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Things you wish they would add in 3.0


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Pazaak PvP 100, 1000, 5000,10000, 50000 credit buy ins, casino(NPC or tax) takes 10-20%

Sabaak PvP,

Dejarik PvP,

Swoop Racing (KOTOR style) straight and curvy tracks, daily & weekly best times wins credit pots, and all time best time,

Swoop Racing 2 types (like Pod Racing no weapons & like Mario Kart with weapons)

Edited by Danw
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better improved character creator (no ready made faces, but to create our face with slide bars, each characteristic...)

fix for the draw distanse, no more growing grass

new companion

new class

new race

a new home in Alderaan

interactive decorations and with patrolling options


I also love the new improved ingame cinematics, in some planets, when we choose to land on that planet... New improved cinematics in all planets also...


Some exclusive conquest content, not just to recycle the dailies for the conquest....

And maybe a new event


(also some pazaak racing in tatooine and be able to choose our companion, not all the same companion...)

Edited by Oyranos
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Being killed by three lowbies and an armed ewok in a flashpoint, for the great reward of 5,000 credits and a few xp, hardly comprises a high note in one's career.


He didn't die that time, though.


I'm quite sure that he will be the end-boss of the next tier-cap Operation --the next expansion-cycle's version of the Dread Council in Dread Palace-- and I hope they make him truly, viciously difficult even in normal mode.


Bads need not apply!

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In 3.0:

Another leveling planet(s) with a complete storyline that can be solo'd (it's certainly fine if it leads directly into a new plot, but there should be a real sense that you've played through a complete "Act")

At least one new Operation

A new Daily Area

Hard Modes for all the Forged Alliances FPs (with some actual mechanics for Rakata Prime bosses)

Something new to do with our companions (Companion-based Dailies?)

A new minigame (swoop racing?)


By 3.2 at the latest:

A new Warzone

A new playable species unlock

An in-game guild calendar function

A new GSF map

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As many new pvp maps as posible.A penalty for pvp zone quitters.Rodian,Wookie,or Hutt playable races.Kaskyk wookie home world planet,sorry if i butchered name.Iknow all the haters will barf at this but, any or all mini games welcome.The ones that come to mind are Swoop racing,Pazak.and Dajering ..holo table fighting.;)
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As many new pvp maps as posible.A penalty for pvp zone quitters.Rodian,Wookie,or Hutt playable races.Kaskyk wookie home world planet,sorry if i butchered name.Iknow all the haters will barf at this but, any or all mini games welcome.The ones that come to mind are Swoop racing,Pazak.and Dajering ..holo table fighting.;)


I can definitely see those happening in the near future. :D

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What i would like to see in 3.0 is the following:


1: More Solo PvE content, since lately, there has been none....just purely group content.


2: Balanced Solo mode for flashpoints and heroics with scaled rewards to compensate the solo-ability of the quests for those that want to do the quest without harassment to skip conversations. - You can only do the solo version flashpoints and heroics once for story purposes.


3: No more requirement to bring specific companions on class quests, have them come along in the background, never helping in combat and only being there for story reasons.


4: All companions should have the power to be good healers, dps or tanks, obviously not player level power, but enough to feel comfortable with the companion, instead of 'just using it until you get the healer' or something like that.


5: New Companions, which they said they were working on a while ago, which have same gender romances possible..i am thinking they have given up on it, like pve solo stories and class stories, even though thats what they sold the game on.


6: When it comes to gathering materials for crafting, it would be cool to be able to pick which resources you get when gathering via companion crew missions, even if it costs double, it would be cool to choose which resources i get, not the amount of therm, but which materials i get, for example, a mission which can get you Silica and Desh or Laminoid and Aluminium. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to choose if you got Silica and Desh or Laminoid and Aluminium? I think it would be awesome.


That is what i would want.


This ^^^ he knows what he is talking about :D

Edited by Kantaso
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A deeper/richer crafting/materials-gathering system that requires, and also explicitly rewards skill, and time/commitment to improving same.


Enough with this insultingly lazy RNG ********.




Just get rid of it, already --and just so we're clear: That's coming from someone who used to do almost nothing but PvP. Yeah, it doesn't work in this game, OK? And this dev-team clearly has no bloody clue, and cares even less.


PvP, less cynical:


Bring back the old Recruit-level gear, only make it not suck this time. Full Expertise, combat/main stats at approximately the old Conqueror level, Armour-rating and Endurance to roughly current Tier 1, rolling up with subsequent patches with new gear.


Eliminate Bolster from level-cap PvP matches. Yes, Regs and Ranked both.


If we must have Arenas, then why not more modes? I still want my King-of-the-Hill map, 16 men in ---> 1 man out, everyone versus everyone.




After completely ******** on my co-favourite AC for the last four patches so CoD-weaned melée bads could have it a little easier --because moving out of the biggest player-available ability-telegraph in the game whose first tick takes at least 5 seconds to land any of its actual damage is so hard!-- maybe it's about bloody time they finally started fixing things that have been broken since forever?




(I'm on a roll here!)




For those of us who have to wait for two entire chapters with no off-heals before getting a healer-companion, can you at least, finally, un-nerf tank companions so that they're actually useful beyond level 20-ish? 600+ Presence and Legacy Orbital Strike help, but they only goe so far.




