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Drop the cents in the GTN pricing PLZ !!


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So anything I post in a stack has to have a price ending in 0? I do consider that to be inconvenient, because when I go to undercut someone, I still want to maximize my profit (as much as I can in that situation). So, I might want to list a stack of 33 items at 11,275 credits. That will come out to be 341.67/unit. So, to get a round number of 340 credits/unit, I have to list at 11,220 credits. That cost me 55 credits, which isn't much for one transaction, but adds up over time (or makes a bigger difference on more expensive items).


Plus, you just made me do math instead of just listing an item. That is unforgivable. :t_evil:


***edit*** Yes, I realize that simply ending with 0 would not actually work all the time. Give me time to wake up, please. :)


actually what should be done, is let me set a unit price, and let the game figure out the total price.

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actually what should be done, is let me set a unit price, and let the game figure out the total price.


I agree this would be a nice addition.


To all the incredulous questions about what you do with the fraction, I would prefer it round to the nearest full credit. It already rounds to the nearest hundredth of a credit, so it's nothing new, and it would simplify the per unit field. I don't see the few credits it may be off on a full stack of anything as particularly relevant.


To me it would just look cleaner.

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The GTN doesn't display more than 2 decimal places, examples:


99 Bio-mechanical Interface Chips for 58,000 credits at a unit price of 585.86 credits, if you do the math it would display 585.859 or 585.8585858585858 if it was allowed to display more than 2 decimal places.


2 Cybernetic Interface Jacks for 19,999 credits at a unit price of 9,999.50 credits, again if you do the math it would display 9,999.5 if it was allowed to display any precision.


Both of these examples and familiarity with C++ programming means that Bioware has already programmed the GTN to help avoid scams by fixing the decimal value that can be displayed to 2 digits.


If you see 3 digits after what you think is a decimal point, it's not a decimal point.

Edited by Draqsko
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LOL. This is still an issue? Learn to sort and the problem goes away. Pay attention and the problem goes away. There really is no issue here.


The problem with advocating that people "stop being idiots" (paraphrased) is that people will continue being idiots whether you inform or tell them to or not. And while I don't advocate that we go our of our way to idiot-proof everything in existence, I think this is a case where a simple change would go a long way to help without really any downside.


The OP, although a bit long winded, does not appear to be attempting to reopen the scam/no scam discussion, and in fact advocates everyone pay attention when buying from the GTN.


He's just suggesting they drop the decimal values from the calculated GTN prices. It's not a bad suggestion really. Should be simple to code, doesn't cause any real issue to the player, and helps resolve some ambiguity on the GTN listing screen.


I'd like to say "lets not let this thread spiral out of control like all the others" but I know better, so instead I will just suggest the OP post this suggestion in the suggestion forum and then ignore it from then on. All that's going to happen here is 60 pages of debate that will resolve nothing.


I agree, I think it's a great suggestion. Either have the decimal there all of the time, or none of the time. Make it consistent and people will be less likely to screw it up. Of the two options I think removing the decimal altogether is better, since it removes the chance of mistaking it altogether and really it adds no information.


So what do they put as the unit price when someone lists 3 items at 1000 credits?


It would show a unit price of either 333, or 334 credits. No different than how it will currently round to 333.33 (or 333.34, depending on how they did their rounding).

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If only you could hit a button and bring the lowest priced stuff to the top that would fix this easy....


The game has that button.

In GTN window hit the word price and look the arrow in it goes up or down - voualla!!!

AH and stays for every search you do till you close the GTN

Edited by Kissakias
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The game has that button.

In GTN window hit the word price and look the arrow in it goes up or down - voualla!!!

AH and stays for every search you do till you close the GTN


This thread has potential!


OT: Sometimes the sorting by unit price won't do anything, I then sort by total price first and after that the sorting by unit price will work for me.


Now if you'd excuse me, I need to put more commas into my trade listings.

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Says the guy who sells grade 1 mats for 3 millions each.


There is an issue, and it has to be fixed.


A person lists something for a clearly marked price. Someone buys said item for the exact price listed. Seems like a non issue to me. What needs to be fixed is people paying attention to what they are doing and not trying to force EA/BW to change the system to prevent them from doing something stupid.

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This thread has potential!


OT: Sometimes the sorting by unit price won't do anything, I then sort by total price first and after that the sorting by unit price will work for me.


Now if you'd excuse me, I need to put more commas into my trade listings.


