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3.0 information today?? PLEASE!!!!!!!!


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lol no. No, running in circles and wailing about the end of the game is not going to provoke the dev into releasing info before they're ready to release it.


Come to terms with that reality.


We don't expect Bioware to release new information anytime soon considering today's announcement. We have every right to criticize Bioware's communication or lack thereof as we are all paying subscribers. This isn't just about 3.0, we want some sort of assurance about the future of the game. Everyone knows about the extreme PVE and PVP content drought over the last year, we just want some indication of how it will be corrected. You Bioware apologists can try to derail the discussion all you want but you are adding nothing of value.

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This is a great question (or questions?), that I think are on a lot of folks minds. As you can imagine I can't go too deep into the rabbit hole in talking about our internal processes but I can give it a go.


In short, the process we go through internally to announce something as big as an expansion is actually quite complex and extensive. Although you are correct in that the end process may be a video, a landing page with some copy, etc. the process to get there requires a large amount of moving parts across multiple teams. Aside from just the assets and webpages there is arguably one of the most important aspects of these types of announcements, the game!


By the time we announce we have to have a concrete idea of what will be coming in the game with the expansion, what types of perks we might give our subscribers, etc. Unfortunately with so many moving parts, we can sometimes run into the scenario like we did today. If we are not 100% confident in what we are going to put out, for a multitude of possible reasons, it can lead to a delay of announcement.


I would caution not to read too deep into what I said above. It is somewhere in the cog of those moving parts that this delay happened, but ultimately our goal remains the same: to get you as many details about this expansion as soon as we can!





Eric, I'm going to let my head expand a bit and say I think I can speak for the entire community when I say we'd be happy with some info now even if we don't get the subscriber perks until later this month.

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We don't expect Bioware to release new information anytime soon considering today's announcement. We have every right to criticize Bioware's communication or lack thereof as we are all paying subscribers.


Of course you do. And we have every right to mock the ceaseless whinging that bears no resemblance to reasonable criticism.

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lol no. No, running in circles and wailing about the end of the game is not going to provoke the dev into releasing info before they're ready to release it.


Come to terms with that reality.


Oh dear. You have willfully misinterpreted what I have said. This will not be the end of the game. It will take a lot more than one botched expansion release to kill off SWTOR. What it potentially could do is put a serious dent in the game's fortunes in the future.


What message does it send out to have a missed deadline like this? It sends out several:


  1. Bioware's promises cannot be trusted;
  2. Bioware's development resources and competence are in serious question;
  3. Bioware has no released roadmap for this game and has postponed releasing one for no good reason;


It is not necessary for those messages to be true for them to have a very corrosive effect. Bear in mind also that this is part of a consistent pattern of poor communication over recent months. We have had substantial content releases in the last year with GSF and GSH. What we have not had after the spring is anything like proper information on future content. At maximum we have had information about patch 2.x+1 when patch 2.x is released. A proper roadmap should have information about the next content patch and the content patch after that where they are releases within a given expansion tier. It is obviously different when a major expansion is coming out, but if Bioware's PR department were doing a good job we would have far more than a virtually pointless 10 second trailer by now. In my opinion Bioware's PR department is currently not only not doing a good job, but doing no job at all. Where they fail to go a vacuum currently exists and it is being filled by a combination of speculation and information gleaned from any and all sources, even if those sources break the terms of service. Speculation will always exist, but it is not being contained and channeled in any meaningful way at all by Bioware at the moment. Proper PR would do that job, at least in part.

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Bioware does so much for us to give us new content to go through. We need to stop complaining and let them do what they need to do so they can give us the content we might enjoy. I can't wait to hear what they have planned for the new expansion that is coming out. Edited by prncssinblutx
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Aww. I was looking forward to 3.0 info tomorrow, but nope. :( I'm a little miffed, mostly that they took until the 29th to tell us that they couldn't deliver the previously announced announcement (lol) by the 30th.


I admit, the mention of something "nice" for subscribers piqued my interest, but I am trying not to get excited about it. It could be something like free unlocks in a brand new Stronghold . . . but is more likely to be something like a recolored speeder and a title. :p


Also, this expansion release schedule seems kind of, well, squished. Especially compared to 2.0's! I guess I am just surprised that a RotHC size expansion is shaping up to have such a short pre-release hype/marketing/preorder window.

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This is a great question (or questions?), that I think are on a lot of folks minds. As you can imagine I can't go too deep into the rabbit hole in talking about our internal processes but I can give it a go.


In short, the process we go through internally to announce something as big as an expansion is actually quite complex and extensive. Although you are correct in that the end process may be a video, a landing page with some copy, etc. the process to get there requires a large amount of moving parts across multiple teams. Aside from just the assets and webpages there is arguably one of the most important aspects of these types of announcements, the game!


By the time we announce we have to have a concrete idea of what will be coming in the game with the expansion, what types of perks we might give our subscribers, etc. Unfortunately with so many moving parts, we can sometimes run into the scenario like we did today. If we are not 100% confident in what we are going to put out, for a multitude of possible reasons, it can lead to a delay of announcement.


I would caution not to read too deep into what I said above. It is somewhere in the cog of those moving parts that this delay happened, but ultimately our goal remains the same: to get you as many details about this expansion as soon as we can!




And you are not sure what is going to be in the expac for what reason ? the major content that is coming out ... oh wait no content is coming out. it hasn't for almost a year. no reason for the dev team to be not sure what is going with all this time to work on this, this is just unacceptable. i personally know a lot of my guild members who have unsubbed and many more me included who are very close to unsubbing as well because BW can not stick to a deadline. Not releasing info because of a "subscriber perk" which is gonna end up being a vanity item is not worth this whole shenanigans. BW needs to clean up their act. It's like you have no idea how to run this thing.

