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Things you wish they would add in 3.0


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1. Additional *parallel* skill tree options. For example, I'd love it if my Scoundrel could use his shotgun all the time instead of resorting to punching things and knocking them on the head with the "wrong" end of his gun.


dual wield shotguns anyone? XD, that probably will never happen... we can dream though, If this would mean i could have Jet Charge + Tech Staves on my PT, i will gladly take it.


2. Appearance Tab


Que Pasa? What are you asking for?


3. Personal planetary aircraft (eg, A-wings, gunships) as mounts, along with a Z-axis


I want Flying Mounts as much as the next guy, but Datacrons would be broken due to this Though i do want Datacrons to become optional and instead mods get a slight stat buff instead of having to hunt for the stupid *********** datacrons which is either, not fun, or downright make me think suicidal thoughts for some of them...


4. Swiss-chalet style stronghold in the Alderaan mountains



5. SGR's with existing companions


? SGR? What the hell are you asking for?


6. Companion hug emote. In general, more in-game interaction with companions, especially those you're supposedly in a relationship with.




7. Advanced class swapping


Yea, i would love that, i could AC swap my completely *********** useless Operative into a useful Sniper and stop leveling my sniper!




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Companion Role Kits. Let me make any companion any role I want. That way I can choose my active companion based on what I think of their story rather than because they're the best / optimal / only choice due to game mechanics.


Great suggestion. I'm getting sick of Treek...

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Aside from the obvious expansion stuff like "new planet(s)" and "level cap increase" . . .


- Solo story that does not have the ending gated by group content.

- Appearance tabs!

- New Companions that can display gear, don't speak gibberish, and are reasonably good looking (one of each gender). Or alternate role kits for our existing Companions!

- An additional Stronghold location (might be too soon though).

- New character customization options, or at least more flexibility with the existing options (let a Cyborg have pink hair, a Mirialan Inquisitor have Inquisitor slave brands, etc). Or a new playable race, I guess.

- Ability to unlock select mirror class animations and/or alternate animation colors. Just enough to add a little dark/light or opposite faction flavor. Ex: Consular animations that aren't yellow, backblast for an Agent, etc.


I don't think any of those wishes are too outlandish, but I would be surprised if more than one or two were included in 3.0. ^^; I'm half expecting another "Operation/heroic at the end of an otherwise solo quest chain" story and some weird looking alien for a new Companion (if we get one, that is).


I don't even use Bowdaar, please not another Wookiee as the one and only new Companion we get for like a year or more. >.< WTB Lana and Theron! Though I wouldn't say no to a Voss or something else, I don't know if it would "fit" the expansion theme/story.


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Crafting mission lists populated with all missions for all levels that your companions aren't already out on. This way, I can stop generating excess server and network load by repeatedly transporting between my strongholds and fleet or a planet to force the game to randomly give me what I want... and I -will- get what I want.
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1. Gear decay so that crafters can craft/sell repair kits for armor, weapons and ship parts. And, no furniture vendors. Furniture should only be available via crafting. Also, No epic gear drops. Credits, green/blue gear and gear mods should be the only drops/rewards.


2. Lift gear/weapon restrictions.


3. Lift companion specialties. Give us the option to determine how our companions function in combat.


4. Make at least one huge open planet to explore. These cattle chute planets are way too restrictive.


5. We need more race and class options for character creation.

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Really hope they bring in two new species one Republic and one Impeiral aligned (though of course open to either if you chose).


PvE Space combat along the lines of JTL (I know never going to happen)


Persistent PvP areas. Lobby based pvp mini-games where everything is forgotten the second the match is over doesn't make PvP feel part of the Star Wars Universe.

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1. Gear decay so that crafters can craft/sell repair kits for armor, weapons and ship parts.


We already have armor and weapon decay. We just go to any vendor to repair our armor as opposed to using a crafted consumable. I would be shocked if the current gear decay/repair system ever changed.

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Things you wish they would add in 3.0

I bite:



If nothing else: a mouse look toggle for people that have carpal tunnel issue..



Especially for buff/debuffs display, raid bars, inventory management, companion skills, resize windows frames, manage SG furnishing, differentiate normal, from H2+, H4 and dailies quests icons, parse level quest too in chat link, /who and /report spam &ignore on name right click. Functional search in GTN. Filters and checkboxes for crafting, bags for mats etc...


