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Please introduce dual spec ASAP


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Stop acting like learning a role is rocket science. Any decent player can pick up healing in 20 minutes.


Ahh so your a clicker?? A hot keyer is all about muscle memory and this doesn't happen over 20 mins. So this is a feature for the casuals, who (majority) don't pvp anyways. So again why isn't one single spec working out for you if your only a causal PVPer anyways?

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Healers still have it a bit harder than tanks or damage while soloing, because with damage you just burn things down, with tanks you just tank and kill things, but with healing you have to kill things while watching your companion's health the whole time. However, it doesn't actually seem that much slower than any of my other characters all things considered (unlike other MMOs where leveling as a healer is a crawl at best).


It's also nice that even tanking specs are viable for PvP now (and if used correctly can pretty much make a team unstoppable). If there's a game with the trinity that doesn't need a dual spec it's this one. Still, I suppose plenty of people prefer a different style for PvP than PvE and solo than group.

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I don't see why people would be against a dual spec. If you don't want to use it then it has completely no effect on your character in any way but for those that do want it it's a huge convenience and time/money saver.


See you say this, but just like people say DPS meters are only for making sure people are pulling their own weight. Or mods like Gearscore are just to make sure you are geared enough for the raid.


People then abuse what it was intended for. If you aren't doing enough dps, or don't have high enough gearscore that is far above what is needed, or you do not have the proper dual spec people choose to not bring you along.


You are then technically forced to do something you shouldn't be just to have a chance to group up in a game.

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That funny... I didn't know commando could tank as well.. wow I guess dual specing allow me to do everything.


It is funny because dualspeccing does allow you to do everything the commando is designed to do. Which is heal and dps. With the press of a button you could do both.


Quit being lazy, go to the fleet and respec.


Screw it.... just give me the ability to dual spec Crew Skills. I demand six Crew Skills. One for when I want to be a Biochem and the other when I want to be a Armortech.

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I didn't say it had anything to do with dual spec, I said the majority of people pugging are bad players, and that the good players are more shining gems that are covered in the dust kicked up from the crap.


I have never had your experience in PUG's and I've got the exact same length of experience with MMO's that you have so I don't know if you were lucky or I was unlucky, but everyone I've spoken to about this in my guilds or real life friends who play, or seen people speak about it online it's been the way I told it.


Yeah, I've only PUG'ed for almost a decade now. While I occasionally get someone in group who has no idea how to play well with others, I'd say they're few and far between.

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It is funny because dualspeccing does allow you to do everything the commando is designed to do. Which is heal and dps. With the press of a button you could do both.


Quit being lazy, go to the fleet and respec.


Screw it.... just give me the ability to dual spec Crew Skills. I demand six Crew Skills. One for when I want to be a Biochem and the other when I want to be a Armortech.


But see I cannot tank... so... how am I doing everything? I mean A Vanguard HE Can tank... but cannot heal... so ... he can't do everything. Did you know not 1 single class even in AC Can Do EVERYTHING No one is a tank and a healer.


And funny thing even more even thou I hate to bring up WoW who had 2 classes that COULD do everything... it didn't bring the end of the world.


And as someone pointed out I can respec at any time… and do “everything a commando can” it’s a null point.

Edited by VettoRyo
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The problem is, Bioware emphasized how every single class can be 2 of the 3 holy trinity specs....but then turn respeccing into an annoying time/credit dump.


Introducing dual spec as soon as possible would eliminate SO much of the chatter in general looking for tanks/heals.

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Quit trying to make the game EASIER than it already is.


Seriously quit being lazy and go back to your CLASS TRAINER and respec.


Nothing about dual spec makes the game any easier. It has literally no bearing on game difficulty.

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Nothing about dual spec makes the game any easier. It has literally no bearing on game difficulty.


It is an easy button tho. People want to roll up 1 toon and have him fill Multiple roles instead of rolling up a toon that fits the other role. Easy button.


Just say no to Dual Specs

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Gawd this argument is soooooooo lame on so many levels. We worked just as hard as anyone else and who said anything about burning through content?? All I want is the ability to use different operative abilities besides heal in a situation where I might want to cause damage instead. Make the price for a dual spec crazy if you want to just give me the option every single other MMO made allows me to do--to choose what I want to do at that time.


I agree with not being able to change Advanced classes...you make a choice and you stick to it. But being a healer or a damage dealer depending on the situation--I see nothing wrong with this at all and like other people have said if you don't want to take advantage of it then this doesn't affect you at all.


Every single MMO does not have dual-spec. AOC, WAR, EQ1, EQ2, SWG, DAoC, none of these games at their peak had dual spec but if after they went F2P and they included it as a last ditch effort...so what.


So what your really saying is because WOW and Rift included it = every MMO game has it.

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See you say this, but just like people say DPS meters are only for making sure people are pulling their own weight. Or mods like Gearscore are just to make sure you are geared enough for the raid.


