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Character Bios...would they be a good fit for SWTOR?


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Agree completely! This should be standard on all MMO's.


Not just for RP, either. EVE has 'em and you can put in whatever you want. PvP achievos you're proud of, PvE successes, your schedule... anything!


Yes. I was thinking where they would be located.


My thoughts were either in the inspection screen, or better yet allow players access to a players legacy screen, and have them listed there.


The side benefit to this would be that players could see your other characters if they wished to ignore you account wide.

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The world would see a sharp increase in orphans who are unusually strong in the force...


QFT I stopped reading bios in SWG because they were all the same.


One of the most original and funny bios I read in SWG said the following:


To learn more about me and what makes me tick, target me and type /du

Edited by Tomb-Stone
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QFT I stopped reading bios in SWG because they were all the same.


One of the most original and funny bios I read in SWG said the following:


To learn more about me and what makes me tick, target me and type /du


Hehe, good way to trick folks into a duel.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I would love to have some sort of bio, but I suspect my stories would not fit in there so it would just be a link to a webpage that no one would read :D I would also really like to have my legacy tree revamped so I can fit all my family relationships properly.


I miss my character sheet from City of Heroes.

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I would like one. Either in game, or on the website.


If on the website, maybe have a privacy setting so not all of your alts are viewable to all. Or maybe then a person could just type out what crew skills that alt has.


In game, something very short would be good. I like bios, even if our galaxy is suddenly populated by orphans everywhere.

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Too technical and challenging, plus extra load on the engine and its infrastructure or whatever.


As such... No. :p





Do realize there are MMORPGs released somewhere around dawn of Internet that have handled character profiles/bios perfectly well.


World of Warcraft has number of fan-made addons that handle this just fine.



This is approx how it could look like in TOR, too. This is an unofficial, fan made add-on. I quite like it what a good profile tells of characters..and players.


It'd be a huge boon for RP community, less relevant for the rest.

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Too technical and challenging, plus extra load on the engine and its infrastructure or whatever.


Totally too difficult technical challenge to add an extra column to the database that holds your character info.


I support this idea, if for nothing else than as a counter to the idea that grinding dailies and doing "group content" is what MMORPGs only are. There was a time in history when developers were actually actively trying to SIMULATE a world.


Its just sad that according to the game all the characters of the same class have the same origin story..

Edited by Karkais
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The world would see a sharp increase in orphans who are unusually strong in the force...




"Orphaned at a young age, ___ survived the mean streets of ___ before a fortuitous meeting with ___ resulted in his/her acceptance into ___." :D

Might as well make that a form option.

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Massively recently posted an article on the idea that it might be time to consider a character bio revival.




I have mentioned in the past that I found it odd that this game did not have some kind of personal bio mechanic in place. I always felt it would have been a nice addition to SWTOR, I enjoyed reading the bios for characters in other MMOs that had them.


I would like to see something like this added to SWTOR in the future.


There are no character bios because the game has class stories.

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How is it odd? Logically speaking a character bio would go completely against the lore for the class given by the class stories.


I wonder if it takes some sort of a submissive personality to automatically assume and accept that whole story and tale of **your character** is actually nothing but creation of Electronic Arts and nothing more.


"Wellp, they wrote this line of dialogue and then Jennifer Hale spoke it out loud so I guess that's my story now" lol

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I wonder if it takes some sort of a submissive personality to automatically assume and accept that whole story and tale of **your character** is actually nothing but creation of Electronic Arts and nothing more.


"Wellp, they wrote this line of dialogue and then Jennifer Hale spoke it out loud so I guess that's my story now" lol


Indeed, how dare anyone think that the trooper story has anything to do with the trooper. Don't they know it's all about the BH? There might be 1 in 100 bios that wouldn't be a waste of time reading, the rest would be Kira's story in a nutshell, except maybe they wouldn't be

a child of the emperor

, and then, some of them would even carry it that far. Most of the classes have a fairly established back story. The really hilarious bios would be the orphaned force sensitive that winds up being the aforementioned Trooper, or the BH. Because, you know, originality is overrated in MMOs.

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I wonder if it takes some sort of a submissive personality to automatically assume and accept that whole story and tale of **your character** is actually nothing but creation of Electronic Arts and nothing more.


"Wellp, they wrote this line of dialogue and then Jennifer Hale spoke it out loud so I guess that's my story now" lol


Everyone knows what Femshep says goes... Durrr

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How is it odd? Logically speaking a character bio would go completely against the lore for the class given by the class stories.


