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Please introduce dual spec ASAP


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Actually what options arent already in the game?

But it all comes with a cost


If TOR relies on respec fees for its sole source of moneysink, the economy is in trouble. Options increase replayability and keep people sub'd longer. That's a good thing. Especially when it doesn't impact your gameplay.

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If TOR relies on respec fees for its sole source of moneysink, the economy is in trouble. Options increase replayability and keep people sub'd longer. That's a good thing. Especially when it doesn't impact your gameplay.


So you mean mounts and lvlling skill are freee YAY ...............


And basicly the first i could swing that economy is in trouble.as a satire but sorry to say i cant the rest of youre post is priceworthy lol

Edited by Varghjerta
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High Textures implemented, UI, Space Combat, Legacy System, End-Game content, bugs and balance issues, these should all happen long before they do anything with Dual Spec.


You understand that different people work on different areas of the game simultaneously, right? It's actually quite possible to fix bugs AND introduce new features at the same time.

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You understand that different people work on different areas of the game simultaneously, right? It's actually quite possible to fix bugs AND introduce new features at the same time.


And it's not like you have to make a huge effort for a short term fix - just reduce the respec costs to a reasonable level.


It gets into "unaffordable" levels before the 10th respec.


Actually what options arent already in the game?

But it all comes with a cost


Except moneysinks which only target a certain demographic are bad.


If they want more moneysinks they could just universally increase training costs.

Edited by Psykhe
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Except the respec NPC rather quickly gets unaffordable.


Particularly when you're the kind of player that enjoys diversity. Oh you guys are PvPing right now? Okay, better fork over some cash to do some PvP DPS. A few warzones and now we want to do an instance? Alright, better fork over some cash to do some PvE tanking. We're gonna hit Ilum and try our PvP weekly, or just start a big fight? Back to the PvP spec then...


It just becomes a flexibility/diversity tax before you know it. There's nothing very 'fun' about forking over money every time you want to switch things up.


WHY is it there? The simple fact that I have to run back to the Fleet, in a game that has no teleporting, is more than enough of a penalty for respeccing as far as I'm concerned.


I don't want it to be like WoW at all. But, I do want them to come up with something better that doesn't just feel like a punishment for wanting to experience the different flavours of gameplay the game has to offer.


I don't want Dual-spec, because that doesn't solve the problem entirely. It just fixes it for people that like to do TWO things. What about those that like to do THREE (PvE heal/PvP heal/PvP DPS)? The classes can offer so much more than what only two specs are capable of providing.

Edited by Bibdy
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I don't understand why you masochists hate the idea of being dual spec'd. I am a tank, I like tanking instances. That doesn't mean that I don't also like to PVE outside of isntances or even PVP from time to time. Because of the talents that I need to take to be an effective tank my DPS is in the cellar. Would be nice to be able to switch from a Tanking Spec to a DPS spec from time to time without blowing huge amounts of cash doing it.


Every other popular MMO has seen the light Bioware and have implemented dual specs. Not really sure why you have to learn the hard way that being pigeon holed into a certain spec sucks for the players.

Edited by Anundir
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I totally mind other people enjoying the game differently than I do even if it doesn't affect me the slightest bit.

Dual spec is horrible, it ruins my game play.

It upsets me to know that some one can have fun with that.

I also think it's in logical, Star Wars is realistic what do you think this is a game?!

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I'm on board with the "No Dual Spec" boat - but only as an idea. I don't like the way WoW does it. That's my only problem.


If you can find another way to do it, I'm more than open.


I personally like the idea of it being a reward earned in the game. Maybe with the Legacy system.


Or, perhaps, whenever you enter/exit a Heroic or PvP zone, the game auto-loads your Heroic or PvP spec. This particular option I think would be the best way to go.


Otherwise, drop the prices a little on respec (like max out at 30K and has a falloff timer) and call it a day.

Edited by Elblai
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I like the way rift does it.

I can have a


1: Healer spec

2: Pvp spec

3: DPS spec.


I can change this any time I want in a matter of a few seconds as long as I am out of combat.

People need a healer, well sure I can help press the button and done.

Since it is cheap I might even feel like helping people quick.

Want to run with friends but they need a DPS ,done and I can enjoy the game with friends.


Feel like pvping, well yes I can.

No need to pay a lot of money and spend 10 minutes fixing my bars.

You get more healers/tanks while you level as well.



Doesn't sound bad at all.

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I haven't read this whole thread, so somebody may have already said this same thing and then torn to shreds by the wolfpack... but throw in that I personally *like* that there is a degree of sacrifice/downside involved in "specialist" spec (sans a dual-spec system) -- whether that optimization be straight optimized heal/tank/dps/pvp.


I guess it boils down to the "choices have meaning" statement, but I really think that's true... if EVERY Trooper/Commando can have an optimized heal spec in their back pocket because they don't have to give up much if anything to get it, then that spec becomes less of a commodity... ie, your specialist is less special.