People then abuse what it was intended for. If you aren't doing enough dps, or don't have high enough gearscore that is far above what is needed, or you do not have the proper dual spec people choose to not bring you along.


You are then technically forced to do something you shouldn't be just to have a chance to group up in a game.


This is an argument for people who don't know how to play the best they can. They may know the basics, but not wanting to know who is doing the most damage/healing and figuring out how they are doing that and then aspiring to reach that is like sticking your head in the sand and hoping you will just luckily get through that instance.


Point is, if you are doing something that causes your group to die because you are putting out 50% of the damage/healing you are supposed to, then you should know that so you can fix it. Not wanting the ability to know for sure is just stupid.

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Actually the Dual-speccers are the ONES wanting the free hand outs.
Not at all. THey want to pay for it. They just want a flat fee rather than a scaling per use fee.


They want a spec they didn't have to work for.
This already exists in game. I can level in one spec and then switch to another at any point.



MMos are supposed to be about community and not 4 guys being any class they want at any time to complete all end game content.
Exactly, that's why people want dual spec. They want to be able to go and meet people in-game and stop acting like a basement dweller, even if 2 of nice people you just met are both healers, or both tanks.


Dual spec means that I have a reason to get out and meet people, otherwise I might as well just stick with my solid group of 4 people and never group with anyone else.

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Nothing about dual spec makes the game any easier. It has literally no bearing on game difficulty.


Amen. Dual spec is purely about being able to have more utility.


Again, as said many times in the thread, if you don't want a dual spec, then just don't use it.


It doesn't impact your life at all, except for perhaps making your life easier when trying to find a healer/tank for flashpoints and other instances!

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Every single MMO does not have dual-spec. AOC, WAR, EQ1, EQ2, SWG, DAoC, none of these games at their peak had dual spec but if after they went F2P and they included it as a last ditch effort...so what.


So what your really saying is because WOW and Rift included it = every MMO game has it.


Naming off decade+ old games isn't going to get your argument anywhere. We've evolved past Everquest dude...get over it.

Edited by CptJackHarkness
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Not at all. THey want to pay for it. They just want a flat fee rather than a scaling per use fee.


This already exists in game. I can level in one spec and then switch to another at any point.



Exactly, that's why people want dual spec. They want to be able to go and meet people in-game and stop acting like a basement dweller, even if 2 of nice people you just met are both healers, or both tanks.


Dual spec means that I have a reason to get out and meet people, otherwise I might as well just stick with my solid group of 4 people and never group with anyone else.


dual spec means I will never have to group again with anyone else on the server. ;) Now thats helping the community for sure!

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dual spec means I will never have to group again with anyone else on the server.
no, if you think that, then clearly you have no idea what dual spec is.


Dual spec increases the number of people that you can group with. It encourages you to group with more different people rather than locking yourself into a specific 4 man group that always groups together.

Edited by ferroz
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It is funny because dualspeccing does allow you to do everything the commando is designed to do. Which is heal and dps. With the press of a button you could do both.


Quit being lazy, go to the fleet and respec.


Screw it.... just give me the ability to dual spec Crew Skills. I demand six Crew Skills. One for when I want to be a Biochem and the other when I want to be a Armortech.


This is a good point. If they are going to allow dual speccing for the convenience of wasting time looking for a healer/tank then they should do this for crafting since I don't want to waste time looking for a Armortech etc. Let us dual spec in crafting also and lets remove the time sink the crafting brings to the table too.

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It's really sad when CS:S or Team Fortress has more commitment to a role than a ROLEPLAYING GAME!


In Team Fortress 2 if you choose a medic, you are a medic until the end of the game. If you want to change classes you are to a pay a price (which is death) and will respond next round.


Quit trying to make MMOs easier and have less commitment to a role than a FPS game.



(Also saying but this isn't TF2 or CS:S doesn't count, because you're right this isn't TF2. This is a game that should offer choices. Whats the point of choosing door A and B if I can choose both?)

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This is a good point. If they are going to allow dual speccing for the convenience of wasting time looking for a healer/tank then they should do this for crafting since I don't want to waste time looking for a Armortech etc. Let us dual spec in crafting also and lets remove the time sink the crafting brings to the table too.



You don't need an armortech to play this game, you do need healers and tanks to play this game.



PLEASE people, take 10 seconds to read what you type before hitting submit.

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Naming off decade+ old games isn't going to get your argument anywhere. We've evolved past Everquest dude...get over it.


You realize that WOW is older then half those games. So your saying since Rift has dual spec and it came out this year that all games should listen to Rift and include it from now on?

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Whats the point of choosing door A and B if I can choose both
Dual spec doesn't allow you to do that. You still have to choose A or B.


But, just like in the real world, I can take a step back and go through the other door later. Just like we can in the game right now, by respeccing.

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