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Left Right


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Had a guy in a voidstar a while back who insisted on using left and right while using the map as point of reference... I'm alright with people using left/right with the spawn as point of reference, or cardinal directions using the map. I've used both over the years, mostly left/right since the best way to have people understand is to use the norm.
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Incoming 3 weast


Wait, so was the extra W the typo or the extra A the typo? Gotta love it when you see stuff like that.


Or Inc E 2

I mean 23


**** it HELP!


Really not hard to figure out.


Optional step; focus target the off node defender.


Step one; verify where you are. Oh you're at mid and you own east, chances are he's calling east and not the other node that you don't even control. Oh you're on the east door on VS and the 5 of you are handling the 2-3 attackers just fine, it's the "other door" that is calling for help.


Step two; basic math. 5 green tags vs 2 red tags at mid, you're in the wrong place and should have probably started to think about your other capture point (door/node/whatever) one or two kills ago, before a call even comes in.


Step three; profit. Now you've successfully defended your capture points without needless pedantic arguments with teammates over the technicality of a call.


Don't be that guy.

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