Almost forgot separate pet names from NPC names so we can hide them and still see NPC names.

Option to only display icons over vendors and hide all NPC names (less clutter)

Option to automatically hide names in SG.

Hotkey to toggle names on/off


And please a shift + space bar skip dialog



Companions kit skills: ie all companions can be healers of tanks too

Companions look through customization kiosk

Better companions AI and options: move to spot, focus on specific target, do not attack specific target, always attack (or not) the target I'm attacking... etc



Widen axis range tweaking

Add 3rd axis management

Scale up/down items

Tilt items

More hooks

Storage that can store stuff

Shared credit pool between legacy

More than 5 legacy tabs

You can have legacy storage too in space ships and recalling to it has no more CD




World PVP

Removal of PVP gear stats (expertise)

Separation of PvP and PvE skills

Removal of STUN WARS in PvP

You can now queue to the WZ you like

Ranked PvP means rules: ie same gear stats for everyone and there are limited spots for healers and tanks in each team.




Pod and Swoop racing

Gear tabs

Mult-specs with gear and UI layout/quickslot skills swapping




Merge of PvE and PVP space game play into a X-Wing multiplayer kind of space sim

Removal of orbital stations and the fleets have been destroyed

New gear looks like belonging to a SW setting

You can increase speeder speed by at least 50%

You can also furnish your space ship.

Some female characters have way smaller bust

Edited by Deewe
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I bite:



If nothing else: a mouse look toggle for people that have carpal tunnel issue..



Especially for buff/debuffs display, raid bars, inventory management, companion skills, resize windows frames, manage SG furnishing, differentiate normal, from H2+, H4 and dailies quests icons, parse level quest too in chat link, /who and /report spam &ignore on name right click. Functional search in GTN. Filters and checkboxes for crafting, bags for mats etc...


Almost forgot separate pet names from NPC names so we can hide them and still see NPC names.

Option to only display icons over vendors and hide all NPC names (less clutter)

Option to automatically hide names in SG.

Hotkey to toggle names on/off


And please a shift + space bar skip dialog



Companions kit skills: ie all companions can be healers of tanks too

Companions look through customization kiosk

Better companions AI and options: move to spot, focus on specific target, do not attack specific target, always attack (or not) the target I'm attacking... etc



Widen axis range tweaking

Add 3rd axis management

Scale up/down items

Tilt items

More hooks

Storage that can store stuff

Shared credit pool between legacy

More than 5 legacy tabs

You can have legacy storage too in space ships and recalling to it has no more CD




World PVP

Removal of PVP gear stats (expertise)

Separation of PvP and PvE skills

Removal of STUN WARS in PvP

You can now queue to the WZ you like

Ranked PvP means rules: ie same gear stats for everyone and there are limited spots for healers and tanks in each team.




Pod and Swoop racing

Gear tabs

Mult-specs with gear and UI layout/quickslot skills swapping




Merge of PvE and PVP space game play into a X-Wing multiplayer kind of space sim

Removal of orbital stations and the fleets have been destroyed

New gear looks like belonging to a SW setting

You can increase speeder speed by at least 50%

You can also furnish your space ship.

Some female characters have way smaller bust


This so much this. Healing with this prehistoric UI is horibad. I hate vertical groups. Not to mention having buffs, debuffs ABOVE raid frame, instead on it.


But, what can you expect, when you burn budget on trivial stuff you end up with a game that looks like it came out in 2003 when it comes to features


Your other ideas are awesome as well.


I'd like some third party app or something for crew skills, like mobile Armory, so i can send my pets on missions while I'm working, I really don't get waiting time for missions to complete, it's just artifical ********* so we don't level them in 5 minutes. Kinda pointless really.

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We already have armor and weapon decay. We just go to any vendor to repair our armor as opposed to using a crafted consumable. I would be shocked if the current gear decay/repair system ever changed.


That's themepark decay. I'm talking about old school mmo decay using crafter made repair kits.

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New Legacy options:

--raise the cap on deployable crew members earlier in the game or at end game.

--allow more than one seeker droid to be deployed at a given time

--reduce cast time of seeker droids and/or scan time of seeker droids.


