psycho act ran its course pretty fast (and my SW is pretty crazy in his own right so that's saying a lot). I banged her then told her I wouldn't marry her.

Doc - I don't like his mustache

Corso - His constant morality guilting got annoying

Lokin - Dude's skeevy. Nice heals though.

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There's a bunch. If I limit to 5 :



  • 1. Jeasa. I think she's badly written. If you go LS, she's an annoying do-gooder wihtout common sense, and DS she's just a random angry psycho for no real reason. Seems she's trying too hard either way.
  • 2. Skadge. Don't mind him being rude. I don't ask my companion to worship me, but story wise he's useless and get aboard for absolutely no reason. He's threatening you, and suddenly he go with you even though you don't really need him.
  • 3. Zenith - Boring annoying little activist or whatever. Forgettable.
  • 4. C2-N2 - I don't mind the Imp. Droid, but the rep one is an arrogant little *****
  • 5. Quinn. Well, I liked him first as a deck officier, but... Warrior know why it should be possible to throw him out of an airlock

Edited by Jaedelyia
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Oh man... so many characters I hate.


Guss Tuno




The Droid in the Imperial Agent story. Scorpio?


Those are the only characters I would go so far as to kill



those are the only ones I REALLY dislike so yea.

Edited by Galdos
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  1. Treek
  2. Tharan Cedrax
  3. Quinn
  4. Talos Drellik


That is only because it is annoying to play with them. Treek because she simply cant shut up and the rest because they say the same thing over and over and over again. I know the other companions do that aswell but the ones listed I can not stand.



Regarding story only one and that is Quinn, the betrayal was a niceone though :tran_grin:


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Commandos ship droid

Scoundrel's C2

Sentinel's C2-N2

Sage's N2

Vanguard's useless medic droid


Seriously. I hate that droid. The Imperial one is a (mostly) amusing combination of sarcastic and fawning, but C2... well I'd like to use my Cybertech table to recycle him into armor plates or a beer keg or something.

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Commandos ship droid

Scoundrel's C2

Sentinel's C2-N2

Sage's N2

Vanguard's useless medic droid


Seriously. I hate that droid. The Imperial one is a (mostly) amusing combination of sarcastic and fawning, but C2... well I'd like to use my Cybertech table to recycle him into armor plates or a beer keg or something.


I hate 2V as well, but at least he has the backbone to admit his failure when he fails his crew skill missions.

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Kaliyo -

You know, for all the hate Quinn gets for his betrayal, people never seem to bring up Kaliyo selling information, damn near selling you out and casually walking you there.


Skadge - The most forced companion, and the only time I could not, in any way, justify why I would take him along.

Broonmark - at least Quinn has enough character to hate him. Broonmark? He's got nothing.

Akaavi - Blah blah mandalorian blah blah

Iresso - Boring, wooden just so... plain...

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To be fair, Kalyio constantly say things like : Never trust anybody, I'm not really your pal, Anybody can betray you, trust nobody... That kind of stuff. Quinn is totally two-faced and act like a super-loyal pawn all the time



Also, I like Broonmark for some reason. He's a big fluffly psychopat that isn't overly annoying so he's fine in my book.

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Here is my list

1 Malavai Quinn - Sith Warrior's know why.

2. Gus Tuno - can't have him in my party WEEEEEEE

3. Tharan Cedrax - he is almost as bad a Gus... Holiday did you see that.

4. Scourge - Jedi Knight's should know why.

5. Ashara - a goody two shoes


This is my opinion. there is others but this is my top picks.

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I think the whole Affection gain through conversation system is too tedious.

The game should DISPLAY clear as day how many points you lose or gain by picking an option

Why make us have to cancel and restart the conversation, making us map in our heads the entire conversation tree

or use the guides out there which already mapped out all conversations and companion affection gains

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There's always gotta be one major douche bag in my crew, not sure who trooper and sith warriors have got but so far my list contains:


Akaavi Spar - Moody

Skadge - Lazy bum who hates crafting

Zenith - Sour lemon faced miserable sonovahutt

Scourge - Pain in the arse when your trying to get lightside points

C2-N2/ 2V-R8 - An annoying butt kisser


Scourge? Really? He's one of the most well-realized companions out there. Heck, he's a lot more interesting himself that most of the class stories (Jedi Knight, included)!


As for my picks, if I had to choose... generally that one boring human male that everyone gets for the purposes of a female romance. If you're not playing a female, they tend to feel tacked on.

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or use the guides out there which already mapped out all conversations and companion affection gains


Or play the game as the system was intended and have them react to what your character is actually saying instead of developing multiple personalities to cater to maximum gains. You can still throw gifts at them, regardless.

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