Edited by ped_i
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Bioware does so much for us to give us new content to go through. We need to stop complaining and let them do what they need to do so they can give us the content we might enjoy. I can't wait to hear what they have planned for the new expansion that is coming out.


You have either just started playing this game or are trolling. BW hasn't released content in a year.

Edited by ped_i
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They've released content constantly over the last year. It just wasn't content that a few people wanted.


Hardly a few people, a total lack of operations, non-tactical flashpoints, and other core content is a serious concern that you can't just ignore. I don't know why you're so determined to excuse Bioware in everything they do.

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This is a great question (or questions?), that I think are on a lot of folks minds. As you can imagine I can't go too deep into the rabbit hole in talking about our internal processes but I can give it a go.


In short, the process we go through internally to announce something as big as an expansion is actually quite complex and extensive. Although you are correct in that the end process may be a video, a landing page with some copy, etc. the process to get there requires a large amount of moving parts across multiple teams. Aside from just the assets and webpages there is arguably one of the most important aspects of these types of announcements, the game!


By the time we announce we have to have a concrete idea of what will be coming in the game with the expansion, what types of perks we might give our subscribers, etc. Unfortunately with so many moving parts, we can sometimes run into the scenario like we did today. If we are not 100% confident in what we are going to put out, for a multitude of possible reasons, it can lead to a delay of announcement.


I would caution not to read too deep into what I said above. It is somewhere in the cog of those moving parts that this delay happened, but ultimately our goal remains the same: to get you as many details about this expansion as soon as we can!



Quite understandable. I just hope 3.0 will finally bring us the long-promised and eagerly awaited chat bubbles option for /say, /yell and /emote chat.
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This is a great question (or questions?), that I think are on a lot of folks minds. As you can imagine I can't go too deep into the rabbit hole in talking about our internal processes but I can give it a go.


In short, the process we go through internally to announce something as big as an expansion is actually quite complex and extensive. Although you are correct in that the end process may be a video, a landing page with some copy, etc. the process to get there requires a large amount of moving parts across multiple teams. Aside from just the assets and webpages there is arguably one of the most important aspects of these types of announcements, the game!


By the time we announce we have to have a concrete idea of what will be coming in the game with the expansion, what types of perks we might give our subscribers, etc. Unfortunately with so many moving parts, we can sometimes run into the scenario like we did today. If we are not 100% confident in what we are going to put out, for a multitude of possible reasons, it can lead to a delay of announcement.


I would caution not to read too deep into what I said above. It is somewhere in the cog of those moving parts that this delay happened, but ultimately our goal remains the same: to get you as many details about this expansion as soon as we can!



Thanks for the replies eric. We're just anxious to hear what we can look forward to.


It's been a year with very little of your traditional content (none). No new varied HM/SM FPs, no new Ops...a lot of great additions that expand the game in a great way (I love GSF and Conquests), but nothing that caters to your PvPers or your more dedicated PvEers. We're hoping that 3.0 breaks this stagnation we've found ourselves in the past year.


So forgive our frustration...but we've been very patient.

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Hardly a few people, a total lack of operations, non-tactical flashpoints, and other core content is a serious concern that you can't just ignore. I don't know why you're so determined to excuse Bioware in everything they do.


It's not worth feeding him, he's loving the drama.

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They've released content constantly over the last year. It just wasn't content that a few people wanted.


Few tacticals and SH are not counted as content. For raiders tacticals are a joke, even more so with the NERFS (lawl) and SH has like 0 replay value ? decorate to %100, done. now what. see the problem ?



I have been playing this game since it came out. I'm not new and I don't troll.


then you should know that barely any story has been introduced and 0 ops since last year. BW is not giving us anything.

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Yeah it's one of the basic MMO features that still lack in the game. They've added most of what was lacking at launch by now, but this is still one of the 'biggies' missing.


might be true but even that is bad. there still so much quality of life stuff not in game, and now this. just bad

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Hardly a few people, a total lack of operations, non-tactical flashpoints, and other core content is a serious concern that you can't just ignore. I don't know why you're so determined to excuse Bioware in everything they do.


You apparently don't understand how the expansion cycle works. You should look into how MMOs work when it comes to releasing content.

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They've released content constantly over the last year. It just wasn't content that a few people wanted.


And by few we mean 70-80% of the population. Everyone wanted GSF. It was so big of hit. Everyone loved the tactical FPs and the mediocre story. Quesh Ball was such a big hit that PvPers are drooling over it. The only content that is worth a dime since 2.4 is the housing/conquest and even that is not for everyone. I do not give 2 $hits about it, but I acknowledge it as good content. Everything else was either mediocre quality or did not appeal to the majority.


As for the announcement. I think people are taking it way too seriously, but it is also a clear indication that 3.0 is getting delayed. You need at least 2 month of PTS to test stuff. If the announcement is early mid November (few weeks), then PTS probably a week or two later, 2 month of PTS then probably 2 weeks to one month to finalize everything. So we will get it in March 2015. I do not mind, but the question is, will we get any other content within that stretch? If not, then it might be a good time to unsub till then.

Edited by Ottoattack
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You apparently don't understand how the expansion cycle works. You should look into how MMOs work when it comes to releasing content.


I don't know of any other MMOs that withhold raids and other challenging group content without explaining why to the players. It's been said many times on these forums, no other MMO has less engagement and honesty with the players than SWTOR. You should look into getting some free will of your own and not parroting everything Bioware tells you.

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