The option to modify existing skills at certain levels with a variety of different options but only able to pick one.


Redesigned crew skills for original crew members.


Redesign GTN UI:

--Able to divide multiple large stacks into smaller stacks and list on AH

--Find an average value of an item from listings.

Edited by Salvadore
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1) A substantive solo questing experience on the new planet or planets. This would parallel the depth experienced while initially leveling a character to 50, and hopefully have some variety between classes.


2) More than "Makeb-sized" additions to core content: multiple new FPs, WZs, and Ops. The Makeb expansion was quite small, and I'm still holding out hope that 3.0 will have a little more to it. I'm sure subscribers would happily pay much more than the $10 Makeb was if there is more playable content included, and it would be both healthy for the game and the CM.


3) Opening up some of the game that was initially there in Beta like companion role kits, and moddable green and blue armor shells and weapons especially. It's fair to say the CM has a healthy customer base that isn't going anywhere. Having some more options from the game itself for armor and weapons would be welcome.


4) A minigame (preferably Pazaak, but something new for SWTOR would also work if BW wants it to be distinct from KOTOR) to be played in cantinas against NPCs and various other locations, like larger bases on planets, the Fleet, etc. Features like this would continue to make the game-world feel more alive and interactive.


5) A few new daily areas. 2013 had CZ-198 and Oricon, the latter of which was particularly well-made. We didn't see any so far this year, and adding some new areas with an initial or repeating (optional) story would be ideal.


6) Some additional customization options for the character creation/modification screens. I don't really mind if no new species are introduced, but some new looks for existing ones would be a good addition.


7) Incentives for dueling. Right now, I think it is a very underutilized feature. It's a quick and almost always fun diversion to duel someone, but too few people are willing to in my experience. Adding some incentives (reputation, commendations for unique gear skins and weapons, titles and achievements, etc.) would take an existing system and make much better use of it.

Edited by arunav
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1) A substantive solo questing experience on the new planet or planets. This would parallel the depth experienced while initially leveling a character to 50, and hopefully have some variety between classes.


2) More than "Makeb-sized" additions to core content: multiple new FPs, WZs, and Ops. The Makeb expansion was quite small, and I'm still holding out hope that 3.0 will have a little more to it. I'm sure subscribers would happily pay much more than the $10 Makeb was if there is more playable content included, and it would be both healthy for the game and the CM.


3) Opening up some of the game that was initially there in Beta like companion role kits, and moddable green and blue armor shells and weapons especially. It's fair to say the CM has a healthy customer base that isn't going anywhere. Having some more options from the game itself for armor and weapons would be welcome.


4) A minigame (preferably Pazaak, but something new for SWTOR would also work if BW wants it to be distinct from KOTOR) to be played in cantinas against NPCs and various other locations, like larger bases on planets, the Fleet, etc. Features like this would continue to make the game-world feel more alive and interactive.


5) A few new daily areas. 2013 had CZ-198 and Oricon, the latter of which was particularly well-made. We didn't see any so far this year, and adding some new areas with an initial or repeating (optional) story would be ideal.


6) Some additional customization options for the character creation/modification screens. I don't really mind if no new species are introduced, but some new looks for existing ones would be a good addition.


7) Incentives for dueling. Right now, I think it is a very underutilized feature. It's a quick and almost always fun diversion to duel someone, but too few people are willing to in my experience. Adding some incentives (reputation, commendations for unique gear skins and weapons, titles and achievements, etc.) would take an existing system and make much better use of it.


There are a few modable green items(some droid parts a few comps come with modable green weapons) Idont see a reason to add this since with custom gear the color does not matter only the mods you put into it.


I think character coustimations need a huge overhaul easily one of the most lackluster things about the game. At the very least they need to add more to it badly.

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There are a few modable green items(some droid parts a few comps come with modable green weapons) Idont see a reason to add this since with custom gear the color does not matter only the mods you put into it.


I think character coustimations need a huge overhaul easily one of the most lackluster things about the game. At the very least they need to add more to it badly.


He means when crafters could RE green / blue items to make customizable ones... I believe.


And Companion role kits have to come back...I don't remember why they took them away. I believe it was because the WoW kiddies who didn't like that you could kill companions also couldn't handle the "complexity" of switching companion roles...

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