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3.0 information today?? PLEASE!!!!!!!!


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And by tomorrow, a full year will have gone by without a single new operation, this of course in addition to over a full year without new flashpoints, outside the tactical ones.


Good days indeed. :rolleyes:


Dunno about PvP; Not my field of expertise.


One new ground based 8v8 warzone map since the end of 2012. And it was a redesign of an existing game type.

And arenas. But for people who enjoy 8v8 objective warzones...one. Since 2012.


Bioware does so much for us to give us new content to go through. We need to stop complaining and let them do what they need to do so they can give us the content we might enjoy. I can't wait to hear what they have planned for the new expansion that is coming out.



I mean this with all due respect, but I do not need to be told what I *need* to do. Do you follow people around at restaurants and tell them how much they need to tip? If not, why tell people here whether or not they should be happy with a service they're paying for? (Just for the record, I ALWAYS try to tip generously, because I know that some other people are cheapskates and I try to make up for it at least as much as I can.)

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Will we be able to preorder this and get access to the crystal vendor?


why bother? the pre order crystal is useful for 3 whole levels



assuming you have an orange weapon to put it in..if not, you can use a cc crystal that is awesomely better in the weapon you get at the end of your starter planet

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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Tactical flashpoints are one of the best ideas The dev team ever had. it allowed lower levels to join in the fun with uber players.


Except that they were not implemented this way in the game. A 55 cannot do a tactical flashpoint through group finder with lower levels. Though they are good for running with less geared 55s in most cases.


Back to the subject of the thread, BW bungled the release of 3.0 information as many others have stated. It's really as simple as that. And I doubt we'll see this expansion before 2015. So stop trying to fool the players, it's just going to make people hate you more later when you announce the delay.

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This is a great question (or questions?), that I think are on a lot of folks minds. As you can imagine I can't go too deep into the rabbit hole in talking about our internal processes but I can give it a go.


In short, the process we go through internally to announce something as big as an expansion is actually quite complex and extensive. Although you are correct in that the end process may be a video, a landing page with some copy, etc. the process to get there requires a large amount of moving parts across multiple teams. Aside from just the assets and webpages there is arguably one of the most important aspects of these types of announcements, the game!


By the time we announce we have to have a concrete idea of what will be coming in the game with the expansion, what types of perks we might give our subscribers, etc. Unfortunately with so many moving parts, we can sometimes run into the scenario like we did today. If we are not 100% confident in what we are going to put out, for a multitude of possible reasons, it can lead to a delay of announcement.


I would caution not to read too deep into what I said above. It is somewhere in the cog of those moving parts that this delay happened, but ultimately our goal remains the same: to get you as many details about this expansion as soon as we can!




Sorry, it's my nature to dig deeply into posts. I can accept if information is getting delayed for whatever reason, it's your game after all, you develop it however you want it, but I don't understand it.


People aren't asking you to reveal the exact number of NPCs on the new planets or the exact nature of class changes, all of those are still subject to change this early (?:rak_02:?) in the development process. The questions many people (myself included) would like to see answered:


- Will there be a level cap increase and if so, by how much? Are we getting new class skills?

- How many new planets are there going to be? Are you going to continue class stories?

- Are you going to release a new Operation?

- Are you going to add new Warzones or Arenas?


Now, these are the core concepts and the foundation any expansion is built upon. You are saying that you're planning on launching the new expansion this year. And yet you are unwilling or unable to answer these fundamental questions in less than 3 months before the supposed launch. Forget the announcement delay, there has to be something fundamentally wrong with the expansion if you're unable to share such basic information this late. That, in itself, is far more worrisome than a simple delay because it means you're still unsure about critical details regarding the new expansion.


I mean look at the timeframe here. A "couple of more weeks" means that you're not going to reveal anything before the 14th of October. If it's a paid expansion and you have any sort of financial sense or marketing strategy, you're not going to release it after Christmas. So in the best possible scenario, we're looking at a timeframe of 2 months and 1 week to announce, market, preorder, playtest and correct the bugs, based on player feedback. That's just not enough for a full, paid expansion. I mean Blizzard announced WoD more than a YEAR before its launch and you're going to go with lousy 2 months?


I am having a very hard time believing this is going to be a paid expansion that is coming this year. Either it's getting broken up into smaller segments (3.1; 3.2; 3.3) and you're releasing the first part in December, in which case it's not going to be a paid expansion, or you're holding the whole thing back and launching it sometime next year. I don't see any other option here. But the longer you're going to remain tight-lipped about this, the more untenable this farce is going to be become.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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- Will there be a level cap increase and if so, by how much? Are we getting new class skills?

- How many new planets are there going to be? Are you going to continue class stories?