The lore for the class stories rarely if ever touches on background. In fact, most of the time your background is a mystery. So, logically speaking, your background is a clean slate in most cases.


So....I don't find any logic in your contention Raansu. Perhaps there are a few exceptions, but none that come to mind directly.

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Indeed, how dare anyone think that the trooper story has anything to do with the trooper. Don't they know it's all about the BH? There might be 1 in 100 bios that wouldn't be a waste of time reading, the rest would be Kira's story in a nutshell, except maybe they wouldn't be

a child of the emperor

, and then, some of them would even carry it that far. Most of the classes have a fairly established back story. The really hilarious bios would be the orphaned force sensitive that winds up being the aforementioned Trooper, or the BH. Because, you know, originality is overrated in MMOs.


Boy do I have awesome news for you pal. It is a character you have created. Character you play. As such, his/her life and history is for you to create if you want to. If you rather settle with a story that comes down to picking between three different things Jennifer Hale has said in a studio, then ofc that's fine too. Don't assume many people who'd appreciate profiles are that eager to share your POV though.


It is odd people are so eager to do some weird precautionary bashing of these yet-to-exist-profiles. At heart of these criticism seems to be the alleged&imagined lack of originality of these profiles. Somehow, you consider it a - better - option then, to have a world where there are few million troopers all living the SAME story? "Hey! I am the leader of the Havoc Sqd!" " Omg! Me too!!"


Cool bit in ability to write a profile isn't about entire community creating some Dostojevski meets GRRM experience to meet up your evidently demanding tastes. Underlying reason for them existing isn't about providing you with some Hugo award winning prose to enjoy. What counts is how they are stories of and by you and people close to you. This alone gives them meaning and relevancy that elevates it miles above the default storylines.

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yah..such a challenge that even EverQuest 1 had a part you could put a small bio for your toons.


it wouldn't load unless someone rightclicked>viewbio on you..it wouldn't be much of a strain at all...and if it really is "challenging" to implement..then BioWare should get competent programmers.


I enjoyed the mini-bio I could write for my toons in eq1. No idea what the challenges of implementation would be for this game but... I would like to see implementation of other things first tbh. Like off-rails space pve, a new species, etc. basically things that (hopefully) only extend current programming rather than reinvent it.

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The lore for the class stories rarely if ever touches on background. In fact, most of the time your background is a mystery. So, logically speaking, your background is a clean slate in most cases.


So....I don't find any logic in your contention Raansu. Perhaps there are a few exceptions, but none that come to mind directly.


The classes in general have a pretty set in stone background. The inquisitor for example is right off the bat a born slave, so how exactly are you going to fit your own personal bio in there?

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I'm can already every single bounty hunter and smuggler running around saying they are secretly force-sensitive.


Mine aren't. Technically. Just very observant and lucky.


But even if 80% of the bios are going to be the same, why not?


And I only recall a few bits of backstory mentioned.


BH: Was lucky to have met Braden, as a conversation line in Welcome Mako. And met Braden before joining the team on Hutta.


JK: May or may not have been a challenge to teach according to an NPC who heard rumors.


JC: Stronger in the Force at six than Yuon Parr is. May or may not have been a challenge to teach according to an NPC who heard rumors.


Trooper: Top of his/her class, good marks in the academy. Not much more I can remember.


SW: Strong in the Force, came from a prominent bloodline. Seen as a mere brute byany regardless of alignment.


SI: Ex-slave, if Zabrak was also a criminal. If Pureblood, may have been associated with a disgraceful Sith, maybe.


Agent: Fresh out of the Academy by Hutta. If Chiss, the Ascendency had some pull along the way. May have joined for patriotic reasons, or to have a job where one can just murder freely, or maybe for other reasons still.


Smuggler: Loves his/her ship, so has had it long enough to be attached to it. Did not have a protocol droid on before Ord Mantell.


Those are scraps of backstory, at best. Not an actual one. Why did the Trooper go to the academy in the first place? To fight Imps? To escape a family that wanted the Trooper to live a life s/he disagreed with?


What was the BH doing before meeting Braden and going to Hutta? Tracking marks on some world, sc****** up enough credits to go to Hutta? Wasn't even hunting yet?


What may have made the Jedi classes difficult to teach? Arrogance? Lazy? Argumentative?

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