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Tips for a Sorceror healer


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The best person to heal is the one currently getting attacked. Use the ops bar and a visual scan of the area to get an idea of what is going on or what is most likely about to happen and where your teamates are so that you can quickly prepare your tgt's and your position.


Constantly keep an eye on the ops bar that is really how you play a healer and the most important concept and the one most different from dps. Also select your tgt's directly from the ops bar.


Try to use the objects on the map to hide yourself best you can...also use them to los ranged classes and leaps... But eventually they will find you. That's when you need to be a self healing, kiting fool and attempt to shake them till they get bored and find another tgt.


Also in most situations if you are taking dmg the best person to heal is yourself. All healers especially sorcs are better at self healing than healing others and as long as you're alive you can prevent caps and defend till more come.

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watching the ops frame and then the area is the best option..some can be low on health but cloaked or leapt away..the spikes in pvp are huge so it's important to focus on a player getting focused..more than who to heal is how to heal him i think..with the sorc you cannot spam surgical probe or use the merc insta burst..and casting dark infusion often means the guy will die..so best option is since patch and in my opinion: resurgence, with proc dark heal then bubble and innervate..without proc resurgence, recklessesness and innervate..and place aoe heal in the hot part of the field


-in general it's the same as dpsing from range: kiting. you just need to select an ally to heal instead of an enemy.


-the default key to select yourself is F1..useful if you have to change position and heal yourself with a dps on you.


-you need to use keybinds, so you can move and cast in the meanwhile. keep static barrier, use resurgence and self heal, insta dark heal, stun etc.


-with the new insta dark heal you are going to use it more than it was before, and it leads to finish your force pool. so pay attention.


-consumption with innervate stacks, with pvp 4 set pieces doesn't drain health, is your way to regain it..so once you are starvating cast innervate, possibly with recklessesness active( notice that innervate doesn't use stacks, it just have increased crit chance) and then use consumption.


-resurgence is a buff to keep up as close to always as possible:


increased armor 10%( useful on tanks)

dark heal increased crit 60%

dark infusion force cost reduced 30%

innervate increased crit 25%

revivification force cost reduced 30%


so really important. i link you my build



i don't take the heal from knockback and the heal from static barrier/force barrier..compared to pvp spikes they are just too weak..it's better to have the slow on affliction. and from the patch remember to try to use your knockback before using force speed.

sorc healing in pvp is not as easy as with an operative, but it's easier than with a merc..since you have better panic buttons..it's a bit trickier with force managment but the learning curve is easy and easy is using consumption now..really forgiving compared to before and to the other healers( low generation with source regain on cd is painful) so good luck

Edited by JouerTue
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Most of the time you will be healing yourself

As far as priority healing I start for some one whose health bar is dropping but not so fast that your cast time is longer than your target's life span; don't forget to hit recklessness and polarity shift when you really need a big whopper with an alacrity boost and interrupt protection


After a heal or two you will probably get focused and now is the time to get outta dodge

You can bubble teammates as you make your escape

If any of your teammates actually decide to help you out and peel then you have just found your next heal target


If you have gone full heal tree you can throw down the healing aoe wherever the melee brouhaha is happening


As a sorc/sage healer coupled with an op/scoundrel your heals will actually be gimped as their constant hots keep everyone topped off and you will be over healing; I would therefore get ready to hit that one teammate who is about to take some huge damage; prepare an area to throw down the aoe heal in order to regen health/force, and even throw out some cc's/interrupts/and some focus damage


You will undoubtedly need to draw the enemy teams attention by getting in the thick of it and doing your force barrier- hoping the other team doesn't notice and your team can pick a few people off


Or you could always respec madness...

Edited by Daxy
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Run with a tank.


If you're being focused and the tank has you guarded and taunting. All you gotta do is heal yourself and your tank. It might seem annoying, but if you're keeping the enemy occupied trying to kill you.. then it gives your allies opportunity to plant a bomb/cap/defend etc etc.

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Consider yourself lucky--corruption sorcs just got a massive buff (20% armor, insta dark heal and you can proc polarity shift which makes you unable to be interrupted and a boost to alacrity). As a sorc, you are the lowest hp healer in the game compared to operatives (med armor) and mercenaries (heavy armor). In a way, you are a toolbox healer.