Make obsoleted gear-sets and especially sub-endgame level set bonus (below ilvl150-odd at present) armourings craftable.


Make craftable set-bonus armourings that are designed for companions as well as players.


Oh, and can you guys finally implement the scaling to group size to the final missions for the Shroud story-arcs so i can finally get them out of my mission-log after over a year? <3ulots, huggles, kthxbai.


I would love to know if the Devs read more or less of this post than I did.

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A Conquest system that makes winners from the previous week take a week off.


My wish for you is for you to gain the drive to compete and win so you can eliminate that harmful, petty desire to have those who can win handicapped so you don't have to try as hard next time.


Or maybe we should start kneecapping Superbowl and World Cup winners? :rolleyes:


Did you hear that, Seattle Seahawks and Germany? You might as well sit this season / the next four years out. According to this guy, you're not allowed to win the next one.

Edited by DarthTHC
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In 3.0:

Another leveling planet(s) with a complete storyline that can be solo'd (it's certainly fine if it leads directly into a new plot, but there should be a real sense that you've played through a complete "Act")

At least one new Operation

A new Daily Area

Hard Modes for all the Forged Alliances FPs (with some actual mechanics for Rakata Prime bosses)

Something new to do with our companions (Companion-based Dailies?)

A new minigame (swoop racing?)


By 3.2 at the latest:

A new Warzone

A new playable species unlock

An in-game guild calendar function

A new GSF map

Pretty much this. I guess most of the players want all of these points.

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Third faction: Revanites.


Woo hoo!


My wish for you is for you to gain the drive to compete and win so you can eliminate that harmful, petty desire to have those who can win handicapped so you don't have to try as hard next time.]

Within the context of something as insignificant as this game, right there with you, bro.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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1. Make tanks have a reason to play besides raids.


2. Balance Jugs by either buffing sins or nerfing jugs.


3. Nerf jugs.


4. Stop listening to Tam.


5. New HM and add NiM FPs. (NiM Lost Island without any nerfs please)


6. 4 man ops. (won't happen but would be great)


7. Buff PT agro so PTs can tank...


8. Stop balancing the game around PvP.


9. Add a way to use appearance gear from imps to pubs.


10. Reward your Collector's Edition already. Seriously, getting old.


11. Add rewards and items for force users...we get it, you buff non force users and give them the majority of the gear as rewards so people will play them. Spoiler: People play them, now give force users rewards.


12. Fix your cartel coin per month deal...


13. Make combat drop actually work.


14. Class / Companion stories...you actually leave a companion story on a cliff hanger. The hell is with that?


15. Fix my sabre from appearing green on the fleet.


16. Stop listening to Tam, he's terrible.


17. Stop buffing sorcs...specifically healer sorcs. In PvP a good one was near Immortal anyway, the buffs you've given them off the last patches just pushed it over the top.

Edited by Hockaday
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Are we talking realistically or what we would love there to be, even if it is unlikely? Anyway, here we go...



  • More Class Stories, or at the very leas more class-based integration in the main stories. For example, there could be different solutions to plot points, depending on your class.
  • Additional companion quests, preferably for those who have yet to have their own quest. I like DarthDymond's idea about daily companion quests.
  • More daily zones, but spice it up a bit by having the story play out over the reputation grind. For example, each time you 'level up' a reputation, you further the story a little more via quests that open up. Think the Landfall quests from WoW 5.1, or FFXIV.
  • More strongholds. I would personally like to see ones open on Hoth, Voss and my favorite planet, Oricon. Would love Belsavis too, but givein its story I do not think that would be likely...
  • Hard Mode versions of all current and future tactical Flashpoints. Now, personally speaking, I love Tactical Flashpoints. Perhaps it is because I am more casual / in for the story rather then gear grinding/proving skill. That being said, I always think there should be a 'Hard Mode' for those who want it. I think it would make players less hostile to the idea of future Tactical Flashpoints too, if they know they will come with Hard Mode versions too.
  • More Races. Specifically Ithorian... go on BW, you know you want to add the Ithorians.
  • A nice big planet to explore the story of 3.0 in. I liked Makeb, so something like that would be fine.
  • Daleks... go on BW, add a few Daleks in-game. You know you want too...
  • Faction changes for level 55-60 characters. It would be great if some characters could swap sides, and by having it happen via endgame, it would cut down on the extra V/A needed. Things like old planetary quests would probably have to be forfeited, but it would be worth it for some players like me.
  • Some sort of loyalty reward for subscribers. For example every few months or so you get some cosmetic items only available via subscription. Similar to what FFXIV has.
  • Oh, one last thing, SGR companions. I do not think they should go back and add SGR to every companion, but it would be nice if we can get some new ones who have that option.

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Either merge into one mega server or cross server queueing and the return of 8v8 ranked.


I wouldnt mind a new class and playable voss though. Dont really see that though since they would have to write a new class story to tie into the old content which I imagine would be difficult to work into all those timelines from the original class stories.

Edited by Raansu
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Dude, I play mostly on my Juggernaut, Assassin and Shadow tanks, and I never do raids. And yet somehow, I manage to have fun playing them. This is on you, not the game.


Going to say you don't like to actually tank. Go play the new tfps, I'll wait. Enjoy half the things not being tauntable / agroable. And the "you can't hold agro" debuff.

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