Hit the PRICE (not the unit price) button and tell me then that if the prices are sorten + or - . Its already there!!!!!!


hit PIRCE for individual items

hit UNIT PRICE for mats and companion gifts

/end of story

Edited by Kissakias
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Hit the PRICE (not the unit price) button and tell me then that if the prices are sorten + or - . Its already there!!!!!!


hit PIRCE for individual items

hit UNIT PRICE for mats and companion gifts

/end of story


/sign :cool:


Those who are not able to do such simple things and are also not able to *think and look before buying sth.* - those are beyond help :rolleyes: ..!


And those who are listing things like *Tier 1 Mats* for 2.000 Credits per Unit (CPU) or more like 100.000 CPU / 1.000.000 CPU - those are just (sorry for saying it!) stupid... As stupid as those who are buying :D ... The same goes by the way for those who are thinking *I have put something (lets say a chest from the CM) into the GTN for 1.000.000 Credits and didn't sold it so now I will try selling it for 2.000.000 Credits* [ROFL] :D (just as a hint -- if you are not able to sell somthing you shouldn't increase the price perhaps you should instead decrease it :rolleyes: !!) ...



Regards Kage

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All fractions of a credit should be dropped and instantly transferred to me.


And I said, I don't care if they lay me off either, because I told, I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time, then, then I'm, I'm quitting, I'm going to quit. And, and I told Don too, because they've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were married, but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire...

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The GTN doesn't display more than 2 decimal places, examples:


99 Bio-mechanical Interface Chips for 58,000 credits at a unit price of 585.86 credits, if you do the math it would display 585.859 or 585.8585858585858 if it was allowed to display more than 2 decimal places.


2 Cybernetic Interface Jacks for 19,999 credits at a unit price of 9,999.50 credits, again if you do the math it would display 9,999.5 if it was allowed to display any precision.


Both of these examples and familiarity with C++ programming means that Bioware has already programmed the GTN to help avoid scams by fixing the decimal value that can be displayed to 2 digits.


If you see 3 digits after what you think is a decimal point, it's not a decimal point.


You're asking people who can't tell the difference between a thousand and a million to count decimal places?

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If only you could hit a button and bring the lowest priced stuff to the top that would fix this easy....


Yes, but it would be nice if the button works all the time.


It doesn't. It sometimes works, sometimes you have to click the other price column first, sometimes it sorts most expensive first, sometimes it sorts least expensive first.


It is bugged, plain and simple.


It should simply remember to always sort by lowest price first.

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Yes, but it would be nice if the button works all the time.


It doesn't. It sometimes works, sometimes you have to click the other price column first, sometimes it sorts most expensive first, sometimes it sorts least expensive first.


It is bugged, plain and simple.


It should simply remember to always sort by lowest price first.


I always click sort lowest price. Works every time for me.

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I disagree with this. Sometimes I want to sort the more expensive items on top. There are plenty of situations where this is preferable.


If only there were an option to select which way to sort? Oh wait...there is.


the only issue i have seen is that often times when searching prices on multiple items the price is "sorted" least to greatest, but will require me to "resort" as new items are searched.


I might be strange, I may be paranoid, I might even be completely bat poodoo crazy.


but for some unknown random @ reason every time I search for an item I simply resort the prices..I really should be locked up a mid-east prison camp for such an outlandish idea. Governments have tumbled over lesser ideas. I might be societies most wanted if I keep spouting nonsense like that and making myself a target of such obvious outrageous ideas.


If people are dumb enough to actually follow my ideas, I can not be held responsible for the downfall of society. The universe itself might implode if people used such outlandish ideas.

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Yes, but it would be nice if the button works all the time.


It doesn't. It sometimes works, sometimes you have to click the other price column first, sometimes it sorts most expensive first, sometimes it sorts least expensive first.


It is bugged, plain and simple.


It should simply remember to always sort by lowest price first.


its not bugged, its working perfectly.

just watch the arrow next to PRICE if it shows UP or DOWN. each hit change it. simple, works everytime

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If only there were an option to select which way to sort? Oh wait...there is.


the only issue i have seen is that often times when searching prices on multiple items the price is "sorted" least to greatest, but will require me to "resort" as new items are searched.


I might be strange, I may be paranoid, I might even be completely bat poodoo crazy.


but for some unknown random @ reason every time I search for an item I simply resort the prices..I really should be locked up a mid-east prison camp for such an outlandish idea. Governments have tumbled over lesser ideas. I might be societies most wanted if I keep spouting nonsense like that and making myself a target of such obvious outrageous ideas.


If people are dumb enough to actually follow my ideas, I can not be held responsible for the downfall of society. The universe itself might implode if people used such outlandish ideas.


Reported for having ideas that could potentially end the universe.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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