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Paired light saber should be in the game as a weapon all force user classes to use


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That would be nice. I would also like a reverse grip option with some of my character's moves. CoH was cool enough to add options like that (different styles/grip/weapon choices - animation choices) in expansions and patches. But my hopes are not high for stuff like that here. Edited by Savej
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I don't see what the big deal is. You want a double bladed saber? Play an assassin. Want to dual wield? Play a marauder. Simple as that.


I'm all for different stances (like reverse grip with dual wielding, or holding a double bladed saber like satele shan does on the satele statue.) but I don't see the point in different classes using different weapons. They specialize in those weapons, thus they should be using them.

Edited by Raansu
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Personally I like the fact that each class has its own unique weapon for the most part. It makes the classes feel different and lets you visually identify them.

Well, if you like them, that's fine. It is just a game and it doesn't cause me endless hours of rage. But it's very olde tyme D&Dish, in terms of concept. "Oh, you use a mace. You are obviously a Cleric." Rather immersion breaking. But, it is what it is.

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I don't see what the big deal is. You want a double bladed saber? Play an assassin. Want to dual wield? Play a marauder. Simple as that.


I'm all for different stances (like reverse grip with dual wielding, or holding a double bladed saber like satele shan does on the satele statue.) but I don't see the point in different classes using different weapons. They specialize in those weapons, thus they should be using them.


I don't think you know how classes work... Move along.


I support being able to use any weapon on any class kind of thing, but it won't happen for a few reasons as we all should know by now.

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Personally I like the fact that each class has its own unique weapon for the most part. It makes the classes feel different and lets you visually identify them.


But what separates one combat sentinel from another? And what about the merc and the gunslinger? For my part, more choices and more flexibilty are always good things. We all have icons over our character's heads for people that need to know ac info at a glance.

Edited by Savej
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But what separates one combat sentinel from another? And what about the merc and the gunslinger? For my part, more choices and more flexibility are always good things. We all have icons over our character's heads for peole that need to know ac info at a glance.


Some may not remember, but one of the original devs is to thank about gear being locked to classes, the weapons being locked, and that gear transforms its appearance imp vs pub side. And of course, it's all thanks to PvP... like always. aka the game ruiner.


He wanted it so that you could tell a class apart just by looking at it. While nice...is what we have / added class symbols for.

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I don't think you know how classes work... Move along.


I support being able to use any weapon on any class kind of thing, but it won't happen for a few reasons as we all should know by now.


I'd say I have a pretty extensive knowledge of how the classes work. Sorry that I find the idea of being able to use whatever weapon you want to be ridiculously stupid and pointless? If you want to use a specific weapon then play the class that uses those weapons.

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I'd say I have a pretty extensive knowledge of how the classes work. Sorry that I find the idea of being able to use whatever weapon you want to be ridiculously stupid and pointless? If you want to use a specific weapon then play the class that uses those weapons.


I have to agree with you.


Each class has it's usable weapons for a purpose and thus should stay that way. As said before, want a Saber-Staff? Play Inquis/Consu. Want Dual Sabers? Play Warrior/Knight.


The reason each class has their specific weapons sets is for the reason of making classes unique and providing an "incentive" to play them.


If all classes could use their counterparts' weapons, everyone would be rolling around with a Saber-Staff Jugger-Tank. (Imp side. F the pubby people)



That and each class is based of a character in the Star Wars series.


IE: Sith Assassin: Darth Maul

Sith Sorcerer: Darth Sidious

Sith Juggernaut: Darth Vader



And so on.


They are there for a reason and in the responses in MANY CANTINA TOURS, BW has shot down the possibility of cross-class weaponry EVERY TIME with a big, fat NO brick to your face.




It's never going to happen, and many others do not want it to happen, myself included.

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If the reason this can't work is because they can't get the animation mechanics to work I'd rather get that instead of "classes should be restricted to weapon sets - go play another class" because that is weak.


Just tell the truth. Really this would be a great addition to the light sabers. That and reverse grip animations too.

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I have to agree with you.


Each class has it's usable weapons for a purpose and thus should stay that way. As said before, want a Saber-Staff? Play Inquis/Consu. Want Dual Sabers? Play Warrior/Knight.


The reason each class has their specific weapons sets is for the reason of making classes unique and providing an "incentive" to play them.


This is just blatantly false, and you know it. Yes, a specific type can provide some incentive...but you know what really is the incentive to play a specific class? The class itself, how it plays, the mechanics, etc. Not that it wears light armour or med or heavy, or uses a specific weapon etc.