- Are you going to release a new Operation?

- Are you going to add new Warzones or Arenas?


I'll speculate and you can place bets on the accuracy of it. Level cap to 60. One new skill per class. 1 planet, with a questline similar to Makeb, with no continuation of individual class stories. 1 new operation. 1 warzone. 1 arena. 1 starfighter map. All coming to you sometime in Q1 2015. Additional elements will get pushed off to later patches.

Edited by RandyL
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I'll speculate and you can place bets on the accuracy of it. Level cap to 60. One new skill per class. 1 planet, with a questline similar to Makeb, with no continuation of individual class stories. 1 new operation. 1 warzone. 1 arena. 1 starfighter map. All coming to you sometime in Q1 2015. Additional elements will get pushed off to later patches.


Usually I'm the cynical guy who would disagree just for the hell of it - but this sadly seems to be more and more the case.

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This is a great question (or questions?), that I think are on a lot of folks minds. As you can imagine I can't go too deep into the rabbit hole in talking about our internal processes but I can give it a go.


In short, the process we go through internally to announce something as big as an expansion is actually quite complex and extensive. Although you are correct in that the end process may be a video, a landing page with some copy, etc. the process to get there requires a large amount of moving parts across multiple teams. Aside from just the assets and webpages there is arguably one of the most important aspects of these types of announcements, the game!


By the time we announce we have to have a concrete idea of what will be coming in the game with the expansion, what types of perks we might give our subscribers, etc. Unfortunately with so many moving parts, we can sometimes run into the scenario like we did today. If we are not 100% confident in what we are going to put out, for a multitude of possible reasons, it can lead to a delay of announcement.


I would caution not to read too deep into what I said above. It is somewhere in the cog of those moving parts that this delay happened, but ultimately our goal remains the same: to get you as many details about this expansion as soon as we can!




Thx, for elaborating. I am patient, just gonna go on the Wiesn for with week^^

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The more you beg, the more you kick and scream, the more you say please and hammer SHIFT+1, the more Mr. Musco and Mr. Tait laugh and laugh and laugh...


...and Ms. Woods and Ms. Nicole laugh and laugh and laugh...


...and laugh...


and say no.


True... right up until we start unsubbing... It only works for so long...


We have over 200 accounts in our guild, I've never seen so many F2P players as I have since GSH launched... The subs are leaving and being replaced by F2P... at least from what I can see...

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Okay, so GSH was delayed... Now, the announcement of 3.0 is being delayed.. So, why should I believe BW when they say the expansion won't be delayed?


Seriously, BW, it's an announcement, not the full bloody patch notes for the damn thing. Exactly why is it going to take 'a couple of weeks' in order to tell us about what's coming in the expansion? It's because you guys really have no clue as to what's in it, isn't it? You've led us to believe that we would have info about 3.0 before the end of the month, and now it's going to take a couple of weeks? Cereal? (And, let's not fool ourselves; when he said 'a couple of weeks at the latest,' it will be at least 2-3 weeks before they mention anything, given their current track record.)


So, I guess in a couple of week's time we'll see some another lame post about 'oh, it's coming this year! but, um, we can't tell you anything about it yet, sorry. But, hey, REVAN! Yay! Right, guys? Yay?'


As someone else already posted in this thread: Pathetic


^ This...


Someone should be fired over this... It is gross incompetence...

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^ This...


Someone should be fired over this... It is gross incompetence...


Unless it is the boss. The decision could as well be made by some CEO producer or whatever positions they have in BW. And they of course will not be fired...

It says a lot about their attitude towards the players/customers, as I don't believe this could be community team decision.

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Here's a disturbing thought:


Maybe they know that the "expansion" is so small and feature-less that they're afraid subs will leave just from the announcement, so they have to sweeten the deal with a "perk".....Only they're still trying to think of a perk big enough to counteract the coming disappointment....


I wonder what they'll come up with to recolor for the subs this time.....


I suspect you're right...


Chapter 5 is required for 3.0, nothing less will do. It must contain a real story, a real planet, real flashpoints (not tacticals), and real ops.


I really want it to be class stories, but I doubt we'll get that, which is a shame for a story based MMORPG.


If it is anything less than that, they'll find their great 2014 revenue will dry up pretty fast.

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You can invite other people into your house if you don't want to be alone.


Yes, and I did that once... but it really is boring...


If I want to invite people over, there is this thing called the real world... And my real house is much more interactive than my pretend one...

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If that "something" that was promised was a Press Release? I'd roll my eyes at it and say "hey, you should be more careful about sticking to your promises" - I would not get pissed.


Is a press release a big deal? Not really...


Is behaving in a professional manner a big deal? Yes it is, and Bioware simply does not operate in a professional manner.