I like that I can put up with the downsides/annoyances of a specialist spec and in return be among a slightly smaller population that is optimized for that role.


...or on the flip side make a more "generalized" spec where I can enjoy being able to do do different things reasonably well.


If multi-spec exists, then there is little incentive to do anything other than have "cookie cutter optimized spec for role X" and "cookie cutter optimized spec for role Y", because anybody can have their cake and eat it too.

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I haven't read this whole thread, so somebody may have already said this same thing and then torn to shreds by the wolfpack... but throw in that I personally *like* that there is a degree of sacrifice/downside involved in "specialist" spec (sans a dual-spec system) -- whether that optimization be straight optimized heal/tank/dps/pvp.


I guess it boils down to the "choices have meaning" statement, but I really think that's true... if EVERY Trooper/Commando can have an optimized heal spec in their back pocket because they don't have to give up much if anything to get it, then that spec becomes less of a commodity... ie, your specialist is less special.


I like that I can put up with the downsides/annoyances of a specialist spec and in return be among a slightly smaller population that is optimized for that role.


...or on the flip side make a more "generalized" spec where I can enjoy being able to do do different things reasonably well.


If multi-spec exists, then there is little incentive to do anything other than have "cookie cutter optimized spec for role X" and "cookie cutter optimized spec for role Y", because anybody can have their cake and eat it too.


That works in games that are designed from the ground up to require grouping throughout the leveling experience. Not so much in games where soloing leveling is the norm. In games where soloing leveling is prevalent, I think people just prefer choices to keep them interested.


Not sure how the cookie cutter comments fit in. In any game with talent trees, there will be a cookie cutter spec(s).

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I haven't read this whole thread, so somebody may have already said this same thing and then torn to shreds by the wolfpack... but throw in that I personally *like* that there is a degree of sacrifice/downside involved in "specialist" spec (sans a dual-spec system) -- whether that optimization be straight optimized heal/tank/dps/pvp.


I guess it boils down to the "choices have meaning" statement, but I really think that's true... if EVERY Trooper/Commando can have an optimized heal spec in their back pocket because they don't have to give up much if anything to get it, then that spec becomes less of a commodity... ie, your specialist is less special.


I like that I can put up with the downsides/annoyances of a specialist spec and in return be among a slightly smaller population that is optimized for that role.


...or on the flip side make a more "generalized" spec where I can enjoy being able to do do different things reasonably well.


If multi-spec exists, then there is little incentive to do anything other than have "cookie cutter optimized spec for role X" and "cookie cutter optimized spec for role Y", because anybody can have their cake and eat it too.


How can anyone be special in that regard when you're only a handful of credits, and a run back to the Fleet away from any specialization you want? If it was like Diablo 2 where you had to reroll the entire class just to get a different spec, that argument might have some merit.


Since the act of switching requires nothing more than 5-10 minutes of time and some cash, it essentially boils down to a cash reward for people that stick to one spec, and a cash penalty for people that want to diversify and try different avenues that their character class has to offer.

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I like the way rift does it.

I can have a


1: Healer spec

2: Pvp spec

3: DPS spec.


I can change this any time I want in a matter of a few seconds as long as I am out of combat.

People need a healer, well sure I can help press the button and done.

Since it is cheap I might even feel like helping people quick.

Want to run with friends but they need a DPS ,done and I can enjoy the game with friends.


Feel like pvping, well yes I can.

No need to pay a lot of money and spend 10 minutes fixing my bars.

You get more healers/tanks while you level as well.



Doesn't sound bad at all.

Fot me it sound bad lol

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*Healing classes: Stop being selfish/ignorant and level up as healing?


*Tanking classes: Stop being selfish/ignorant and level up as tank?


I have 2 classes, one lvl 46 tank, and one lvl 16 healer; my talents are full tank/healer.


If you make the CHOICE to level as DPS, don't cry about it.

Edited by Wesu
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Yea, this is a must. I play a juggernaut in full immortal tree so tanking is not an issue, but when I get "Healers" in my flashpoint runs, they are really using their dps specs and claiming they are healers. The actual healing trees have significant bonuses to their abilities that the dps spec can't even approach. Dual Spec will largely fix this, and I wouldn't mind questing with a vengeance build so I can see what the dps juggernaut can do.
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Yea, this is a must. I play a juggernaut in full immortal tree so tanking is not an issue, but when I get "Healers" in my flashpoint runs, they are really using their dps specs and claiming they are healers. The actual healing trees have significant bonuses to their abilities that the dps spec can't even approach. Dual Spec will largely fix this, and I wouldn't mind questing with a vengeance build so I can see what the dps juggernaut can do.


If they are honestly using their DPS tree for healing after ~lvl20 they are simply bad players and respeccing to their healing tree probably won't help them.

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