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I think it would be cool if Bioware slowly added reverse grip or alternate grips over time as part of their content roll outs. I know it would necessitate animation changes and that would be fine with me as long as they're cool. The nice thing is it wouldn't require "balance" type changes off weapon damage, single vs dual wielding, etc....
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If the reason this can't work is because they can't get the animation mechanics to work I'd rather get that instead of "classes should be restricted to weapon sets - go play another class" because that is weak.


Just tell the truth. Really this would be a great addition to the light sabers. That and reverse grip animations too.


Its not weak....That's just how they were designed, which is perfectly fine. The advanced classes have specializations on what weapons they prefer. From that perspective it would be incredibly silly to see a marauder using a double bladed saber or a single bladed saber, not to mention none of the animations would line up and would just look terrible.

Edited by Raansu
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I think I get why - not that I agree with it but I get it.

Using the rule of cool, how many Jedi/Sith would be running around with single lightsabers? 10%? Less? How many Trooper healers would have assault cannons? 5 total? I think BW did it so there would be a proportional variety of weapons floating around.


My solution would be to have different gear tweek your stats. Trooper? Assault cannon = big endurance/little aim, Blaster pistol = midrange on both, Blaster rifle = big aim/ little endurance. Similar setup for other aim/cunning classes such as guns/offhand being trade offs between accuracy/crit


Same could be done with Lightsabers and single lightsaber is the only one that let's you hold a focus or shield (don't you need BOTH hands for a staff?)

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Its not weak....That's just how they were designed, which is perfectly fine. The advanced classes have specializations on what weapons they prefer. From that perspective it would be incredibly silly to see a marauder using a double bladed saber or a single bladed saber, not to mention none of the animations would line up and would just look terrible.

So? Who cares if that's how it was designed? Armor was never designed to be adaptive, they changed that, they could easily change this. If someone is willing to accept the cosmetic issues of a few animations, let em.


Hell, we have gear that clips, weapons that fall apart in cut-scenes, every type of cloak or cape imaginable clips through vehicles, companions still showing up naked...and you're concerned about a few animations?! Worry about your own toons...let others do what they want with theirs.

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This is just blatantly false, and you know it. Yes, a specific type can provide some incentive...but you know what really is the incentive to play a specific class? The class itself, how it plays, the mechanics, etc. Not that it wears light armour or med or heavy, or uses a specific weapon etc.


If you weren't narrow sighted, you'd realize that which you have pointed out is also the Incentive to play class.


Reason why I didnt expand as you have, is because the rest of the people complaining how cross-class weaponry is not a thing are blind and don't see the logical reason that is in question. The weapons. Thus i just said an incentive to play the class is the weapon.


Please look beyond one's words before declaring something "Blatantly false"



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Well, if you like them, that's fine. It is just a game and it doesn't cause me endless hours of rage. But it's very olde tyme D&Dish, in terms of concept. "Oh, you use a mace. You are obviously a Cleric." Rather immersion breaking. But, it is what it is.


except in d&d warriors can use maces, warriors can dual wield and warriors can use th swords and they can use staves and swappable bastard swords, bows, crossbows, etc.. Lots of clerics used maces but they had choices there, too... The newer rules (last i checked) allow some clerics to use swords. In wow and other mmos weapon choices are also far more flexible. Locking classes to one weapon in this game is just a cheap gimmick. It didn't pay off here or in WAR.

Edited by Savej
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I think we would have to rework the way loot is distributed for this to work. For example, currently there aren't any STR based double-bladed sabers, so we would likely see a rise in the number of people rolling need for items that have the wrong stats for their class.


This could probably be solved by having more token based drops that are turned into an NPC Vendor to claim an item of the player's choice though.

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I think I get why - not that I agree with it but I get it.

Using the rule of cool, how many Jedi/Sith would be running around with single lightsabers? 10%? Less? How many Trooper healers would have assault cannons? 5 total? I think BW did it so there would be a proportional variety of weapons floating around.


My solution would be to have different gear tweek your stats. Trooper? Assault cannon = big endurance/little aim, Blaster pistol = midrange on both, Blaster rifle = big aim/ little endurance. Similar setup for other aim/cunning classes such as guns/offhand being trade offs between accuracy/crit


Same could be done with Lightsabers and single lightsaber is the only one that let's you hold a focus or shield (don't you need BOTH hands for a staff?)


Trooper healers don't have to use assault cannons afaik, just an FYI. No stat loss, etc. Just the loss of two attacks.

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Worry about your own toons...let others do what they want with theirs.


This point is not relevant to this argument because allowing every class to use every weapon becomes a huge balancing issue. Class abilities and base stats would have to be completely scrapped and redesigned. As an example, can you imagine getting hit with Master Strike from a dual bladed saber (they have higher base damage)?

Edited by Icebergy
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