Mercenaries are good at single target heals--they are amazing at keeping a selected few targets from drying while also casting their Kolto Shell on everyone else. Hard to take 1 on 1 because if they're smart and kite you, you're ****ed.


Operatives are crowd control. Guessing since I'm not logged in right now, 80% of an operatives heals are instant cast. With their ability to keep 2k a second (minimum) on every target, they are great at capping those with medium hp. Again, hard to kill 1 v 1 because no only can they kite extremely well with their roll, they can cloak mid fight, stun you, and regenerate.


Sorcerers You are a tool(box). See the pun; anyways, you have everything you could need but the lowest pool/force regeneration. The KEY to playing a sorc is management of force. Or triage. Knowing who to heal first and sadly--who must die--is key. Also, with the new update, (if you are 55), use innervate to before consumption. PLEASE READ YOUR SKILL TREE. Procs save lives. As far as survive-ability, you have the lowest armor and no cloak. But, you do have Force Barrier. Use it with a sliver. I despise heal sorcs that cast Force Barrier at half life. That's stupid (unless you have 8 dps wailing on you, and then you wither cast or die in the next second). Kite, and LoS. And in the great words of Jason Barnett, "Just heal to full".



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i don't take the heal from knockback and the heal from static barrier/force barrier..compared to pvp spikes they are just too weak..it's better to have the slow on affliction. and from the patch remember to try to use your knockback before using force speed.


I personally find the heal on bubble and barrier to be a key talent for sorc heals in pvp. when not being focused it is vital to energy regen (i am continuing to keep the 4 pc stalker bonus despite the heal bonus change, extra stack of recklessness and reduced cooldown are awesome with the new polarity shift talent). It also maximizes your uptime of relic procs when not being focused, and finally if you can manage to get a bubble on yourself before barrier, you come out of barrier with 16% more health for free.


I've gone back and forth on the overload AOE heal, I presently am not taking it in favor of the 2% alacrity boost, but I am considering going back. The value of this heal is not to be underestimated. It is instant, resource free, heals everyone in range including yourself for ~2k, and is available every 20s. It often can fit in pretty well with your rotation especially with the new instant dark heal, and the fact that with the current set bonuses the value of the 2 pc PVE innervate bonus is lessened. And finally, given that you can now use Overload proactively with the hinder talent, you can justify using it on an ally that is being focused, before you force speed away and hinder the enemies from leaping at him or you.

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(i am continuing to keep the 4 pc stalker bonus despite the heal bonus change, extra stack of recklessness and reduced cooldown are awesome with the new polarity shift talent). It also maximizes your uptime of relic procs when not being focused


While I normally use Stalker armor as well, I think if you are attempting to use the new instant DH every ~10 sec to maximize output it puts way too much strain on your force bar. And the need for frequent consumption use is higher than ever.. I tested it a few days ago in about 10 WZ's with my Stalker armor and was constantly destitute of force. With the new Mystic armor properties of not taking health when using consumption I believe it has earned a new look.


I guess you can just overlook the IDH most of the time but I think in arena it will be important to use it...and also important to now use consumption in arena when using it often, but losing even a little life is unacceptable...making the Mystic set viable.

Edited by masih_ad_dajjal
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Don't forget Extricate. At times moving an ally from a spot where several DPS focus him can save his life. Amazing utility value in places like Huttball too.


Secondly, learn to recognise a hopeless cause. If an Operative DPS is at 25%, stunned and three DPS are beating on him, let it go and pick the next target. There are exceptions, but in pretty much every Warzone you need to choose people you let go. For example: Three of your at a node, you as the healer, a Juggernaut tank and a Mercenary DPS. The enemies attack and you need to decide which one to keep up until the reinforcements arrive. The Merc's got to go in that case, because the Juggie is more likely to be able to defend the node for longer periods of time.


Edit: Bad wording. More on that in the few following posts!

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Secondly, learn to recognise a hopeless cause. If an Operative DPS is at 25%, stunned and three DPS are beating on him, let it go and pick the next target. There are exceptions, but in pretty much every Warzone you need to choose people you let go. For example: Three of your at a node, you as the healer, a Juggernaut tank and a Mercenary DPS. The enemies attack and you need to decide which one to keep up until the reinforcements arrive. The Merc's got to go in that case, because the Juggie is more likely to be able to defend the node for longer periods of time.