That is the real problem... If I were in charge at EA, I would replace the management at Bioware for being unable to operate in a professional manner...


Someone deserves to lose their job over the way Bioware operates.

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I suspect you're right...


Chapter 5 is required for 3.0, nothing less will do. It must contain a real story, a real planet, real flashpoints (not tacticals), and real ops.


I really want it to be class stories, but I doubt we'll get that, which is a shame for a story based MMORPG.


If it is anything less than that, they'll find their great 2014 revenue will dry up pretty fast.


Tacticals are here to stay. Musco confirmed that on last stream when he said (I'm paraphrasing): "Tacticals will take over from normal mode flashpoints. Hardmodes will still be hardmodes, but tacticals will be the other difficulty."


But hey, at least he said they'd still make hardmodes.

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This is not a couple day delay they are talking weeks.. for something that should be all but in the testing phase that is a very bad sign.


^ This...


If this is coming this year, it should be done already. It would be in internal testing with minor revisions and fixes coming, but at this late stage, it should be feature complete and waiting on bug fixing.


If it isn't, then the only way to release this year is either to go live with lots of bugs, or to cut it way down and release content later.


I've been in software development for a long time, if it isn't done now, it won't come out this year in anything approaching finished form.

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If you can't make a "good" announcement then just make a "not so good" announcement that you can rework, adapt, update and correct as time goes on, that way you will still have met your deadline and we'll have our announcement.

So we'll at least know what's what a bit better than being completely in the dark getting disappointed all the time.

Edited by cirruz
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I don't really understand how they managed to have such a poor communication with the playerbase. All they had to do is to tease the players. The whole "we need every cogs & moving part working together nicely" is only worth something when you speak about a full release.


I understand perfectly they want to deliver a big chunk of information at once to get a full "big surprise" effect. I understand they don't want to spoil anything. But come one, they could just confirm (or deny) pretty general things or expectation without spoiling anything. Level cap raise : Yes or no ? New Planet : Yes - No, and so on.


If you don't keep the players teased a bit, they will just move away.

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So..once again EAWare shows that when it comes to delivering disappointment to the community, they will most surdenly not disappoint.


IMO the "really nice" thing for subs is added because they know already, that when they eventually announce 3.0, it will be with a "comming 2015" message at the end. So they add a little something for subs in hopes that at least not all of us will unsub!


We all know that "a couple of weeks" in EAWare terms is more likely 4 weeks minimum. At that time, there will be only 2 months back of 2014, and I find it very unlikely they will have that short period of time between announcing 3.0 and launching it.


I hope they will prove me wrong. In that case they will have regained a little trust. But I am not gonna hold my breath.

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Rise of the Hutt Cartel


18.12.12 - Official Press Release, pre orders open, release window 'spring 2013'

20.02.13 - release to PTS

25.04.13 - launch date announcement (14.04, early access 09.04)

09.04.13 - early access launch, more than 4 months after the official announcement


So lets see, we have 13 weeks left in 2014.


I expect some kind of announcement at the New York Cantina event (they really cant afford not to), so thats 12 weeks till 2015. Then there are the holidays. In the past, pretty much nothing happened at BW after Christmas. If we dont expect that to change, 3.0 has to go live 15 - 19 Dec at the latest.

Thats 10 weeks between a preorder event at New York and launch. 10 weeks to get testing going on the PTS (level cap raise, new class abilities, hello??), hype the expansion (PR department, anyone still there? guess not) , then close shop for the holidays probably leaving us with gamebreaking bugs?


3.0 will either be a very minor expansion, riddled with bugs and/or not happened in 2014 at all.

My guess is on option 2 and 3

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The team behind SWTOR = worst team running a mmorpg EVER, period! Im playing MMORPGs since Ultima Online (yes, i am that old ;)) and not a single one company since then made me want to quit the game. I always quit playing the games, because they got boring but never did i quit anything because of the team behind the game. Bioware is just trolling their customers and making them angry.


I love SWTOR, but the team behind it...not so much...


I hope they are soon losing the star wars licence...

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The team behind SWTOR = worst team running a mmorpg EVER, period! Im playing MMORPGs since Ultima Online (yes, i am that old ;)) and not a single one company since then made me want to quit the game. I always quit playing the games, because they got boring but never did i quit anything because of the team behind the game. Bioware is just trolling their customers and making them angry.


I love SWTOR, but the team behind it...not so much...


I hope they are soon losing the star wars licence...


Well..since EA owns Bioware, and since EA holds a lincene for all Star Wars games the next 10 years, I dont think they are going to lose anything at Bioware...sadly enough.


I agree with you though. Love SWTOR but the team behind really does now how to **** a solid bowl of disappointment.

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