No. /5char

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No. /5char

I am not saying you need to keep letting people die randomly or all the time. However, there are occasions when you can either delay someone's inevitable death by a GCD or few or you can make sure another toon survives and can continue fighting. Prioritising and all that. If that has never happened to you as a healer, I am very surprised.

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I am not saying you need to keep letting people die randomly or all the time. However, there are occasions when you can either delay someone's inevitable death by a GCD or few or you can make sure another toon survives and can continue fighting. Prioritising and all that. If that has never happened to you as a healer, I am very surprised.


It's pretty obvious. Go read your post again and you will understand that what you said is that saving or prologing the focussed target life happens in exceptions (your post) and not the normal case. I am very surprised that your priority is letting the focussed targets die while healing people that are in no threat, and also that you consider prologing someones life by "few" gcds is not what a healer is supposed to do. I am sure warzones and especially arenas teams would love healers with such mentality.


So again, no.

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It's pretty obvious. Go read your post again and you will understand that what you said is that saving or prologing the focussed target life happens in exceptions (your post) and not the normal case. I am very surprised that your priority is letting the focussed targets die while healing people that are in no threat, and also that you consider prologing someones life by "few" gcds is not what a healer is supposed to do. I am sure warzones and especially arenas teams would love healers with such mentality.


So again, no.

Hmmm, I did re-read my first post and I agree the wording was bad. What I meant was that there are situations where you need to think ahead and prioritise, which might result in someone dying. No healer can keep everyone up every time. Thanks for pointing out the bad wording, it really only got to me when you explicitly pointed it out. :)


Edit: Added a note to my first post regarding the wording. Thanks again for pointing it out.

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Hmmm, I did re-read my first post and I agree the wording was bad. What I meant was that there are situations where you need to think ahead and prioritise, which might result in someone dying. No healer can keep everyone up every time. Thanks for pointing out the bad wording, it really only got to me when you explicitly pointed it out. :)


Edit: Added a note to my first post regarding the wording. Thanks again for pointing it out.


No worries, it happens. :)

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Most important is learning how to los (line of site). I can't count how many healers try to face tank an entire team, um thats what your dps are there for. You need to pillar hump and move around. Sorcs are know as turret healers but you can certainly be mobile. You also need to be annoying, run away and reposition, stun, slow, overload. Make it so dps gives up because you're too hard to follow.
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The main screen only exists to help you run away and dodge people, treat it more like a super blown up map than the actual focus of gameplay.

The real gameplay comes from playing whack-a-mole with healing on the Ops frame!


Also healing prio is; You > Other healers > Your tank > DPS > Someone else's tank.

But really, just play whack-a-mole while dodging enemies and you're gold.


Edit: Oh! And since you're probably asking for pug WZs, keep in mind that nobody is gonna be helpful in keeping YOU alive, so always look out for no1.

If/when someone jumps you, devote ALL your attention to staying alive. Nobody on your team matters till you're safe, so untill you are, only ever heal yourself and whoever might actually be smart enough to help you. (Doing so will help motivate them into helping you again!)


This is also a tip for non-healers btw.. If you have a healer and he stops healing you, chances are its because he needs your help. So bloody do so! A living healer is worth more than every single CD you might have to blow in order to keep him alive.

Edited by Ershiin
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Also remember your pvp health packs... I will normally only heal myself with these and save my force to heal others, unless you are being focused... Then do what ever you need too


Most important is learning how to los (line of site). I can't count how many healers try to face tank an entire team, um thats what your dps are there for. You need to pillar hump and move around. Sorcs are know as turret healers but you can certainly be mobile. You also need to be annoying, run away and reposition, stun, slow, overload. Make it so dps gives up because you're too hard to follow.


This is so true... Hiding behind a pillar, out of "LOS" of the enemy, but in LOS of you own guys allows you to cast... But move if you see you've attracted attention... Keep your tank insight so he can absorb as much damage as possible...

Not many people put enough emphasis on interrupts... Remember they cost no force... They are a great utility if your trying to kite or be a pain to the other team




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